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Propranolol therapy for secondary hyperparathyroidism in uraemia [Letter]

Fournier, A; Coevoet, B; de Fremont, J F; Gueris, J; Caillens, G; Desplan, C; Calmette, C; Moukhtar, M S
PMID: 78252
ISSN: 0140-6736
CID: 1695682

[Hypercalcemia and biologically active parathyroid hormone]

Milhaud, G; Calmettes, C; Jullienne, A; Boccard, B; Desplan, C; Moukhtar, M S
Hypercalcaemia always results in serious clinical sequalae and, if not treated, carries a most unfavourable prognosis. The clinician will gain major diagnostic help from an evaluation of the calcitonin and parathyroid hormone blood levels. With regard to parathyroid hormone we have developed, for the first time, a radioimmunoassay which is specific for the estimation of biologically active hormone in the circulation. We are dealing here with an unusual radioimmunological situation as the immunochemical sites are generally quite distinct from those associated with hormonal activity. We are presenting in this first paper the normal values and also the variations that occur in different types of hypercalcaemia. The comparison of these results with those obtained by the usual methods of estimation for parathyroid hormone assay lacking in biological activity shows the value of this new technique.
PMID: 211591
ISSN: n/a
CID: 1695692

Isolation of circulating immunoreactive human parathyroid hormone: comparison with a 1-34 N-terminal synthetic fragment

Desplan, C; Jullienne, A; Moukhtar, M S; Raulais, D; Rivaille, P; Milhaud, G
PMID: 622389
ISSN: 0037-9727
CID: 1695702

I. PTH and U. cAMP during mineralocorticoid hypertension in the rat

Berthelot, A; Desplan, C; Pernot, F; Gairard, A
PMID: 204568
ISSN: 0018-5043
CID: 1695712

Dosage radioimmunologique du fragment biologiquement actif de la PTH humaine

Desplan, Claude; Jullienne, A; Raulais, D; Rivaille, P; Barlet, JPG; Moukhatar, MS; Milhaud, G
ISSN: n/a
CID: 1700322

Sensitive assay for biologically active fragment of human parathyroid hormone [Letter]

Desplan, C; Jullienne, A; Moukhtar, M S; Milhaud, G
PMID: 69815
ISSN: 0140-6736
CID: 1695722

Synthesis in the fields of 1-34 human PTH fragments : their in vitro and in vivo bioactivity and immunoreactivity

Chapter by: Rivaille, P; Jullienne, A; Desplan, Claude; Bartlet, JP; Monet, JD; Bader, C; Milhaud, G
in: Medicinal chemistry V : proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Paris, July 19-22, 1976 by Mathieu, J [Eds]
Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ; New York : Distributors for the United States and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland, 1977
pp. 79-84
ISBN: 9780444415943
CID: 1700272