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Parents' Perspectives on Navigating the Work of Speaking Up in the NICU

Lyndon, Audrey; Wisner, Kirsten; Holschuh, Carrie; Fagan, Kelly M; Franck, Linda S
OBJECTIVE:To describe parents' perspectives and likelihood of speaking up about safety concerns in the NICU and identify barriers and facilitators to parents speaking up. DESIGN:Exploratory, qualitatively driven, mixed-methods design. SETTING:A 50-bed U.S. academic medical center, open-bay NICU. PARTICIPANTS:Forty-six parents completed questionnaires, 14 of whom were also interviewed. METHODS:Questionnaires, interviews, and observations with parents of newborns in the NICU were used. The qualitative investigation was based on constructivist grounded theory. Quantitative measures included ratings and free-text responses about the likelihood of speaking up in response to a hypothetical scenario about lack of clinician hand hygiene. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were integrated in the final interpretation. RESULTS:Most parents (75%) rated themselves likely or very likely to speak up in response to lack of hand hygiene; 25% of parents rated themselves unlikely to speak up in the same situation. Parents engaged in a complex process of Navigating the work of speaking up in the NICU that entailed learning the NICU, being deliberate about decisions to speak up, and at times choosing silence as a safety strategy. Decisions about how and when to speak up were influenced by multiple factors including knowing my baby, knowing the team, having a defined pathway to voice concerns, clinician approachability, clinician availability and friendliness, and clinician responsiveness. CONCLUSION:To engage parents as full partners in safety, clinicians need to recognize the complex social and personal dimensions of the NICU experience that influence parents' willingness to speak up about their safety concerns.
PMID: 28774759
ISSN: 1552-6909
CID: 3629452

Use of Traditional Birth Practices by Chinese Women in the United States

Saito, Maki; Lyndon, Audrey
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:The purpose of our study was to explore how foreign-born Chinese women living in California engage in various traditional and American birth practices. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS/METHODS:A descriptive qualitative study was conducted using a grounded theory approach. Chinese women from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan who had childbirth experiences in the United States were purposively sampled. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 13 women, with follow-up interviews with 5 women. Interview data were analyzed using grounded theory according to the method of Strauss and Corbin. RESULTS:There are many traditional practices for pregnancy and childbirth. Women investigated the traditions through various means, and built their own perspective on each tradition by integrating an evaluation of the Chinese perspective and an evaluation of the American perspective. Women considered several factors in the process of evaluating the Chinese and American perspectives to reach their own integrated perspective on each tradition. These factors included whether or not the tradition made sense to them, how the traditional practice affected their comfort, nature of available options, attitudes of female elders, previous experiences of their peers and themselves, and outcomes of temporary trials of traditional or nontraditional practices. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS/CONCLUSIONS:Healthcare providers should respect women's diverse perspectives on traditional practices and encourage flexible arrangements. Including the elder generation in health education may be useful in helping women manage conflicts and to support their decisions.
PMID: 28177955
ISSN: 1539-0683
CID: 3629432

Infant Feeding Decision-Making and the Influences of Social Support Persons Among First-Time African American Mothers

Asiodu, Ifeyinwa V; Waters, Catherine M; Dailey, Dawn E; Lyndon, Audrey
Background While breast milk is considered the gold standard of infant feeding, a majority of African American mothers are not exclusively breastfeeding their newborn infants. Objective The overall goal of this critical ethnographic research study was to describe infant feeding perceptions and experiences of African American mothers and their support persons. Methods Twenty-two participants (14 pregnant women and eight support persons) were recruited from public health programs and community based organizations in northern California. Data were collected through field observations, demographic questionnaires, and multiple in-person interviews. Thematic analysis was used to identify key themes. Results Half of the mothers noted an intention to exclusively breastfeed during the antepartum period. However, few mothers exclusively breastfed during the postpartum period. Many participants expressed guilt and shame for not being able to accomplish their antepartum goals. Life experiences and stressors, lack of breastfeeding role models, limited experiences with breastfeeding and lactation, and changes to the family dynamic played a major role in the infant feeding decision making process and breastfeeding duration. Conclusions for Practice Our observations suggest that while exclusivity goals were not being met, a considerable proportion of African American women were breastfeeding. Future interventions geared towards this population should include social media interventions, messaging around combination feeding, and increased education for identified social support persons. Public health measures aimed at reducing the current infant feeding inequities would benefit by also incorporating more culturally inclusive messaging around breastfeeding and lactation.
PMID: 27565664
ISSN: 1573-6628
CID: 3629412

Labor Nurses' Views of Their Influence on Cesarean Birth

Simpson, Kathleen Rice; Lyndon, Audrey
BACKGROUND:As part of an ongoing study about nurse staffing during labor and birth sponsored by the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), outcomes that may be linked to aspects of labor nursing were considered. The purpose of this study was to see if labor nurses felt they influenced whether a woman has a cesarean birth. These data were used to determine if cesarean birth should be included as an outcome measure in the multistate labor nurse staffing study. METHODS:Focus groups were used to explore the role of labor nurses and cesarean birth. Participants were attending the AWHONN national convention in 2015. Two open-ended questions were asked: 1) Do labor nurses influence whether a woman has a cesarean? 2) What specific things do you do as a labor nurse to help a woman avoid a cesarean? RESULTS:Two focus groups were held (n = 15 and n = 9). Nurses overwhelmingly agreed nursing care can influence mode of birth. They described multiple strategies routinely used to help a woman avoid a cesarean, which were categorized into three main themes: support, advocacy, and interactions with physicians. Support was emotional, informational, and physical. Advocacy involved advocating for women and helping women advocate for themselves. Nurses tried to focus on positive aspects of labor progress when communicating with physicians. Descriptions of interactions with some physicians implied less than optimal teamwork and lack of collaboration. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Labor nurses are likely influential in whether some women have a cesarean. They reported consistently taking an active role to help women avoid a cesarean. Promoting vaginal birth as appropriate to the clinical situation was a high priority. Trust, partnership, and respect for roles and responsibilities of each discipline were not evident in some of the clinical situations nurses described.
PMID: 27879502
ISSN: 1539-0683
CID: 3629422

Thematic analysis of barriers and facilitators to implementation of neonatal resuscitation guideline changes

Lee, H C; Arora, V; Brown, T; Lyndon, A
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate experiences regarding implementation of Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) guideline changes in the context of a collaborative quality improvement (QI) project. STUDY DESIGN:Focus groups were conducted with local QI leaders and providers from nine sites that participated in a QI collaborative. Thematic analysis identified facilitators and barriers to implementation of NRP guideline changes and QI in general. RESULTS:Facilitators for QI included comparative process measurement and data tracking. Barriers to QI were shifting priorities and aspects of the project that seemed inefficient. Specific to NRP, implementation strategies that worked involved rapid feedback, and education on rationale for change. Changes that interrupted traditional workflow proved challenging to implement. Limited resources and perceptions of increased workload were also barriers to implementation. CONCLUSION:Collaborative QI methods are generally well accepted, particularly data tracking, sharing experience and education. Strategies to increase efficiency and manage workload may facilitate improved staff attitudes toward change.
PMID: 27906192
ISSN: 1476-5543
CID: 3629722

Consequences of Delayed, Unfinished, or Missed Nursing Care During Labor and Birth

Simpson, Kathleen Rice; Lyndon, Audrey
: The purpose of this study was to examine the concept of delayed, unfinished, or missed nursing care when patient census and acuity exceed nurse staffing resources with nurses who care for women during labor and birth. Focus groups were held during which labor nurses were asked about aspects of nursing care that may be regularly delayed, unfinished, or completely missed during labor and birth, including possible reasons and potential consequences. Seventy-one labor nurses participated in 11 focus groups in 6 hospitals. Nurses focused on support and encouragement as aspects of care that they felt are essential but often not able to be performed when the unit is busy. Nurses seemed to assume technical features of care as a "given" in the background and not always noticed unless missed. They voiced concerns about risks to maternal and fetal well-being when they were short-staffed. Potential outcomes were discussed including cesarean birth, depressed infants at birth, hemorrhage, and negative effects on patient satisfaction, successful breast-feeding, and the overall patient experience.
PMID: 27557294
ISSN: 1550-5073
CID: 3629402

From the closest observers of patient care: a thematic analysis of online narrative reviews of hospitals

Bardach, Naomi S; Lyndon, Audrey; Asteria-Peñaloza, Renée; Goldman, L Elizabeth; Lin, Grace A; Dudley, R Adams
OBJECTIVE:Patient-centred care has become a priority in many countries. It is unknown whether current tools capture aspects of care patients and their surrogates consider important. We investigated whether online narrative reviews from patients and surrogates reflect domains in the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) and we described additional potential domains. DESIGN:We used thematic analysis to assess online narrative reviews for reference to HCAHPS domains and salient non-HCAHPS domains and compared results by reviewer type (patient vs surrogate). SETTING:We identified hospitals for review from the American Hospital Association database using a stratified random sampling approach. This approach ensured inclusion of reviews of a diverse set of hospitals. We searched online in February 2013 for narrative reviews from any source for each hospital. PARTICIPANTS:We included up to two narrative reviews for each hospital. EXCLUSIONS:Outpatient or emergency department reviews, reviews from self-identified hospital employees, or reviews of <10 words. RESULTS:50.0% (n=122) of reviews (N=244) were from patients and 38.1% (n=93) from friends or family members. Only 57.0% (n=139) of reviews mentioned any HCAHPS domain. Additional salient domains were: Financing, including unexpected out-of-pocket costs and difficult interactions with billing departments; system-centred care; and perceptions of safety. These domains were mentioned in 51.2% (n=125) of reviews. Friends and family members commented on perceptions of safety more frequently than patients. CONCLUSIONS:A substantial proportion of consumer reviews do not mention HCAHPS domains. Surrogates appear to observe care differently than patients, particularly around safety.
PMID: 26677215
ISSN: 2044-5423
CID: 3629352

Maternal Hemorrhage Quality Improvement Collaborative Lessons

Lyndon, Audrey; Cape, Valerie
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to describe user experience with implementation of an obstetric hemorrhage toolkit and determine the degree of implementation of recommended practices that occurred during a 31-hospital quality improvement learning collaborative. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS/METHODS:This descriptive qualitative study included semistructured interviews with 22 implementation team leaders and review of transcripts from collaborative reporting calls recorded during the hemorrhage collaborative. Interviews included open-ended, closed, and ranking questions. Numeric responses were analyzed with descriptive statistics. Open-ended responses and call transcripts were analyzed thematically. RESULTS:Each of the 10 core toolkit components was ranked as currently "implemented" or "implemented and sustained" by at least 77% of interviewees. Most core elements were deemed "critical to retain." Respondents found debriefing the most difficult element of the toolkit to implement and sustain. Organizational context was the overarching theme regarding factors facilitating or constraining implementation. This included organizational structure and culture, previous experience with quality improvement, resources, and clinician engagement. Nurses were deeply involved in implementation and "physician buy-in" was a frequently mentioned facilitator when present and barrier when absent. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS/CONCLUSIONS:Greater understanding of and attention to organizational context and resources, greater appreciation for nursing involvement, and increased recognition of the role of organizational leadership are needed to facilitate widespread improvement initiatives in maternity care. Implementation science approaches may be useful in achieving national goals for maternal quality improvement and safety.
PMID: 27454825
ISSN: 1539-0683
CID: 3629382

Women's Experiences Being Diagnosed With Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: A Qualitative Study

Dekker, Rebecca L; Morton, Christine H; Singleton, Paula; Lyndon, Audrey
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Cardiovascular disease has been identified as the leading cause of maternal mortality in the United States, with cardiomyopathy, including peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM), accounting for 12% to 16% of all pregnancy-related deaths. The purpose of this study was to describe women's experiences being diagnosed with PPCM. METHODS:This investigation was conducted using a qualitative design. We collected publicly available narratives posted by 92 women with PPCM (mean [SD] age 29 [6] years, mean [SD] ejection fraction 25.5 [10.8]%) in 3 online support groups. Data were coded and thematically organized so as to produce a richly detailed account of this experience. RESULTS:The experience of diagnosis was marked by the women's distinct memories of their initial symptoms and whether they were dismissed or taken seriously. The most commonly reported symptoms were extreme shortness of breath, orthopnea, tachycardia, palpitations, chest pain, cough, and edema. Nearly 40% of women experienced symptom dismissal by health care providers. One-fourth of women were initially given inaccurate diagnoses ranging from "new mom anxiety" to asthma. Women described their initial reaction to diagnosis as feeling terrified, devastated, and feeling a sense of doom. Women had difficulty caring for their newborns during the postpartum period, and they struggled with the medical advice they received to not get pregnant again. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:Despite experiencing severe subjective and objective symptoms, nearly 40% of women with PPCM experienced symptom dismissal by health care providers, in part due to the overlap between normal symptoms of pregnancy or the postpartum period and symptoms of heart failure.
PMID: 27285199
ISSN: 1542-2011
CID: 3629372

Patient Safety Implications of Electronic Alerts and Alarms of Maternal - Fetal Status During Labor

Simpson, Kathleen Rice; Lyndon, Audrey; Davidson, Leigh Ann
When nurses care for women during labor, they encounter numerous alerts and alarms from electronic fetal monitors and their surveillance systems. Notifications of values of physiologic parameters for a woman and fetus that may be outside preset limits are generated via visual and audible cues. There is no standardization of these alert and alarm parameters among electronic fetal monitoring vendors in the United States, and there are no data supporting their sensitivity and specificity. Agreement among professional organizations about physiologic parameters for alerts and alarms commonly used during labor is lacking. It is unknown if labor nurses view the alerts and alarms as helpful or a nuisance. There is no evidence that they promote or hinder patient safety. This clinical issue warrants our attention as labor nurses.
PMID: 27520600
ISSN: 1751-486x
CID: 3629392