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Methacholine Challenge Testing in a Population with World Trade Center Dust and Fume Exposure and Persistent Respiratory Symptoms. [Meeting Abstract]

Tonorezos, ES; Caplan-Shaw, C; Cheng, Q; Liu, M; Fernandez-Beros, ME; Kazeros, A; Berger, K; Goldring, R; Reibman, J
ISSN: 1073-449x
CID: 2331432

Utility of Computed Tomography Imaging of the Lung in the Evaluation of Symptomatic World Trade Center Exposed Individuals with a Low Vital Capacity. [Meeting Abstract]

Kazeros, A; Shiau, M; Leitman, B; Rogers, L; Caplan-Shaw, C; Tonorezos, E; Berger, K; Goldring, R; Reibman, J
ISSN: 1073-449x
CID: 2331652

Overexpression of apoptotic cell removal receptor MERTK in alveolar macrophages of cigarette smokers

Kazeros, Angeliki; Harvey, Ben-Gary; Carolan, Brendan J; Vanni, Holly; Krause, Anja; Crystal, Ronald G
Mononuclear phagocytes play an important role in the removal of apoptotic cells by expressing cell surface receptors that recognize and remove apoptotic cells. Based on the knowledge that cigarette smoking is associated with increased lung cell turnover, we hypothesized that alveolar macrophages (AMs) of normal cigarette smokers may exhibit enhanced expression of apoptotic cell removal receptor genes. AMs obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage of normal nonsmokers (n = 11) and phenotypic normal smokers (n = 13; 36 +/- 6 pack-years) were screened for mRNA expression of all known apoptotic cell removal receptors using Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 microarray chips with TaqMan RT-PCR confirmation. Of the 14 known apoptotic receptors expressed, only MER tyrosine kinase (MERTK), a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor, was significantly up-regulated in smokers. MERTK expression was then assessed in AMs of smokers versus nonsmokers by TaqMan RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry, Western analysis, and flow analysis. Smoker AMs had up-regulation of MERTK mRNA levels (smoker vs. nonsmoker: 3.6-fold by microarray, P < 0.003; 9.5-fold by TaqMan RT-PCR, P < 0.02). Immunocytochemistry demonstrated a qualitative increase in MERTK protein expression on AMs of smokers. Increased protein expression of MERTK on AMs of smokers was confirmed by Western and flow analyses (P < 0.007 and P < 0.0002, respectively). MERTK, a cell surface receptor that recognizes apoptotic cells, is expressed on human AMs, and its expression is up-regulated in AMs of cigarette smokers. This up-regulation of MERTK may reflect an increased demand for removal of apoptotic cells in smokers, an observation with implications for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a disorder associated with dysregulated apoptosis of lung parenchymal cells
PMID: 18587056
ISSN: 1535-4989
CID: 135052