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Dissociation and hypnotizability : a conceptual and methodological perspective on two distinct concepts
Chapter by: Vermetten, Eric; Bremner, J Douglas; Spiegel, David
in: Trauma, memory, and dissociation by Bremner, J; Marmar, Charles R [Eds]
Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Press, Â 1998
pp. 107-161
ISBN: 9780880487535
CID: 1479072
Hypnosis in the Netherlands and Belgium
Chapter by: Van der Hart, O; Spinhoven, PH; Vermetten, Eric; Vanderlinden, J
in: Hypnosis in Europe by Hawkins, Peter [Eds]
London : Whurr Publishers, 1998
pp. 141-157
ISBN: 9781897635681
CID: 1509692
Magnetic resonance imaging-based measurement of hippocampal volume in posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood physical and sexual abuse--a preliminary report
Bremner, J D; Randall, P; Vermetten, E; Staib, L; Bronen, R A; Mazure, C; Capelli, S; McCarthy, G; Innis, R B; Charney, D S
We have previously reported smaller hippocampal volume and deficits in short-term memory in patients with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) relative to comparison subjects. The purpose of this study was to compare hippocampal volume in adult survivors of childhood abuse to matched controls. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to measure volume of the hippocampus in adult survivors of childhood abuse (n = 17) and healthy subjects (n = 17) matched on a case-by-case basis for age, sex, race, handedness, years of education, body size, and years of alcohol abuse. All patients met criteria for PTSD secondary to childhood abuse. PTSD patients had a 12% smaller left hippocampal volume relative to the matched controls (p < .05), without smaller volumes of comparison regions (amygdala, caudate, and temporal lobe). The findings were significant after controlling for alcohol, age, and education, with multiple linear regression. These findings suggest that a decrease in left hippocampal volume is associated with abuse-related PTSD.
PMID: 8988792
ISSN: 0006-3223
CID: 1470902
Wees zuinig op mijn lichaam
Vermetten, Eric
Prize Winnning Paper
ISSN: 0025-8245
CID: 1477012
De mens als verhaal : narratieve strategieen in psychotherapie voor kinderen en volwassenen
Olthof, Jan; Vermetten, HGJM
Utrecht : De Tijdstroom, 1994
Extent: 240 p. ; 25 cm.
ISBN: 9789035214835
CID: 1477002
Physiological correlates of hypnosis and dissociation
Chapter by: Spiegel, David; Vermetten, Eric
in: Dissociation : culture, mind, and body by Spiegel, David [Eds]
Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Press, 1994
pp. 185-209
ISBN: 9780880485579
CID: 1476992
Trauma, dissociatie en het geheugen : integratie van neurobilogische aspecten
Vermetten, Eric; Raaijmakers, WG; Gersons, BPR
ISSN: 0167-238x
CID: 1479012