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In vivo perturbation of lysosomal function promotes neurodegeneration in the PS1m146V/APPPK67ON,M671L mouse model of Alzheimer's disease pathology

Chapter by: Nixon RA; Mathews PM; Cataldo AM; Mohan PS; Schmidt SD; Duff K; Berg M; Marks N; Peterhoff C; Sershen H
in: Alzheimer's disease: advances in etiology, pathogenesis and therapeutics by Iqbal K; Sisodia SS; Winblad B [Eds]
Chichester: Wiley, 2001
pp. -
ISBN: 0471521760
CID: 2654

Accelerated A-beta generation in a cell model of Alzheimer's disease-related endosomal-lysomal system upregulation

Chapter by: Mathews PM; Guerra CB; Jiang Y; Kao BH; Dinakar R; Mehta P; Cataldo AM; Nixon RA
in: Alzheimer's disease: advances in etiology, pathogenesis and therapeutics by Iqbal K; Sisodia SS; Winblad B [Eds]
Chichester: Wiley, 2001
pp. 461-467
ISBN: 0471521760
CID: 2653

A beta peptide immunization reduces behavioural impairment and plaques in a model of Alzheimer's disease

Janus C; Pearson J; McLaurin J; Mathews PM; Jiang Y; Schmidt SD; Chishti MA; Horne P; Heslin D; French J; Mount HT; Nixon RA; Mercken M; Bergeron C; Fraser PE; St George-Hyslop P; Westaway D
Much evidence indicates that abnormal processing and extracellular deposition of amyloid-beta peptide (A beta), a proteolytic derivative of the beta-amyloid precursor protein (betaAPP), is central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (reviewed in ref. 1). In the PDAPP transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, immunization with A beta causes a marked reduction in burden of the brain amyloid. Evidence that A beta immunization also reduces cognitive dysfunction in murine models of Alzheimer's disease would support the hypothesis that abnormal A beta processing is essential to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, and would encourage the development of other strategies directed at the 'amyloid cascade'. Here we show that A beta immunization reduces both deposition of cerebral fibrillar A beta and cognitive dysfunction in the TgCRND8 murine model of Alzheimer's disease without, however, altering total levels of A beta in the brain. This implies that either a approximately 50% reduction in dense-cored A beta plaques is sufficient to affect cognition, or that vaccination may modulate the activity/abundance of a small subpopulation of especially toxic A beta species
PMID: 11140685
ISSN: 0028-0836
CID: 24772

Brain expression of presenilins in sporadic and early-onset, familial Alzheimer's disease

Mathews PM; Cataldo AM; Kao BH; Rudnicki AG; Qin X; Yang JL; Jiang Y; Picciano M; Hulette C; Lippa CF; Bird TD; Nochlin D; Walter J; Haass C; Levesque L; Fraser PE; Andreadis A; Nixon RA
BACKGROUND: Mutations in the presenilin proteins cause early-onset, familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We characterized the cellular localization and endoproteolysis of presenilin 2 (PS2) and presenilin 1 (PS1) in brains from 25 individuals with presenilin-mutations causing FAD, as well as neurologically normal individuals and individuals with sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). RESULTS: Amino-terminal antibodies to both presenilins predominantly decorated large neurons. Regional differences between the broad distributions of the two presenilins were greatest in the cerebellum, where most Purkinje cells showed high levels of only PS2 immunoreactivity. PS2 endoproteolysis in brain yielded multiple amino-terminal fragments similar in size to the PS1 amino-terminal fragments detected in brain. In addition, two different PS2 amino-terminal antibodies also detected a prominent 42 kDa band that may represent a novel PS2 form in human brain. Similar to PS1 findings, neither amino-terminal nor antiloop PS2 antibodies revealed substantial full-length PS2 in brain. Immunocytochemical examination of brains from individuals with the N141I PS2 mutation or eight different PS1 mutations, spanning the molecule from the second transmembrane domain to the large cytoplasmic loop domain, revealed immunodecoration of no senile plaques and only neurofibrillary tangles in the M139I PS1 mutation stained with PS1 antibodies. CONCLUSIONS: Overall presenilin expression and the relative abundance of full-length and amino-terminal fragments in presenilin FAD cases were similar to control cases and sporadic AD cases. Thus, accumulation of full-length protein or other gross mismetabolism of neither PS2 nor PS1 is a consequence of the FAD mutations examined
PMID: 11126202
ISSN: 1076-1551
CID: 25504

The endosomal-lysosomal system of neurons in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis: a review

Nixon RA; Cataldo AM; Mathews PM
A prominent feature of brain pathology in Alzheimer's disease is a robust activation of the neuronal lysosomal system and major cellular pathways converging on the lysosome, namely, endocytosis and autophagy. Recent studies that identify a disturbance of the endocytic pathway as one of the earliest known manifestation of Alzheimer's disease provide insight into how beta-amyloidogenesis might be promoted in sporadic Alzheimer's disease, the most prevalent and least well understood form of the disease. Primary lysosomal dysfunction has historically been linked to neurodegeneration. New data now directly implicate cathepsins as proteases capable of initiating, as well as executing, cell death programs in certain pathologic states. These and other studies support the view that the progressive alterations of lysosomal function observed during aging and Alzheimer's disease contribute importantly to the neurodegenerative process in Alzheimer's disease
PMID: 11059790
ISSN: 0364-3190
CID: 24724

Developmental expression of wild-type and mutant presenilin-1 in hippocampal neurons from transgenic mice: evidence for novel species-specific properties of human presenilin-1

Levesque L; Annaert W; Craessaerts K; Mathews PM; Seeger M; Nixon RA; Van Leuven F; Gandy S; Westaway D; St George-Hyslop P; De Strooper B; Fraser PE
Presenilins 1 (PS1) and 2 (PS2) are multispanning transmembrane proteins associated with familial Alzheimer disease (FAD). They are developmentally regulated, being expressed at highest levels during neuronal differentiation and are sustained at a lower level throughout life. We investigated the distribution and metabolism of endogenous murine PS1 as well as human wild-type (wtPS1) and the familial AD Met146Leu (M146L) mutant presenilins in dissociated cultures of hippocampal neurons derived from control and transgenic mice. We found that the PS1 endoproteolytic fragments and, to a lesser extent, the full-length protein, were expressed as early as day 3 post-plating. Both species increased until the cells were fully differentiated at day 12. Confocal microscopy revealed that presenilin is present in the Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum and, as in punctate, vesicle-like structures within developing neurites and growth cones. Using a human-specific PS1 antibody, we were able to independently examine the distribution of the transgenic protein which, although similar to the endogenous, showed some unique qualities. These included (i) some heterogeneity in the proteolytic fragments of human PS1; (ii) significantly reduced levels of full-length human PS1, possibly as a result of preferential processing; and (iii) a more discrete intracellular distribution of human PS1. Colocalization with organelle-specific proteins revealed that PS1 was located in a diffuse staining pattern in the MAP2-positive dendrites and in a punctate manner in GAP43-positive axons. PS1 showed considerable overlap with GAP43, particularly at the growth cones. Similar patterns of PS1 distribution were detected in cultures derived from transgenic animals expressing human wild-type or mutant presenilins. The studies demonstrate that mutant presenilins are not grossly different in their processing or distribution within cultured neurons, which may represent more physiological models as compared to transfection systems. Our data also suggest that the molecular pathology associated with PS1 mutations results from subtle alterations in presenilin function, which can be further investigated using these transgenic neuronal cell culture models
PMID: 10501657
ISSN: 1076-1551
CID: 24709

Cellular expression and proteolytic processing of presenilin proteins is developmentally regulated during neuronal differentiation

Capell A; Saffrich R; Olivo JC; Meyn L; Walter J; Grunberg J; Mathews P; Nixon R; Dotti C; Haass C
We have determined the expression of the Alzheimer's disease-associated proteins presenilin-1 and presenilin-2 in primary cultures of rat hippocampal neurons. Neurons highly express presenilin-1 and presenilin-2, whereas both proteins were not detected in astrocytes. Further, we have analyzed the subcellular localization and expression in rat hippocampal neurons during development. Although presenilin proteins were localized predominantly to the endoplasmic reticulum in nonneuronal cells transfected with presenilin cDNAs, in neurons, presenilin proteins were also found in compartments not staining with antibodies to grp78(BiP). Presenilin-1 and presenilin-2 were predominantly detected in vesicular structures within the somatodendritic compartment with much less expression in axons. Polarized distribution of presenilin-1 and presenilin-2 differs slightly, with more presenilin-2 expressed in axons compared with presenilin-1. Presenilin expression was found to be developmentally regulated. Presenilin expression strongly increased during neuronal differentiation until full morphological polarization and then declined. No full-length presenilin-1 or presenilin-2 could be detected within cell lysates. At early developmental stages the expected approximately 34-kDa N-terminal proteolytic fragment of presenilin-1 and the approximately 38-kDa fragment of presenilin-2 were detected. Later during differentiation we predominantly detected a approximately 38-kDa fragment for presenilin-1 and a approximately 42-kDa fragment for presenilin-2. By epitope mapping, we show that these slower migrating peptides represent N-terminal proteolytic fragments, cleaved C-terminal to the conventional site of processing. It is noteworthy that both presenilin-1 and presenilin-2 undergo alternative proteolytic cleavage at the same stage of neuronal differentiation. Regulation of presenilin expression and proteolytic processing might have implications for the pathological as well as the biological function of presenilins during aging in the human brain
PMID: 9375676
ISSN: 0022-3042
CID: 24765