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'An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure`: Using an Objective Structured Clinical Examination to Assess Delivery of Preventative Care in IBD [Meeting Abstract]
Levine, Irving; Zabar, Sondra; Weinshel, Elizabeth; Gillespie, Colleen; Malter, Lisa
ISSN: 0002-9270
CID: 5524132
Gillespie, Colleen C.; Watsula-Morley, Amanda; Altshuler, Lisa; Hanley, Kathleen; Kalet, Adina; Porter, Barbara; Wallach, Andrew B.; Zabar, Sondra
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 4449902
Measuring the impact of longitudinal resiliency curriculum and wellbeing self-assessment tool among medical students [Meeting Abstract]
Crotty, K J; Robinson, A; Grogan, K; Schaye, V; Gillespie, C; Tewksbury, L
Background: In an effort to bolster medical student wellbeing and mitigate burnout, NYU School of Medicine (NYUSOM) launched a longitudinal resiliency curriculum, coupled with a wellbeing self-assessment tool. We aim to study its impact on the development of knowledge, self-awareness, and practices related to wellbeing and resiliency. Methods: MD AWARE (Medical Students Developing Awareness, Wellbeing, and Resilience) was launched in August 2017 for the incoming NYUSOM class. It involves six interactive sessions implemented at critical junctions over the first three years of medical school. Each session includes a short lecture, followed by a small group activity led by trained facilitators. At the start of each small group session, students are asked to complete an anonymous online survey (results only provided to student). The self-assessment includes 19 items adapted from three validated assessment tools measuring different aspects of wellbeing and burnout. Students immediately receive three scores with explanations of each and the opportunity to debrief in their small group. Thus far, the students have participated in the first two sessions. In the first, students were introduced to research on physician burnout, the protective effects of resilience, and practiced a gratitude exercise. In the second, students were introduced to mindful awareness to identifying cognitive distortions and practiced reframing negative inner dialogue. After each, students completed a retrospective pre/post survey, using a 4-point likert scale, assessing knowledge, self-awareness, and comfort/confidence in activities to promote wellbeing. Comparison between the survey results were calculated using pair t-test. Results: Survey results were available for 106/118 (90%) students participating in the first session and 55/114 (48%) participating in the second. Results of both pre/post surveys showed significant improvement (p=<.01) on every item. Notably, after the first session, students reported a substantial increase in their comfort acknowledging stressors (31.1% very comfortable pre-vs 61.1% post-) and seeking help when in need (18.1% very comfortable pre-vs 45.2% post-). After the second session, students reported increased comfort practicing mindful awareness (65.5% comfortable/very comfortable pre-vs 90.9% post-), increased confidence both identifying cognitive distortions (59.2% comfortable/very comfortable pre-vs 96.3% post-) and reframing negative responses (47.2% comfortable/very comfortable pre-vs 81.8% post-). Conclusions: While many schools have looked at ways to foster wellbeing in their medical students, our curriculum is unique in its longitudinal nature and use of repeated wellbeing self-assessments. Preliminary assessment demonstrates a positive impact on medical students' knowledge, self-awareness, and practices around wellbeing and resilience. Thus, our novel curriculum is a promising way to bolster resiliency skills and mitigate burnout in this vulnerable population
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 3138852
Gillespie, Colleen; Hanley, Kathleen; Altshuler, Lisa; Watsula-Morley, Amanda; Zabar, Sondra
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 4449782
Hayes, Rachael W.; Hanley, Kathleen; Calvo-Friedman, Alessandra; Adams, Jennifer; Altshuler, Lisa; Gillespie, Colleen C.; Zabar, Sondra
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 4449822
Predisposing, enabling, and high risk behaviors associated with healthcare engagement among young, HIV-negative msm in new york city [Meeting Abstract]
Swanenberg, I; Shah, V; Knudsen, J; Trivedi, S P; Gillespie, C C; Greene, R E; Kapadia, F; Halkitis, P N
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 3224752
Assessment of Abilities of Gastroenterology Fellows to Provide Information to Patients With Liver Disease
Chaudhary, Noami; Lucero, Catherine; Villanueva, Gerald; Poles, Michael; Gillespie, Colleen; Zabar, Sondra; Weinshel, Elizabeth
PURPOSE: Patient education is critical in ensuring patient compliance and good health outcomes. Fellows must be able to effectively communicate with their patients, delivering enough information for the patient to understand their medical problem and maximize patient compliance. We created an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) with four liver disease cases to assess fellows' knowledge and ability to inform standardized patients about their clinical condition. METHODS: We developed four cases highlighting different aspects of liver disease and created a four station OSCE: hepatitis B, acute hepatitis C, new diagnosis of cirrhosis, and an end-stage cirrhotic non transplant candidate. The standardized patient (SP) with hepatitis B was minimizing the fact that she could not read English. The acute hepatitis C SP was a nursing student who is afraid that having hepatitis C might jeopardize her career. The SP with the new diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis needed to stop drinking, and the end-stage liver disease patient had to grapple with his advanced directives. Twelve fellows from four GI training programs participated. Our focus was to assess the fellows' knowledge about liver diseases and the ACGME competencies of health literacy, shared decision making, advanced directives and goals of care. The goal for the fellows was to communicate effectively with the SPs, and acknowledge that each patient had an emotionally charged issue to overcome. The SPs used a checklist to rate fellow's performance. Faculty and the SPs observed the cases and provided feedback. The fellows were surveyed on their performance regarding the case. RESULTS: The majority of fellows were able to successfully summarize findings and discuss a plan with the patient in the new diagnosis of cirrhosis (76.92%) and hepatitis C case (100%), but were less successful in the hepatitis B (30.77%) and end-of-life case (41.67%). Overall, a small percentage of fellows reflected that they did a good job (22-33%), except at the end-of-life case (67%). The fellows' greatest challenge was trying to cover a lot of information in a single outpatient visit. CONCLUSION: Caring for patients with liver diseases can be complex and time consuming. The patients and fellows' observations were discordant in several areas: for example. the fellows believed they excelled in the end-of-life case, but the SP thought only a small percentage of fellows were able to successfully summarize and discuss the plan. This discrepancy and others highlight important areas of focus in training programs. OSCEs are important to help the fellows facilitate striking the right balance of information delivery and empathy, and this will lead to better patient education, compliance, rapport, and satisfaction.
PMID: 28111335
ISSN: 1542-7714
CID: 2418252
Opioid vs nonopioid prescribers: Variations in care for a standardized acute back pain case
Hanley, Kathleen; Zabar, Sondra; Altshuler, Lisa; Lee, Hillary; Ross, Jasmine; Rivera, Nicomedes; Marvilli, Christian; Gillespie, Colleen
BACKGROUND: Opioid analgesics are effective and appropriate therapy for many types of acute pain. Epidemiologic evidence supports a direct relationship between increased opioid prescribing and increases in opioid use disorders and overdoses. OBJECTIVE: To tailor our residency curriculum, we designed and fielded an unannounced standardized patient (USP) case involving a patient with acute back pain who is requesting Vicodin (5/325 mg). We describe residents' case management and examine whether their management decisions, including opioid prescribing, were related to their core clinical skills. METHODS: Results are based on 50 (USP) visits with residents in 2 urban primary care clinics. Highly trained USPs portrayed a patient with acute lower back pain who was taking leftover Vicodin with effective pain relief but was running out. We describe how residents managed this case, using both USP report and chart review data, and compare summary clinical skills scores between those who prescribed Vicodin and those who did not. RESULTS: Of the 50 residents, 18 prescribed Vicodin (10-60 pills). Among those who did not prescribe (32/50), most (50%) prescribed ibuprofen. Eighty-three percent of the prescribers and 72% of nonprescribers ordered physical therapy (nonsignificant). Of the 18 prescribers, 13 documented checking the prescription monitoring database. Prescribers had significantly better communication scores than nonprescribers (relationship development: 80% vs. 58% well done, P = .029; patient education: 59% vs. 31% well done, P = .018). Assessment summary scores were also higher (60% vs. 46%) but not significantly (P = .060). Patient satisfaction and activation scores were higher in the prescribers than nonprescribers (71% vs. 39%, P = .004 and 48% vs. 26%, P = .034, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Most Vicodin prescribers did not follow prescribing guidelines, and they demonstrated better communication and assessment skills than the nonprescribers. Results suggest the need to guide residents in using a systematic approach to prescribing opioids safely and to develop an acceptable alternative pain management plan when they decide against prescribing.
PMID: 28586281
ISSN: 1547-0164
CID: 2592062
Meeting the Primary Care Needs of Transgender Patients Through Simulation
Greene, Richard E; Hanley, Kathleen; Cook, Tiffany E; Gillespie, Colleen; Zabar, Sondra
PMID: 28638528
ISSN: 1949-8357
CID: 2604002
Disruptive behavior in the workplace: Challenges for gastroenterology fellows
Srisarajivakul, Nalinee; Lucero, Catherine; Wang, Xiao-Jing; Poles, Michael; Gillespie, Colleen; Zabar, Sondra; Weinshel, Elizabeth; Malter, Lisa
AIM: To assess first-year gastroenterology fellows' ability to address difficult interpersonal situations in the workplace using objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE). METHODS: Two OSCEs ("distracted care team" and "frazzled intern") were created to assess response to disruptive behavior. In case 1, a fellow used a colonoscopy simulator while interacting with a standardized patient (SP), nurse, and attending physician all played by actors. The nurse and attending were instructed to display specific disruptive behavior and disregard the fellow unless requested to stop the disruptive behavior and focus on the patient and procedure. In case 2, the fellow was to calm an intern managing a patient with massive gastrointestinal bleeding. The objective in both scenarios was to assess the fellows' ability to perform their duties while managing the disruptive behavior displayed by the actor. The SPs used checklists to rate fellows' performances. The fellows completed a self-assessment survey. RESULTS: Twelve fellows from four gastrointestinal fellowship training programs participated in the OSCE. In the "distracted care team" case, one-third of the fellows interrupted the conflict and refocused attention to the patient. Half of the fellows were able to display professionalism despite the heated discussion nearby. Fellows scored lowest in the interprofessionalism portion of post-OSCE surveys, measuring their ability to handle the conflict. In the "frazzled intern" case, 68% of fellows were able to establish a calm and professional relationship with the SP. Despite this success, only half of the fellows were successfully communicate a plan to the SP and only a third scored "well done" in a domain that focused on allowing the intern to think through the case with the fellow's guidance. CONCLUSION: Fellows must receive training on how to approach disruptive behavior. OSCEs are a tool that can assess fellow skills and set a culture for open discussion.
PMID: 28566892
ISSN: 2219-2840
CID: 2581432