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Detecting Breast Cancer with Dynamic Diffuse Optical Tomographic Imaging [Meeting Abstract]

Flexman, M. L.; Kim, H. K.; Lim, E.; Desperito, E.; Barbour, R. L.; Hershman, D. L.; Hielscher, A. H.
ISSN: 0008-5472
CID: 5390082

A Finite-Volume Algorithm for Modeling Light Transport with the Time-Independent Simplified Spherical Harmonics Approximation to the Equation of Radiative Transfer [Meeting Abstract]

Montejo, Ludguier D.; Kim, Hyun K.; Hielscher, Andreas H.
ISSN: 0277-786x
CID: 5390192

PDE-constrained multispectral imaging of tissue chromophores with the equation of radiative transfer

Kim, Hyun Keol; Flexman, Molly; Yamashiro, Darrell J; Kandel, Jessica J; Hielscher, Andreas H
We introduce a transport-theory-based PDE-constrained multispectral model for direct imaging of the spatial distributions of chromophores concentrations in biological tissue. The method solves the forward problem (boundary radiance at each wavelength) and the inverse problem (spatial distribution of chromophores concentrations), in an all-at-once manner in the framework of a reduced Hessian sequential quadratic programming method. To illustrate the code's performance, we present numerical and experimental studies involving tumor bearing mice. It is shown that the PDE-constrained multispectral method accelerates the reconstruction process by up to 15 times compared to unconstrained reconstruction algorithms and provides more accurate results as compared to the so-called two-step approach to multi-wavelength imaging.
PMID: 21258511
ISSN: 2156-7085
CID: 5389892

Diagonosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Optical Tomography: Comparison of Classification Methods [Meeting Abstract]

Motejo, Ludguier D.; Montejo, Julio D.; Kim, Hyun K.; Netz, Uwe J.; Klose, Christian D.; Blaschke, Sabine; Zwaka, P. A.; Mueller, Gerhard A.; Beuthan, Juergen; Hielscher, Andreas H.
ISSN: 0277-1063
CID: 5390162


Kim, Hyun Keol; Hielscher, Andreas H.
ISSN: 1793-5458
CID: 5390062

Optical Tomographic Imaging of Tumor Response to Anti-Angiogenic Drugs in Small Animals [Meeting Abstract]

Flexman, M. L.; Hernandez, S. L.; Huang, J.; Johung, T. J.; Kim, H. K.; Lee, J.; Vlachos, F.; Yamashiro, D. J.; Kandel, J.; Hielscher, A. H.
ISSN: 0277-1063
CID: 5390172

PDE-Constrained Fluorescence TomographyWith the Frequency-Domain Equation of Radiative Transfer

Kim, Hyun Keol; Lee, Jong Hwan; Hielscher, Andreas H.
ISSN: 1077-260x
CID: 5390112

Optimal modulation frequencies for small-tissue imaging based on the equation of radiative transfer [Meeting Abstract]

Kim, Hyun Keol; Netz, Uwe J.; Beuthan, J.; Hielscher, Andreas H.
ISSN: 0277-786x
CID: 5390152

A PDE-constrained SQP algorithm for optical tomography based on the frequency-domain equation of radiative transfer

Kim, Hyun Keol; Hielscher, Andreas H.
ISSN: 0266-5611
CID: 5390102

Computer-aided classification of rheumatoid arthritis in finger joints using frequency domain optical tomography [Meeting Abstract]

Klose, C. D.; Kim, H. K.; Netz, U.; Blaschke, S.; Zwaka, P. A.; Mueller, G. A.; Beuthan, J.; Hielscher, A. H.
ISSN: 0277-786x
CID: 5390122