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Phase II trial of 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin in patients with metastatic melanoma

Solit, David B; Osman, Iman; Polsky, David; Panageas, Katherine S; Daud, Adil; Goydos, James S; Teitcher, Jerrold; Wolchok, Jedd D; Germino, F Joseph; Krown, Susan E; Coit, Daniel; Rosen, Neal; Chapman, Paul B
PURPOSE: Activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT pathway seems to be critical for melanoma proliferation. Components of these pathways are client proteins of heat-shock protein 90 (hsp90), suggesting that inhibition of hsp90 could have significant antimelanoma effects. We conducted a phase II trial using the hsp90 inhibitor 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG) in melanoma patients. The primary end points were clinical responses and whether treatment inhibited MAPK pathway activity. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Melanoma patients with measurable disease were stratified on the basis of whether or not their tumor harbored a V600E BRAF mutation. The hsp90 inhibitor 17-AAG was administered i.v. once weekly x 6 weeks at 450 mg/m2. Tumor biopsies were obtained pretreatment and 18 to 50 hours after the first dose of 17-AAG, and were snap-frozen. RESULTS: Fifteen evaluable patients were treated; nine had BRAF mutations and six were wild-type. No objective responses were observed. Western blot analysis of tumor biopsies showed an increase in hsp70 and a decrease in cyclin D1 expression in the posttreatment biopsies but no significant effect on RAF kinases or phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase expression. Plasma analyzed by mutant-specific PCR for V600E BRAF showed 86% sensitivity and 67% specificity in predicting tumor DNA sequencing results. CONCLUSIONS: At this dose and schedule of 17-AAG, the effects of 17-AAG on RAF kinase expression were short-lived, and no objective antimelanoma responses were seen. Future trials in melanoma should focus on a more potent hsp90 inhibitor or a formulation that can be administered chronically for a more prolonged suppression of the MAPK pathway
PMID: 19088048
ISSN: 1078-0432
CID: 92158

Changes in the presentation of nodular and superficial spreading melanomas over 35 years

Warycha, Melanie A; Christos, Paul J; Mazumdar, Madhu; Darvishian, Farbod; Shapiro, Richard L; Berman, Russell S; Pavlick, Anna C; Kopf, Alfred W; Polsky, David; Osman, Iman
BACKGROUND: Nodular melanoma (NM) may be biologically aggressive compared with the more common superficial spreading melanoma (SSM), with recent data suggesting underlying genetic differences between these 2 subtypes. To better define the clinical behavior of NMs, the authors compared their clinical and histopathologic features to those of SSMs at their institution, a tertiary referral center, over 3 decades. METHODS: A total of 1,684 patients diagnosed with 1,734 melanomas were prospectively enrolled. Of these, 1,143 patients (69% SSM, 11% NM, 20% other) were diagnosed between 1972 and 1982; 541 patients (54% SSM, 23% NM, 23% other) were diagnosed between 2002 and the present. Differences between the features of NM and SSM within each time period as well as changes over time were analyzed. RESULTS: The authors found that SSMs are now diagnosed as thinner lesions (P < .0001) with a low incidence of histologic ulceration (P < .0001), whereas there was no significant change in the median tumor thickness or ulceration status of NMs over time (P = .10, P = .30, respectively). The median age at diagnosis of NM, however, did significantly increase over time (51 years to 63 years, P < .01). The median duration of NMs was reported to be only 5 months compared with 9 months in SSM patients. CONCLUSIONS: The authors' data suggest that improvements have been made in the early detection of SSM but not NM. Modifications of current screening practices, including increased surveillance of high-risk patients with an emphasis on the 'E' for 'evolution' criterion of the ABCDE acronym used for early detection of melanoma, are thus warranted
PMID: 18988292
ISSN: 0008-543x
CID: 91976

Assessing the clinical utility of measuring Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins in tissues and sera of melanoma patients

Yu, Jessie Z; Warycha, Melanie A; Christos, Paul J; Darvishian, Farbod; Yee, Herman; Kaminio, Hideko; Berman, Russell S; Shapiro, Richard L; Buckley, Michael T; Liebes, Leonard F; Pavlick, Anna C; Polsky, David; Brooks, Peter C; Osman, Iman
BACKGROUND: Different Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs) have been investigated as potential biomarkers in several types of tumors. In this study, we examined both IGFBP-3 and -4 levels in tissues and sera of melanoma patients representing different stages of melanoma progression. METHODS: The study cohort consisted of 132 melanoma patients (primary, n = 72; metastatic, n = 60; 64 Male, 68 Female; Median Age = 56) prospectively enrolled in the New York University School of Medicine Interdisciplinary Melanoma Cooperative Group (NYU IMCG) between August 2002 and December 2006. We assessed tumor-expression and circulating sera levels of IGFBP-3 and -4 using immunohistochemistry and ELISA assays. Correlations with clinicopathologic parameters were examined using Wilcoxon rank-sum tests and Spearman-rank correlation coefficients. RESULTS: Median IGFBP-4 tumor expression was significantly greater in primary versus metastatic patients (70% versus 10%, p = 0.01) A trend for greater median IGFBP-3 sera concentration was observed in metastatic versus primary patients (4.9 microg/ml vs. 3.4 microg/ml, respectively, p = 0.09). However, sera levels fell within a normal range for IGFBP-3. Neither IGFBP-3 nor -4 correlated with survival in this subset of patients. CONCLUSION: Decreased IGFBP-4 tumor expression might be a step in the progression from primary to metastatic melanoma. Our data lend support to a recently-described novel tumor suppressor role of secreting IGFBPs in melanoma. However, data do not support the clinical utility of measuring levels of IGFBP-3 and -4 in sera of melanoma patients
PMID: 19025658
ISSN: 1479-5876
CID: 92159

Shedding of distinct cryptic collagen epitope (HU177) in sera of melanoma patients

Ng, Bruce; Zakrzewski, Jan; Warycha, Melanie; Christos, Paul J; Bajorin, Dean F; Shapiro, Richard L; Berman, Russell S; Pavlick, Anna C; Polsky, David; Mazumdar, Madhu; Montgomery, Anthony; Liebes, Leonard; Brooks, Peter C; Osman, Iman
PURPOSE: Extracellular matrix remodeling during tumor growth plays an important role in angiogenesis. Our preclinical data suggest that a newly identified cryptic epitope (HU177) within collagen type IV regulates endothelial and melanoma cell adhesion in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo. In this study, we investigated the clinical relevance of HUI77 shedding in melanoma patient sera. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Serum samples from 291 melanoma patients prospectively enrolled at the New York University Medical Center and 106 control subjects were analyzed for HU177 epitope concentration by a newly developed sandwich ELISA assay. HU177 serum levels were then correlated with clinical and pathologic parameters. RESULTS: Mean HU177 epitope concentration was 5.8 ng/mL (range, 0-139.8 ng/mL). A significant correlation was observed between HU177 concentration and nodular melanoma histologic subtype [nodular, 10.3 +/- 1.6 ng/mL (mean +/- SE); superficial spreading melanoma, 4.5 +/- 1.1 ng/mL; all others, 6.1 +/- 2.1 ng/mL; P = 0.01 by ANOVA test]. Increased HU177 shedding also correlated with tumor thickness (< or =1.00 mm, 3.8 +/- 1.1 ng/mL; 1.01-3.99 mm, 8.7 +/- 1.3 ng/mL; > or =4.00 mm, 10.3 +/- 2.4 ng/mL; P = 0.003 by ANOVA). After multivariate analysis controlling for thickness, the correlation between higher HU177 concentration and nodular subtype remained significant (P = 0.03). The mean HU177 epitope concentration in control subjects was 2.4 ng/mL. CONCLUSIONS: We report that primary melanoma can induce detectable changes in systemic levels of cryptic epitope shedding. Our data also support that nodular melanoma might be biologically distinct compared with superficial spreading type melanoma. As targeted interventions against cryptic collagen epitopes are currently undergoing phase I clinical trial testing, these findings indicate that patients with nodular melanoma may be more susceptible to such targeted therapies
PMID: 18829505
ISSN: 1078-0432
CID: 92160

Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Prostate Cancer Outcomes in Black Patients Treated with Surgery

Dash, Atreya; Lee, Peng; Zhou, Qin; Jean-Gilles, Jerome; Taneja, Samir; Satagopan, Jaya; Reuter, Victor; Gerald, William; Eastham, James; Osman, Iman
OBJECTIVES: The role of socioeconomic factors in the worse outcome of black men with prostate cancer remains unclear. To determine whether socioeconomic factors affect prostate cancer outcomes, we studied a cohort of only black patients to minimize known confounding factors. METHODS: We studied black men treated with radical prostatectomy at New York Veterans Administration Medical Center and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center between 1990 and 2005. A centralized pathology review process determined the Gleason score of all cases. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) recurrence at both sites was defined as PSA of 0.2 or greater with a confirmatory rise. By matching patients' home zip codes to the U.S. Census Bureau database, we obtained corresponding socioeconomic data regarding median household income (income) and percentage of population with a high school (degree). We analyzed income, education, and clinical and pathological parameters for the whole cohort. RESULTS: We studied 430 black patients. They resided in neighborhoods where median household income was $41,498.10 and mean percentage of high school graduates was 73.4%. A total of 88 patients (20.9%) had PSA recurrence. Median follow-up for survivors was 37 months. Neither income nor education evaluated as continuous or categorical variables were predictors of PSA recurrence. When evaluated as composite categorical variable, the combination of greater income and education did not predict disease-free survival. CONCLUSIONS: Data suggest that socioeconomic factors have limited impact on PSA recurrence in black men treated with radical prostatectomy. Thus, biologic factors might have a role in the poor outcomes in this population
PMID: 18295314
ISSN: 1527-9995
CID: 76449

Mebendazole induces apoptosis via Bcl-2 inactivation in chemoresistant melanoma cells

Doudican, Nicole; Rodriguez, Adrianna; Osman, Iman; Orlow, Seth J
Most metastatic melanoma patients fail to respond to available therapy, underscoring the need for novel approaches to identify new effective treatments. In this study, we screened 2,000 compounds from the Spectrum Library at a concentration of 1 micromol/L using two chemoresistant melanoma cell lines (M-14 and SK-Mel-19) and a spontaneously immortalized, nontumorigenic melanocyte cell line (melan-a). We identified 10 compounds that inhibited the growth of the melanoma cells yet were largely nontoxic to melanocytes. Strikingly, 4 of the 10 compounds (mebendazole, albendazole, fenbendazole, and oxybendazole) are benzimidazoles, a class of structurally related, tubulin-disrupting drugs. Mebendazole was prioritized to further characterize its mechanism of melanoma growth inhibition based on its favorable pharmacokinetic profile. Our data reveal that mebendazole inhibits melanoma growth with an average IC(50) of 0.32 micromol/L and preferentially induces apoptosis in melanoma cells compared with melanocytes. The intrinsic apoptotic response is mediated through phosphorylation of Bcl-2, which occurs rapidly after treatment with mebendazole in melanoma cells but not in melanocytes. Phosphorylation of Bcl-2 in melanoma cells prevents its interaction with proapoptotic Bax, thereby promoting apoptosis. We further show that mebendazole-resistant melanocytes can be sensitized through reduction of Bcl-2 protein levels, showing the essential role of Bcl-2 in the cellular response to mebendazole-mediated tubulin disruption. Our results suggest that this screening approach is useful for identifying agents that show promise in the treatment of even chemoresistant melanoma and identifies mebendazole as a potent, melanoma-specific cytotoxic agent
PMID: 18667591
ISSN: 1541-7786
CID: 86657

Frequent p16-independent inactivation of p14ARF in human melanoma

Freedberg, Daniel E; Rigas, Sushila H; Russak, Julie; Gai, Weiming; Kaplow, Margarita; Osman, Iman; Turner, Faye; Randerson-Moor, Juliette A; Houghton, Alan; Busam, Klaus; Timothy Bishop, D; Bastian, Boris C; Newton-Bishop, Julia A; Polsky, David
BACKGROUND: The tumor suppressors p14(ARF) (ARF) and p16(INK4A) (p16) are encoded by overlapping reading frames at the CDKN2A/INK4A locus on chromosome 9p21. In human melanoma, the accumulated evidence has suggested that the predominant tumor suppressor at 9p21 is p16, not ARF. However, recent observations from melanoma-prone families and murine melanoma models suggest a p16-independent tumor suppressor role for ARF. We analyzed a group of melanoma metastases and cell lines to investigate directly whether somatic alterations to the ARF gene support its role as a p16-independent tumor suppressor in human melanoma, assuming that two alterations (genetic and/or epigenetic) would be required to inactivate a gene. METHODS: We examined the p16/ARF locus in 60 melanoma metastases from 58 patients and in 9 human melanoma cell lines using multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect deletions, methylation-specific PCR to detect promoter methylation, direct sequencing to detect mutations affecting ARF and p16, and, in a subset of 20 tumors, immunohistochemistry to determine the effect of these alterations on p16 protein expression. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS: We observed two or more alterations to the ARF gene in 26/60 (43%) metastases. The p16 gene sustained two or more alterations in 13/60 (22%) metastases (P = .03). Inactivation of ARF in the presence of wild-type p16 was seen in 18/60 (30%) metastases. CONCLUSION: Genetic and epigenetic analyses of the human 9p21 locus indicate that modifications of ARF occur independently of p16 inactivation in human melanoma and suggest that ARF is more frequently inactivated than p16
PMID: 18505964
ISSN: 1460-2105
CID: 79367

Gene expression profile for metastatic melanoma and patient survival [Meeting Abstract]

Bogunovic D; O'Neill D; Adams S; Wang J; Darvishian F; Pavlick AC; Shapiro RL; Zavadil J; Osman I; Bhardwaj N
Background: Although remission rates for metastatic melanoma are generally very poor, some patients can survive for prolonged periods following metastasis. Here we use gene expression profiling of metastatic melanoma samples to search for a molecular basis for this observation. Methods: We analyzed gene expression profiles of 44 metastatic melanoma specimens collected from 38 patients who were followed clinically for a median of 20 months after surgery. RNA was processed using standard methods and hybridized to Affymetrix Human Genome HU133 Plus 2.0 arrays. Data were analyzed using GeneSpring and PathwayAssist software, normalizing using a PLIER algorithm and utilizing ANOVA statistical tests. Results: Unsupervised clustering yielded 4 distinct groups of subjects, 2 of which had large differences in overall survival. We then used supervised clustering to compare patients whose post-surgery survival was less then 1.5 years (11 subjects, 9.5 month median survival) to those who survived greater than 1.5 years (23 subjects, 26 month median survival, 17 alive at last follow-up). Only genes with changes in expression of > 2 with a p value of < 0.05 were accepted, resulting in a group of approximately 200 genes. Genes associated with immune response (TNFa, IRF1, Granzyme B, CD8a, CXCL11, IL27AR, GBP1, CXCL10, CCBP2, GBP2, CCR9 and IFIT4) or with cell proliferation (FGFR1, MET, MDM2, CDC25A, RFC2, SOS1, HOXA3, MCM4, MCM7, ORC5L, KIF23 and VAV3) were highly represented. Prolonged survival was associated with elevated expression of immune response genes and decreased expression of genes associated with cell proliferation. Conclusions: Gene expression profiling of metastatic melanoma samples identified a set of genes associated with patient survival, and suggests that immune surveillance is a mechanism for prolonged survival in these patients
ISSN: 0736-7589
CID: 106301

Epidermal growth factor receptor activation in prostate cancer by three novel missense mutations

Cai, C Q; Peng, Y; Buckley, M T; Wei, J; Chen, F; Liebes, L; Gerald, W L; Pincus, M R; Osman, I; Lee, P
While epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) dysregulation is known to play a critical role in prostate carcinogenesis, there has been no direct evidence indicating EGFR mutations induce tumorigenesis in prostate cancer. We previously identified four novel EGFR somatic mutations in the EGFR tyrosine kinase domain of prostate cancer patients: G735S, G796S, E804G and R841K. In this study, we investigated the oncogenic potential of these somatic mutations by establishing stable clonal NIH3T3 cells expressing these four mutations and WT EGFR to determine their ability to increase cell proliferation and invasion. In the absence of the EGF ligand, cell proliferation was readily increased in G735S, G796S and E804G mutants compared to WT EGFR. The addition of EGF ligand greatly increased cell growth and transforming ability of these same EGFR mutants. Matrigel invasion assays showed enhanced invasion with G735S, G796S and E804G mutants. Western blot analysis showed that these EGFR mutations enhanced cell growth and invasion via constitutive and hyperactive tyrosine phosphorylation and led to the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) and Akt pathways. Our findings demonstrate the oncogenic activation of three novel EGFR somatic missense mutations in prostate cancer. Molecules that regulate the mechanisms of their oncogenic activation represent novel targets for limiting tumor cell progression, and further elucidation of these mutations will have utility in prostate cancer treatment.Oncogene advance online publication, 14 January 2008; doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1210983
PMID: 18193092
ISSN: 1476-5594
CID: 76447

Nucleofection is a highly effective gene transfer technique for human melanoma cell lines

Han, Sandra Y; Gai, Weiming; Yancovitz, Molly; Osman, Iman; Di Como, Charles J; Polsky, David
Despite the increasing use of gene transfer strategies in the study of cellular and molecular biology, melanoma cells have remained difficult to transfect in a safe, efficient, and reproducible manner. In the present study, we report the successful use of nucleofector technology to transfect human melanoma cell lines. This technology uses an empirically derived combination of cell line-specific solutions and nucleofector programmes to electroporate nucleic acid substrates directly into the cell nucleus. Using a colorimetric beta-galactosidase assay, we optimized nucleofection parameters for 13 melanoma cell lines, leading to maximum transfection efficiency and cell survival. The combinations of cell solutions NHEM or T and nucleofector programmes A-24 or U-20 produced the best results. We compared nucleofection with two commercially available lipid-based gene transfer systems, effectene and lipofectamine 2000 using a green fluorescent protein reporter vector. Nucleofection demonstrated a 3- to 40-fold improvement in transfection efficiency when compared with the lipid-based counterparts. Nucleofection was also superior in transfecting small-interfering RNA (siRNA) as determined by Western blot analysis. Lastly, we applied nucleofection to the simultaneous transfection of a p53-dependent luciferase plasmid and p53-siRNA. Experiments using dual transfection showed knockdown of p53 expression and silencing of the reporter plasmid. In conclusion, nucleofection is highly effective for the transfer of nucleic acid substrates, singly or in combination, into human melanoma cell lines
PMID: 18312380
ISSN: 1600-0625
CID: 76778