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Mental health and acculturation in first generation chinese american immigrants in New York City: A contemporary cross-sectional analysis [Meeting Abstract]
Ma, H; Fried, M C; Hase, J; Hayes, R; Zhang, A; Gillespie, C C
BACKGROUND: Chinese Americans represent the fastest growing immigrant population in the United States, and they face unique mental health challenges. To best care for this population internists should understand the effects of acculturation, defined as the change that occurs when an ethnic minority encounters a dissimilar dominant culture. The relationship between acculturation and mental health is complex. We sought to describe this relationship in Chinese immigrants currently living in New York City. METHODS: We analyzed data from the Chinese American Cardiovascular Health Assessment, a cross-sectional survey of foreign-born Chinese adults living in New York City (n = 2071). Primary outcomes included depression, stress and physical symptoms, and the primary exposure was acculturation. Rates of depression, stress, and physical symptoms were surveyed using validated tools. Acculturation was evaluated using the Stephenson Multigroup Acculturation Scale, which is an assessment of both ethnic and dominant society immersion (ESI and DSI). Mean acculturation, depression and stress scores were stratified by demographics. Differences were assessed using one-way ANOVA analysis. RESULTS: Our population was generally middle-aged, well-educated, and employed. Younger age, female gender, shorter duration of residence in the US, single marital status and poor perceived health were associated with higher rates of depression and stress. Overall the cohort was more acculturated to China (average ESI 3.67 out of 4) than America (DSI 2.11 out of 4). Participants who were depressed had lower acculturation to ethnic society compared to those without depression (ESI 3.59 vs ESI 3.67, p = 7.13e-5). This difference was not seen when comparing acculturation to dominant society in depressed vs not depressed participants (DSI 2.08 vs DSI 2.11, p = 0.53). Higher levels of stress were associated with lower acculturation to both ethnic (ESI 3.62 vs 3.67, p = 0.003) and dominant cultures (DSI 2.0 vs 2.12, p = 0.002). Participants with depression and stress were more likely to have physical symptoms and lower self-rated health. CONCLUSIONS: We performed a descriptive analysis of Chinese immigrants living in NYC to characterize the interaction between acculturation, depression and stress. We observed that depressed participants had lower acculturation to their ethnic society, but not dominant society, perhaps suggesting a protective effect of connection to one's home society. Future mental health interventions may target patients with low acculturation by increasing access to community events, employing Chinese community health workers, or leading group visits to targeted groups. This study is consistent with prior research demonstrating a relationship between physical symptoms and mood in Chinese immigrants. Internists should consider physical symptoms as potential indicators of underlying mood disorders in this underserved population, as early identification may lead to improved diagnosis and treatment
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 2554002
What does communication skills performance in a high-stakes 3rd year osce tell us about the transition to residency? [Meeting Abstract]
Gillespie, C C; Zabar, S; Crowe, R; Ross, J A; Hanley, K; Altshuler, L; Kalet, A
BACKGROUND: It is critically important for medical schools to understand how well prepared their graduates are for residency and yet we do not have a full understanding of how well competencies, assessed in medical school, transfer to residency. This study explores how communication skills measured in a high-stakes, rigorous, comprehensive OSCE in the 3rd year of medical school are related to performance in a similar OSCE in residency and to Residency Program Directors' ratings of intern competence. METHODS: We analyzed communication skills from three time points in a longitudinal cohort of NYU graduates who entered our Internal Medicine Residency (n = 42). 39 provided consent for their GME-UME data to be compiled into a longitudinal, de-identified educational research database through an IRB-approved Registry. Communication skills were measured using a behaviorally anchored 15-item checklist across the 8-station, pass/fail, MS3 OSCE and then midway through PGY2 of residency in a 6- station OSCE (score =% of items rated well done). SPs also provided an overall rating of communication skills (not recommend, with reservations, recommend, highly recommend). In between, at the end of intern year, residents were also rated by their Program Directors on communication skills (and other competencies) using a 4-pt scale. RESULTS: OSCE communication performance assessed in medical school was modestly associated with performance in residency (r = .26, p = .07) but not with Program Directors' ratings of residents' communication skills as interns (r = .11, p = .28). Number of cases in which medical students were "not recommended" for their communication skills was negatively associated with residency OSCE communication scores (r = -.33, p = .05) and positively associated with number of "not recommends" (r = .46, p = .01) but not with Directors' ratings of interns (r = -.08, p = .49). Number of not recommends independently explained more variance in subsequent residency communication scores than did medical school performance (9% vs. 5%). While average OSCE communication scores improved from medical school to residency (65 to 71%), those with 2 or more "not recommends" improved significantly more than those with 1 or no not recommends. Overall, most learners' (21/39) communication scores improved substantially; less than a quarter (7) decreased; and about a quarter (11) were stable. CONCLUSIONS: While communication scores from medical school are associated with similarly measured scores in residency, SPs' decisions to "not recommend" students appear to serve as an independent indicator of future skill deficits. Patterns of change, however, are not necessarily straightforward: students with the most "not recommends" improved the most. The ability to track competency assessments longitudinally is essential for understanding the transition from medical school to residency and future research will benefit from larger sample sizes and the inclusion of learner characteristics that may explain developmental patterns
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 2554142
Can we link standardized assessment of residents' clinical skills with patient outcome data? [Meeting Abstract]
Kalet, A; Gillespie, C C; Altshuler, L; Dumorne, H; Hanley, K; Wallach, A B; Porter, B; Zabar, S
BACKGROUND: At Bellevue Hospital Center (BHC), we have a robust Unannounced Standardized Patient (USP) program, where trained actors portraying real patients in the clinical setting, incognito, assess the residents' skills following their visit. We sought to determine the relationship between USP ratings of residents' skills and clinical outcomes among the residents' continuity patient panels to define educationally sensitive patient outcomes. METHODS: We assembled a retrospective cohort of PGY 2 internal medicine residents with at least 2 USP visits between 7/1/14-6/30/15 and ambulatory care patient panels at BHC. The two outcome variables were the percentage of hypertensive patients in the residents' panel with blood pressure (BP) <140/90, and the average of the most recent glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) result among the residents' patients with diabetes. The predictor variables included mean USP ratings of residents' clinical skills and mean faculty rating of the residents' clinic notes (scored for quality on a 0 to 3 scale). USPs used a behaviorally anchored checklist (not done, partly done, well done) for the following domains: communication, case specific assessment, patient education, physical examination, professionalism, management plan, patient satisfaction, and patient activation measure. We tested the correlations between USP scores with BP and HbA1C control, and then developed multivariate, linear regression models of USP scores on BP and HbA1C scores, respectively, each controlling for Avg. Chronic health score (ACHS, derived by scoring different clinical conditions by acuity and used to determine if the panel is getting sicker over time) and total number of patients in the panel (TNPP) because these variables were correlated with both the outcome and predictor variables. RESULTS: 29 PGY 2 residents had a mean of 2.5 (SD 1.0) USP visits during the study period. Residents' patient panels size varied (median 124, range 62- 171) and mean patient age was 48 years (SD 1.4). Patient Activation scores were correlated with Average Chronic Health Score (r = .482, p = .008) and Panel Average last A1c (r = -.311, p = .10). Patient activation scores explained 16% variance in the mean panel last HgA1c, (adjusted R2 .137, p = .08). Case specific Assessment & Patient Education skills across USP cases explained 21.5% of the variance and the Average Chart Note Score explained 14.4% of the variance in % of Hypertension controlled (adjusted R2.378, p < .009). CONCLUSIONS: This exploratory study suggests that learnable resident clinical skills are associated with quality of care indicators for HTN and DM control. In particular, being able to activate patients, assess and educate them and write high quality notes are pathways to quality care. Next steps are to confirm these findings in a larger dataset. Doing so will help align medical education with patient safety and care quality and provide guidance for educational and clinical research aimed at improving the health of populations served
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 2554122
Communication skills and value-based medicine: Understanding residents' variation in care using unannounced standardized patient visit [Meeting Abstract]
Hanley, K; Watsula-Morley, A; Altshuler, L; Dumorne, H; Kalet, A; Porter, B; Wallach, A B; Gillespie, C; Zabar, S
BACKGROUND: Training residents to effectively practice value-based care is challenging. We hypothesized that residents with better communication skills would order fewer unnecessary tests and prescribe more appropriate care. We used a USP case of a patient with uncontrolled asthma to examine the relationship between value-based care and communication skills. METHODS: A 25 year-old female USP presented as a new patient to a medicine resident's clinic, reporting asthma since childhood with worsening symptoms over the past few months. At the time of the visit, she was using her albuterol inhaler multiple times daily, without any additional asthma treatment, and was unsure whether she was using it properly. Data was collected using two forms of assessment: a post-visit USP checklist and a systematic review of the corresponding clinic note to examine treatment recommendations including referrals and quality of documentation. The USP checklist measured communication, patient education, and assessment skills. Each response option included descriptive behavioral anchors and was rated as not done, partly done, or well done. Domain scores were calculated as percent items rated well done. RESULTS: 141 USP visits were made from 2009 to 2016 with a mean visit length = 88 min, SD= 28 min (range: 40 to 180 min). Almost all residents (92%) evaluated the patient's asthma with a pulmonary examination. The most common treatment prescribed was albuterol and an inhaled steroid, with or without a spacer (79%). The majority of residents (53%) did not order any additional studies; 21% ordered one study, and 26% ordered two or more studies. Study orders fell into one of three categories: gold (appropriate/recommended: PFTs, flu shot, HIV), grey (pulmonary consult, HCG), or inappropriate (TSH, A1C). Across the 141 visits, 129 studies were ordered; 46% were gold, 5% were grey, and 49% were inappropriate. The most common study ordered was a PFT (31%). 87% of single study orders were gold, but 92% of multiple orders included at least one inappropriate study. Residents who did not order any studies had significantly higher patient education and counseling skills than residents who ordered one or more studies (54% vs 34%, p = 0.00) and were more likely to explain how to correctly use an inhaler than residents who ordered one or more studies (48% vs 27%, p = 0.01). These residents also had significantly higher management and treatment skills (61% vs 39%, p = 0.00) and overall communication skills (68% vs 55%, p = 0.01). There were no significant differences between groups in medications prescribed or in quality of documentation. CONCLUSIONS: Effective communication skills may contribute to valuebased care through appropriate patient education and ordering of fewer inappropriate studies. Rigorous curricula and assessment of resident's patient education skills should be in place to help both patients and health care system achieve value-based care
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 2553822
Comprehensive osces as opportunities for faculty to make entrustment judgments: How are standardized patient assessments of skills performance associated with faculty entrustability judgments? [Meeting Abstract]
Gillespie, C C; Hanley, K; Ross, J A; Adams, J; Zabar, S
BACKGROUND: Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) and milestones are expert judgments made based on many formative assessments. Their validity is dependent on the number of assessments but attention is increasingly being paid to having a "fair" sample of observations equally distributed across residents and contexts. OSCEs provide such a consistent, fair sample of behavior assessed under controlled conditions but have mostly used been used to provide granular skills feedback. We explore how faculty judge the "entrustability" of residents based on observing OSCE cases and then how these entrustments relate to OSCE skills performance. METHODS: In an 11-case OSCE for primary care residents (n = 25; PGY1-3), SPs rated skills in communication (information gathering, relationship development, education/counseling), assessment, patient education (case-specific), physical exam, professionalism, treatment plan, patient satisfaction and patient activation. Summary scores were calculated as%items rated well done (vs not or partly done; internal consistency > .72). Faculty observers then judged how much supervision the resident would need in actual practice to handle the case: 1-requires direct supervision, 2-requires indirect supervision, 3-ready for unsupervised practice, or 4- can supervise others. Mean entrustment rating across cases was correlated with clinical skills. RESULTS: Mean entrustment =2.46 (SD .37), falling between requires indirect supervision and ready for unsupervised practice. On average, residents were judged to need direct supervision in .40 cases (SD .65), indirect supervision in 4.76 (SD 2.03), ready for unsupervised practice in 2.92 (SD 1.80), and able to supervise others in 1.07 cases (SD 1.15) with PGY1 residents needing direct and indirect supervision in more cases than PGY2 and 3 (p = .037). Associations between OSCE performance and faculty entrustment ranged from essentially zero (communication sub-domains of information gathering and education/counseling; case-specific patient education; patient satisfaction) to negative (communication sub-domain of relationship development r = -.25, p = .16; professionalism r = -.21, p = .22) to positive (case-specific assessment, r = .35, p = .07; physical exam r = .30, p = .13; treatment plan r = .40, p = .04; patient activation r = .51, p = .008). Associations between skills performance and entrustment ratings varied by case. CONCLUSIONS: OSCEs provide a valuable opportunity for faculty to make entrustment judgments based on observing the same, complete encounter across many trainees. Entrustment judgments appear to be capturing elements of competence related to but different from SP assessments of performance, including especially "bottom line" aspects of practice such as assessment, physical exam, treatment plans and patient activation. Interestingly, we consider patient activation skills to be an "educationally sensitive patient outcome" i because both teachable and associated with patient outcomes and our results support the importance of this skill set
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 2553692
Are accelerated 3-year md pathway students prepared for day one of internship? [Meeting Abstract]
Kalet, A; Eliasz, K L; Ng, G; Szyld, D; Zabar, S; Pusic, M V; Gillespie, C C; Buckvar-Keltz, L; Cangiarella, J; Abramson, S B; Riles, T S
NEEDS AND OBJECTIVES: To address rising education costs, physician shortages, and the need for educational reform, several medical schools have developed accelerated 3-year MD programs. In 2013, NYU School of Medicine began its new 3-year MD program with guaranteed acceptance into residency upon graduation. Using the AAMC's 13 Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entry into Residency (CEPAER) framework, we designed an immersive 4-hour simulated "Night on Call" (NOC) experience to compare performance of our first graduating cohort of fifteen 3-year MD students (3A), with third (3T) and fourth year (4T) students in the traditional 4-year MD program. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: 73 medical students (39 women, age 26.5 (+2.6) years; 36 '3T', 12 '3A', 25 '4T') completed an IRB-approvedNOC at our simulation center 4 weeks prior to the end of their third or final year of medical school. DESCRIPTION: We developed NOC to measure competence and entrustment across all 13 CEPAERs from the perspective of patients, nurses, and attendings. During the simulation, a medical student rotated through a series of 8 clinical coverage scenarios including: 4 standardized patient (SP) cases with varying degrees of complexity, each of which require answering a call from a standardized nurse (SN), evaluating an SP with the SN in the room, making immediate management decisions and writing a coverage note; a phone call to an experienced clinician to orally present (OP) the case; formulation of a clinical question and finding the most appropriate evidence-based medicine (EBM) answer using digital library resources; a clinical vignette (CV) to test ability to recognize a pre-entrustable peer; and a handoff (HO) of 4 cases to a peer (a senior medical student). CEPAERs assessments based on validated tools included communication, physical exam, patient education and interprofessional teamwork skills assessed by an SP and SN, and clinical reasoning based on notes, OP, EBM, CV, HO. Each rater also provided an entrustment judgment. EVALUATION: Although overall student performance improved across cases and some interesting individual performance patterns emerged, there were no significant differences across the three groups in the core competency and entrustment measures evaluated across various NOC activities. DISCUSSION/REFLECTION/LESSONS LEARNED: The 13 CEPAERs are meant to define what students should be expected to perform (without direct supervision) prior to entering residency. Our results, based on multiple rater perspectives, suggest that our cohort of 3A students is as prepared for residency as their 4T counterparts
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 2553762
Assessmentofadherence to depressionmanagement guidelines using unannounced standardized patients: Are resident physicians effectively managing depression in primary care? [Meeting Abstract]
Zabar, S; Hanley, K; Watsula-Morley, A; Altshuler, L; Dumorne, H; Wallach, A B; Porter, B; Kalet, A; Gillespie, C
BACKGROUND: All physicians need to be skilled at diagnosing, treating, and managing depression. We designed an unannounced standard patient (USP) case to assess residents' clinical skills in addressing depression and explored how those skills are associated with residents' general clinical skills in order to design targeted curriculum on depression. METHODS: The USP was a 26 y.o. male presenting as a new patient to a clinic complaining of fatigue and problems sleeping. Goals of the case were to diagnose a common presentation of depression and make a treatment/follow-up plan. The USP was trained to have a positive PHQ 2 &PHQ 9, family history of depression, and be willing to engage in medication and/or therapy if offered. A post-visit checklist was used by the SPs to assess communication, patient education, and assessment skills using behaviorally anchored items rated as not done, partly done, or well done. A systematic chart review was conducted to examine treatment, quality of documentation, and referrals. Case fidelity was checked by audiotape and confirmed by PHQ 9 score in the EHR. Evidence based treatment was defined as prescribing an SSRI and/or providing a psychiatric referral; if neither of those, scheduling follow-up for within 2 weeks. RESULTS: 122 residents saw the USP case from 2009-2015. Mean visit length = 45 min, SD 25 (14 to 183 min). The patient was screened for depression with a PHQ 2 in 93% of visits; 82% also had a PHQ 9. Overall, 77 residents (63%) provided appropriate treatment: 8% prescribed an SRRI, 23% provided a referral, 19% did both, 7% prescribed a sleep aid and <2 week follow-up, and 43% provided a combination of these treatments. 45 residents (37%) did not provide appropriate treatment: 27 (60%) prescribed a sleep aid and follow-up >2 weeks and 18 (40%) provided no treatment/referral and follow-up >2 weeks. There were no differences in exploration of medical history or substance use, but 83% of residents who treated appropriately had a PHQ 9 compared to 62% of residents who did not treat appropriately. 71% also included depression on the problem list compared to 13%of residents who did not treat appropriately. Residents who treated appropriately had significantly better clinical skills assessed by the USP including: overall communication (71% vs. 54%, p = 0.00), information gathering (72% vs. 55%, p = 0.01), relationship development (75% vs. 60%, p = 0.03), patient education (55% vs. 21%, p = 0.00), and patient activation skills (33% vs. 13%, p = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Although almost all residents obtained the relevant information, only about 50% of residents diagnosed depression. PHQ 9 appears to be associated with providing more effective treatment, supporting the importance of health system screening protocols. Residents' communication and depression-specific patient education and activation skills seem to be related to how they identify and manage depression, suggesting that interventions to build these skills may lead to higher quality care
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 2553802
Putting out the flame: Our trainees need to learn patient activation skills [Meeting Abstract]
Watsula-Morley, A; Gillespie, C; Altshuler, L; Hanley, K; Kalet, A; Porter, B; Wallach, A B; Zabar, S
BACKGROUND: Effective smoking cessation counseling improves smokers' health and quality of life. As part of our assessment program, an Unannounced Standardized Patient (USP) case was developed to measure residents' performance in a routine visit with a smoker. METHODS: The USP was a 40 year-old male new patient presenting with heartburn. He began smoking up to two packs/day at 22 years old; at the time of the visit, he reports having cut down to one pack/day and quitting cold turkey twice in the past only to return to smoking. If the resident engages him, he discusses his relationship with smoking and the possibility of quitting. TheUSP received 6 hours of character and checklist training to ensure standardized portrayal and evaluation. Data was collected using 2 forms of assessment: a post-visit USP checklist and a systematic review of the EMR (lab orders, prescriptions, and referrals). The 170- item USP checklist measured communication, patient education, assessment skills, and case-specific items. Each response option included descriptive behavioral anchors and was rated as not done, partly done, or well done. RESULTS: Data was examined from 73 USP visits from 2009-2015. Mean visit length = 37 min, SD = 15 min (range: 15 to 95 min). Overall communication scores ranged from 17 to 100% with an average of 62% (Cronbach's alpha = 0.75). All residents documented History of Tobacco Use or Tobacco Use Disorder in the EMR, and the majority (82%) prescribed smoking cessation medication. There was variation in the sophistication of smoking cessation-counseling approach. Whilemost residents (78%) discussed the risks of smoking and/or the benefits to quitting, significantly fewer (48%) explored the patient's view of the pros and cons of his smoking (p = 0.00). Residents who prescribed smoking cessation medication and discussed risks/benefits to smoking/quitting (N = 31) were compared to residents who did the same but also invited the patient to discuss his personal pros and cons of smoking (N = 29). Groups were not significantly different by PGY or gender. Patients who were asked to discuss their pros/cons rated the resident higher on patient activation questions (0-2 point scale), including "Helped you understand the importance of quitting smoking" (1.38 vs 0.90, p = 0.00), "Made you want to change your smoking" (1.10 vs 0.52, p = 0.00), and "Made you feel like you would be able to quit smoking" (1.07 vs 0.35, p = 0.00). There were no significant differences in labs ordered, referrals to a smoking cessation program, or quality of documentation. CONCLUSIONS: While all residents ask about tobacco use and most appropriately prescribe medication, fewer than half demonstrate the skills known to motivate patients to quit smoking. Curricula needs to reinforce the importance of a patient discussing their personal relationship with smoking in order to feel activated and willing to engage in cessation
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 2554012
A standardized patient program quality improvement project: Using a SP database to understand our SP community, monitor quality, and collaborate effectivelyacross SP programs [Meeting Abstract]
Zabar, S; Altshuler, L; Kalet, A; Drda, V; Anderson, M; Crowe, R; Mack, A; Gillespie, C
NEEDS AND OBJECTIVES: Standardized Patients (SPs) are integral to health care professions (HCPs) training. We must understand this workforce, make effective use of SPs' skills, and ensure they accurately portray cases and rate learners. To be authentic, simulation should reflect the demographics of the population served, while providing exposure to less commonly seen patients. We created an SP database to facilitate our work with SPs; review their demographic characteristics; and align information on SP performance -to better serve our educational mission. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: NYSIM (Simulation Center for NYU Langone and the City University of NY) serves hundreds of HCP training programs for learners at all levels. While sharing common resources, many programs independently recruit and train SPs. DESCRIPTION: We fielded a web-based survey for SPs and staff to populate the database. Survey items were iteratively reviewed by staff and SPs to ensure items elicited key information. Questions included basic demographics; SP experience/training; other professional background; and relevant physical findings (eg scars, cardiac findings). SPs also uploaded a headshot and resume. Staff separately input information about SPs' work on cases and programs; information about case portrayals; types of cases for which the SP is best suited, and other relevant information. EVALUATION: To date, we have 232 SP surveys, representing the majority of SPs at NYSIM. Demographics included gender (43% male, 56% female, 1% transgender), age range (x = 34.9 years, range teen to 75+) and selfidentified race (71% Caucasian, 17% African-American, 25.6% Asian/South Asian, 3.5% Middle Eastern, 3% Native American/Pacific Islander and 9% other). 22%are bilingual, with over 20 languages represented. SPs had a broad range of SP experience (x = 2.8 years, S.D. = 1.8, range 0-20 years). Almost all SPs were trained in basic case portrayal, with others being trained in aspects of the physical exam, emotional issues, giving feedback, and high stakes rating. SPs bring other skills to their work, including teaching (75%) or healthcare (12%). Survey information helps educators recruit SPs and identify (re)training needs. SPs who perform high stakes exams or are Unannounced Standardized Patients are shielded from general recruitment in order to maintain their anonymity. DISCUSSION/REFLECTION/LESSONS LEARNED: An SP database is useful for a high volume simulation center. Information in a searchable SP data base allows programs to understand the potential pool and expertise of SPs, and to track learners' exposure to specific SPs (this is relevant as our internal data reveal that SPs with more experience tend rate towards the middle of the scale). The demographic characteristics of our SPs broadly match the profile of our healthcare systems, and tracking the data allows us to maintain a good fit between SPs and our environment
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 2553952
End-of-visit practices to ensure outpatient safety: Resident physicians' performance in USP cases with outpatient safety challenges [Meeting Abstract]
Gillespie, C; Altshuler, L; Hanley, K; Kalet, A; Watsula-Morley, A; Dumorne, H; Zabar, S
BACKGROUND: Safe, high quality outpatient care often depends on the degree to which patients understand their situation and how to follow through on physician recommendations. However, we do not know enough about how often physicians focus on ensuring that their patients have achieved these understandings by the end of the visit and whether such end-of-visit practices are associated with physicians' communication, patient education and activating skills. METHODS: Two Unannounced Standardized Patient cases (highly trained actors who present as real patients) were delivered to 71 internal medicine residents in two clinics: one required the physician to identify a patient's depression and engage him in follow-up care, and the other required the physician to recognize a patient's failure to use her asthma medicine correctly and educate her in using it properly. End-of-visit practices were: reviewing the plan; asking if further questions; giving information about follow-up care and further contact; and helping the patient navigate the system in order to follow through on next steps. Each was assessed by the SP as not done, partly done, or well done. SPs also rated physicians' communication skills, patient activating skills, and case-specific education skills. Summary scores were calculated as% of items well done. RESULTS: Close to three-quarters of the physicians reviewed the plan with the patient and invited further questions in the depression case and slightly more than half did so in the asthma case (56 and 60%). Patients were given complete information about follow-up care and how to navigate the system in just under half of depression visits (49 and 47%) and just over half of asthma visits (58 and 58%). On average, residents were rated as performing 61% of these 8 items well (SD 28%) across both cases. Primary care residents performed significantly better than categorical internal medicine residents (67%vs 47%, p = .004). There were no differences by physician gender. End of visit scores were significantly positively correlated with both general and casespecific clinical skills, and after controlling for the variance contributed by the program (R2 = 12%, p = .004), case-specific education scores explained 10% of the variance in end of visit score (p = .005), patient activating skills 10% of the variance (p = .002) and communication skills 13% of the variance (p = .001). With all variables in the model, only the general communication domain of patient education and counseling was independently associated with end of visit scores (Std Beta = .35, p = .015). CONCLUSIONS: Had these patients been real patients, in one-quarter to onehalf of the visits, the patient would have left not fully understanding the plan or how to follow-through on care. Resident physicians with more effective communication and patient activating skills tended to provide safer end-of-visit care, suggesting that these may reflect an outpatient safety orientation or skillset
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 2553992