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Phosphorylated 4E-BP1 is associated with poor survival in melanoma

O'Reilly, Kathryn E; Warycha, Melanie; Davies, Michael A; Rodrik, Vanessa; Zhou, Xi K; Yee, Herman; Polsky, David; Pavlick, Anna C; Rosen, Neal; Bhardwaj, Nina; Mills, Gordon; Osman, Iman
PURPOSE: Both phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT and RAS/mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathways mediate 4E-BP1 phosphorylation, releasing 4E-BP1 from the mRNA cap and permitting translation initiation. Given the prevalence of PTEN and BRAF mutations in melanoma, we first examined translation initiation, as measured by phosphorylated 4E-BP1 (p-4E-BP1), in metastatic melanoma tissues and cell lines. We then tested the association between amounts of total and p-4E-BP1 and patient survival. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Seven human metastatic melanoma cells lines and 72 metastatic melanoma patients with accessible metastatic tumor tissues and extended follow-up information were studied. Expression of 4E-BP1 transcript, total 4E-BP1 protein, and p-4E-BP1 was examined. The relationship between 4E-BP1 transcript and protein expression was assessed in a subset of patient tumors (n = 41). The association between total and p-4E-BP1 levels and survival was examined in the larger cohort of patients (n = 72). RESULTS: 4E-BP1 was hyperphosphorylated in 4 of 7 melanoma cell lines harboring both BRAF and PTEN mutations compared with untransformed melanocytes or RAS/RAF/PTEN wild-type melanoma cells. 4E-BP1 transcript correlated with 4E-BP1 total protein levels as measured by the semiquantitative reverse-phase protein array (P = 0.012). High levels of p-4E-BP1 were associated with worse overall and post-recurrence survival (P = 0.02 and 0.0003, respectively). CONCLUSION: Our data show that translation initiation is a common event in human metastatic melanoma and correlates with worse prognosis. Therefore, effective inhibition of the pathways responsible for 4E-BP1 phosphorylation should be considered to improve the treatment outcome of metastatic melanoma patients
PMID: 19336517
ISSN: 1078-0432
CID: 99295

Association of MDM2 SNP309, age of onset, and gender in cutaneous melanoma

Firoz, Elnaz F; Warycha, Melanie; Zakrzewski, Jan; Pollens, Danuta; Wang, Guimin; Shapiro, Richard; Berman, Russell; Pavlick, Anna; Manga, Prashiela; Ostrer, Harry; Celebi, Julide Tok; Kamino, Hideko; Darvishian, Farbod; Rolnitzky, Linda; Goldberg, Judith D; Osman, Iman; Polsky, David
PURPOSE: In certain cancers, MDM2 SNP309 has been associated with early tumor onset in women. In melanoma, incidence rates are higher in women than in men among individuals less than 40 years of age, but among those older than 50 years of age, melanoma is more frequent in men than in women. To investigate this difference, we examined the association among MDM2 SNP309, age at diagnosis, and gender among melanoma patients. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Prospectively enrolled melanoma patients (N = 227) were evaluated for MDM2 SNP309 and the related polymorphism, p53 Arg72Pro. DNA was isolated from patient blood samples, and genotypes were analyzed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Associations among MDM2 SNP309, p53 Arg72Pro, age at diagnosis, and clinicopathologic features of melanoma were analyzed. RESULTS: The median age at diagnosis was 13 years earlier among women with a SNP309 GG genotype (46 years) compared with women with TG+TT genotypes (59 years; P = 0.19). Analyses using age dichotomized at each decade indicated that women with a GG genotype had significantly higher risks of being diagnosed with melanoma at ages <50 years compared with women >or=50 years, but not when the comparison was made between women <60 and >or=60 years. At ages <50 years, women with a GG genotype had a 3.89 times greater chance of being diagnosed compared with women with TG+TT genotypes (P = 0.01). Similar observations were not seen among men. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that MDM2 may play an important role in the development of melanoma in women. The MDM2 SNP309 genotype may help identify women at risk of developing melanoma at a young age
PMID: 19318491
ISSN: 1078-0432
CID: 104875

Metaanalysis of sentinel lymph node positivity in thin melanoma (<= 1 mm) [Meeting Abstract]

Warycha, M; Polsky, D; Osman, I; Mazumdar, M
ISSN: 0190-9622
CID: 97559

Changes in the presentation of nodular and superficial spreading melanomas over 35 years [Meeting Abstract]

Warycha, M; Kopf, A; Polsky, D; Osman, I
ISSN: 0190-9622
CID: 97560

Meta-analysis of sentinel lymph node positivity in thin melanoma (</=1 mm)

Warycha, Melanie A; Zakrzewski, Jan; Ni, Quanhong; Shapiro, Richard L; Berman, Russell S; Pavlick, Anna C; Polsky, David; Mazumdar, Madhu; Osman, Iman
BACKGROUND:: Despite the lack of an established survival benefit of sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy, this technique has been increasingly applied in the staging of thin (</=1 mm) melanoma patients, without clear evidence to support this recommendation. The authors performed a meta-analysis to estimate the risk, potential predictors, and outcome of SLN positivity in this group of patients. METHODS:: MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane databases were searched for rates of SLN positivity in patients with thin melanoma. The methodologic quality of included studies was assessed using the Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies criteria. Heterogeneity was assessed using the Cochran Q statistic, and publication bias was examined through funnel plot and the Begg and Mazumdar method. Overall SLN positivity in thin melanoma patients was estimated using the DerSimonial-Laird random effect method. RESULTS:: Thirty-four studies comprising 3651 patients met inclusion criteria. The pooled SLN positivity rate was 5.6%. Significant heterogeneity among studies was detected (P = .005). There was no statistical evidence of publication bias (P = .21). Eighteen studies reported select clinical and histopathologic data limited to SLN-positive patients (n = 113). Among the tumors from these patients, 6.1% were ulcerated, 31.5% demonstrated regression, and 47.5% were Clark level IV/V. Only 4 melanoma-related deaths were reported. CONCLUSIONS:: Relatively few patients with thin melanoma have a positive SLN. To the authors' knowledge, there are no clinical or histopathologic criteria that can reliably identify thin melanoma patients who might benefit from this intervention. Given the increasing diagnosis of thin melanoma, in addition to the cost and potential morbidity of this procedure, alternative strategies to identify patients at risk for lymph node disease are needed. Cancer 2009. (c) 2008 American Cancer Society
PMID: 19117354
ISSN: 0008-543x
CID: 92156

Aberrant miR-182 expression promotes melanoma metastasis by repressing FOXO3 and microphthalmia-associated transcription factor

Segura, Miguel F; Hanniford, Douglas; Menendez, Silvia; Reavie, Linsey; Zou, Xuanyi; Alvarez-Diaz, Silvia; Zakrzewski, Jan; Blochin, Elen; Rose, Amy; Bogunovic, Dusan; Polsky, David; Wei, Jianjun; Lee, Peng; Belitskaya-Levy, Ilana; Bhardwaj, Nina; Osman, Iman; Hernando, Eva
The highly aggressive character of melanoma makes it an excellent model for probing the mechanisms underlying metastasis, which remains one of the most difficult challenges in treating cancer. We find that miR-182, member of a miRNA cluster in a chromosomal locus (7q31-34) frequently amplified in melanoma, is commonly up-regulated in human melanoma cell lines and tissue samples; this up-regulation correlates with gene copy number in a subset of melanoma cell lines. Moreover, miR-182 ectopic expression stimulates migration of melanoma cells in vitro and their metastatic potential in vivo, whereas miR-182 down-regulation impedes invasion and triggers apoptosis. We further show that miR-182 over-expression promotes migration and survival by directly repressing microphthalmia-associated transcription factor-M and FOXO3, whereas enhanced expression of either microphthalmia-associated transcription factor-M or FOXO3 blocks miR-182's proinvasive effects. In human tissues, expression of miR-182 increases with progression from primary to metastatic melanoma and inversely correlates with FOXO3 and microphthalmia-associated transcription factor levels. Our data provide a mechanism for invasion and survival in melanoma that could prove applicable to metastasis of other cancers and suggest that miRNA silencing may be a worthwhile therapeutic strategy
PMID: 19188590
ISSN: 1091-6490
CID: 92154

Stromal anti-apoptotic androgen receptor target gene c-FLIP in prostate cancer

Ye, Huihui; Li, Yirong; Melamed, Jonathan; Pearce, Patrice; Wei, Jianjun; Chiriboga, Luis; Wang, Zhengxin; Osman, Iman; Lee, Peng
PURPOSE: The tumor microenvironment significantly influences prostate cancer progression. Androgen receptor exerts its effect through downstream target genes to regulate prostate cancer cell proliferation. The c-FLIP gene was recently shown to be an androgen receptor target gene. c-FLIP is an inactive homologue of caspase-8 and, thus, it inhibits the death receptor mediated apoptosis pathway. c-FLIP over expression was shown to accelerate the progression of prostate cancer cells to androgen independence. We evaluated the role of c-FLIP expression in stromal cells in prostate cancer development. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examined c-FLIP expression in 53 androgen dependent and 21 androgen independent prostate cancer stromal cells by immunohistochemical analysis. The effects of c-FLIP over expression in stromal cells on the growth and invasion of LNCaP and PC3 prostate cancer cells were determined in indirect coculture systems. RESULTS: At the androgen dependent stage the stromal c-FLIP level was increased in prostate cancer tissue. The expression level of stromal c-FLIP was associated with tumor differentiation. However, stromal c-FLIP expression was not increased in androgen independent human prostate cancer. c-FLIP over expression in stromal cells stimulated the growth and invasion of prostate cancer, including LNCaP and PC3 cells in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate the over expression of stromal c-FLIP and its function for promoting prostate cancer growth and invasion
PMID: 19095249
ISSN: 1527-3792
CID: 92157

MDM2 Expression and Regulation in Prostate Cancer Racial Disparity

Wang, Guimin; Firoz, Elnaz F; Rose, Amy; Blochin, Elen; Christos, Paul; Pollens, Danuta; Mazumdar, Madhu; Gerald, William; Oddoux, Carole; Lee, Peng; Osman, Iman
MDM2 is a key negative regulator of tumor suppressor p53. A single nucleotide polymorphism in the MDM2 promoter, SNP309, enhances transcriptional activation of MDM2 and has been associated with early onset of several types of cancer. In this study, we attempted to determine if the MDM2 SNP309 polymorphism plays a role in the aggressive phenotype seen in African American (AA) prostate cancer by examining the association between MDM2 SNP309 and MDM2 protein levels in prostate cancer (PCa) patients of different racial backgrounds. Prospectively enrolled PCa patients (AA=51, CA=50) were evaluated for MDM2 SNP309 and MDM2 protein expression. MDM2 overexpression, defined as >10% of tumor cells in three tissue cores, was assessed using immunohistochemistry on tissue microarray. MDM2 protein expression was significantly greater in CA than AA patients (78% versus 45% respectively, p=0.0007). Germline DNA was analyzed by PCR-RFLP then confirmed by DNA sequencing. MDM2 SNP309 genotype frequencies did not differ significantly between AA and CA PCa patients (AA: TT 68.6%, TG 25.5%, GG 5.9%; CA: TT 62.0%, TG 20.0%, GG 18.0%; p=0.16), suggesting that the MDM2 SNP309 allele does not play a significant role in the observed overexpression
PMID: 19158992
ISSN: 1936-2625
CID: 92155

Developing a multidisciplinary prospective melanoma biospecimen repository to advance translational research

Wich, Lindsay G; Hamilton, Heather K; Shapiro, Richard L; Pavlick, Anna; Berman, Russell S; Polsky, David; Goldberg, Judith D; Hernando, Eva; Manga, Prashiela; Krogsgaard, Michelle; Kamino, Hideko; Darvishian, Farbod; Lee, Peng; Orlow, Seth J; Ostrer, Harry; Bhardwaj, Nina; Osman, Iman
Several challenges face the development and operation of a biospecimen bank linked to clinical information, a critical component of any effective translational research program. Melanoma adds particular complexity and difficulty to such an endeavor considering the unique characteristics of this malignancy. We describe here a review of biospecimen bank and our experience in establishing a multi-disciplinary, prospective, integrated clinicopathological-biospecimen database in melanoma. The Interdisciplinary Melanoma Cooperative Group (IMCG), a prospective clinicopathological and biospecimen database, was established at the New York University (NYU) Langone Medical Center. With patients' informed consent, biospecimens from within and outside NYU, clinicopathological data, and follow-up information are collected using developed protocols. Information pertaining to biospecimens is recorded in 35 fields, and clinicopathological information is recorded in 371 fields within 5 modules in a virtual network system. Investigators conducting research utilizing the IMCG biospecimen resource are blind to clinicopathological information, and molecular data generated using biospecimens are linked independently with clinicopathological data by biostatistics investigators. This translational research enterprise acts as a valuable resource to efficiently translate laboratory discoveries to the clinic
PMID: 19966936
ISSN: 1943-8141
CID: 105566

Increased expression of histone deacetylaces (HDACs) and inhibition of prostate cancer growth and invasion by HDAC inhibitor SAHA

Wang, Longgui; Zou, Xuanyi; Berger, Aaron D; Twiss, Christian; Peng, Yi; Li, Yirong; Chiu, Jason; Guo, Hongfeng; Satagopan, Jaya; Wilton, Andrew; Gerald, William; Basch, Ross; Wang, Zhengxin; Osman, Iman; Lee, Peng
Histone deacetetylases (HDACs) are a group of corepressors of transcriptional activators and their levels of expression are potentially dysregulated in prostate cancer. Certain inhibitors of histone deacetylases show anti-tumor activity in prostate cancer cell lines. Here, we systemically studied the expression of HDACs in human prostate cancer and the suppression of prostate cancer growth and invasion by HDAC inhibitor SAHA. HDAC1-5 showed increased expression using a combination of DNA microarray, in-situ hybridization, and immunohistochemistry in benign and malignant human prostate tissue as well as RT-PCR and Western blot analysis on various PCa cell lines. Importantly, HDAC inhibitor SAHA suppressed, in particular, prostate cancer cell growth and invasion determined using cell proliferation and Matrigel invasion assays. The findings of this study show that the expression of HDACs and their associated corepressors are increased in prostate cancer in humans and HDAC inhibitor SAHA could serve as a potential therapeutic agent in prostate cancer in addition to anti-androgens
PMID: 19966939
ISSN: 1943-8141
CID: 115887