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Efflux mechanisms at the developing brain barriers: ABC-transporters in the fetal and postnatal rat

Ek, C Joakim; Wong, Annamae; Liddelow, Shane A; Johansson, Pia A; Dziegielewska, Katarzyna M; Saunders, Norman R
Proteins of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family, present at the blood-brain barrier interfaces, have been shown to reduce the entry of compounds from blood into the brain by active efflux. Their substrates are diverse including many drugs and toxins and therefore provide an important mechanism for brain neuroprotection. However, knowledge of their presence and function in the developing brain is very limited. We have used qPCR and immunocytochemistry to determine gene expression and localisation of four main barrier ABC-transporters (pgp/ABCB1, MRP1/ABCC1, MRP4/ABCC4 and BCRP/ABCG2) in the fetal and neonatal rat brain cerebral blood vessels (site of blood-brain barrier) and choroid plexus (site of blood-CSF barrier). The study shows that ABC-transporters localise to the brain barriers even at early fetal stages and although pgp expression was lower in the fetus, the other transporters were expressed at comparable levels in fetal and adult brains suggesting direct neuroprotection of the brain in addition to that provided by the placenta. BCRP was expressed at higher levels in developing choroid plexus and was only detected at fetal stages on the blood-facing side of epithelial cells indicating a particular role of this transporter for early brain efflux mechanisms.
PMID: 20466047
ISSN: 1879-3169
CID: 2743462

Cellular transfer of macromolecules across the developing choroid plexus of Monodelphis domestica

Liddelow, Shane A; Dziegielewska, Katarzyna M; Ek, C Joakim; Johansson, Pia A; Potter, Ann M; Saunders, Norman R
Choroid plexus epithelial cells secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and transfer molecules from blood into CSF. Tight junctions between choroidal epithelial cells are functionally effective from early in development: the route of transfer is suggested to be transcellular. Routes of transfer for endogenous and exogenous plasma proteins and dextrans were studied in Monodelphis domestica (opossum). Pups at postnatal (P) days 1-65 and young adults were injected with biotinylated dextrans (3-70 kDa) and/or foetal protein fetuin. CSF, plasma and brain samples were collected from terminally anaesthetized animals. Choroid plexus cells containing plasma proteins were detected immunocytochemically. Numbers of plasma protein-positive epithelial cells increased to adult levels by P28, but their percentage of plexus cells declined. Numbers of cells positive for biotinylated probes increased with age, while their percentage remained constant. Colocalization studies showed specificity for individual proteins in some epithelial cells. Biotinylated probes and endogenous proteins colocalized in about 10% of cells in younger animals, increasing towards 100% by adulthood. Injections of markers into the ventricles demonstrated that protein is transferred only from blood into CSF, whereas dextrans pass in both directions. These results indicate that protein and lipid-insoluble markers are transferred by separate mechanisms present in choroid plexuses from the earliest stage of brain development, and transfer of proteins from plasma across choroid plexus epithelial cells contributes to the high protein concentration in CSF in the immature brain.
PMID: 19200232
ISSN: 1460-9568
CID: 2743472

The blood-CSF barrier explained: when development is not immaturity

Johansson, Pia A; Dziegielewska, Katarzyna M; Liddelow, Shane A; Saunders, Norman R
It is often suggested that during development the brain barriers are immature. This argument stems from teleological interpretations and experimental observations of the high protein concentrations in fetal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and decreases in apparent permeability of passive markers during development. We argue that the developmental blood-CSF barrier restricts the passage of lipid-insoluble molecules by the same mechanism as in the adult (tight junctions) rendering the paracellular pathway an unlikely route of entry. Instead, we suggest that both protein and passive markers are transferred across the epithelium through a transcellular route. We propose that changes in volume of distribution can largely explain the decrease in apparent permeability for passive markers and that developmentally regulated cellular transfer explains changes in CSF protein concentrations. The blood-CSF tight junctions are functionally mature from very early in development, and it appears that transfer from blood into embryonic brain occurs predominately via CSF rather than the vasculature.
PMID: 18293362
ISSN: 1521-1878
CID: 2743962

Blood-CSF barrier function in the rat embryo

Johansson, P A; Dziegielewska, K M; Ek, C J; Habgood, M D; Liddelow, S A; Potter, A M; Stolp, H B; Saunders, N R
Blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier function and expansion of the ventricular system were investigated in embryonic rats (E12-18). Permeability markers (sucrose and inulin) were injected intraperitoneally and concentrations measured in plasma and CSF at two sites (lateral and 4th ventricles) after 1 h. Total protein concentrations were also measured. CSF/plasma concentration ratios for endogenous protein were stable at approximately 20% at E14-18 and subsequently declined. In contrast, ratios for sucrose (100%) and inulin (40%) were highest at the earliest ages studied (E13-14) and then decreased substantially. Between E13 and E16 the volume of the lateral ventricles increased over three-fold. Decreasing CSF/plasma concentration ratios for small, passively diffusing molecules during embryonic development may not reflect changes in permeability. Instead, increasing volume of distribution appears to be important in this decline. The intracellular presence of a small marker (3000 Da biotin-dextranamine) in plexus epithelial cells following intraperitoneal injection indicates a transcellular route of transfer. Ultrastructural evidence confirmed that choroid plexus tight junctions are impermeable to small molecules at least as early as E15, indicating the blood-CSF barrier is morphologically and functionally mature early in embryonic development. Comparison of two albumins (human and bovine) showed that transfer of human albumin (surrogate for endogenous protein) was 4-5 times greater than bovine, indicating selective blood-to-CSF transfer. The number of plexus epithelial cells immunopositive for endogenous plasma protein increased in parallel with increases in total protein content of the expanding ventricular system. Results suggest that different transcellular mechanisms for protein and small molecule transfer are operating across the embryonic blood-CSF interface.
PMID: 16800861
ISSN: 0953-816x
CID: 2743972