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A New Population of Parvocellular Oxytocin Neurons Controlling Magnocellular Neuron Activity and Inflammatory Pain Processing

Eliava, Marina; Melchior, Meggane; Knobloch-Bollmann, H Sophie; Wahis, Jerome; da Silva Gouveia, Miriam; Tang, Yan; Ciobanu, Alexandru Cristian; Triana Del Rio, Rodrigo; Roth, Lena C; Althammer, Ferdinand; Chavant, Virginie; Goumon, Yannick; Gruber, Tim; Petit-Demouliere, Nathalie; Busnelli, Marta; Chini, Bice; Tan, Linette L; Mitre, Mariela; Froemke, Robert C; Chao, Moses V; Giese, Gunter; Sprengel, Rolf; Kuner, Rohini; Poisbeau, Pierrick; Seeburg, Peter H; Stoop, Ron; Charlet, Alexandre; Grinevich, Valery
Oxytocin (OT) is a neuropeptide elaborated by the hypothalamic paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei. Magnocellular OT neurons of these nuclei innervate numerous forebrain regions and release OT into the blood from the posterior pituitary. The PVN also harbors parvocellular OT cells that project to the brainstem and spinal cord, but their function has not been directly assessed. Here, we identified a subset of approximately 30 parvocellular OT neurons, with collateral projections onto magnocellular OT neurons and neurons of deep layers of the spinal cord. Evoked OT release from these OT neurons suppresses nociception and promotes analgesia in an animal model of inflammatory pain. Our findings identify a new population of OT neurons that modulates nociception in a two tier process: (1) directly by release of OT from axons onto sensory spinal cord neurons and inhibiting their activity and (2) indirectly by stimulating OT release from SON neurons into the periphery.
PMID: 26948889
ISSN: 1097-4199
CID: 2024162

Cleavage of p75 neurotrophin receptor is linked to Alzheimer's disease

Chao, M V
PMID: 26782055
ISSN: 1476-5578
CID: 1922092

Deconstructing brain-derived neurotrophic factor actions in adult brain circuits to bridge an existing informational gap in neuro-cell biology

Bowling, Heather; Bhattacharya, Aditi; Klann, Eric; Chao, Moses V
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in neurodevelopment, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, and in preventing neurodegeneration. Despite decades of investigations into downstream signaling cascades and changes in cellular processes, the mechanisms of how BDNF reshapes circuits in vivo remain unclear. This informational gap partly arises from the fact that the bulk of studies into the molecular actions of BDNF have been performed in dissociated neuronal cultures, while the majority of studies on synaptic plasticity, learning and memory were performed in acute brain slices or in vivo. A recent study by Bowling-Bhattacharya et al., measured the proteomic changes in acute adult hippocampal slices following treatment and reported changes in proteins of neuronal and non-neuronal origin that may in concert modulate synaptic release and secretion in the slice. In this paper, we place these findings into the context of existing literature and discuss how they impact our understanding of how BDNF can reshape the brain.
PMID: 27127458
ISSN: 1673-5374
CID: 2092682

A Distributed Network for Social Cognition Enriched for Oxytocin Receptors

Mitre, Mariela; Marlin, Bianca J; Schiavo, Jennifer K; Morina, Egzona; Norden, Samantha E; Hackett, Troy A; Aoki, Chiye J; Chao, Moses V; Froemke, Robert C
Oxytocin is a neuropeptide important for social behaviors such as maternal care and parent-infant bonding. It is believed that oxytocin receptor signaling in the brain is critical for these behaviors, but it is unknown precisely when and where oxytocin receptors are expressed or which neural circuits are directly sensitive to oxytocin. To overcome this challenge, we generated specific antibodies to the mouse oxytocin receptor and examined receptor expression throughout the brain. We identified a distributed network of female mouse brain regions for maternal behaviors that are especially enriched for oxytocin receptors, including the piriform cortex, the left auditory cortex, and CA2 of the hippocampus. Electron microscopic analysis of the cerebral cortex revealed that oxytocin receptors were mainly expressed at synapses, as well as on axons and glial processes. Functionally, oxytocin transiently reduced synaptic inhibition in multiple brain regions and enabled long-term synaptic plasticity in the auditory cortex. Thus modulation of inhibition may be a general mechanism by which oxytocin can act throughout the brain to regulate parental behaviors and social cognition. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Oxytocin is an important peptide hormone involved in maternal behavior and social cognition, but it has been unclear what elements of neural circuits express oxytocin receptors due to the paucity of suitable antibodies. Here, we developed new antibodies to the mouse oxytocin receptor. Oxytocin receptors were found in discrete brain regions and at cortical synapses for modulating excitatory-inhibitory balance and plasticity. These antibodies should be useful for future studies of oxytocin and social behavior.
PMID: 26911697
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 1964812

BONLAC: A Combinatorial Proteomic Technique to Measure Stimulus-induced Translational Profiles in Brain Slices

Bowling, Heather; Bhattacharya, Aditi; Zhang, Guoan; Lebowitz, Joseph Z; Alam, Danyal; Smith, Peter T; Kirshenbaum, Kent; Neubert, Thomas A; Vogel, Christine; Chao, Moses V; Klann, Eric
Stimulus-triggered protein synthesis is critical for brain health and function. However, due to technical hurdles, de novo neuronal translation is predominantly studied in cultured cells, whereas electrophysiological and circuit analyses often are performed in brain slices. The different properties of these two experimental systems create an information gap about stimulus-induced alterations in the expression of new proteins in mature circuits. To address this, we adapted two existing techniques, BONCAT and SILAC, to a combined proteomic technique, BONLAC, for use in acute adult hippocampal slices. Using BDNF-induced protein synthesis as a proof of concept, we found alterations in expression of proteins involved in neurotransmission, trafficking, and cation binding that differed from those found in a similar screen in cultured neurons. Our results indicate important differences between cultured neurons and slices, and suggest that BONLAC could be used to dissect proteomic changes underlying synaptic events in adult circuits.
PMID: 26205778
ISSN: 1873-7064
CID: 1684102

Neurotrophic-priming of glucocorticoid receptor signaling is essential for neuronal plasticity to stress and antidepressant treatment

Arango-Lievano, Margarita; Lambert, W Marcus; Bath, Kevin G; Garabedian, Michael J; Chao, Moses V; Jeanneteau, Freddy
Neurotrophins and glucocorticoids are robust synaptic modifiers, and deregulation of their activities is a risk factor for developing stress-related disorders. Low levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) increase the desensitization of glucocorticoid receptors (GR) and vulnerability to stress, whereas higher levels of BDNF facilitate GR-mediated signaling and the response to antidepressants. However, the molecular mechanism underlying neurotrophic-priming of GR function is poorly understood. Here we provide evidence that activation of a TrkB-MAPK pathway, when paired with the deactivation of a GR-protein phosphatase 5 pathway, resulted in sustained GR phosphorylation at BDNF-sensitive sites that is essential for the transcription of neuronal plasticity genes. Genetic strategies that disrupted GR phosphorylation or TrkB signaling in vivo impaired the neuroplasticity to chronic stress and the effects of the antidepressant fluoxetine. Our findings reveal that the coordinated actions of BDNF and glucocorticoids promote neuronal plasticity and that disruption in either pathway could set the stage for the development of stress-induced psychiatric diseases.
PMID: 26630005
ISSN: 1091-6490
CID: 1863502

Definition of a Bidirectional Activity-Dependent Pathway Involving BDNF and Narp

Mariga, Abigail; Glaser, Juliane; Mathias, Leo; Xu, Desheng; Xiao, Meifang; Worley, Paul; Ninan, Ipe; Chao, Moses V
One of the cardinal features of neural development and adult plasticity is the contribution of activity-dependent signaling pathways. However, the interrelationships between different activity-dependent genes are not well understood. The immediate early gene neuronal-activity-regulated pentraxin (NPTX2 or Narp) encodes a protein that has been associated with excitatory synaptogenesis, AMPA receptor aggregation, and the onset of critical periods. Here, we show that Narp is a direct transcriptional target of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), another highly regulated activity-dependent gene involved in synaptic plasticity. Unexpectedly, Narp is bidirectionally regulated by BDNF. Acute BDNF withdrawal results in downregulation of Narp, whereas transcription of Narp is greatly enhanced by BDNF. Furthermore, our results show that BDNF directly regulates Narp to mediate glutamatergic transmission and mossy fiber plasticity. Hence, Narp serves as a significant epistatic target of BDNF to regulate synaptic plasticity during periods of dynamic activity.
PMID: 26655895
ISSN: 2211-1247
CID: 1877622

Missense mutations in four genes underlie phenotypically distinct subtypes of psychosis, accounting for 430% of cases in an ethnically diverse research sample [Meeting Abstract]

Malaspina, D; Kranz, T; Rothman, K; Berns, A; Shields, J; Goetz, R; Chao, M
Background: GWAS studies in schizophrenia have not yielded targets for person-specific interventions. Alternatively, studies can focus on genes that were initially identified as harboring disruptive de novo mutations in sporadic cases. We examined the impact of four such genes on illness phenotypes. Methods: Structured interviews (DIGS), cognition (WAIS III), symptoms (PANSS) were examined in 48 genotyped cases finding that over 30% of the sample carried a rare/ missense mutations in any of 4 genes. Gene carrier groups were compared to cases without any of these mutations and healthy controls. Results: Carriers of disrupted genes showed significant differences, as follows: SLC39A13 (zinc transporter) (n=4) had the greatest psychopathology and severe cognitive deficits; TGM5 (n=4) had fewer symptoms but slower processing speed; PTPRG (n=5) had prematurity, childhood psychosis and good cognition except poor working memory; ARMS/KIDINS220 (n=5) had comparable severe pathology in all symptom factors and cognitive scores, though degeneration is suggested in light of their early accomplishments. Individual case vignettes highlighted familial psychosis, learning disorders, substance abuse, traumatic brain injuries and medical comorbidity in all 4 subgroups. Conclusions: The results suggest that genes prone to de novo mutations in sporadic cases may provide missing leverage to resolve the complexity of schizophrenia. A differential focus on working memory, processing speed, neuroprotection and zinc treatment should be pursued for these newly identified conditions. Other findings are that ethnicity may not limit genetic research when the focus is on gene function rather than particular sequence variations, and that premorbid exposures may sometimes reflect pleiotrophic effects of psychosis vulnerability genes rather than exposures producing nongenetic phenocopies. This novel approach may be applicable to other complex disorders
ISSN: 0893-133x
CID: 1923852

Downstream Consequences of Exercise Through the Action of BDNF

Sleiman, Sama F; Chao, Moses V
Physical exercise produces many beneficial responses in the brain, which affect cognitive function, blood flow, neurogenesis and resistance to injury. However, the exact mechanisms whereby exercise produces an induction in the brain are not well understood. A significant consequence is the induction of growth factors, such as Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Cognitive decline that occurs with aging, as well as progression of neurodegenerative diseases, are strongly correlated with decreases in BDNF. In this article, we discuss the properties of neurotrophins and the mechanisms that can account for the ability of exercise to promote brain plasticity through BDNF.
PMID: 29765838
ISSN: 2213-6312
CID: 3121072

Rare variants in the neurotrophin signaling pathway implicated in schizophrenia risk

Kranz, Thorsten M; Goetz, Ray R; Walsh-Messinger, Julie; Goetz, Deborah; Antonius, Daniel; Dolgalev, Igor; Heguy, Adriana; Seandel, Marco; Malaspina, Dolores; Chao, Moses V
Multiple lines of evidence corroborate impaired signaling pathways as relevant to the underpinnings of schizophrenia. There has been an interest in neurotrophins, since they are crucial mediators of neurodevelopment and in synaptic connectivity in the adult brain. Neurotrophins and their receptors demonstrate aberrant expression patterns in cortical areas for schizophrenia cases in comparison to control subjects. There is little known about the contribution of neurotrophin genes in psychiatric disorders. To begin to address this issue, we conducted high-coverage targeted exome capture in a subset of neurotrophin genes in 48 comprehensively characterized cases with schizophrenia-related psychosis. We herein report rare missense polymorphisms and novel missense mutations in neurotrophin receptor signaling pathway genes. Furthermore, we observed that several genes have a higher propensity to harbor missense coding variants than others. Based on this initial analysis we suggest that rare variants and missense mutations in neurotrophin genes might represent genetic contributions involved across psychiatric disorders.
PMID: 26215504
ISSN: 1573-2509
CID: 1698442