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Can professionalism be taught? Encouraging evidence
Hochberg, Mark S; Kalet, Adina; Zabar, Sondra; Kachur, Elizabeth; Gillespie, Colleen; Berman, Russell S
BACKGROUND: Teaching and assessing the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) competencies of Professionalism and Communication have proven to be a challenge for surgical residency training programs. This study used innovative pedagogic approaches and tools in teaching these two competencies. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the learners actually are assimilating and using the concepts and values communicated through this curriculum. METHODS: A six-station Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) was designed using standardized patients to create varying Professionalism and Communication scenarios. The surgical resident learners were evaluated using these OSCEs as a baseline. The faculty then facilitated a specially designed curriculum consisting of six interactive sessions focusing on information gathering, rapport building, patient education, delivering bad news, responding to emotion, and interdisciplinary respect. At the conclusion of this curriculum, the surgical resident learners took the same six-station OSCE to determine if their professionalism and communication skills had improved. RESULTS: The surgical resident learners were rated by the standardized patients according to a strict task checklist of criteria at both the precurricular and postcurricular OSCEs. Improvement in the competencies of Professionalism and Communication did achieve statistical significance (P = .029 and P = .011, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the Communication and Professionalism ACGME competencies can be taught to surgical resident learners through a carefully crafted curriculum. Furthermore, these newly learned competencies can affect surgical resident interactions with their patients positively
PMID: 20103071
ISSN: 1879-1883
CID: 106382
Residents' perceptions of their own professionalism and the professionalism of their learning environment
Gillespie, Colleen; Paik, Steve; Ark, Tavinder; Zabar, Sondra; Kalet, Adina
BACKGROUND: The competency of professionalism encompasses a range of behaviors in multiple domains. Residency programs are struggling to integrate and effectively assess professionalism. We report results from a survey assessing residents' perceptions of their professional competence and the professionalism of their learning environment. METHODS: A survey was developed to assess specific behaviors reflecting professionalism based on the conceptualizations of key accrediting bodies. Residents rated their ability to perform the behaviors and reported the frequency with which they observed their fellow residents failing to perform the behaviors. Eighty-five senior residents in emergency medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery specialties completed the survey (response rate = 77%). Differences among domains (and among items within domains) were assessed. Correlations between perceived professionalism and the professionalism of the learning environment were described. RESULTS: Cronbach alpha for professionalism competence was .93 and for professionalism in the learning environment it was .86. Residents reported feeling most competent in being accountable (mean score = 51.4%; F = 10.3, p<.001) and in demonstrating respect. Some residents reported having trouble being sensitive to patients (n = 5 to 23). Disrespectful behaviors were the most frequently witnessed professionalism lapse in the learning environment (mean = 41.1%; F = 8.1, p<.001). While serious lapses in professionalism were not witnessed with great frequency in the learning environment, instances of over-representing qualifications were reported. Problems in accountability in the learning environment were negatively associated with residents' perceived competence. CONCLUSIONS: Residents reported being able to perform professionally most of the time, especially in terms of accountability and respect. However, disrespect was a feature of the learning environment for many residents and several serious lapses were witnessed by a small number of residents. Accountability in the learning environment may be an important indicator of or influence on residents' professionalism
PMID: 21975980
ISSN: 1949-8357
CID: 149733
What standardised patients tell us about 'activating' patients
Gillespie, Colleen; Bruno, Julia Hyland; Kalet, Adina
PMID: 19874523
ISSN: 1365-2923
CID: 105176
Attracting health professional students to substance abuse research
Kalet, Adina; Gillespie, Colleen; Naegle, Madeline A; More, Frederick
PMID: 19874512
ISSN: 0308-0110
CID: 156155
Medical students retain pain assessment and management skills long after an experiential curriculum: A controlled study
Stevens, David L; King, Danielle; Laponis, Ryan; Hanley, Kathleen; Zabar, Sondra; Kalet, Adina L; Gillespie, Colleen
We implemented a pain assessment and management (PAM) curriculum for second year medical students and evaluated long-term skills retention compared to the prior year's class which did not receive the curriculum. The curriculum included pain pathophysiology, assessment and treatment instruction plus feedback on PAM practice with standardized patients. Both cohorts underwent a required end-of-third-year clinical skills examination. Intervention and control group performance on three pain cases (acute, chronic and terminal) was compared. The PAM curriculum was implemented 1.5years before the intervention cohort participated in the clinical skills exam. More intervention students (134/159, 84.3% response rate) obtained basic (87.2% vs. 76.0%, p=.028) and comprehensive (75.2% vs. 60.9%, p=.051) descriptions of acute pain than control students (n=129/174, 74.1% response rate). Intervention students demonstrated superior skills for terminal pain, including: more often asking about impact on functioning (40.7% vs. 25.8%, p=.027), advising change of medication (97.3% vs. 38.7%, p<.001), and providing additional medication counseling (55.0% vs. 27.0%, p<.001). Virtually all students obtained basic descriptions of chronic (intervention vs. control, 98.1% vs. 96.1%, p=.367) and terminal (92.9% vs. 91.7%, p=.736) pain. Surprisingly, more control than intervention students obtained a comprehensive description of chronic pain (94.6% vs. 77.8%, p<.001) and asked about current pain medication in the terminal case (75.6% vs. 55.0%, p=.004). Exposure to the curriculum resulted in durable increases in students' ability to perform PAM skills in patients with acute and terminal pain
PMID: 19632781
ISSN: 1872-6623
CID: 101565
Impact of a Web-Based Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention Module [Meeting Abstract]
Lee, J.; Gillespie, C.; Gourevitch, M. N.; Hanley, K.; Jay, M.; Paik, S.; Richter, R.; Triola, M.; Zabar, S.; Kalet, A.
ISSN: 0889-7077
CID: 114207
Can Unannounced Standardized Patients Assess Professionalism and Communication Skills in the Emergency Department?
Zabar, Sondra; Ark, Tavinder; Gillespie, Colleen; Hsieh, Amy; Kalet, Adina; Kachur, Elizabeth; Manko, Jeffrey; Regan, Linda
Abstract Objectives: The authors piloted unannounced standardized patients (USPs) in an emergency medicine (EM) residency to test feasibility, acceptability, and performance assessment of professionalism and communication skills. Methods: Fifteen postgraduate year (PGY)-2 EM residents were scheduled to be visited by two USPs while working in the emergency department (ED). Multidisciplinary support was utilized to ensure successful USP introduction. Scores (% well done) were calculated for communication and professionalism skills using a 26-item, behaviorally anchored checklist. Residents' attitudes toward USPs and USP detection were also surveyed. Results: Of 27 USP encounters attempted, 17 (62%) were successfully completed. The detection rate was 44%. Eighty-three percent of residents who encountered a USP felt that the encounter did not hinder daily practice and did not make them uncomfortable (86%) or suspicious of patients (71%). Overall, residents received a mean score of 60% for communication items rated 'well done' (SD +/- 28%, range = 23%-100%) and 53% of professionalism items 'well done' (SD +/- 20%, range = 23%-85%). Residents' communication skills were weakest for patient education and counseling (mean = 43%, SD +/- 31%), compared with information gathering (68%, SD +/- 36% and relationship development (62%, SD +/- 32%). Scores of residents who detected USPs did not differ from those who had not. Conclusions: Implementing USPs in the ED is feasible and acceptable to staff. The unpredictability of the ED, specifically resident schedules, accounted for most incomplete encounters. USPs may represent a new way to assess real-time resident physician performance without the need for faculty resources or the bias introduced by direct observation. ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2009; 16:1-4 (c) 2009 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
PMID: 19673703
ISSN: 1553-2712
CID: 101564
Physicians' attitudes about obesity and their associations with competency and specialty: a cross-sectional study
Jay, Melanie; Kalet, Adina; Ark, Tavinder; McMacken, Michelle; Messito, Mary Jo; Richter, Regina; Schlair, Sheira; Sherman, Scott; Zabar, Sondra; Gillespie, Colleen
BACKGROUND: Physicians frequently report negative attitudes about obesity which is thought to affect patient care. However, little is known about how attitudes toward treating obese patients are formed. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of physicians in order to better characterize their attitudes and explore the relationships among attitudes, perceived competency in obesity care, including report of weight loss in patients, and other key physician, training, and practice characteristics. METHODS: We surveyed all 399 physicians from internal medicine, pediatrics, and psychiatry specialties at one institution regarding obesity care attitudes, competency, including physician report of percent of their patients who lose weight. We performed a factor analysis on the attitude items and used hierarchical regression analysis to explore the degree to which competency, reported weight loss, physician, training and practice characteristics explained the variance in each attitude factor. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 63%. More than 40% of physicians had a negative reaction towards obese patients, 56% felt qualified to treat obesity, and 46% felt successful in this realm. The factor analysis revealed 4 factors-Physician Discomfort/Bias, Physician Success/Self Efficacy, Positive Outcome Expectancy, and Negative Outcome Expectancy. Competency and reported percent of patients who lose weight were most strongly associated with the Physician Success/Self Efficacy attitude factor. Greater skill in patient assessment was associated with less Physician Discomfort/Bias. Training characteristics were associated with outcome expectancies with newer physicians reporting more positive treatment expectancies. Pediatric faculty was more positive and psychiatry faculty less negative in their treatment expectancies than internal medicine faculty. CONCLUSION: Physician attitudes towards obesity are associated with competency, specialty, and years since postgraduate training. Further study is necessary to determine the direction of influence and to explore the impact of these attitudes on patient care
PMID: 19552823
ISSN: 1472-6963
CID: 100613
Lower copay and oral administration: predictors of first-fill adherence to new asthma prescriptions
Berger, Zackary; Kimbrough, William; Gillespie, Colleen; Boscarino, Joseph A; Wood, G Craig; Qian, Zhengmin; Jones, J B; Shah, Nirav R
BACKGROUND: Nonadherence to asthma medications is associated with increased emergency department visits and hospitalizations. If adherence is to be improved, first-fill adherence is the first goal to meet after the physician and patient have decided to begin treatment. Little is known about first-fill adherence with asthma medications and the factors for no-fill. OBJECTIVE: The goal of the study was to examine the proportion of patients who fill a new prescription for an asthma medication and analyze characteristics associated with this first-fill. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study linked electronic health records with pharmacy claims. The cohort was comprised of 2023 patients aged 18 years or older who sought care from the Geisinger Clinic, had Geisinger Health Plan pharmacy benefits, and were prescribed an asthma medication for the first time between 2002 and 2006. The primary outcome of interest was first-time prescription filled by the patient within 30 days of the prescription order date. Covariates examined included factors related to the patient (ie, age, sex, and ethnicity), comorbidities and utilization (ie, Charlson comorbidity index, number of office visits, number of additional medications), asthma treatment (ie, delivery route, pharmacologic class), and pharmacy copay amount. A logistic-regression model was used to determine covariates associated with first-fill. RESULTS: The overall first-fill rate for new asthma medications was 78%. First-fill rate was lower for patients with a copay above the mean of $12 (odds ratio = 0.76; 95% confidence interval, 0.58-0.99) and higher for patients prescribed oral plus inhaled medications (versus inhaled only, odds ratio = 3.91; 95% confidence interval, 2.15-7.11). CONCLUSIONS: SEVERAL FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH FAILING TO FILL AN INITIAL PRESCRIPTION FOR ASTHMA CAN BE ADDRESSED THROUGH SIMPLE INTERVENTIONS: screening for difficulties a patient may have in filling prescriptions, avoiding nonformulary medications, and recognizing the barrier that high copays present. In addition, for employers and policymakers, decreasing copay may improve adherence and, therefore, asthma control.
PMID: 25126289
ISSN: 1942-2962
CID: 1132002
Teaching the competencies: using objective structured clinical encounters for gastroenterology fellows
Chander, Bani; Kule, Robert; Baiocco, Peter; Chokhavatia, Sita; Kotler, Don; Poles, Michael; Zabar, Sondra; Gillespie, Colleen; Ark, Tavinder; Weinshel, Elizabeth
BACKGROUND AIMS: Objective structured clinical encounters (OSCEs) are used widely to educate and assess the competence of medical students and residents; they generally are absent from fellowship training. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Education has cited OSCEs as a best practice for assessing the 6 core competencies. This article reports on the use of an OSCE to assess the competence of second-year gastroenterology fellows in the difficult-to-assess core competencies: interpersonal and communication skills and professionalism. METHODS: We developed a 4-station, faculty-observed OSCE with 4 standardized patients. Information gathering, relationship development, patient education, and counseling skills were assessed. Professionalism skills assessed included obtaining informed consent, delivering bad news, managing difficult situations, and showing interdisciplinary respect. In each station, faculty and standardized patients completed an 18- to 24-item checklist evaluating fellows' performance and provided feedback to the fellows. Nine fellows and 5 faculty from 4 gastroenterology training programs in NYC participated. RESULTS: Fellows and faculty generally highly rated the realism of the OSCE and favorably rated the OSCE for its difficulty and their overall experience. Across all cases, fellows were rated as receiving "well dones" for 56.4% of the communication items (SD, 18.3%) and for 79.1% of the professionalism items (SD, 16.4%). CONCLUSIONS: Integrating OSCEs into gastroenterology fellowship training may help enhance communication skills and prepare fellows for dealing with difficult clinical situations and provides mechanisms for constructive feedback. OSCEs developed collaboratively can assist in program self-evaluation and reduce costs by sharing resources, in addition to fulfilling Accreditation Council for Graduate Education mandates.
PMID: 19041733
ISSN: 1542-3565
CID: 156981