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Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTP)-beta is involved in functional recovery from demyelinating lesions of the spinal cord [Meeting Abstract]
Harroch, S; Casaccia-Bonnefil, P; Furtado, G; Rosenbluth, J; Chao, M; Lafaille, J; Buxbaum, J; Schlessinger, J
ISSN: 0894-1491
CID: 28182
Lack of the cell-cycle inhibitor p27Kip1 results in selective increase of transit-amplifying cells for adult neurogenesis
Doetsch, Fiona; Verdugo, Jose Manuel-Garcia; Caille, Isabelle; Alvarez-Buylla, Arturo; Chao, Moses V; Casaccia-Bonnefil, Patrizia
The subventricular zone (SVZ) is the largest germinal layer in the adult mammalian brain and comprises stem cells, transit-amplifying progenitors, and committed neuroblasts. Although the SVZ contains the highest concentration of dividing cells in the adult brain, the intracellular mechanisms controlling their proliferation have not been elucidated. We show here that loss of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 has very specific effects on a population of CNS progenitors responsible for adult neurogenesis. Using bromodeoxyuridine and [(3)H]thymidine incorporation to label cells in S phase and cell-specific markers and electron microscopy to identify distinct cell types, we compared the SVZ structure and proliferation characteristics of wild-type and p27Kip1-null mice. Loss of p27Kip1 had no effect on the number of stem cells but selectively increased the number of the transit-amplifying progenitors concomitantly with a reduction in the number of neuroblasts. We conclude that cell-cycle regulation of SVZ adult progenitors is remarkably cell-type specific, with p27Kip1 being a key regulator of the cell division of the transit-amplifying progenitors
PMID: 11896165
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 38386
Activation of Trk neurotrophin receptor signaling by pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptides
Lee, Francis S; Rajagopal, Rithwick; Kim, Albert H; Chang, Paul C; Chao, Moses V
Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP), a neuropeptide that acts through G protein-coupled receptors, exerts neuroprotective effects upon many neuronal populations. However, the intracellular signaling mechanisms that account for PACAP's trophic effects are not well characterized. Here we have tested the possibility that PACAP uses neurotrophin signaling pathways. We have found that PACAP treatment resulted in an increase in TrkA tyrosine kinase activity in PC12 cells and TrkB activity in hippocampal neurons. The activation of TrkA receptors by PACAP required at least 1 h of treatment and did not involve binding to nerve growth factor. Moreover, PACAP induced an increase in activated Akt through a Trk-dependent mechanism that resulted in increased cell survival after trophic factor withdrawal. The increases in Trk and Akt were blocked by K252a, an inhibitor of Trk receptor activity. In addition, transactivation of TrkA receptors by PACAP could be inhibited with PP1, an inhibitor of Src family kinases or BAPTA/AM, (1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester), an intracellular calcium chelator. Therefore, PACAP can exert trophic effects through a mechanism involving Trk receptors and utilization of tyrosine kinase signaling. This ability may explain several neuroprotective actions of PACAP upon neuronal populations after injury, nerve lesion, or neurotrophin deprivation
PMID: 11784714
ISSN: 0021-9258
CID: 38387
Distinctive features of Trk neurotrophin receptor transactivation by G protein-coupled receptors
Lee, Francis S; Rajagopal, Rithwick; Chao, Moses V
Ligands for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) are capable of activating mitogenic receptor tyrosine kinases, in addition to the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling pathway and classic G protein-dependent signaling pathways involving adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase. For example, receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGF), insulin-like growth-1 and platelet-derived growth factor and can be transactivated through G protein-coupled receptors. Neurotrophins, such as NGF, BDNF and NT-3 also utilize receptor tyrosine kinases, namely TrkA, TrkB and TrkC. Recently, it has been shown that activation of Trk receptor tyrosine kinases can also occur via a G protein-coupled receptor mechanism, without involvement of neurotrophins. Adenosine and adenosine agonists can activate Trk receptor phosphorylation specifically through the seven transmembrane spanning adenosine 2A (A2A) receptor. Several features of Trk receptor transactivation are noteworthy and differ significantly from other transactivation events. Trk receptor transactivation is slower and results in a selective increase in activated Akt. Unlike the biological actions of other tyrosine kinase receptors, increased Trk receptor activity by adenosine resulted in increased cell survival. This article will discuss potential mechanisms by which adenosine can activate trophic responses through Trk tyrosine kinase receptors
PMID: 11750876
ISSN: 1359-6101
CID: 38389
Neurotrophins: to cleave or not to cleave
Chao, Moses V; Bothwell, Mark
The family of neurotrophic factors known as neurotrophins has yielded a series of surprises, both with regard to the broad extent of their functional roles and the remarkable complexity of their signaling mechanisms. The recent discovery that a neurotrophin precursor protein and its proteolytically processed products may differentially activate pro- and antiapoptotic cellular responses, through preferential activation of Trk or p75 receptors, promises to unveil yet another level of regulatory complexity
PMID: 11779474
ISSN: 0896-6273
CID: 38388
Cell cycle regulation during mouse olfactory neurogenesis
Legrier, M E; Ducray, A; Propper, A; Chao, M; Kastner, A
The development of the nervous system requires a strict control of cell cycle entry and withdrawal. The olfactory epithelium (OE) is noticeable by its ability to yield new neurons not only during development but also continuously during adulthood. The aim of our study was to investigate, by biochemical and immunohistochemical methods, which cell cycle regulators are involved in the control of neuron production during OE development and maturity. At birth, olfactory neural progenitors, the basal cells, exhibited a high mitogenic and neurogenic activity, decreasing in the following weeks together with the drop in expression of several cell cycle regulators. p27Kip1 and p18Ink4c, at birth, were expressed in the whole basal cell layer, whereas p16Ink4a, p19Ink4d, and p21Cip1 were rather located in differentiating or mature neurons. CDK inhibitors may thus act sequentially during this developmental neurogenic process. By comparison, in the adult OE, in which most neural precursors were quiescent, these cells still exhibited p18Ink4c expression but only occasionally p27Kip1 expression. It suggests that p18Ink4c may contribute to maintain basal cells in a quiescent state, whereas p27Kip1 expression in these cells may be rather linked to their neurogenic activity, which declines with age. In keeping with this hypothesis, transgenic mice that lacked p27Kip1 expression displayed a higher rate of cell proliferation versus differentiation in their OE. In these mice, a down-regulation of positive cell cycle regulators was observed that may contribute to compensate for the absence of p27Kip1. Taken together, the present data suggest distinct functions for CDK inhibitors, either in the control of cell cycle exit and differentiation during neurogenesis (respectively, p27Kip1 and p19Ink4d) or in the maintenance of a quiescent state in neural progenitors (p18Ink4c) or neurons (p21Cip1) in adults.
PMID: 11751454
ISSN: 1044-9523
CID: 3887552
Telomerase and oligodendrocyte differentiation
Caporaso GL; Chao MV
Myelin in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) is produced by oligodendrocytes, most of which arise from oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) during late embryonic and early postnatal development. Both external and internal cues have been implicated in regulating OPC exit from the cell cycle and differentiation into oligodendrocytes. In this study, we demonstrate that differentiation of cultured OPCs into mature oligodendrocytes is associated with lower levels of activity of telomerase, the ribonucleoprotein that synthesizes telomeric DNA at the ends of chromosomes. Differentiation is also associated with lower levels of mRNA encoding the catalytic subunit of telomerase (TERT), whereas no difference is seen in the expression of its telomeric template RNA component (TR). These data suggest a possible role for telomerase during normal growth and differentiation of oligodendrocytes that may be relevant to the mechanism of myelination in the CNS
PMID: 11745660
ISSN: 0022-3034
CID: 26518
Tyrosine phosphorylation of p190 RhoGAP by Fyn regulates oligodendrocyte differentiation
Wolf RM; Wilkes JJ; Chao MV; Resh MD
During development of the central nervous system, oligodendrocyte progenitor cells differentiate into mature myelinating cells. The molecular signals that promote this process, however, are not well defined. One molecule that has been implicated in oligodendrocyte differentiation is the Src family kinase Fyn. In order to probe the function of Fyn in this system, a yeast two hybrid screen was performed. Using Fyn as bait, p190 RhoGAP was isolated in the screen of an oligodendrocyte cDNA library. Coimmunoprecipitation and in vitro binding assays verified that p190 RhoGAP bound to the Fyn SH2 domain. Phosphorylation of p190 required active Fyn tyrosine kinase and was increased threefold upon differentiation of primary oligodendrocytes. Moreover, complex formation between p190 and p120 RasGAP occurred in differentiated oligodendrocytes. p190 RhoGAP activity is known to regulate the RhoGDP:RhoGTP ratio. Indeed, expression of dominant negative Rho in primary oligodendrocytes caused a hyperextension of processes. Conversely, constitutively activated Rho caused reduced process formation. These findings define a pathway in which Fyn activity regulates the phosphorylation of p190, leading to an increase in RhoGAP activity with a subsequent increase in RhoGDP, which in turn, regulates the morphological changes that accompany oligodendrocyte differentiation
PMID: 11536198
ISSN: 0022-3034
CID: 38390
The cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of the p75 and Trk A receptors regulate high affinity binding to nerve growth factor
Esposito D; Patel P; Stephens RM; Perez P; Chao MV; Kaplan DR; Hempstead BL
Ligand-induced receptor oligomerization is an established mechanism for receptor-tyrosine kinase activation. However, numerous receptor-tyrosine kinases are expressed in multicomponent complexes with other receptors that may signal independently or alter the binding characteristics of the receptor-tyrosine kinase. Nerve growth factor (NGF) interacts with two structurally unrelated receptors, the Trk A receptor-tyrosine kinase and p75, a tumor necrosis factor receptor family member. Each receptor binds independently to NGF with predominantly low affinity (K(d) = 10(-9) m), but they produce high affinity binding sites (K(d) = 10(-11) m) upon receptor co-expression. Here we provide evidence that the number of high affinity sites is regulated by the ratio of the two receptors and by specific domains of Trk A and p75. Co-expression of Trk A containing mutant transmembrane or cytoplasmic domains with p75 yielded reduced numbers of high affinity binding sites. Similarly, co-expression of mutant p75 containing altered transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains with Trk A also resulted in predominantly low affinity binding sites. Surprisingly, extracellular domain mutations of p75 that abolished NGF binding still generated high affinity binding with Trk A. These results indicate that the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of Trk A and p75 are responsible for high affinity site formation and suggest that p75 alters the conformation of Trk A to generate high affinity NGF binding
PMID: 11435417
ISSN: 0021-9258
CID: 38392
A prosurvival function for the p75 receptor death domain mediated via the caspase recruitment domain receptor-interacting protein 2
Khursigara G; Bertin J; Yano H; Moffett H; DiStefano PS; Chao MV
In addition to promoting cell survival, neurotrophins also can elicit apoptosis in restricted cell types. Recent results indicate that nerve growth factor (NGF) can induce Schwann cell death via engagement of the p75 neurotrophin receptor. Here we describe a novel interaction between the p75 receptor and receptor-interacting protein 2, RIP2 (RICK/CARDIAK), that accounts for the ability of neurotrophins to choose between a survival-versus-death pathway. RIP2, an adaptor protein with a serine threonine kinase and a caspase recruitment domain (CARD), is highly expressed in dissociated Schwann cells and displays an endogenous association with p75. RIP2 binds to the death domain of p75 via its CARD domain in an NGF-dependent manner. The introduction of RIP2 into Schwann cells deficient in RIP2 conferred NGF-dependent nuclear transcription factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activity and decreased the cell death induced by NGF. Conversely, the expression of a dominant-negative version of RIP2 protein resulted in a loss of NGF-induced NF-kappaB induction and increased NGF-mediated cell death. These results indicate that adaptor proteins like RIP2 can provide a bifunctional switch for cell survival or cell death decisions mediated by the p75 neurotrophin receptor
PMID: 11487608
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 38391