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Language switching as a treatment strategy with bilingual patients

Pitta, P; Marcos, L R; Alpert, M
PMID: 727300
ISSN: 0002-9548
CID: 139662

Bilingualism and sense of self

Marcos, L R; Eisma, J E; Guimon, J
PMID: 605930
ISSN: 0002-9548
CID: 117189


Marcos, LR; Goldberg, E; Feazell, D; Wilner, M
ISSN: 0012-3714
CID: 29588

Strategies and risks in psychotherapy with bilingual patients: the phenomenon of language independence

Marcos, L R; Alpert, M
The presence of two separate languages, each with its own lexical, syntactic, semantic, and ideational components, can complicate psychotherapy with proficient bilingual patients. If only one language is used in therapy, some aspects of the patients emotional experience may be unavailable to treatment; if both languages are used, the patient may use language switching as a form of resistance to affectively charged material. The authors suggest that monolingual therapists should carefully assess the degree of language independence in bilinguals in order to minimize its impact on therapy. They conclude that study of bilingual patients may provide important insights into the nature of the therapeutic process.
PMID: 984217
ISSN: 0002-953x
CID: 634202

Bilinguals in psychotherapy: language as an emotional barrier

Marcos, L R
The English-speaking clinician frequently evaluates and treats patients whose mother tongue is not English. This paper summarizes some of the evidence supporting an emotional-detachment effect associated with speaking in a second language and describes its implications for the psychotherapy of this population.
PMID: 984259
ISSN: 0002-9564
CID: 3895222

Linguistic dimensions in the bilingual patient

Marcos, L R
PMID: 1022164
ISSN: 0002-9548
CID: 634152

The language barrier in evaluating Spanish-American patients

Marcos, L R; Uruyo, L; Kesselman, M; Alpert, M
PMID: 4773490
ISSN: 0003-990x
CID: 514252

The effect of interview language on the evaluation of psychopathology in Spanishh-American schizophrenic patients

Marcos LR; Alpert M; Urcuyo L; Kesselman M
PMID: 4699919
ISSN: 0002-953x
CID: 20058

Lying: a particular defense met in psychoanalytic therapy

Marcos, L R
PMID: 4654363
ISSN: 0002-9548
CID: 134387