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Learning Boolean queries for article quality filtering

Aphinyanaphongs, Yin; Aliferis, Constantin F
Prior research has shown that Support Vector Machine models have the ability to identify high quality content-specific articles in the domain of internal medicine. These models, though powerful, cannot be used in Boolean search engines nor can the content of the models be verified via human inspection. In this paper, we use decision trees combined with several feature selection methods to generate Boolean query filters for the same domain and task. The resulting trees are generated automatically and exhibit high performance. The trees are understandable, manageable, and able to be validated by humans. The subsequent Boolean queries are sensible and can be readily used as filters by Boolean search engines
PMID: 15360815
ISSN: 0926-9630
CID: 87001

Text categorization models for retrieval of high quality articles in internal medicine

Aphinyanaphongs, Y; Aliferis, C F
The discipline of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) studies formal and quasi-formal methods for identifying high quality medical information and abstracting it in useful forms so that patients receive the best customized care possible [1]. Current computer-based methods for finding high quality information in PubMed and similar bibliographic resources utilize search tools that employ preconstructed Boolean queries. These clinical queries are derived from a combined application of (a) user interviews, (b) ad-hoc manual document quality review, and (c) search over a constrained space of disjunctive Boolean queries. The present research explores the use of powerful text categorization (machine learning) methods to identify content-specific and high-quality PubMed articles. Our results show that models built with the proposed approach outperform the Boolean based PubMed clinical query filters in discriminatory power
PMID: 14728128
ISSN: 1559-4076
CID: 87002

Computational resolving power improvement for the scanning laser ophthalmoscope [Meeting Abstract]

O'Connor, N; Aphinyanaphongs, Y; Zinser, G; Bartsch, D; Freeman, W; Flanagan, J; Hutchins, N; Hudson, C; Holmes, T
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 106430