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Subjective and objective learning effects dissociate in space and in time

Schwiedrzik, Caspar M; Singer, Wolf; Melloni, Lucia
Perceptual learning not only improves sensitivity, but it also changes our subjective experience. However, the question of how these two learning effects relate is largely unexplored. Here we investigate how subjects learn to see initially indiscriminable metacontrast-masked shapes. We find that sensitivity and subjective awareness increase with training. However, sensitivity and subjective awareness dissociate in space: Learning effects on performance are lost when the task is performed at an untrained location in another quadrant, whereas learning effects on subjective awareness are maintained. This finding indicates that improvements in shape sensitivity involve visual areas up to V4, whereas changes in subjective awareness involve other brain regions. Furthermore, subjective awareness dissociates from sensitivity in time: In an early phase of perceptual learning, subjects perform above chance on trials that they rate as subjectively invisible. Later, this phenomenon disappears. Subjective awareness is thus neither necessary nor sufficient for achieving above-chance objective performance.
PMID: 21368168
ISSN: 1091-6490
CID: 2024782

Expectations change the signatures and timing of electrophysiological correlates of perceptual awareness

Melloni, Lucia; Schwiedrzik, Caspar M; Muller, Notger; Rodriguez, Eugenio; Singer, Wolf
Previous experience allows the brain to predict what comes next. How these expectations affect conscious experience is poorly understood. In particular, it is unknown whether and when expectations interact with sensory evidence in granting access to conscious perception, and how this is reflected electrophysiologically. Here, we parametrically manipulate sensory evidence and expectations while measuring event-related potentials in human subjects to assess the time course of evoked responses that correlate with subjective visibility, the properties of the stimuli, and/or perceptual expectations. We found that expectations lower the threshold of conscious perception and reduce the latency of neuronal signatures differentiating seen and unseen stimuli. Without expectations, this differentiation occurs approximately 300 ms and with expectations approximately 200 ms after stimulus in occipitoparietal sensors. The amplitude of this differentiating response component (P2) decreases as visibility increases, regardless of whether this increase is attributable to enhanced sensory evidence and/or the gradual buildup of perceptual expectations. Importantly, at matched performance levels, responses to seen and unseen stimuli differed regardless of the physical stimulus properties. These findings indicate that the latency of the neuronal correlates of access to consciousness depend on whether access is driven by stimulus saliency or by a combination of expectations and sensory evidence.
PMID: 21273423
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 2024772

Visual exploration and object recognition by lattice deformation

Moca, Vasile V; Tincas, Ioana; Melloni, Lucia; Muresan, Raul C
Mechanisms of explicit object recognition are often difficult to investigate and require stimuli with controlled features whose expression can be manipulated in a precise quantitative fashion. Here, we developed a novel method (called "Dots"), for generating visual stimuli, which is based on the progressive deformation of a regular lattice of dots, driven by local contour information from images of objects. By applying progressively larger deformation to the lattice, the latter conveys progressively more information about the target object. Stimuli generated with the presented method enable a precise control of object-related information content while preserving low-level image statistics, globally, and affecting them only little, locally. We show that such stimuli are useful for investigating object recognition under a naturalistic setting--free visual exploration--enabling a clear dissociation between object detection and explicit recognition. Using the introduced stimuli, we show that top-down modulation induced by previous exposure to target objects can greatly influence perceptual decisions, lowering perceptual thresholds not only for object recognition but also for object detection (visual hysteresis). Visual hysteresis is target-specific, its expression and magnitude depending on the identity of individual objects. Relying on the particular features of dot stimuli and on eye-tracking measurements, we further demonstrate that top-down processes guide visual exploration, controlling how visual information is integrated by successive fixations. Prior knowledge about objects can guide saccades/fixations to sample locations that are supposed to be highly informative, even when the actual information is missing from those locations in the stimulus. The duration of individual fixations is modulated by the novelty and difficulty of the stimulus, likely reflecting cognitive demand.
PMID: 21818397
ISSN: 1932-6203
CID: 2024792

Sensitivity and perceptual awareness increase with practice in metacontrast masking

Schwiedrzik, Caspar M; Singer, Wolf; Melloni, Lucia
Can practice effects on unconscious stimuli lead to awareness? Can we "learn to see"? Recent evidence suggests that blindsight patients trained for an extensive period of time can learn to discriminate and consciously perceive stimuli that they were previously unaware of. So far, it is unknown whether these effects generalize to normal observers. Here we investigated practice effects in metacontrast masking. Subjects were trained for five consecutive days on the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) that resulted in chance performance. Our results show a linear increase in sensitivity (d') but no change in bias (c) for the trained SOA. This practice effect on sensitivity spreads to all tested SOAs. Additionally, we show that subjects rate their perceptual awareness of the target stimuli differently before and after training, exhibiting not only an increase in sensitivity, but also in the subjective awareness of the percept. Thus, subjects can indeed "learn to see."
PMID: 19810799
ISSN: 1534-7362
CID: 2024762

Age effects on attentional blink performance in meditation

van Leeuwen, Sara; Muller, Notger G; Melloni, Lucia
Here we explore whether mental training in the form of meditation can help to overcome age-related attentional decline. We compared performance on the attentional blink task between three populations: A group of long-term meditation practitioners within an older population, a control group of age-matched participants and a control group of young participants. Members of both control groups had never practiced meditation. Our results show that long-term meditation practice leads to a reduction of the attentional blink. Meditation practitioners taken from an older population showed a reduction in blink as compared to a control group taken from a younger population, whereas, the control group age-matched to the meditators' group revealed a blink that was comparatively larger and broader. Our results support the hypothesis that meditation practice can: (i) alter the efficiency with which attentional resources are distributed and (ii) help to overcome age-related attentional deficits in the temporal domain.
PMID: 19515578
ISSN: 1090-2376
CID: 2024742

(Micro)Saccades, corollary activity and cortical oscillations

Melloni, Lucia; Schwiedrzik, Caspar M; Rodriguez, Eugenio; Singer, Wolf
In natural vision, attention and eye movements are linked. Furthermore, eye movements structure the inflow of information into the visual system. Saccades, where little vision occurs, alternate with fixations, when most vision occurs. A mechanism must be in place to maximize information intake during fixations. Oscillatory synchrony has been proposed as a mechanism for rapid and reliable communication of signals, subserving cognitive functions such as attention and object identification. We propose that saccade-related corollary activity has a crucial role in anticipatory preparation of visual centers, which interacts with ongoing oscillation, favoring the processing of postfixational signals. During prolonged fixations, microsaccades could be generated to exploit this mechanism. Studying this interplay between the sensory and the motor system will provide novel insight into the dynamics of natural vision.
PMID: 19428286
ISSN: 1364-6613
CID: 2024732

Response to: Yuval-Greenberg et al., "Transient Induced Gamma-Band Response in EEG as a Manifestation of Miniature Saccades." Neuron 58, 429-441 [Letter]

Melloni, Lucia; Schwiedrzik, Caspar M; Wibral, Michael; Rodriguez, Eugenio; Singer, Wolf
PMID: 19376062
ISSN: 1097-4199
CID: 2024722

Neural synchrony in cortical networks: history, concept and current status

Uhlhaas, Peter J; Pipa, Gordon; Lima, Bruss; Melloni, Lucia; Neuenschwander, Sergio; Nikolic, Danko; Singer, Wolf
Following the discovery of context-dependent synchronization of oscillatory neuronal responses in the visual system, the role of neural synchrony in cortical networks has been expanded to provide a general mechanism for the coordination of distributed neural activity patterns. In the current paper, we present an update of the status of this hypothesis through summarizing recent results from our laboratory that suggest important new insights regarding the mechanisms, function and relevance of this phenomenon. In the first part, we present recent results derived from animal experiments and mathematical simulations that provide novel explanations and mechanisms for zero and nero-zero phase lag synchronization. In the second part, we shall discuss the role of neural synchrony for expectancy during perceptual organization and its role in conscious experience. This will be followed by evidence that indicates that in addition to supporting conscious cognition, neural synchrony is abnormal in major brain disorders, such as schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders. We conclude this paper with suggestions for further research as well as with critical issues that need to be addressed in future studies.
PMID: 19668703
ISSN: 1662-5145
CID: 2024752

Electrophysiological evidence of different interpretative strategies in irony comprehension

Cornejol, Carlos; Simonetti, Franco; Aldunate, Nerea; Ibanez, Agustin; Lopez, Vladimir; Melloni, Lucia
We explore the hypothesis that induction of holistic or analytic strategies influences comprehension and processing of highly contextualized expressions of ordinary language, such as irony. Twenty undergraduate students were asked to categorize as coherent or incoherent a group of sentences. Each sentence completed a previous story, so that they could be ironical, literal or nonsensical endings. Participants were asked to evaluate whether each sentence was coherent or incoherent. Half of them were initially instructed to consider whether the sentences made sense (holistic condition); the other half were instructed to consider whether the sentences were congruent or incongruent (analytic condition). Behavioral responses and Event Related Potentials were registered during the experiment. Both behavioral and electrophysiological results allow clearly distinguishing between the holistic and the analytic strategies. The fact that the same set of stimuli elicits different ERP waveforms, depending on the strategy with which they are analyzed, suggests that different cognitive processes and different areas of the brain are operating in each case.
PMID: 17364233
ISSN: 0090-6905
CID: 2024712

Synchronization of neural activity across cortical areas correlates with conscious perception

Melloni, Lucia; Molina, Carlos; Pena, Marcela; Torres, David; Singer, Wolf; Rodriguez, Eugenio
Subliminal stimuli can be deeply processed and activate similar brain areas as consciously perceived stimuli. This raises the question which signatures of neural activity critically differentiate conscious from unconscious processing. Transient synchronization of neural activity has been proposed as a neural correlate of conscious perception. Here we test this proposal by comparing the electrophysiological responses related to the processing of visible and invisible words in a delayed matching to sample task. Both perceived and nonperceived words caused a similar increase of local (gamma) oscillations in the EEG, but only perceived words induced a transient long-distance synchronization of gamma oscillations across widely separated regions of the brain. After this transient period of temporal coordination, the electrographic signatures of conscious and unconscious processes continue to diverge. Only words reported as perceived induced (1) enhanced theta oscillations over frontal regions during the maintenance interval, (2) an increase of the P300 component of the event-related potential, and (3) an increase in power and phase synchrony of gamma oscillations before the anticipated presentation of the test word. We propose that the critical process mediating the access to conscious perception is the early transient global increase of phase synchrony of oscillatory activity in the gamma frequency range.
PMID: 17360907
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 2024702