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Aull, F; Nachbar, MS; Oppenheim, JD
ISSN: 0091-7419
CID: 29576

Identification and quantitation of solubilized I blood group substance by wheat germ agglutinin using quantitative immunoelectrophoresis

Oppneheim JD; Owen P; Nachbar MS; Colledge K; Kaplan HS
Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) has been shown to react specifically with solubilized I blood group substance, purified from papain treated human erythrocyte membranes. WGA and I react to form an affinity precipitate in immunodiffusion gels, a reaction which can be blocked by the incorporation of N-acetyl glucosamine into the gel. The I material was a strong inhibitor of both anti-I cold hemagglutination and WGA hemagglutination reactions. Utilizing the techniques of crossed immunoelectrophoresis we have clearly established that WGA and anti-I IgM cold antibody are reacting with the same membrane macromolecule (I antigen). WGA was then used in a rocket affinoelectrophoretic assay system to quantitate I substance. The limits of detection in this system was 25 ng
PMID: 863472
ISSN: 0090-0877
CID: 18950

Interactions of lectins with plasma membrane glycoproteins of the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell

Nachbar MS; Oppenheim JD; Aull F
Several aspects of the interaction of various lectins with the surface of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells are described. The order of agglutinating activity for various lectins is Ricinus communis greater than wheat germ greater than or equal to concanavalin A greater than or equal to soybean greater than Limulus polyphemus. No agglutination was noted for Ulex europaeus. Using 125I-labeled lectins it was determined that there are 1.6 and 7 times as many Ricinus communis lectin binding sites for concanavalin A and soybean lectins. Sodium deoxycholate-solubilized plasma membrane material was subjected to lectin affinity chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The lectin receptors of the plasma membrane appeared to be heterogeneous and some qualitative differences could be discerned among the electrophoretically analyzed material, which bound to and was specifically eluted from the various lectin affinity columns. The characteristics of elution of bound material from individual lectin columns indicated secondary hydrophobic interactions between concanavalin A or wheat germ agglutinin and their respective lectin receptor molecules
PMID: 174730
ISSN: 0006-3002
CID: 18952


Aull, F; Nachbar, MS; Oppenheim, JD
ISSN: 0014-9446
CID: 29495

Multiple specificities of mammalian blood group substances comparatively studied with human isoagglutinins and fractionated anti-H lectins

Chuba JV; Kuhns WJ; Oppenheim JD; Nachbar MS; Nigrelli RF
Purified blood group-active substances derived from different pig, horse, baboon, Rhesus monkey and human tissues were quantitatively studied for their haemagglutination inhibiting potency with: (1) human IgM anti-A and anti-B; (2) human anti-Lea and anti-Leb; (3) Ulex europaeus extracts separated into lectin fractions with respective L-fucose-inhibitable ('anti-HF') and chitobiose-cellobiose-inhibitable ('anti-HC') combining sites. Irrespective of species origin, A and B blood group activity per milligram of purified material tended to be strikingly higher in substances low in, or devoid of, Lewis blood group activity. Most of the blood group substances displayed variable but about equally balanced amounts of Ulex anti-HF and anti-HC inhibiting activity. In contrast, pig submaxillary gland mucins displayed strikingly high levels of Ulex anti-HC inihibiting activity, even in the complete absence of Ulex anti-HF inhibiting activity. These serological findings are consistent with current biochemical concepts regarding the heterosaccharide microheterogeneity of blood group-active glycoproteins
PMID: 49294
ISSN: 0019-2805
CID: 18953

Cell surface contributions to the malignant process

Nachbar MS; Oppenheim JD; Aull F
PMID: 4374086
ISSN: 0002-9629
CID: 18954

Purification of a hemagglutinin from Limulus polyphemus by affinity chromatography

Oppenheim JD; Nachbar MS; Salton MR; Aull F
PMID: 4209403
ISSN: 0006-291x
CID: 18955

The production and purification of specific anti-soybean agglutinin antibody by affinity chromatography

Nachbar MS; Oppenheim JD
PMID: 4201529
ISSN: 0006-3002
CID: 18957

Labile inhibitor of lymphocyte transformation in plasma from a patient and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

Allen J; Oppenheim J; Brody JA; Miller J
PMID: 4718925
ISSN: 0019-9567
CID: 57743

Localization and distribution of Micrococcus lysodeikticus membrane ATPase determined by ferritin labeling

Oppenheim, J D; Salton, M R
PMID: 4268910
ISSN: 0006-3002
CID: 76897