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Memory and the future : transnational politics, ethics and society

Gutman Y; Brown A; Sodaro A
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010
Extent: xi, 217 p. ; 23cm
ISBN: 0230247407
CID: 2240

The resounding echoes of memory in terrorism and political violence

Brown A; Gutman Y
ISSN: 1943-4472
CID: 127260

The role of narratorship and expertise in social remembering

Brown, Adam D; Coman, Alin; Hirst, William
Are individuals more likely to serve as a vehicle for social contagion because they are perceived as experts or because they talk a lot? This study parses the contribution of expertise and narratorship by asking groups of three or four individuals to study variants of a curriculum vitae (CV) and then to recall the CV individually, as a group, and once again individually, with a recognition test following the final recall. The group was falsely led to believe that one member had expertise. Narratorship was also determined. Expertise and Narratorship contributed independently to critical false recollections, with Narratorship contributing more than Expertise. The way a conversation unfolds and the emergence of a narrator can reshape memories.
ISSN: 1864-9335
CID: 127259

Integrating science in applied psychology programs: A student-operated journal

Antonius, D; Brown, AD; Todman, M; Safran, JD
As a requirement of APA accreditation, many PhD programs in applied psychology subscribe to some variant of the scientist-practitioner model. However, critics have argued that integrating science into an applied psychology curriculum may be too challenging a task. This article describes the development of The New School Psychology Bulletin, a student-operated journal dedicated to publishing original research articles written by psychology graduate students. We argue that the process of publishing a student-operated journal can have a positive effect on students' attitudes toward research and has the potential to serve as a model to foster integration of research and training experiences in an applied psychology program
ISSN: 0098-6283
CID: 104918

The development of a student-operated journal [Letter]

Antonius D; Brown AD
ISSN: 1050-4672
CID: 104927

Student-run journal connects science and practice [Letter]

Antonius D; Brown AD
ISSN: 1050-4672
CID: 104930