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Up-regulated p75NTR neurotrophin receptor on glial cells in MS plaques

Dowling, P; Ming, X; Raval, S; Husar, W; Casaccia-Bonnefil, P; Chao, M; Cook, S; Blumberg, B
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the expression of the neurotrophin receptor p75NTR on glial cells within MS plaques. BACKGROUND: In recent studies on the pathogenesis of MS white matter plaques, we found large populations of inflammatory and resident glial cells, including oligodendrocytes undergoing cell death, and identified increased expression of Fas receptor and ligand death pathway signaling molecules on the same glial cell types. In another study, the p75NTR was shown to induce apoptotic death of maturing oligodendrocytes when exposed to NGF in vitro. METHODS: We used immunohistochemistry and in situ reverse-transcription PCR to detect p75NTR expression on inflammatory and resident glial cells in MS plaques and used TUNEL staining for fragmented DNA to detect cell death. RESULTS: Up-regulated p75NTR messenger RNA and protein were demonstrated in both oligodendrocytes and microglia/macrophages in MS plaques but not in control white matter. However, only a fraction of p75NTR expressing oligodendrocytes was also stained by TUNEL. CONCLUSIONS: Glial cell expression of p75NTR receptor is up-regulated during MS plaque formation. The exact role of this receptor in glial cell death and/or survival in MS remains to be elucidated.
PMID: 10563612
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 635722

A comparison of the cytoplasmic domains of the Fas receptor and the p75 neurotrophin receptor

Kong H; Kim AH; Orlinick JR; Chao MV
The p75 neurotrophic receptor (p75) shares structural features with the Fas receptor (FasR). Both receptors contain extracellular cysteine-rich repeats, a single transmembrane domain, and intracellular death domains. However, it has not been clearly established whether their death domains are equivalent in their ability to mediate apoptosis. To understand better the role of p75 during apoptosis, we constructed chimeric receptors that contained the extracellular portion of the FasR and the intracellular portion of p75. These chimeric receptors, one containing the p75 transmembrane domain and the other containing the FasR transmembrane portion, as well as wild-type p75 and Fas receptors, were transiently transfected into human U373 glioma cells and human embryonic kidney 293 cells (293 cells), which are both responsive to Fas-mediated apoptosis. Whereas expression of FasR was sufficient to induce apoptosis in U373 and 293 cells, expression of p75 and the chimeric receptors induced only minimal levels of cell death compared to FasR. The results indicate that the magnitudes of FasR- and p75-induced killing are different and suggest that the death domain of p75 does not function in the same manner as the FasR death domain
PMID: 10578183
ISSN: 1350-9047
CID: 11917

Regulation of Fyn tyrosine kinase during oligodendrocyte differentiation [Meeting Abstract]

Osterhout, DJ; Chao, MV
ISSN: 1059-1524
CID: 53781

Identification of a novel, neuron-specific, neurotrophin-responsive transmembrane protein [Meeting Abstract]

Kong, H; Boulter, J; Lai, C; Chao, M
ISSN: 0190-5295
CID: 15820

A role for Fyn tyrosine kinase in oligodendrocyte differentiation [Meeting Abstract]

Osterhout, D J; Chao, M V
ISSN: 0190-5295
CID: 15821

Effect of TrkA and p75 NGF receptors on Traf-6 binding and activation [Meeting Abstract]

Khursigara, G; Wagner, J; Chao, M V
ISSN: 0190-5295
CID: 15842

Differential effects of the intracellular domains of the p75 neurotrophin receptor and the Fas receptor on apoptosis [Meeting Abstract]

Kim, A H; Kong, H; Orlinick, J R; Chao, M V
ISSN: 0190-5295
CID: 15856

An interaction between the Trk receptor and Dynein light chain, a component of the retrograde motor complex [Meeting Abstract]

Yano, H; Lee, F; Kong, H; Arevalo, J C; Perez, P; Sung, C-H; Chao, M V
ISSN: 0190-5295
CID: 15862

Role of cell cycle modulators of G1/S transition in oligodendrocyte progenitor development [Meeting Abstract]

Casaccia-Bonnefil, P; Ze, zula J; Koff, A; Chao, M V
ISSN: 0190-5295
CID: 15870

Identification of a zinc finger protein whose subcellular distribution is regulated by serum and nerve growth factor

Chittka A; Chao MV
A subclass of zinc finger proteins containing a unique protein motif called the positive regulatory (PR) domain has been described. The members include the PRDI-BF1/Blimp-1 protein, the Caenorhabditis elegans egl-43 and EVI1 gene products, and the retinoblastoma interacting protein RIZ. Here we describe a member of this family, SC-1, that exhibits several distinctive features. First, SC-1 interacts with the p75 neurotrophin receptor and is redistributed from the cytoplasm to the nucleus after nerve growth factor (NGF) treatment of transfected COS cells. The translocation of SC-1 to the nucleus was specific for p75, as NGF binding to the TrkA receptor did not lead to nuclear localization of SC-1. Thus, SC-1 provides a downstream transducer for the effects of NGF through the p75 neurotrophin receptor. Under normal growth conditions, SC-1 was found predominantly in the cytoplasm. On serum-starvation, SC-1 also translocated into the nucleus. A direct correlation between nuclear expression of SC-1 with the loss of BrdUrd incorporation was observed. These results imply that SC-1 may be involved in events associated with growth arrest
PMID: 10485890
ISSN: 0027-8424
CID: 57539