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Scanning circle location affects NFL assessment on StratusOCT [Meeting Abstract]

Dilworth, WD; Ishikawa, H; Wollstein, G; Bonfioli, AA; Gabriele, ML; Ishikawa, H; Burgansky, Z; Noecker, RJ; Schuman, JS
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 1893052

En face optic nerve head image using StratusOCT with eye tracking system [Meeting Abstract]

Wollstein, G; Ishikawa, H; Gabriele, ML; Hammer, DX; Ferguson, RD; Dilworth, WD; Eliash, Z; Bonfioli, AA; Noecker, RJ; Schuman, JS
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 1893062

Comparison of glaucomatous visual field defects using matrix perimetry and Swedish interactive thresholding algorithm (SITA) perimetry [Meeting Abstract]

Patel, A; Wollstein, G; Ishikawa, H; Schuman, JS
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 1893072

Comparing the ability of visual field testing by matrix perimetry and Swedish interactive thresholding algorithm (SITA) perimetry to detect glaucoma [Meeting Abstract]

Burgansky, Z; Wollstein, G; Patel, A; Jones, BL; Ishikawa, H; Schuman, JS
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 1893082

Comparison of GDx VCC and ECC scanning laser polarimetry with OCT and HRT [Meeting Abstract]

Bonfioli, AA; Wollstein, G; Ishikawa, H; Jones, BL; Gabriele, M; Dilworth, WD; Eliash, Z; Noecker, RJ; Schuman, JS
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 1893092

Enhanced retinal Imaging with tracking optical coherence tomography (TOCT) [Meeting Abstract]

Ferguson, RD; Hammer, DX; Iftimia, NV; Wollstein, G; Ishikawa, H; Gabriele, ML; Dilworth, W; Bonfioli, AA; Schuman, JS
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 1893462

Signal strength outperformed signal to noise ratio in evaluating stratus OCT image quality [Meeting Abstract]

Ishikawa, H; Wollstein, G; Ishikawa, H; Gabriele, ML; Bonfioli, AA; Noecker, RJ; Greenfield, D; Mattox, C; Varma, R; Schuman, JS
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 1893482

Three-dimensional retinal maps with tracking optical coherence tomography (TOCT) [Meeting Abstract]

Ferguson, RD; Hammer, DX; Iftimia, NV; Slaoui, K; Wollstein, G; Ishikawa, H; Gabriele, ML; Schuman, JS
A retinal tracker was integrated into a third-generation commercial clinical optical coherence tomography system (Stratus OCT) manufactured by Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc. (CZMI). The instrument, called tracking optical coherence tomography (TOCT), uses a secondary sensing beam in a confocal reflectometer and steering mirrors to compensate eye motion with a closed loop bandwidth of 1 kHz and a lateral accuracy of less than 15 mu m. Imaging and tracking control systems have been integrated into a single platform and user interface in order to admit new imaging capabilities and considerable simplification in acquisition of clinical data. The system was configured to acquire three-dimensional retinal OCT maps through all subject eye movements and blinks.
ISSN: 0277-786x
CID: 1893502

Glaucoma detection using the OCT normative database [Meeting Abstract]

Fernando, SM; Wollstein, G; Ishikawa, H; Jones, BL; Noecker, RJ; Schuman, JS
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 1893612

Reading the printout : the useful parameters

Chapter by: Wollstein, G; Stein, D; Schuman, Joel S
in: Optic nerve head and retinal nerve fibre analysis by Iester, Michele; Garway-Heath, David; Lemij, Hans G; Knighton, Robert; Knighton Robert [Eds]
Savona, Italy : Editrice DOGMA, 2005
pp. 129-130
ISBN: 9788887434309
CID: 1903372