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Detection of prostatic specific membrane antigen messenger RNA using immunobead reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction

Ghossein RA; Osman I; Bhattacharya S; Ferrara J; Fazzari M; Cordon-Cardo C; Scher HI
The present study was performed to detect circulating prostatic carcinoma (PC) cells using a novel three-step immunobead reverse transcriptase (RT) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for prostatic specific membrane antigen (PSMA) messenger RNA (mRNA). The sensitivity and specificity of this technique was assessed and the incidence of immunobead RT-PCR positivity correlated with progressive metastatic disease and serum prostatic specific antigen (PSA) levels. Fifty peripheral blood (PB) samples from 46 patients with PC were incubated with magnetic beads coated with Ber-EP4 antibody directed against the human epithelial antigen a membrane antigen widely expressed by epithelial cells. The epithelial cell-enriched magnetic fraction was then subjected to mRNA isolation using oligo-deoxythymidine (dT) magnetic beads. Nested RT-PCR for PSMA was performed on the mRNA oligo-dT complex and the identity of the RT-PCR products was confirmed by Southern blotting. Twenty-one PB samples from 8 control subjects without PC were also evaluated. Three-step immunobead PSMA RT-PCR was able to detect one PC cell per 1 mL of PB. The positivity rate of the RT-PCR assay was significantly higher (11 of 25; 44%) in patients with metastatic tumor than in patients with non-metastatic disease (1 of 21; 5%) (P = 0.003). In patients with metastatic PC, RT-PCR positivity was much higher in patients with progressive disease (10 of 13; 77%) than in patients with responding or stable disease (1 of 12; 8%) (P = 0.001). There was a statistically significant correlation between immunobead PSMA PCR positivity and high levels of serum PSA (P = 0.005). All control subjects without PC tested negative for PSMA PCR. The three-step immunobead RT-PCR for PSMA can detect circulating PC cells with high specificity and sensitivity. Preliminary data show a strong correlation between immunobead PCR positivity, the presence of progressive metastatic disease, and high levels of serum PSA
PMID: 10475379
ISSN: 1052-9551
CID: 38140

Differential Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics of L-[1-(11)C]-Methionine and 2-[(18)F] Fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) in Androgen Independent Prostate Cancer

Macapinlac HA; Humm JL; Akhurst T; Osman I; Pentlow K; Shangde C; Yeung HW; Squire O; Finn RD; Scher HI; Larson SM
Metabolic imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) for the staging and monitoring of treatment response has important implications in clinical oncology. The choice of radiotracer is likely to be critically important. The objective of our study was to compare the pharmacokinetics of C-11-methionine with FDG in a group of androgen independent patients with metastatic prostate cancer, to determine the differential metabolism of the two tracers, and to determine the optimal time of imaging after injection in treated and untreated patients. A total of 29 dynamic scans (19 pretreatment and 10 posttreatment) were performed in 10 patients with progressive or new lesions on bone scans (index lesions). A total of 13 index lesions were identified in baseline scans. Patients were infused with 370 MBq C-11-methionine on the couch and 32 dynamic images acquired over 60 minutes. After at least 5 half-lives of C-11, patients were then dynamically imaged (15 frames) for 45 minutes with FDG. Index lesions demonstrated both C-11-methionine (13/13) and FDG uptake (12/13). The plateau of methionine uptake in tumor was reached by 10 minutes, and thereafter remained constant. FDG tumor uptake was slower and for some patients continued to rise beyond 45 minutes. The clearance of blood activity for C-11-methionine was more rapid than FDG and the plateau was 10 and 45 minutes respectively. In 5 patients scanned after therapy, 4 responded to treatment, which was reflected by a corresponding decrease in C-11-methionine and FDG tumor uptake. No change was observed in the relative shape of the uptake curves however, between the C-11-methionine and the FDG uptake, either in the 4 who responded to treatment or for one patient who did not respond. The SUV of C-11-methionine was significantly higher than for FDG (P <.008). Both C-11-methionine and FDG are taken up in index lesions in patients with progressive prostate cancer. The advantages of C-11-methionine over FDG are the higher tumor to blood ratio, the more rapid tumor uptake allowing earlier imaging, and a flatter plateau rendering lesion activity on whole body images more uniform and less susceptible to gradual change than FDG. This indicates the feasibility of whole body PET imaging with decay corrected C-11-methionine. Additional studies are planned to define optimal imaging times after different therapies in comparison to FDG and bone scans
PMID: 14516541
ISSN: 1095-0397
CID: 38130

Overexpression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16 is associated with tumor recurrence in human prostate cancer

Lee CT; Capodieci P; Osman I; Fazzari M; Ferrara J; Scher HI; Cordon-Cardo C
The INK4A gene maps to the 9p21 region and was initially described [M. Serrano et al., Nature (Lond.), 366: 704-707, 1993; A. Kamb et al., Science (Washington DC), 264: 436-440, 1994] as encoding a 148-amino-acid protein termed p16. The p16 protein associates exclusively with Cdk4 and Cdk6, inhibiting their complexation with D-type cyclins and the consequent phosphorylation of pRb. This contributes to cell cycle arrest. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate patterns of p16 expression in a well-characterized cohort of prostatic adenocarcinomas while exploring potential associations between alterations of p16 and clinicopathological variables. Normal and malignant tissues from 88 patients with prostate carcinoma were examined. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry assays were used to determine the status of the INK4A exon 1alpha transcripts and levels of p16 protein, respectively. Associations between altered patterns of expression and clinicopathological variables, including pretreatment prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, Gleason grade, pathological stage, and hormonal status, were evaluated using the Mantel-Haenszel chi2 test. Biochemical (PSA) relapse after surgery was evaluated using the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test. Levels of p16 expression and INK4A exon 1alpha transcripts in normal prostate and benign hyperplastic tissues were undetectable. However, p16 nuclear overexpression was observed in 38 (43%) prostate carcinomas, whereas the remaining 50 (57%) cases showed undetectable p16 levels. Overexpression of p16 protein was found to correlate with increased INK4A exon 1alpha transcripts. Moreover, p16 overexpression was associated with a higher pretreatment PSA level (P = 0.018), the use of neoadjuvant androgen ablation (P = 0.001), and a sooner time to PSA relapse after radical prostatectomy (P = 0.002). These data suggest that p16 overexpression is associated with tumor recurrence and a poor clinical course in patients with prostate cancer
PMID: 10353729
ISSN: 1078-0432
CID: 38142

Distinct altered patterns of p27KIP1 gene expression in benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatic carcinoma

Cordon-Cardo C; Koff A; Drobnjak M; Capodieci P; Osman I; Millard SS; Gaudin PB; Fazzari M; Zhang ZF; Massague J; Scher HI
BACKGROUND: The p27KIP1 gene, whose protein product is a negative regulator of the cell cycle, is a potential tumor suppressor gene; however, no tumor-specific mutations of this gene have been found in humans. This study was undertaken to identify and to assess potential alterations of p27KIP1 gene expression in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and patients with prostate cancer. METHODS: We analyzed 130 prostate carcinomas from primary and metastatic sites, as well as prostate samples from normal subjects and from patients with BPH. Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization were used to determine the levels of expression and the microanatomical localization of p27 protein and messenger RNA (mRNA), respectively. Immunoblotting and immunodepletion assays were performed on a subset of the prostate tumors. Associations between alterations in p27KIP1 expression and clinicopathologic variables were evaluated with a nonparametric test. The Kaplan-Meier method and the logrank test were used to compare disease-relapse-free survival. Prostate tissues of p27Kip1 null (i.e., knock-out) and wild-type mice were also evaluated. RESULTS: Normal human prostate tissue exhibited abundant amounts of p27 protein and high levels of p27KIP1 mRNA in both epithelial cells and stromal cells. However, p27 protein and p27KIP1 mRNA were almost undetectable in epithelial cells and stromal cells of BPH lesions. Furthermore, p27Kip1 null mice developed enlarged (hyperplastic) prostate glands. In contrast to BPH, prostate carcinomas were found to contain abundant p27KIP1 mRNA but either high or low to undetectable levels of p27 protein. Primary prostate carcinomas expressing lower levels of p27 protein appeared to be biologically more aggressive (two-sided P = .019 [Cox regression analysis]). CONCLUSIONS/IMPLICATIONS: On the basis of these results, we infer that loss of p27Kip1 expression in the human prostate may be causally linked to BPH and that BPH is not a precursor to prostate cancer
PMID: 9731735
ISSN: 0027-8874
CID: 38145

Uroplakin II gene is expressed in transitional cell carcinoma but not in bilharzial bladder squamous cell carcinoma: alternative pathways of bladder epithelial differentiation and tumor formation [published erratum appears in Cancer Res 1998 Jul 1;58(13):2904]

Wu RL; Osman I; Wu XR; Lu ML; Zhang ZF; Liang FX; Hamza R; Scher H; Cordon-Cardo C; Sun TT
Uroplakins (UPs) are integral membrane proteins that are synthesized as the major differentiation products of mammalian urothelium. We have cloned the human UP-II gene and localized it on chromosome 11q23. A survey of 50 transitional cell carcinomas (TCCs) revealed a UP-II polymorphism but no tumor-specific mutations. Immunohistochemical staining using rabbit antisera against a synthetic peptide of UP-II and against total UPs showed UP reactivity in 39.5% (17 of 43 cases) of conventional TCCs, 12.8% (5 of 39) of bilharzial-related TCCs, and 2.7% (1 of 36) of bilharzial-related squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). The finding that fewer bilharzial TCCs express UPs than conventional TCCs (12.8 versus 40%) raised the possibility that the former are heterogeneous, expressing SCC features to varying degrees. Our data strongly support the hypothesis that urothelium can undergo at least three pathways of differentiation: (a) urothelium-type pathway; (b) epidermis-type pathway; and (c) glandular-type pathway, characterized by the production of UPs, K1/K10 keratins, and secreted glycoproteins, respectively. Vitamin A deficiency and mesenchymal factors may play a role in determining the relative contributions of these pathways to urothelial differentiation as well as to the formation of TCC, SCC, and adenocarcinoma, or a mixture thereof
PMID: 9515818
ISSN: 0008-5472
CID: 7863

Expression of cyclin D1, but not cyclins E and A, is related to progression in bilharzial bladder cancer

Osman I; Scher H; Zhang ZF; Soos TJ; Hamza R; Eissa S; Khaled H; Koff A; Cordon-Cardo C
The present study was conducted to analyze the alterations affecting cyclins D1, E, and A in bilharzial bladder cancer and to assess their potential clinical significance. A total of 125 cases were examined. Histopathological subtypes included 68 squamous cell carcinomas, 55 transitional cell carcinomas, and 2 adenocarcinomas. Immunohistochemical analyses were performed using a panel of well-characterized antibodies. The results were correlated with proliferative index, as assessed by Ki67 antigen expression. The cyclin D1-positive phenotype, defined as the identification of positive immunoreactivity in the nuclei of >/=20% of tumor cells, was found in 33 of 107 (31%) evaluable cases. A significant association was observed between the cyclin D1-positive phenotype and deep muscle invasion (P = 0.02), high tumor grade (P = 0.02), and Ki67 high proliferative index (P = 0.03). The cyclin E-positive phenotype, defined as per cyclin D1, was found in 79 of 106 (75%) evaluable cases. The cyclin A-positive phenotype, defined using the above criteria, was identified in 60 of 108 (56%) evaluable cases. No statistically significant association was found between cyclins E or A and clinicopathological parameters or proliferative index. However, there was a strong association between the expression of cyclin D1 and the coexpression of cyclins A and/or E (P = 0.05). Ki67 proliferative index was considered high when >/=20% of tumor cells displayed positive nuclear staining, a phenotype that was observed in 99 of 115 (86%) cases. These data support the hypothesis that cyclin D1 activation determines the evolution of a particular subset of aggressive bladder tumors. In addition, cyclins E and A seem to follow an unscheduled pattern of expression, based on the high frequency of identifying a positive phenotype for these cyclins and the lack of correlation between their expression and Ki67 high proliferative index. It may be postulated that the expression of G1 cyclin genes is deregulated in bilharzial bladder cancer, and that cyclin D1 acts as an oncogenic event in these neoplasms. Moreover, the moderate number of tumors displaying the cyclin D1-positive phenotype (31%) versus the high frequency observed for both cyclins E (75%) and A (56%), suggests a short G1 disbalanced by a long S phase and a rapid transversal of the cell cycle, as evidenced by a high Ki67 index observed in 86% of these cases. This imbalance in the cell cycle, together with alterations reported on the p53 pathway, might underline the accumulation of DNA damage and the aggressive clinical course of bilharzial bladder cancer
PMID: 9815621
ISSN: 1078-0432
CID: 38144

Chromosome 16 in primary prostate cancer: a microsatellite analysis

Osman I; Scher H; Dalbagni G; Reuter V; Zhang ZF; Cordon-Cardo C
Cytogenetic and molecular genetic analyses of prostate cancer specimens have revealed nonrandom chromosomal deletions, affecting chromosomes 7q, 8p, 10q and 16q. Based on these data, we designed this study to further characterize the altered region(s) on chromosome 16 by evaluating 16 microsatellite markers on a population composed of 32 paired normal and primary prostatic tumor samples. The 16 microsatellites selected mapped to 11 distinct loci on 16q and 5 loci on 16p. No alterations were identified affecting 16p. However, 16 of 31 (51%) informative cases showed molecular alterations in at least one of the loci analyzed on 16q, consisting of 18 deletions and 11 bandshifts. Moreover, most of the deletions clustered at 6 microsatellite loci, mapping to the 16q22.1-23.1 region. Our results suggest that microsatellite alterations on the long arm of chromosome 16 are frequent events in prostate cancer, and that the 16q22.1-23.1 region might harbor a tumor suppressor gene involved in prostate cancer
PMID: 9178811
ISSN: 0020-7136
CID: 38146

Alterations affecting the p53 control pathway in bilharzial-related bladder cancer

Osman I; Scher HI; Zhang ZF; Pellicer I; Hamza R; Eissa S; Khaled H; Cordon-Cardo C
Bilharzial-related bladder carcinoma (BBC) is the most common malignant neoplasm in Egypt, also occurring with a high incidence in other regions of the Middle East and East Africa. The clinical and pathological features of BBC are different than those described for the conventional transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, including the high incidence of squamous cell carcinoma reported in BBC and the fact that over 90% of BBC cases at presentation are advanced-stage tumors (P3 and P4). This study was conducted to better define the phenotypic alterations associated with BBC affecting the p53 cell cycle control pathway, including altered patterns of expression of downstream effector proteins such as mdm2 and p21/WAF1. A well-characterized cohort of 125 patients affected with bilharzial-related bladder tumors was studied. Tumors were classified as squamous carcinomas (n = 68), transitional cell carcinomas (n = 55), or adenocarcinomas (n = 2). The products encoded by TP53, mdm2, and p21/WAF1 genes were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, the patterns of expression of these molecules were correlated with the Ki67 proliferative index. In addition, the microanatomical distribution of programmed cell death was assessed in a subset of tumors, using the so-called terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick end labeling method. p53 nuclear overexpression was identified in 25 (20%) of 125 cases. Nuclear overexpression of mdm2 was detected in 74 (59.2%) of 125 cases. There was a statistically significant association between coexpression of both p53 and mdm2 and detection of lymph node metastases (P = 0.04). p21/WAF1 expression was detected in 87 (72%) of 121 evaluable cases. A high Ki67 proliferative index was observed in 99 (86%) of 115 evaluable cases. There was a statistically significant association between high Ki67 proliferative index and mdm2-positive phenotype (P = 0.005) and deep muscle invasion (P3b; P = 0.026) as well as lymph node metastases (P = 0.039). Apoptosis was observed in terminally differentiated tumor cells identified in the superficial layers of well-differentiated squamous carcinoma or exfoliating cells in transitional lesions. However, only rare apoptotic tumor cells were found in basal or suprabasal layers as well as in the invasive elements of the neoplasms studied. These results suggest that the frequency of p53 nuclear overexpression in BBC is lower than that reported for conventional transitional cell carcinoma. Nevertheless, tumors with p53 alterations have a greater propensity to progress. The prominent number of cases displaying an mdm2-positive phenotype suggests that this may be an early incident in BBC and should be regarded as a potential oncogenic phenomenon. This is supported by the significant correlation between high Ki67 proliferative index and mdm2 overexpression. The association of an aggressive clinical course with the coexpression of both p53 and mdm2 products might be viewed as a cooperative effect that develops in tumor progression
PMID: 9815716
ISSN: 1078-0432
CID: 38143

A randomized study of recombinant colony stimulating factor as adjuvant to induction treatment of aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Osman I; Hamza R; El-Khodary A; Khaled H; Gaafer R; El-Zawahry H
ISSN: 1110-0362
CID: 38148

The efficacy and tolerability of tropistron in the prevention of chemotherapy induced emesis

Osman I; Hamza R; El-Khodary A; Khaled H; Gaafer R; Kamel H; El-Zawahry H
ISSN: 1110-0362
CID: 38147