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Proteomic Alterations and Novel Markers of Neurotoxic Reactive Astrocytes in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models

Labib, David; Wang, Zhen; Prakash, Priya; Zimmer, Matthew; Smith, Matthew D; Frazel, Paul W; Barbar, Lilianne; Sapar, Maria L; Calabresi, Peter A; Peng, Junmin; Liddelow, Shane A; Fossati, Valentina
Astrocytes respond to injury, infection, and inflammation in the central nervous system by acquiring reactive states in which they may become dysfunctional and contribute to disease pathology. A sub-state of reactive astrocytes induced by proinflammatory factors TNF, IL-1α, and C1q ("TIC") has been implicated in many neurodegenerative diseases as a source of neurotoxicity. Here, we used an established human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) model to investigate the surface marker profile and proteome of TIC-induced reactive astrocytes. We propose VCAM1, BST2, ICOSL, HLA-E, PD-L1, and PDPN as putative, novel markers of this reactive sub-state. We found that several of these markers colocalize with GFAP+ cells in post-mortem samples from people with Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, our whole-cells proteomic analysis of TIC-induced reactive astrocytes identified proteins and related pathways primarily linked to potential engagement with peripheral immune cells. Taken together, our findings will serve as new tools to purify reactive astrocyte subtypes and to further explore their involvement in immune responses associated with injury and disease.
PMID: 35592112
ISSN: 1662-5099
CID: 5284332

Neurotoxic reactive astrocytes induce cell death via saturated lipids

Guttenplan, Kevin A; Weigel, Maya K; Prakash, Priya; Wijewardhane, Prageeth R; Hasel, Philip; Rufen-Blanchette, Uriel; Münch, Alexandra E; Blum, Jacob A; Fine, Jonathan; Neal, Mikaela C; Bruce, Kimberley D; Gitler, Aaron D; Chopra, Gaurav; Liddelow, Shane A; Barres, Ben A
Astrocytes regulate the response of the central nervous system to disease and injury and have been hypothesized to actively kill neurons in neurodegenerative disease1-6. Here we report an approach to isolate one component of the long-sought astrocyte-derived toxic factor5,6. Notably, instead of a protein, saturated lipids contained in APOE and APOJ lipoparticles mediate astrocyte-induced toxicity. Eliminating the formation of long-chain saturated lipids by astrocyte-specific knockout of the saturated lipid synthesis enzyme ELOVL1 mitigates astrocyte-mediated toxicity in vitro as well as in a model of acute axonal injury in vivo. These results suggest a mechanism by which astrocytes kill cells in the central nervous system.
PMID: 34616039
ISSN: 1476-4687
CID: 5045852

Neuroinflammatory astrocyte subtypes in the mouse brain

Hasel, Philip; Rose, Indigo V L; Sadick, Jessica S; Kim, Rachel D; Liddelow, Shane A
Astrocytes undergo an inflammatory transition after infections, acute injuries and chronic neurodegenerative diseases. How this transition is affected by time and sex, its heterogeneity at the single-cell level and how sub-states are spatially distributed in the brain remains unclear. In this study, we investigated transcriptome changes of mouse cortical astrocytes after an acute inflammatory stimulus using the bacterial cell wall endotoxin lipopolysaccharide. We identified fast transcriptomic changes in astrocytes occurring within hours that drastically change over time. By sequencing ~80,000 astrocytes at single-cell resolution, we show that inflammation causes a widespread response with subtypes of astrocytes undergoing distinct inflammatory transitions with defined transcriptomic profiles. We also attribute key sub-states of inflammation-induced reactive astrocytes to specific brain regions using spatial transcriptomics and in situ hybridization. Together, our datasets provide a powerful resource for profiling astrocyte heterogeneity and will be useful for understanding the biological importance of regionally constrained reactive astrocyte sub-states.
PMID: 34413515
ISSN: 1546-1726
CID: 5006402

Monitoring phagocytic uptake of amyloid β into glial cell lysosomes in real time

Prakash, Priya; Jethava, Krupal P; Korte, Nils; Izquierdo, Pablo; Favuzzi, Emilia; Rose, Indigo V L; Guttenplan, Kevin A; Manchanda, Palak; Dutta, Sayan; Rochet, Jean-Christophe; Fishell, Gord; Liddelow, Shane A; Attwell, David; Chopra, Gaurav
Phagocytosis by glial cells is essential to regulate brain function during health and disease. Therapies for Alzheimer's disease (AD) have primarily focused on targeting antibodies to amyloid β (Aβ) or inhibitng enzymes that make it, and while removal of Aβ by phagocytosis is protective early in AD it remains poorly understood. Impaired phagocytic function of glial cells during later stages of AD likely contributes to worsened disease outcome, but the underlying mechanisms of how this occurs remain unknown. We have developed a human Aβ1-42 analogue (AβpH) that exhibits green fluorescence upon internalization into the acidic organelles of cells but is non-fluorescent at physiological pH. This allowed us to image, for the first time, glial uptake of AβpH in real time in live animals. We find that microglia phagocytose more AβpH than astrocytes in culture, in brain slices and in vivo. AβpH can be used to investigate the phagocytic mechanisms responsible for removing Aβ from the extracellular space, and thus could become a useful tool to study Aβ clearance at different stages of AD.
PMID: 34476070
ISSN: 2041-6520
CID: 5011772

Activated microglia drive demyelination via CSF1R signaling

Marzan, Dave E; Brügger-Verdon, Valérie; West, Brian L; Liddelow, Shane; Samanta, Jayshree; Salzer, James L
Microgliosis is a prominent pathological feature in many neurological diseases including multiple sclerosis (MS), a progressive auto-immune demyelinating disorder. The precise role of microglia, parenchymal central nervous system (CNS) macrophages, during demyelination, and the relative contributions of peripheral macrophages are incompletely understood. Classical markers used to identify microglia do not reliably discriminate between microglia and peripheral macrophages, confounding analyses. Here, we use a genetic fate mapping strategy to identify microglia as predominant responders and key effectors of demyelination in the cuprizone (CUP) model. Colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF1), also known as macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) - a secreted cytokine that regulates microglia development and survival-is upregulated in demyelinated white matter lesions. Depletion of microglia with the CSF1R inhibitor PLX3397 greatly abrogates the demyelination, loss of oligodendrocytes, and reactive astrocytosis that results from CUP treatment. Electron microscopy (EM) and serial block face imaging show myelin sheaths remain intact in CUP treated mice depleted of microglia. However, these CUP-damaged myelin sheaths are lost and robustly phagocytosed upon-repopulation of microglia. Direct injection of CSF1 into CNS white matter induces focal microgliosis and demyelination indicating active CSF1 signaling can promote demyelination. Finally, mice defective in adopting a toxic astrocyte phenotype that is driven by microglia nevertheless demyelinate normally upon CUP treatment implicating microglia rather than astrocytes as the primary drivers of CUP-mediated demyelination. Together, these studies indicate activated microglia are required for and can drive demyelination directly and implicate CSF1 signaling in these events.
PMID: 33620118
ISSN: 1098-1136
CID: 4794442

Isoform-dependent APOE secretion modulates neuroinflammation

Hasel, Philip; Liddelow, Shane A
PMID: 33727705
ISSN: 1759-4766
CID: 4819692

Astrocytes have a license to kill inflammatory T cells

Kwon, Alice H K; Liddelow, Shane A
Microbiome-induced interferon signaling through gut-derived natural killer cells is integral to minimize peripheral inflammatory responses in the brain and spinal cord. In a recent issue of Nature, Sanmarco, Wheeler, et al. define how interferon signaling induces LAMP1+TRAIL+ astrocytes, which cause death of inflammatory T cells, mitigating degeneration in a mouse model of demyealination.
PMID: 33852828
ISSN: 1097-4180
CID: 4862532


Hasel, Philip; Liddelow, Shane A
Philip Hasel and Shane Liddelow introduce astrocytes - glial cells that help to maintain the homeostasis of the central nervous system during development, normal physiology, and aging.
PMID: 33848482
ISSN: 1879-0445
CID: 4862492

Reactive astrocyte nomenclature, definitions, and future directions

Escartin, Carole; Galea, Elena; Lakatos, András; O'Callaghan, James P; Petzold, Gabor C; Serrano-Pozo, Alberto; Steinhäuser, Christian; Volterra, Andrea; Carmignoto, Giorgio; Agarwal, Amit; Allen, Nicola J; Araque, Alfonso; Barbeito, Luis; Barzilai, Ari; Bergles, Dwight E; Bonvento, Gilles; Butt, Arthur M; Chen, Wei-Ting; Cohen-Salmon, Martine; Cunningham, Colm; Deneen, Benjamin; De Strooper, Bart; Díaz-Castro, Blanca; Farina, Cinthia; Freeman, Marc; Gallo, Vittorio; Goldman, James E; Goldman, Steven A; Götz, Magdalena; Gutiérrez, Antonia; Haydon, Philip G; Heiland, Dieter H; Hol, Elly M; Holt, Matthew G; Iino, Masamitsu; Kastanenka, Ksenia V; Kettenmann, Helmut; Khakh, Baljit S; Koizumi, Schuichi; Lee, C Justin; Liddelow, Shane A; MacVicar, Brian A; Magistretti, Pierre; Messing, Albee; Mishra, Anusha; Molofsky, Anna V; Murai, Keith K; Norris, Christopher M; Okada, Seiji; Oliet, Stéphane H R; Oliveira, João F; Panatier, Aude; Parpura, Vladimir; Pekna, Marcela; Pekny, Milos; Pellerin, Luc; Perea, Gertrudis; Pérez-Nievas, Beatriz G; Pfrieger, Frank W; Poskanzer, Kira E; Quintana, Francisco J; Ransohoff, Richard M; Riquelme-Perez, Miriam; Robel, Stefanie; Rose, Christine R; Rothstein, Jeffrey D; Rouach, Nathalie; Rowitch, David H; Semyanov, Alexey; Sirko, Swetlana; Sontheimer, Harald; Swanson, Raymond A; Vitorica, Javier; Wanner, Ina-Beate; Wood, Levi B; Wu, Jiaqian; Zheng, Binhai; Zimmer, Eduardo R; Zorec, Robert; Sofroniew, Michael V; Verkhratsky, Alexei
Reactive astrocytes are astrocytes undergoing morphological, molecular, and functional remodeling in response to injury, disease, or infection of the CNS. Although this remodeling was first described over a century ago, uncertainties and controversies remain regarding the contribution of reactive astrocytes to CNS diseases, repair, and aging. It is also unclear whether fixed categories of reactive astrocytes exist and, if so, how to identify them. We point out the shortcomings of binary divisions of reactive astrocytes into good-vs-bad, neurotoxic-vs-neuroprotective or A1-vs-A2. We advocate, instead, that research on reactive astrocytes include assessment of multiple molecular and functional parameters-preferably in vivo-plus multivariate statistics and determination of impact on pathological hallmarks in relevant models. These guidelines may spur the discovery of astrocyte-based biomarkers as well as astrocyte-targeting therapies that abrogate detrimental actions of reactive astrocytes, potentiate their neuro- and glioprotective actions, and restore or augment their homeostatic, modulatory, and defensive functions.
PMID: 33589835
ISSN: 1546-1726
CID: 4786612

Astrocyte-immune cell interactions in physiology and pathology

Han, Rafael T; Kim, Rachel D; Molofsky, Anna V; Liddelow, Shane A
Astrocytes play both physiological and pathological roles in maintaining central nervous system (CNS) function. Here, we review the varied functions of astrocytes and how these might change in subsets of reactive astrocytes. We review the current understanding of astrocyte interactions with microglia and the vasculature and protective barriers in the central nervous system as well as highlight recent insights into physiologic and reactive astrocyte sub-states identified by transcriptional profiling. Our goal is to stimulate inquiry into how these molecular identifiers link to specific functional changes in astrocytes and to define the implications of these heterogeneous molecular and functional changes in brain function and pathology. Defining these complex interactions has the potential to yield new therapies in CNS injury, infection, and disease.
PMID: 33567261
ISSN: 1097-4180
CID: 4799792