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Hereditary leukonychia, or porcelain nails, resulting from mutations in PLCD1
Kiuru, Maija; Kurban, Mazen; Itoh, Munenari; Petukhova, Lynn; Shimomura, Yutaka; Wajid, Muhammad; Christiano, Angela M
Hereditary leukonychia (porcelain nails or white nails) is a rare nail disorder with an unknown genetic basis. To identify variants in a gene underlying this phenotype, we identified four families of Pakistani origin showing features of hereditary leukonychia. All 20 nails of each affected individual were chalky and white in appearance, consistent with total leukonychia, with no other cutaneous, appendageal, or systemic findings. By using Affymetrix 10K chip, we established linkage to chromosome 3p21.3-p22 with a LOD score (Z) of 5.1. We identified pathogenic mutations in PLCD1 in all four families, which encodes phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C delta 1 subunit, a key enzyme in phosphoinositide metabolism. We then identified localization of PLCD1 in the nail matrix. It was recently shown that PLCD1 is a component of the human nail plate by proteomic analysis and is localized in the matrix of human nails. Furthermore, mutations detected in PLCD1 resulted in reduced enzymatic activity in vitro. Our data show that mutations in PLCD1 underlie hereditary leukonychia, revealing a gene involved in molecular control of nail growth.
PMID: 21665001
ISSN: 1537-6605
CID: 5710332
The genetics of alopecia areata: What's new and how will it help our patients?
Petukhova, Lynn; Cabral, Rita M; Mackay-Wiggan, Julian; Clynes, Raphael; Christiano, Angela M
In the United States, alopecia areata (AA) is the most prevalent autoimmune disease, affecting approximately 5.3 million people, including males and females of all ages and across all ethnic groups. AA affects more individuals than most other autoimmune diseases combined, and yet despite its prevalence, there is little information on the underlying pathogenesis and there are currently no evidence-based treatments available to treat or cure this disease. Genetics has provided a valuable tool for gaining insight into disease pathology. We recently completed the first genome-wide association study (GWAS) in AA and successfully identified at least eight regions in the genome with evidence for association to AA. Importantly, this work identifies a discrete set of genes, some of which have been well studied within the context of other autoimmune diseases and already have targeted therapies available or in development. The insight that we have gained through our GWAS sets the stage for the rational development of novel effective therapeutic approaches and heralds in an exciting new era with the commencement of translational research in AA based on genetic findings.
PMID: 21689242
ISSN: 1529-8019
CID: 5710342
APCDD1 is a novel Wnt inhibitor mutated in hereditary hypotrichosis simplex
Shimomura, Yutaka; Agalliu, Dritan; Vonica, Alin; Luria, Victor; Wajid, Muhammad; Baumer, Alessandra; Belli, Serena; Petukhova, Lynn; Schinzel, Albert; Brivanlou, Ali H; Barres, Ben A; Christiano, Angela M
Hereditary hypotrichosis simplex is a rare autosomal dominant form of hair loss characterized by hair follicle miniaturization. Using genetic linkage analysis, we mapped a new locus for the disease to chromosome 18p11.22, and identified a mutation (Leu9Arg) in the adenomatosis polyposis down-regulated 1 (APCDD1) gene in three families. We show that APCDD1 is a membrane-bound glycoprotein that is abundantly expressed in human hair follicles, and can interact in vitro with WNT3A and LRP5-two essential components of Wnt signalling. Functional studies show that APCDD1 inhibits Wnt signalling in a cell-autonomous manner and functions upstream of beta-catenin. Moreover, APCDD1 represses activation of Wnt reporters and target genes, and inhibits the biological effects of Wnt signalling during both the generation of neurons from progenitors in the developing chick nervous system, and axis specification in Xenopus laevis embryos. The mutation Leu9Arg is located in the signal peptide of APCDD1, and perturbs its translational processing from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. APCDD1(L9R) probably functions in a dominant-negative manner to inhibit the stability and membrane localization of the wild-type protein. These findings describe a novel inhibitor of the Wnt signalling pathway with an essential role in human hair growth. As APCDD1 is expressed in a broad repertoire of cell types, our findings indicate that APCDD1 may regulate a diversity of biological processes controlled by Wnt signalling.
PMID: 20393562
ISSN: 1476-4687
CID: 5710322
Autosomal-dominant woolly hair resulting from disruption of keratin 74 (KRT74), a potential determinant of human hair texture
Shimomura, Yutaka; Wajid, Muhammad; Petukhova, Lynn; Kurban, Mazen; Christiano, Angela M
Autosomal-dominant woolly hair (ADWH) is a rare disorder characterized by tightly curled hair. The molecular basis of ADWH has not previously been reported. In this study, we identified a Pakistani family with ADWH. The family showed linkage to chromosome 12q12-q14.1, containing the type II keratin gene cluster. We discovered a heterozygous mutation, p.Asn148Lys, within the helix initiation motif of the keratin 74 (KRT74) gene in all affected family members. KRT74 encodes the inner root sheath (IRS)-specific epithelial (soft) keratin 74. We demonstrate that the mutant K74 protein results in disruption of keratin intermediate filament formation in cultured cells, most likely in a dominant-negative manner. Furthermore, we sequenced the mouse Krt71-74 genes in the dominant Caracul-like 4 (Cal4) allele, which is characterized by a wavy-coat phenotype and maps to the same region of mouse chromosome 15 as the Caracul (Ca) and Reduced coat (Rco) alleles. We identified a heterozygous mutation, p.Glu440Lys, not in Krt74 but in the neighboring gene, Krt71. Krt71 was previously reported to harbor Ca and Rco mutations, as well as a coding SNP that is associated with curly-coated dogs. In this study, we define the ADWH phenotype resulting from a mutation in a hair-follicle-specific epithelial keratin in humans. Our findings not only further underscore the crucial roles of the IRS-specific epithelial keratin genes Krt71-74 in hair disorders but also open the possibility that these genes might function as genetic determinants of normal variation in hair texture across mammalian species.
PMID: 20346438
ISSN: 1537-6605
CID: 5710312
Mutations in the lipase H gene underlie autosomal recessive woolly hair/hypotrichosis
Shimomura, Yutaka; Wajid, Muhammad; Petukhova, Lynn; Shapiro, Lawrence; Christiano, Angela M
Woolly hair (WH) is characterized by the presence of fine and tightly curled hair. WH can appear as a symptom of some systemic diseases, or without associated findings (nonsyndromic WH). Nonsyndromic WH is known to be inherited as either an autosomal-dominant (OMIM 194300) or recessive (ARWH; OMIM 278150) trait. In this study, we identified 11 consanguineous families of Pakistani origin with ARWH, as well as associated features including sparse and hypopigmented hair shafts. We first checked for mutations in the P2RY5 gene, which encodes an orphan G-protein-coupled receptor that we recently identified as a cause of ARWH. However, none of the 11 families had mutations in the P2RY5 gene. To identify the disease locus, we performed linkage studies in one of these families using the Affymetrix 10K array, and identified a region of suggestive linkage on chromosome 3q27. This region contains the lipase H (LIPH) gene which has been recently shown to underlie an autosomal-recessive form of hypotrichosis. Mutation analysis resulted in the identification of a total of 5 pathogenic mutations in the LIPH of all 11 families analyzed. These results show that LIPH is a second causative gene for ARWH/hypotrichosis, giving rise to a phenotype clinically indistinguishable from P2RY5 mutations.
PMID: 18830268
ISSN: 1523-1747
CID: 5710282
The effect of inbreeding on the distribution of compound heterozygotes: a lesson from Lipase H mutations in autosomal recessive woolly hair/hypotrichosis
Petukhova, Lynn; Shimomura, Yutaka; Wajid, Muhammad; Gorroochurn, Prakash; Hodge, Susan E; Christiano, Angela M
Autozygosity mapping in consanguineous families has proven to be a powerful method for identifying recessive disease genes. Using this technique with whole genome SNP data generated from low density mapping arrays, we previously identified two genes that underlie autosomal recessive woolly hair (ARWH/hypotrichosis; OMIM278150), specifically P2RY5 and Lipase H (LIPH). In the current study, we sought to identify a novel disease locus for ARWH/hypotrichosis by analyzing two large consanguineous families from Pakistan who had initially been excluded for mutations at either of these disease loci by haplotype analysis with microsatellite markers. A genome-wide analysis of 10 members from each of the two families failed to identify significant regions of autozygosity or linkage. Upon genotyping an additional 10 family members in one of the families, parametric linkage analysis identified a region on chromosome 3q27 with evidence for linkage (Z = 2.5). Surprisingly, this region contains the LIPH gene. Microsatellite markers located within the LIPH gene were used for haplotype analysis and demonstrated that not one, but two haplotypes were segregating with the phenotype in each of these families. DNA sequencing identified two distinct LIPH mutations (280_369dup90 and 659_660delTA). Each affected individual (n = 38) was either homozygous for one mutation (n = 7 and 16 respectively), or compound heterozygous (n = 15). A review of the literature identified several reports of compound heterozygotes in consanguineous families. Prompted by this finding, we derived the probability that a patient affected with a recessive disease is carrying two mutations at the disease locus. We suggest that the validity of the IBD assumption may be challenged in large consanguineous families.
PMID: 19365138
ISSN: 1423-0062
CID: 5710292
Genome-wide linkage analysis of an autosomal recessive hypotrichosis identifies a novel P2RY5 mutation
Petukhova, Lynn; Sousa, Edilson C; Martinez-Mir, Amalia; Vitebsky, Anna; Dos Santos, Lina G; Shapiro, Lawrence; Haynes, Chad; Gordon, Derek; Shimomura, Yutaka; Christiano, Angela M
While there have been significant advances in understanding the genetic etiology of human hair loss over the previous decade, there remain a number of hereditary disorders for which a causative gene has yet to be identified. We studied a large, consanguineous Brazilian family that presented with woolly hair at birth that progressed to severe hypotrichosis by the age of 5, in which 6 of the 14 offspring were affected. After exclusion of known candidate genes, a genome-wide scan was performed to identify the disease locus. Autozygosity mapping revealed a highly significant region of extended homozygosity (lod score of 10.41) that contained a haplotype with a linkage lod score of 3.28. Results of these two methods defined a 9-Mb region on chromosome 13q14.11-q14.2. The interval contains the P2RY5 gene, in which we recently identified pathogenic mutations in several families of Pakistani origin affected with autosomal recessive woolly and sparse hair. After the exclusion of several other candidate genes, we sequenced the P2RY5 gene and identified a homozygous mutation (C278Y) in all affected individuals in this family. Our findings show that mutations in P2RY5 display variable expressivity, underlying both hypotrichosis and woolly hair, and underscore the essential role of P2RY5 in the tissue integrity and maintenance of the hair follicle.
PMID: 18692127
ISSN: 1089-8646
CID: 5710272
Disruption of P2RY5, an orphan G protein-coupled receptor, underlies autosomal recessive woolly hair [Case Report]
Shimomura, Yutaka; Wajid, Muhammad; Ishii, Yoshiyuki; Shapiro, Lawrence; Petukhova, Lynn; Gordon, Derek; Christiano, Angela M
The genetic determinants of hair texture in humans are largely unknown. Several human syndromes exist in which woolly hair comprises a part of the phenotype; however, simple autosomal recessive inheritance of isolated woolly hair has only rarely been reported. To identify a gene involved in controlling hair texture, we performed genetic linkage analysis in six families of Pakistani origin with autosomal recessive woolly hair (ARWH; OMIM 278150). All six families showed linkage to chromosome 13q14.2-14.3 (Z = 17.97). In all cases, we discovered pathogenic mutations in P2RY5, which encodes a G protein-coupled receptor and is a nested gene residing within intron 17 of the retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) gene. P2RY5 is expressed in both Henle's and Huxley's layers of the inner root sheath of the hair follicle. Our findings indicate that disruption of P2RY5 underlies ARWH and, more broadly, uncover a new gene involved in determining hair texture in humans.
PMID: 18297072
ISSN: 1546-1718
CID: 5710262
Genomewide scan for linkage reveals evidence of several susceptibility loci for alopecia areata
Martinez-Mir, Amalia; Zlotogorski, Abraham; Gordon, Derek; Petukhova, Lynn; Mo, Jianhong; Gilliam, T Conrad; Londono, Douglas; Haynes, Chad; Ott, Jurg; Hordinsky, Maria; Nanova, Krassimira; Norris, David; Price, Vera; Duvic, Madeleine; Christiano, Angela M
Alopecia areata (AA) is a genetically determined, immune-mediated disorder of the hair follicle that affects 1%-2% of the U.S. population. It is defined by a spectrum of severity that ranges from patchy localized hair loss on the scalp to the complete absence of hair everywhere on the body. In an effort to define the genetic basis of AA, we performed a genomewide search for linkage in 20 families with AA consisting of 102 affected and 118 unaffected individuals from the United States and Israel. Our analysis revealed evidence of at least four susceptibility loci on chromosomes 6, 10, 16 and 18, by use of several different statistical approaches. Fine-mapping analysis with additional families yielded a maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.93 on chromosome 18, a two-point affected sib pair (ASP) LOD score of 3.11 on chromosome 16, several ASP LOD scores >2.00 on chromosome 6q, and a haplotype-based relative risk LOD of 2.00 on chromosome 6p (in the major histocompatibility complex locus). Our findings confirm previous studies of association of the human leukocyte antigen locus with human AA, as well as the C3H-HeJ mouse model for AA. Interestingly, the major loci on chromosomes 16 and 18 coincide with loci for psoriasis reported elsewhere. These results suggest that these regions may harbor gene(s) involved in a number of different skin and hair disorders.
PMID: 17236136
ISSN: 0002-9297
CID: 5710252
Loci controlling plasma non-HDL and HDL cholesterol levels in a C57BL /6J x CASA /Rk intercross
Sehayek, Ephraim; Duncan, Elizabeth M; Yu, Hannah J; Petukhova, Lynn; Breslow, Jan L
Plasma non-HDL and HDL cholesterol levels are predictors of cardiovascular diseases. We carried out a genetic cross between two laboratory inbred mouse strains, C57BL/6J and CASA/Rk, to detect loci that control the plasma levels of non-HDL and HDL cholesterol. With regard to non-HDL cholesterol, chow-fed CASA/Rk males and females had 87% and 25% higher levels, respectively, than did C57BL/6Js. The levels of non-HDL cholesterol in F1s were similar to C57BL/6J. There was no strain difference in HDL cholesterol levels. An intercross between F1s was performed, and plasma non-HDL and HDL cholesterol was measured in 185 male and 184 female mice. In both male and female F2 mice, plasma non-HDL and HDL cholesterol levels were unimodally distributed; however, in both cases the values for females were significantly lower than for males. Therefore, linkage analysis was performed with sex as a covariate. Significant linkage for non-HDL cholesterol was found on chromosome 6 at 49 cM (LOD 5.17), chromosome 4 at 55 cM (LOD 4.22), and chromosome 8 at 7 cM (LOD 3.68). Significant linkage for HDL cholesterol was found on chromosome 9 at 14 cM (LOD 7.52) and chromosome 8 at 76 cM (LOD 4.69). A significant epistatic interaction involving loci on chromosomes 2 and 5 was also observed for non-HDL cholesterol. In summary, linkage analysis in these cross-identified novel loci confirmed previously identified loci in control of plasma non-HDL and HDL cholesterol and disclosed a novel interaction in controlling non-HDL cholesterol levels in the mouse.
PMID: 12810823
ISSN: 0022-2275
CID: 5710242