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Development of the vertebrate inner ear

Rinkwitz S; Bober E; Baker R
The inner ear, also called the membranous labyrinth, contains the cochlea, which is responsible for the sense of hearing, and the vestibular apparatus, which is necessary for the sense of balance and gravity. The inner ear arises in the embryo from placodes, which are epithelial thickenings of the cranial ectoderm symmetrically located on either side of hindbrain rhombomeres 5 and 6. Placode formation in mice is first visible at the 12-somite stage and is controlled by surrounding tissues, the paraxial mesoderm and neural ectoderm. Diffusible molecules such as growth factors play an important role in this process. The activity of several genes confers the identity to the placodal cells. Subsequent cellular proliferation processes under influences from the adjacent hindbrain cause the inner ear epithelium to invaginate and form a vesicle called the otocyst. Combinatorial expression of several genes and diffusible factors secreted from the vesicle epithelium and hindbrain control specification of distinct inner ear compartments. Transplantation studies and inner ear in vitro cultures show that each of these compartments is already committed to develop unique inner ear structures. Later developmental periods are principally characterized by intrinsic differentiation processes. In particular, sensory patches differentiate into fully functional sensory epithelia, and the semicircular canals along with the cochlear duct are elaborated and ossified
PMID: 11710453
ISSN: 0077-8923
CID: 26566

Vestibuloocular reflex of the adult flatfish. III. A species-specific reciprocal pattern of excitation and inhibition

Graf W; Spencer R; Baker H; Baker R
In juvenile flatfish the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) circuitry that underlies compensatory eye movements adapts to a 90 degrees relative displacement of vestibular and oculomotor reference frames during metamorphosis. VOR pathways are rearranged to allow horizontal canal-activated second-order vestibular neurons in adult flatfish to control extraocular motoneurons innervating vertical eye muscles. This study describes the anatomy and physiology of identified flatfish-specific excitatory and inhibitory vestibular pathways. In antidromically identified oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons, excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were elicited after electrical stimulation of the horizontal canal nerve expected to provide excitatory input. Electrotonic depolarizations (0.8-0.9 ms) preceded small amplitude (<0.5 mV) chemical EPSPs at 1.2-1.6 ms with much larger EPSPs (>1 mV) recorded around 2.5 ms. Stimulation of the opposite horizontal canal nerve produced inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) at a disynaptic latency of 1.6-1.8 ms that were depolarizing at membrane resting potentials around -60 mV. Injection of chloride ions increased IPSP amplitude, and current-clamp analysis showed the IPSP equilibrium potential to be near the membrane resting potential. Repeated electrical stimulation of either the excitatory or inhibitory horizontal canal vestibular nerve greatly increased the amplitude of the respective synaptic responses. These observations suggest that the large terminal arborizations of each VOR neuron imposes an electrotonic load requiring multiple action potentials to maximize synaptic efficacy. GABA antibodies labeled axons in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) some of which were hypothesized to originate from horizontal canal-activated inhibitory vestibular neurons. GABAergic terminal arborizations were distributed largely on the somata and proximal dendrites of oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons. These findings suggest that the species-specific horizontal canal inhibitory pathway exhibits similar electrophysiological and synaptic transmitter profiles as the anterior and posterior canal inhibitory projections to oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons. Electron microscopy showed axosomatic and axodendritic synaptic endings containing spheroidal synaptic vesicles to establish chemical excitatory synaptic contacts characterized by asymmetrical pre/postsynaptic membrane specializations as well as gap junctional contacts consistent with electrotonic coupling. Another type of axosomatic synaptic ending contained pleiomorphic synaptic vesicles forming chemical, presumed inhibitory, synaptic contacts on motoneurons that never included gap junctions. Altogether these data provide electrophysiological, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural evidence for reciprocal excitatory/inhibitory organization of the novel vestibulooculomotor projections in adult flatfish. The appearance of unique second-order vestibular neurons linking the horizontal canal to vertical oculomotor neurons suggests that reciprocal excitation and inhibition are a fundamental, developmentally linked trait of compensatory eye movement circuits in vertebrates
PMID: 11535684
ISSN: 0022-3077
CID: 60896

Rhombomeric organization of vestibular pathways in larval frogs

Straka, H; Baker, R; Gilland, E
Rhombencephalic subnuclei and projection pathways related to vestibular function were mapped in larval ranid frogs. The retention of overt postembryonic rhombomeres (r) allowed direct visualization of the locations of neurons retrogradely labeled with fluorescent dextran amines from the midbrain oculomotor complex, cerebellum, vestibular nuclei, and spinal cord. Oculomotor projecting vestibular neurons were mainly located in bilateral r1/2, ipsilateral r3, and contralateral r5-8, and spinal projecting vestibular neurons mainly in ipsilateral r4 and contralateral r5. Vestibular commissural neurons were located in r1-3 and r5-7 and were largely excluded from r4. Cerebellar projecting neurons included contralateral inferior olivary neurons in r8 and vestibular neurons in bilateral r6/7 and contralateral r1/2. Mapping these results onto adult anuran vestibular organization indicates that the superior vestibular nucleus derives from larval r1/2, the lateral vestibular nucleus from r3/4, and the major portions of the medial and descending vestibular nuclei from r5-8. The lateral vestibulospinal tract projects from an origin in r4, whereas a possible ascending tract of Deiters arises in r3. Rhombomere 5 contains a nuclear group that appears homologous to the tangential nucleus of fish, reptiles, and birds and thus likely serves gravistatic and linear vestibulomotor reflexes. Comparisons between frogs and other vertebrates suggest that vestibular neurons performing similar computational roles during head movements originate from the same segmental locations in different species.
PMID: 11477595
ISSN: 0021-9967
CID: 163519

In vivo intracellular recording and perturbation of persistent activity in a neural integrator

Aksay, E; Gamkrelidze, G; Seung, H S; Baker, R; Tank, D W
To investigate the mechanisms of persistent neural activity, we obtained in vivo intracellular recordings from neurons in an oculomotor neural integrator of the goldfish during spontaneous saccades and fixations. Persistent changes in firing rate following saccades were associated with step changes in interspike membrane potential that were correlated with changes in eye position. Perturbation of persistent activity with brief intracellular current pulses designed to mimic saccadic input only induced transient changes of firing rate and membrane potential. When neurons were hyperpolarized below action potential threshold, position-correlated step changes in membrane potential remained. Membrane potential fluctuations were greater during more depolarized steps. These results suggest that sustained changes in firing rate are supported not by either membrane multistability or changes in pacemaker currents, but rather by persistent changes in the rate or amplitude of synaptic inputs.
PMID: 11175880
ISSN: 1097-6256
CID: 163517

Anatomy and discharge properties of pre-motor neurons in the goldfish medulla that have eye-position signals during fixations

Aksay, E; Baker, R; Seung, H S; Tank, D W
Previous work in goldfish has suggested that the oculomotor velocity-to-position neural integrator for horizontal eye movements may be confined bilaterally to a distinct group of medullary neurons that show an eye-position signal. To establish this localization, the anatomy and discharge properties of these position neurons were characterized with single-cell Neurobiotin labeling and extracellular recording in awake goldfish while monitoring eye movements with the scleral search-coil method. All labeled somata (n = 9) were identified within a region of a medially located column of the inferior reticular formation that was approximately 350 microm in length, approximately 250 microm in depth, and approximately 125 microm in width. The dendrites of position neurons arborized over a wide extent of the ventral half of the medulla with especially heavy ramification in the initial 500 microm rostral of cell somata (n = 9). The axons either followed a well-defined ventral pathway toward the ipsilateral abducens (n = 4) or crossed the midline (n = 2) and projected toward the contralateral group of position neurons and the contralateral abducens. A mapping of the somatic region using extracellular single unit recording revealed that position neurons (n > 120) were the dominant eye-movement-related cell type in this area. Position neurons did not discharge below a threshold value of horizontal fixation position of the ipsilateral eye. Above this threshold, firing rates increased linearly with increasing temporal position [mean position sensitivity = 2.8 (spikes/s)/ degrees, n = 44]. For a given fixation position, average rates of firing were higher after a temporal saccade than a nasal one (n = 19/19); the magnitude of this hysteresis increased with increasing position sensitivity. Transitions in firing rate accompanying temporal saccades were overshooting (n = 43/44), beginning, on average, 17.2 ms before saccade onset (n = 17). Peak firing rate change accompanying temporal saccades was correlated with eye velocity (n = 36/41). The anatomical findings demonstrate that goldfish medullary position neurons have somata that are isolated from other parts of the oculomotor system, have dendritic fields overlapping with axonal terminations of neurons with velocity signals, and have axons that are capable of relaying commands to the abducens. The physiological findings demonstrate that the signals carried by position neurons could be used by motoneurons to set the fixation position of the eye. These results are consistent with a role for position neurons as elements of the velocity-to-position neural integrator for horizontal eye movements.
PMID: 10938326
ISSN: 0022-3077
CID: 163453

Structure and function of vestibular and visual pathways controlling horizontal eye movements in the African cichlid fish, Haplochromis burtoni [Meeting Abstract]

Gilland, E; Rinkwitz, S; Baker, R
ISSN: 0190-5295
CID: 15845

Otolith ocular reflex function of the tangential nucleus in teleost fish

Suwa H; Gilland E; Baker R
In teleost fish, the tangential nucleus can be identified as a compact, separate cell group lying ventral to the VIIIth nerve near the middle of the vestibular complex. Morphological analysis of larval and adult hindbrains utilizing biocytin and fluorescent tracers showed the tangential nucleus to be located entirely within rhombomeric segment 5 with all axons projecting into the contralateral MLF. Combined single-cell electrophysiology and morphology in alert goldfish found three classes of neurons whose physiological sensitivity could be readily correlated with rotational axes about either the anterior (45 degrees), posterior (135 degrees), or horizontal (vertical axis) semicircular canals. Tangential neurons could be distinguised from those in semicircular-canal specific subnuclei by an irregular, spontaneous background of 10-15 sp/s and sustained static sensitivity after +/- 4 degrees head displacements. Each axis-specific tangential subtype terminated appropriately onto oculomotor subnuclei responsible for either vertical, torsional, or horizontal eye movements and, in a few cases, axon collaterals descended in the MLF toward the spinal cord. We hypothesize, therefore, that the tangential nucleus consists of 3 axis-specific phenotypes that process gravitoinertial signals largely responsible for controlling oculomotor function, but that also in part, maintain body posture
PMID: 10409097
ISSN: 0077-8923
CID: 11986

Abducens internuclear and ascending tract of deiters inputs to medial rectus motoneurons in the cat oculomotor nucleus: synaptic organization

Nguyen LT; Baker R; Spencer RF
Abducens internuclear and ascending tract of Deiters (ATD) inputs to medial rectus motoneurons in the oculomotor nucleus are important for conjugate horizontal movements. In the present study, the organization of these separate populations of neurons and their synaptic connections with medial rectus motoneurons in the cat oculomotor nucleus have been examined by light and electron microscopy by using retrograde and anterograde axonal tracers. Consistent with the patterns of retrograde horseradish peroxidase labeling, the abducens internuclear projection is predominantly, if not exclusively, contralateral, whereas the ATD projection is exclusively ipsilateral, as demonstrated by anterograde autoradiographic and biocytin labeling. Both populations of synaptic endings contain spheroidal synaptic vesicles and establish synaptic contacts with modest postsynaptic densifications. In addition, ATD synaptic endings frequently are associated with subjunctional dense bodies and subsurface cisternae. The two populations of excitatory inputs differ, however, in their soma-dendritic distribution. The majority of abducens internuclear synaptic endings contact distal dendrites, whereas the majority of ATD synaptic endings contact proximal dendrites or somata. Abducens internuclear synaptic endings furthermore have a higher density of mitochondria than ATD synaptic endings. The more proximal location of ATD synaptic endings is consistent with the faster rise time and earlier reversal to polarizing currents of ATD excitatory postsynaptic potentials in comparison to those evoked by the abducens internuclear pathway as determined electrophysiologically. Given the differences in the physiologic signals conveyed by the abducens internuclear (eye velocity and eye position) and ATD (head velocity) pathways, the findings in this study suggest that the soma-dendritic stratification of the two inputs to medial rectus motoneurons may provide a means for the separate control of visuomotor and vestibular functions, respectively
PMID: 10023806
ISSN: 0021-9967
CID: 57061

Imaging of multicellular large-scale rhythmic calcium waves during zebrafish gastrulation

Gilland E; Miller AL; Karplus E; Baker R; Webb SE
Oscillations of cytosolic free calcium levels have been shown to influence gene regulation and cell differentiation in a variety of model systems. Intercellular calcium waves thus present a plausible mechanism for coordinating cellular processes during embryogenesis. Herein we report use of aequorin and a photon imaging microscope to directly observe a rhythmic series of intercellular calcium waves that circumnavigate zebrafish embryos over a 10-h period during gastrulation and axial segmentation. These waves first appeared at about 65% epiboly and continued to arise every 5-10 min up to at least the 16-somite stage. The waves originated from loci of high calcium activity bordering the blastoderm margin. Several initiating loci were active early in the wave series, whereas later a dorsal marginal midline locus predominated. On completion of epiboly, the dorsal locus was incorporated into the developing tail bud and continued to generate calcium waves. The locations and timing at which calcium dynamics are most active appear to correspond closely to embryonic cellular and syncytial sites of known morphogenetic importance. The observations suggest that a panembryonic calcium signaling system operating in a clock-like fashion might play a role during vertebrate axial patterning
PMID: 9874788
ISSN: 0027-8424
CID: 57035

Lipophilic dye labeling distinguishes segregated central components of the eighth cranial nerve in embryonic chicken

Kubke, M F; Gilland, E; Baker, R
PMID: 9818375
ISSN: 0006-3185
CID: 163694