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[S.l.] : Reuters, 2014

High-tech medicine alone cannot protect U.S. from Ebola – we need to get the basics right

Gounder, Celine
CID: 3161652

[S.l.] : Reuters, 2014

Here's the current status of new drugs to fight Ebola virus and what works best now

Gounder, Celine
CID: 3161662

Preventing tuberculosis among HIV-infected pregnant women in Lesotho: the case for rolling out active case finding and isoniazid preventive therapy

Tiam, Appolinaire; Machekano, Rhoderick; Gounder, Celine R; Maama-Maime, Llang B M; Ntene-Sealiete, Keletso; Sahu, Maitreyi; Isavwa, Anthony; Oyebanji, Oyebola; Ahimbisibwe, Allan; Mokone, Majoalane; Barnes, Grace L; Chaisson, Richard E; Guay, Laura; Kassaye, Seble
BACKGROUND:The Lesotho Ministry of Health issued guidelines on active case finding (ACF) for tuberculosis (TB) and isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) in April 2011. ACF has been recommended in maternal and child health (MCH) settings globally, however, the feasibility of implementing IPT within MCH in countries with high concurrent HIV and TB epidemics is unknown. DESIGN/METHODS/METHODS:The study evaluated the implementation of ACF and IPT guidelines in MCH settings in 2 health facilities in Lesotho. This descriptive prospective study analyzed data collected during routine services. Categorical data and continuous variables were summarized using descriptive statistics. The χ test or Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to ascertain significant associations between categorical and continuous variables, respectively. RESULTS:Data from 160 HIV-positive and 640 HIV-negative women were reviewed. Within this study population, 99.8% of women were screened for TB, and 11.4% HIV-positive women compared with 2.3% HIV-negative women were reported to have symptoms of TB (P < 0.001). IPT was initiated in 124/158 (78.5%) HIV-positive pregnant women, 64.5% women completed a 6-month IPT regimen, 2 (1.6%) died of causes unrelated to IPT/TB, and 31.5% were lost to follow-up. Predictors of IPT initiation among HIV-positive women included gestational age at the first antenatal visit (unadjusted odds ratio, -0.93; 95% confidence interval: -0.88 to 0.98), and receipt of antiretroviral therapy for treatment rather than for prevention of mother-to-child transmission prophylaxis only (odds ratio, 4.59; 95% confidence interval: 1.32 to 15.93). CONCLUSIONS:Implementation of ACF and IPT is feasible within the MCH setting. Uptake of IPT during pregnancy among HIV-positive women was high, but with a high rate of loss to follow-up.
PMID: 25118796
ISSN: 1944-7884
CID: 3026592

[S.l.] : Reuters, 2014

Remember the movie 'Outbreak?' Yeah, Ebola's not really like that

Gounder, Celine
CID: 3161672

[S.l.] : Reuters, 2014

The best way to treat Ebola patients who reach America

Gounder, Celine
CID: 3161682

[S.l.] : Reuters, 2014

To combat Ebola, first build back trust in healthcare workers

Gounder, Celine
CID: 3161692, 2014

Achieving the holy grail of wait-free medical care

Gounder, Celine
CID: 3161392, 2014

How doctors can change the way they work and care for patients

Gounder, Celine
CID: 3158572, 2014

We should value quality when we shop for health care

Gounder, Celine
CID: 3158562

Barriers and delays in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment services: does gender matter?

Yang, Wei-Teng; Gounder, Celine R; Akande, Tokunbo; De Neve, Jan-Walter; McIntire, Katherine N; Chandrasekhar, Aditya; de Lima Pereira, Alan; Gummadi, Naveen; Samanta, Santanu; Gupta, Amita
Background. Tuberculosis (TB) remains a global public health problem with known gender-related disparities. We reviewed the quantitative evidence for gender-related differences in accessing TB services from symptom onset to treatment initiation. Methods. Following a systematic review process, we: searched 12 electronic databases; included quantitative studies assessing gender differences in accessing TB diagnostic and treatment services; abstracted data; and assessed study validity. We defined barriers and delays at the individual and provider/system levels using a conceptual framework of the TB care continuum and examined gender-related differences. Results. Among 13,448 articles, 137 were included: many assessed individual-level barriers (52%) and delays (42%), 76% surveyed persons presenting for care with diagnosed or suspected TB, 24% surveyed community members, and two-thirds were from African and Asian regions. Many studies reported no gender differences. Among studies reporting disparities, women faced greater barriers (financial: 64% versus 36%; physical: 100% versus 0%; stigma: 85% versus 15%; health literacy: 67% versus 33%; and provider-/system-level: 100% versus 0%) and longer delays (presentation to diagnosis: 45% versus 0%) than men. Conclusions. Many studies found no quantitative gender-related differences in barriers and delays limiting access to TB services. When differences were identified, women experienced greater barriers and longer delays than men.
PMID: 24876956
ISSN: 2090-150x
CID: 3026572