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Paranodal permeability in "myelin mutants"

Shroff, Seema; Mierzwa, Amanda; Scherer, Steven S; Peles, Elior; Arevalo, Juan C; Chao, Moses V; Rosenbluth, Jack
Fluorescent dextran tracers of varying sizes have been used to assess paranodal permeability in myelinated sciatic nerve fibers from control and three 'myelin mutant' mice, Caspr-null, cst-null, and shaking. We demonstrate that in all of these the paranode is permeable to small tracers (3 kDa and 10 kDa), which penetrate most fibers, and to larger tracers (40 kDa and 70 kDa), which penetrate far fewer fibers and move shorter distances over longer periods of time. Despite gross diminution in transverse bands (TBs) in the Caspr-null and cst-null mice, the permeability of their paranodal junctions is equivalent to that in controls. Thus, deficiency of TBs in these mutants does not increase the permeability of their paranodal junctions to the dextrans we used, moving from the perinodal space through the paranode to the internodal periaxonal space. In addition, we show that the shaking mice, which have thinner myelin and shorter paranodes, show increased permeability to the same tracers despite the presence of TBs. We conclude that the extent of penetration of these tracers does not depend on the presence or absence of TBs but does depend on the length of the paranode and, in turn, on the length of 'pathway 3,' the helical extracellular pathway that passes through the paranode parallel to the lateral edge of the myelin sheath. (c) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc
PMID: 21618613
ISSN: 1098-1136
CID: 135571

Cultured vestibular ganglion neurons demonstrate latent HSV1 reactivation

Roehm, Pamela C; Camarena, Vladimir; Nayak, Shruti; Gardner, James B; Wilson, Angus; Mohr, Ian; Chao, Moses V
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Vestibular neuritis is a common cause of both acute and chronic vestibular dysfunction. Multiple pathologies have been hypothesized to be the causative agent of vestibular neuritis; however, whether herpes simplex type I (HSV1) reactivation occurs within the vestibular ganglion has not been demonstrated previously by experimental evidence. We developed an in vitro system to study HSV1 infection of vestibular ganglion neurons (VGNs) using a cell culture model system. STUDY DESIGN: basic science study. RESULTS: Lytic infection of cultured rat VGNs was observed following low viral multiplicity of infection (MOI). Inclusion of acyclovir suppressed lytic replication and allowed latency to be established. Upon removal of acyclovir, latent infection was confirmed with reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and by RNA fluorescent in situ hybridization for the latency-associated transcript (LAT). A total of 29% cells in latently infected cultures were LAT positive. The lytic ICP27 transcript was not detected by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Reactivation of HSV1 occurred at a high frequency in latently infected cultures following treatment with trichostatin A (TSA), a histone deactylase inhibitor. CONCLUSIONS: VGNs can be both lytically and latently infected with HSV1. Furthermore, latently infected VGNs can be induced to reactivate using TSA. This demonstrates that reactivation of latent HSV1 infection in the vestibular ganglion can occur in a cell culture model, and suggests that reactivation of HSV1 infection a plausible etiologic mechanism of vestibular neuritis
PMID: 21898423
ISSN: 1531-4995
CID: 137886

APP is Phosphorylated by TrkA and Regulates NGF/TrkA Signaling

Matrone, Carmela; Barbagallo, Alessia P M; La Rosa, Luca R; Florenzano, Fulvio; Ciotti, Maria T; Mercanti, Delio; Chao, Moses V; Calissano, Pietro; D'Adamio, Luciano
The pathogenic model of Alzheimer's disease (AD) posits that aggregates of amyloid beta, a product of amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing, cause dementia. However, alterations of normal APP functions could contribute to AD pathogenesis, and it is therefore important to understand the role of APP. APP is a member of a gene family that shows functional redundancy as documented by the evidence that single knock-out mice are viable, whereas mice with combined deletions of APP family genes die shortly after birth. A residue in the APP intracellular region, Y(682), is indispensable for these essential functions of APP. It is therefore important to identify pathways that regulate phosphorylation of Y(682) as well as the role of Y(682) in vivo. TrkA is associated with both phosphorylation of APP-Y(682) and alteration of APP processing, suggesting that tyrosine phosphorylation of APP links APP processing and neurotrophic signaling to intracellular pathways associated with cellular differentiation and survival. Here we have tested whether the NGF/TrkA signaling pathway is a physiological regulator of APP phosphorylation. We find that NGF induces tyrosine phosphorylation of APP, and that APP interacts with TrkA and this interaction requires Y(682). Unpredictably, we also uncover that APP, and specifically Y(682), regulates activation of the NGF/TrkA signaling pathway in vivo, the subcellular distribution of TrkA and the sensitivity of neurons to the trophic action of NGF. This evidence suggests that these two membrane protein's functions are strictly interconnected and that the NGF/TrkA signaling pathway is involved in AD pathogenesis and can be used as a therapeutic target
PMID: 21849536
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 136648

TrkB as a Potential Synaptic and Behavioral Tag

Lu, Yuan; Ji, Yuanyuan; Ganesan, Sundar; Schloesser, Robert; Martinowich, Keri; Sun, Mu; Mei, Fan; Chao, Moses V; Lu, Bai
Late-phase long-term potentiation (L-LTP), a cellular model for long-term memory (LTM), requires de novo protein synthesis. An attractive hypothesis for synapse specificity of long-term memory is 'synaptic tagging': synaptic activity generates a tag, which 'captures' the PRPs (plasticity-related proteins) derived outside of synapses. Here we provide evidence that TrkB, the receptor of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), may serve as a 'synaptic tag.' TrkB is transiently activated by weak theta-burst stimulation (TBS) that induces only early-phase LTP (E-LTP). This TrkB activation is independent of protein synthesis, and confined to stimulated synapses. Induction of L-LTP by strong stimulation in one synaptic pathway converts weak TBS-induced E-LTP to L-LTP in a second, independent pathway. Transient inhibition of TrkB around the time of weak TBS to the second pathway diminished L-LTP in that pathway without affecting the first one. Behaviorally, weak training, which induces short-term memory (STM) but not LTM, can be consolidated into LTM by exposing animals to novel but not familiar environment 1 h before training. Inhibition of TrkB during STM training blocked such consolidation. These results suggest TrkB as a potential tag for synapse-specific expression of L-LTP and LTM
PMID: 21849537
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 136649

A selective role for ARMS/Kidins220 scaffold protein in spatial memory and trophic support of entorhinal and frontal cortical neurons

Duffy, Aine M; Schaner, Michael J; Wu, Synphen H; Staniszewski, Agnieszka; Kumar, Asok; Arevalo, Juan Carlos; Arancio, Ottavio; Chao, Moses V; Scharfman, Helen E
Progressive cortical pathology is common to several neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. The entorhinal cortex (EC) and frontal cortex (FC) are particularly vulnerable, and neurotrophins have been implicated because they appear to be protective. A downstream signal transducer of neurotrophins, the ankyrin repeat-rich membrane spanning scaffold protein/Kidins 220 (ARMS) is expressed in the cortex, where it could play an important role in trophic support. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated mice with a heterozygous deletion of ARMS (ARMS(+/-) mice). Remarkably, the EC and FC were the regions that demonstrated the greatest defects. Many EC and FC neurons became pyknotic in ARMS(+/-) mice, so that large areas of the EC and FC were affected by 12 months of age. Areas with pyknosis in the EC and FC of ARMS(+/-) mice were also characterized by a loss of immunoreactivity to a neuronal antigen, NeuN, which has been reported after insult or injury to cortical neurons. Electron microscopy showed that there were defects in mitochondria, myelination, and multilamellar bodies in the EC and FC of ARMS(+/-) mice. Although primarily restricted to the EC and FC, pathology appeared to be sufficient to cause functional impairments, because ARMS(+/-) mice performed worse than wild-type on the Morris water maze. Comparisons of males and females showed that female mice were the affected sex in all comparisons. Taken together, the results suggest that the expression of a prominent neurotrophin receptor substrate normally protects the EC and FC, and that ARMS may be particularly important in females
PMID: 21419124
ISSN: 1090-2430
CID: 145797

Study of Neurotrophin-3 Signaling in Primary Cultured Neurons using Multiplex Stable Isotope Labeling with Amino Acids in Cell Culture

Zhang, Guoan; Deinhardt, Katrin; Chao, Moses V; Neubert, Thomas A
Conventional stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) requires extensive metabolic labeling of proteins and therefore is difficult to apply to cells that do not divide or are unstable in SILAC culture. Using two different sets of heavy amino acids for labeling allows for straightforward SILAC quantitation using partially labeled cells because the two cell populations are always equally labeled. Here we report the application of this labeling strategy to primary cultured neurons. We demonstrated that protein quantitation was not compromised by incomplete labeling of the neuronal proteins. We used this method to study neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) signaling in primary cultured neurons. Surprisingly our results indicate TrkB signaling is a major component of the signaling network induced by NT-3 in cortical neurons. In addition, involvement of proteins such as VAMP2, Scamp1, and Scamp3 suggests that NT-3 may lead to enhanced exocytosis of synaptic vesicles
PMID: 21370927
ISSN: 1535-3907
CID: 132309

Distribution of Phosphorylated TrkB Receptor in the Mouse Hippocampal Formation Depends on Sex and Estrous Cycle Stage

Spencer-Segal, Joanna L; Waters, Elizabeth M; Bath, Kevin G; Chao, Moses V; McEwen, Bruce S; Milner, Teresa A
Tropomyosin-related kinase B receptor (TrkB) is a neurotrophin receptor important for the synaptic plasticity underlying hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. Because this receptor is widely expressed in hippocampal neurons, the precise location of TrkB activation is likely important for its specific actions. The goal of this study was to identify the precise sites of TrkB activation in the mouse hippocampal formation and to determine any changes in the distribution of activated TrkB under conditions of enhanced brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression and hippocampal excitability. Using electron microscopy, we localized TrkB phosphorylated at tyrosine 816 (pTrkB) in the hippocampal formation of male and female mice under conditions of naturally low circulating estradiol and naturally high circulating estradiol, when BDNF expression, TrkB signaling, and synaptic plasticity are enhanced. To compare relative amounts of pTrkB in each group, we counted profiles containing pTrkB-immunoreactivity (pTrkB-ir) in all hippocampal subregions. pTrkB-ir was in axons, axon terminals, dendrites, and dendritic spines of neurons in the hippocampal formation, but the majority of pTrkB-ir localized to presynaptic profiles. pTrkB-ir also was abundant in glial profiles, which were further identified as microglia using immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. Axonal and glial pTrkB-ir and pTrkB-ir in the CA1 stratum radiatum were more abundant in high-estradiol states (proestrus females) than low-estradiol states (estrus and diestrus females and males). These findings suggest that presynaptic TrkB is positioned to modulate estradiol-mediated and BDNF-dependent synaptic plasticity. Furthermore, they suggest a novel role for TrkB in microglial function in the neuroimmune system
PMID: 21543608
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 131976

Regulation of trafficking of activated TrkA is critical for NGF-mediated functions

Yu, Tao; Calvo, Laura; Anta, Begona; Lopez-Benito, Saray; Southon, Eileen; Chao, Moses V; Tessarollo, Lino; Arevalo, Juan C
Upon activation by nerve growth factor (NGF), TrkA is internalized, trafficked and sorted through different endosomal compartments. Proper TrkA trafficking and sorting are crucial events as alteration of these processes hinders NGF-mediated functions. However, it is not fully known which proteins are involved in the trafficking and sorting of TrkA. Here we report that Nedd4-2 regulates the trafficking of TrkA and NGF functions in sensory neurons. Depletion of Nedd4-2 disrupts the correct sorting of activated TrkA at the early and late endosome stages, resulting in an accumulation of TrkA in these compartments and, as a result of the reduced trafficking to the degradative pathway, TrkA is either reverted to the cell surface through the recycling pathway or retrogradely transported to the cell body. In addition, Nedd4-2 depletion enhances TrkA signaling and the survival of NGF-dependent dorsal root ganglion neurons, but not those of brain-derived neurotrophic factor-dependent neurons. Furthermore, neurons from a knock-in mouse expressing a TrkA mutant that does not bind Nedd4-2 protein exhibit increased NGF-mediated signaling and cell survival. Our data indicate that TrkA trafficking and sorting are regulated by Nedd4-2 protein
PMID: 21199218
ISSN: 1600-0854
CID: 133179

Sortilin associates with Trk receptors to enhance anterograde transport and neurotrophin signaling

Vaegter, Christian B; Jansen, Pernille; Fjorback, Anja W; Glerup, Simon; Skeldal, Sune; Kjolby, Mads; Richner, Mette; Erdmann, Bettina; Nyengaard, Jens R; Tessarollo, Lino; Lewin, Gary R; Willnow, Thomas E; Chao, Moses V; Nykjaer, Anders
Binding of target-derived neurotrophins to Trk receptors at nerve terminals is required to stimulate neuronal survival, differentiation, innervation and synaptic plasticity. The distance between the soma and nerve terminal is great, making efficient anterograde Trk transport critical for Trk synaptic translocation and signaling. The mechanism responsible for this trafficking remains poorly understood. Here we show that the sorting receptor sortilin interacts with TrkA, TrkB and TrkC and enables their anterograde axonal transport, thereby enhancing neurotrophin signaling. Cultured DRG neurons lacking sortilin showed blunted MAP kinase signaling and reduced neurite outgrowth upon stimulation with NGF. Moreover, deficiency for sortilin markedly aggravated TrkA, TrkB and TrkC phenotypes present in p75(NTR) knockouts, and resulted in increased embryonic lethality and sympathetic neuropathy in mice heterozygous for TrkA. Our findings demonstrate a role for sortilin as an anterograde trafficking receptor for Trk and a positive modulator of neurotrophin-induced neuronal survival
PMID: 21102451
ISSN: 1546-1726
CID: 122282

Huntingtin mediates dendritic transport of beta-actin mRNA in rat neurons

Ma, Bin; Savas, Jeffrey N; Yu, Man-Shan; Culver, Brady P; Chao, Moses V; Tanese, Naoko
Transport of mRNAs to diverse neuronal locations via RNA granules serves an important function in regulating protein synthesis within restricted sub-cellular domains. We recently detected the Huntington's disease protein huntingtin (Htt) in dendritic RNA granules; however, the functional significance of this localization is not known. Here we report that Htt and the huntingtin-associated protein 1 (HAP1) are co-localized with the microtubule motor proteins, the KIF5A kinesin and dynein, during dendritic transport of beta-actin mRNA. Live cell imaging demonstrated that beta-actin mRNA is associated with Htt, HAP1, and dynein intermediate chain in cultured neurons. Reduction in the levels of Htt, HAP1, KIF5A, and dynein heavy chain by lentiviral-based shRNAs resulted in a reduction in the transport of beta-actin mRNA. These findings support a role for Htt in participating in the mRNA transport machinery that also contains HAP1, KIF5A, and dynein.
PMID: 22355657
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 166786