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Compressed sensing acceleration of biexponential 3D-T1rho relaxation mapping of knee cartilage

Zibetti, M V W; Sharafi, A; Otazo, R; Regatte, R R
Purpose: Use compressed sensing (CS) for 3D biexponential spin-lattice relaxation time in the rotating frame (T1rho) mapping of knee cartilage, reducing the total scan time and maintaining the quality of estimated biexponential T1rho parameters (short and long relaxation times and corresponding fractions) comparable to fully sampled scans. Methods: Fully sampled 3D-T1rho-weighted data sets were retrospectively undersampled by factors 2-10. CS reconstruction using 12 different sparsifying transforms were compared for biexponential T1rho-mapping of knee cartilage, including temporal and spatial wavelets and finite differences, dictionary from principal component analysis (PCA), k-means singular value decomposition (K-SVD), exponential decay models, and also low rank and low rank plus sparse models. Synthetic phantom (N = 6) and in vivo human knee cartilage data sets (N = 7) were included in the experiments. Spatial filtering before biexponential T1rho parameter estimation was also tested. Results: Most CS methods performed satisfactorily for an acceleration factor (AF) of 2, with relative median normalized absolute deviation (MNAD) around 10%. Some sparsifying transforms, such as low rank with spatial finite difference (L + S SFD), spatiotemporal finite difference (STFD), and exponential dictionaries (EXP) significantly improved this performance, reaching MNAD below 15% with AF up to 10, when spatial filtering was used. Conclusion: Accelerating biexponential 3D-T1rho mapping of knee cartilage with CS is feasible. The best results were obtained by STFD, EXP, and L + S SFD regularizers combined with spatial prefiltering. These 3 CS methods performed satisfactorily on synthetic phantom as well as in vivo knee cartilage for AFs up to 10, with median error below 15%.
ISSN: 0740-3194
CID: 3316832

Accelerating Overrelaxed and Monotone Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithms With Line Search for Sparse Reconstructions

Zibetti, Marcelo V W; Helou, Elias S; Pipa, Daniel R
Recently, specially crafted unidimensional optimization has been successfully used as line search to accelerate the overrelaxed and monotone fast iterative shrinkage-threshold algorithm (OMFISTA) for computed tomography. In this paper, we extend the use of fast line search to the monotone fast iterative shrinkage-threshold algorithm (MFISTA) and some of its variants. Line search can accelerate the FISTA family considering typical synthesis priors, such as the â„“1-norm of wavelet coefficients, as well as analysis priors, such as anisotropic total variation. This paper describes these new MFISTA and OMFISTA with line search, and also shows through numerical results that line search improves their performance for tomographic high-resolution image reconstruction.
PMID: 28463198
ISSN: 1941-0042
CID: 5046772

An Assessment of Iterative Reconstruction Methods for Sparse Ultrasound Imaging

Valente, Solivan A; Zibetti, Marcelo V W; Pipa, Daniel R; Maia, Joaquim M; Schneider, Fabio K
Ultrasonic image reconstruction using inverse problems has recently appeared as an alternative to enhance ultrasound imaging over beamforming methods. This approach depends on the accuracy of the acquisition model used to represent transducers, reflectivity, and medium physics. Iterative methods, well known in general sparse signal reconstruction, are also suited for imaging. In this paper, a discrete acquisition model is assessed by solving a linear system of equations by an â„“ 1 -regularized least-squares minimization, where the solution sparsity may be adjusted as desired. The paper surveys 11 variants of four well-known algorithms for sparse reconstruction, and assesses their optimization parameters with the goal of finding the best approach for iterative ultrasound imaging. The strategy for the model evaluation consists of using two distinct datasets. We first generate data from a synthetic phantom that mimics real targets inside a professional ultrasound phantom device. This dataset is contaminated with Gaussian noise with an estimated SNR, and all methods are assessed by their resulting images and performances. The model and methods are then assessed with real data collected by a research ultrasound platform when scanning the same phantom device, and results are compared with beamforming. A distinct real dataset is finally used to further validate the proposed modeling. Although high computational effort is required by iterative methods, results show that the discrete model may lead to images closer to ground-truth than traditional beamforming. However, computing capabilities of current platforms need to evolve before frame rates currently delivered by ultrasound equipments are achievable.
PMID: 28282862
ISSN: 1424-8220
CID: 5046762

A sparse reconstruction algorithm for ultrasonic images in nondestructive testing

Guarneri, Giovanni Alfredo; Pipa, Daniel Rodrigues; Neves Junior, Flávio; de Arruda, Lúcia Valéria Ramos; Zibetti, Marcelo Victor Wüst
Ultrasound imaging systems (UIS) are essential tools in nondestructive testing (NDT). In general, the quality of images depends on two factors: system hardware features and image reconstruction algorithms. This paper presents a new image reconstruction algorithm for ultrasonic NDT. The algorithm reconstructs images from A-scan signals acquired by an ultrasonic imaging system with a monostatic transducer in pulse-echo configuration. It is based on regularized least squares using a l1 regularization norm. The method is tested to reconstruct an image of a point-like reflector, using both simulated and real data. The resolution of reconstructed image is compared with four traditional ultrasonic imaging reconstruction algorithms: B-scan, SAFT, ω-k SAFT and regularized least squares (RLS). The method demonstrates significant resolution improvement when compared with B-scan-about 91% using real data. The proposed scheme also outperforms traditional algorithms in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
PMID: 25905700
ISSN: 1424-8220
CID: 5046752

A new distortion model for strong inhomogeneity problems in echo-planar MRI

Zibetti, Marcelo V W; De Pierro, Alvaro R
This paper proposes a new distortion model for strong inhomogeneity problems in echo planar imaging (EPI). Fast imaging sequences in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), such as EPI, are very important in applications where temporal resolution or short total acquisition time is essential. Unfortunately, fast imaging sequences are very sensitive to variations in the homogeneity of the main magnetic field. The inhomogeneity leads to geometrical distortions and intensity changes in the image reconstructed via fast Fourier transform. Also, under strong inhomogeneity, the accelerated intravoxel dephase may overly attenuate signals coming from regions with higher inhomogeneity variations. Moreover, coarse discretization schemes for the inhomogeneity are not able to cope with this problem, producing discretization artifacts when large inhomogeneity variations occur. Most of the existing models do not attempt to solve this problem. In this paper, we propose a modification of the discrete distortion model to incorporate the effects of the intravoxel inhomogeneity and to minimize the discretization artifacts. As a result, these problems are significantly reduced. Extensive experiments are shown to demonstrate the achieved improvements. Also, the performance of the new model is evaluated for conjugate phase, least squares method (minimized iteratively using conjugated gradients), and regularized methods (using a total variation penalty).
PMID: 19457746
ISSN: 1558-254x
CID: 5046742