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The Learning Curve in Prostate MRI Interpretation: Self-Directed Learning Versus Continual Reader Feedback

Rosenkrantz, Andrew B; Ayoola, Abimbola; Hoffman, David; Khasgiwala, Anunita; Prabhu, Vinay; Smereka, Paul; Somberg, Molly; Taneja, Samir S
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the roles of self-directed learning and continual feedback in the learning curve for tumor detection by novice readers of prostate MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 124 prostate MRI examinations classified as positive (n = 52; single Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System [PI-RADS] category 3 or higher lesion showing Gleason score >/= 7 tumor at MRI-targeted biopsy) or negative (n = 72; PI-RADS category 2 or lower and negative biopsy) for detectable tumor were included. These were divided into four equal-sized batches, each with matching numbers of positive and negative examinations. Six second-year radiology residents reviewed examinations to localize tumors. Three of the six readers received feedback after each examination showing the preceding case's solution. The learning curve, plotting accuracy over time, was assessed by the Akaike information criterion (AIC). Logistic regression and mixed-model ANOVA were performed. RESULTS: For readers with and without feedback, the learning curve exhibited an initial rapid improvement that slowed after 40 examinations (change in AIC > 0.2%). Accuracy improved from 58.1% (batch 1) to 71.0-75.3% (batches 2-4) without feedback and from 58.1% to 72.0-77.4% with feedback (p = 0.027-0.046), without a difference in the extent of improvement (p = 0.800). Specificity improved from 53.7% to 68.5-81.5% without feedback and from 55.6% to 74.1-81.5% with feedback (p = 0.006-0.010), without a difference in the extent of improvement (p = 0.891). Sensitivity improved from 59.0-61.5% (batches 1-2) to 71.8-76.9% (batches 3-4) with feedback (p = 0.052), though did not improve without feedback (p = 0.602). Sensitivity for transition zone tumors exhibited larger changes (p = 0.024) with feedback than without feedback. Sensitivity for peripheral zone tumors did not improve in either group (p > 0.3). Reader confidence increased only with feedback (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The learning curve in prostate tumor detection largely reflected self-directed learning. Continual feedback had a lesser effect. Clinical prostate MRI interpretation by novice radiologists warrants caution.
PMID: 28026201
ISSN: 1546-3141
CID: 2383542

The Proposed MACRA/MIPS Threshold for Patient-Facing Encounters: What It Means for Radiologists

Rosenkrantz, Andrew B; Hirsch, Joshua A; Allen, Bibb Jr; Wang, Wenyi; Hughes, Danny R; Nicola, Gregory N
PURPOSE: In implementing the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), CMS will provide special considerations to physicians with infrequent face-to-face patient encounters by reweighting MIPS performance categories to account for the unique circumstances facing these providers. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of varying criteria on the fraction of radiologists who are likely to receive special considerations for performance assessment under MIPS. METHODS: Data from the 2014 Medicare Physician and Other Supplier file for 28,710 diagnostic radiologists were used to determine the fraction of radiologists meeting various proposed criteria for receiving special considerations. For each definition, the fraction of patient-facing encounters among all billed codes was determined for those radiologists not receiving special considerations. RESULTS: When using the criterion proposed by CMS that physicians will receive special considerations if billing
PMID: 28017528
ISSN: 1558-349x
CID: 2383452

MACRA, MIPS, and the New Medicare Quality Payment Program: An Update for Radiologists

Rosenkrantz, Andrew B; Nicola, Gregory N; Allen, Bibb Jr; Hughes, Danny R; Hirsch, Joshua A
The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015 advances the goal of tying Medicare payments to quality and value. In April 2016, CMS published an initial proposed rule for MACRA, renaming it the Quality Payment Program (QPP). Under QPP, clinicians receive payments through either advanced alternative payment models or the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), a consolidation of existing federal performance programs that applies positive or negative adjustments to fee-for-service payments. Most physicians will participate in MIPS. This review highlights implications of the QPP and MIPS for radiologists. Although MIPS incorporates radiology-specific quality measures, radiologists will also be required to participate in other practice improvement activities, including patient engagement. Recognizing physicians' unique practice patterns, MIPS will provide special considerations in performance evaluation for physicians with limited face-to-face patient interaction. Although such considerations will affect radiologists' likelihood of success under QPP, many practitioners will be ineligible for the considerations under currently proposed criteria. Reporting using qualified clinical data registries will benefit radiologists' performance by allowing expanded arrays of MIPS and non-MIPS specialty-specific measures. A group practice reporting option will substantially reduce administrative burden but introduce new challenges by requiring uniform determination of patient-facing status and performance measurement for all of the group's physicians (diagnostic radiologists, interventional radiologists, and nonradiologists) under the same taxpayer identification number. Given that the initial MIPS performance period begins in 2017, radiologists must begin preparing for QPP and taking actions to ensure their future success under this new quality-based payment system.
PMID: 28017274
ISSN: 1558-349x
CID: 2383402

Preliminary investigation of whole-pancreas 3D histogram ADC metrics for predicting progression of acute pancreatitis

Iranmahbook, Amir K; Kierans, Andrea S; Huang, Chenchan; Ream, Justin M; Rosenkrantz, Andrew B
PURPOSE: To evaluate whole-pancreas 3D-histogram ADC metrics in acute pancreatitis. METHODS: In 41 patients with acute pancreatitis undergoing MRI/MRCP with DWI, 3D-volumes-of-interest encompassing the entire pancreas were placed to derive whole-pancreas histogram ADC metrics. RESULTS: There were trends toward higher 0-10th percentile ADC, higher 10-25th percentile ADC, lower skewness, and higher kurtosis in patients with new complications (p=0.065-0.095). Conventional mean ADC showed no association with new complications (p=0.203). Kurtosis had highest area-under-the-curve (0.784) for predicting new complications (sensitivity=75.0%; specificity=91.9%). CONCLUSION: Findings suggest whole-pancreas histogram ADC metrics assist early management of acute pancreatitis, (e.g., patient selection for more intensive monitoring/intervention).
PMID: 28068586
ISSN: 1873-4499
CID: 2401412

Prostate MR Imaging: An Update

Shaish, Hiram; Taneja, Samir S; Rosenkrantz, Andrew B
Improvements in prostate MR imaging techniques and the introduction of MR imaging-targeted biopsies have had central roles in prostate cancer (PCa) management. The role of MR imaging has progressed from largely staging patients with biopsy-proven PCa to detecting, characterizing, and guiding the biopsy of suspected PCa. These diagnostic advances, combined with improved therapeutic interventions, have led to a more sophisticated and individually tailored approach to patients' unique PCa profile. This review discusses the MR imaging, a standardized reporting scheme, and the role of fusion-targeted prostate biopsy.
PMID: 28126217
ISSN: 1557-8275
CID: 2418672

Genitourinary Imaging: An Update [Editorial]

Rosenkrantz, Andrew B
PMID: 28126224
ISSN: 1557-8275
CID: 2418692

The Science of Quality Improvement

Itri, Jason N; Bakow, Eric; Probyn, Linda; Kadom, Nadja; Duong, Phuong-Anh T; Gettle, Lori Mankowski; Mendiratta-Lala, Mishal; Scali, Elena P; Winokur, Ronald S; Zygmont, Matthew E; Kung, Justin W; Rosenkrantz, Andrew B
Scientific rigor should be consistently applied to quality improvement (QI) research to ensure that healthcare interventions improve quality and patient safety before widespread implementation. This article provides an overview of the various study designs that can be used for QI research depending on the stage of investigation, scope of the QI intervention, constraints on the researchers and intervention being studied, and evidence needed to support widespread implementation. The most commonly used designs in QI studies are quasi-experimental designs. Randomized controlled trials and cluster randomized trials are typically reserved for large-scale research projects evaluating the effectiveness of QI interventions that may be implemented broadly, have more than a minimal impact on patients, or are costly. Systematic reviews of QI studies will play an important role in providing overviews of evidence supporting particular QI interventions or methods of achieving change. We also review the general requirements for developing quality measures for reimbursement, public reporting, and pay-for-performance initiatives. A critical part of the testing process for quality measures includes assessment of feasibility, reliability, validity, and unintended consequences. Finally, publication and critical appraisal of QI work is discussed as an essential component to generating evidence supporting QI initiatives in radiology.
PMID: 28193375
ISSN: 1878-4046
CID: 2445492

Radiology Research in Quality and Safety: Current Trends and Future Needs

Zygmont, Matthew E; Itri, Jason N; Rosenkrantz, Andrew B; Duong, Phuong-Anh T; Mankowski Gettle, Lori; Mendiratta-Lala, Mishal; Scali, Elena P; Winokur, Ronald S; Probyn, Linda; Kung, Justin W; Bakow, Eric; Kadom, Nadja
Promoting quality and safety research is now essential for radiology as reimbursement is increasingly tied to measures of quality, patient safety, efficiency, and appropriateness of imaging. This article provides an overview of key features necessary to promote successful quality improvement efforts in radiology. Emphasis is given to current trends and future opportunities for directing research. Establishing and maintaining a culture of safety is paramount to organizations wishing to improve patient care. The correct culture must be in place to support quality initiatives and create accountability for patient care. Focused educational curricula are necessary to teach quality and safety-related skills and behaviors to trainees, staff members, and physicians. The increasingly complex healthcare landscape requires that organizations build effective data infrastructures to support quality and safety research. Incident reporting systems designed specifically for medical imaging will benefit quality improvement initiatives by identifying and learning from system errors, enhancing knowledge about safety, and creating safer systems through the implementation of standardized practices and standards. Finally, validated performance measures must be developed to accurately reflect the value of the care we provide for our patients and referring providers. Common metrics used in radiology are reviewed with focus on current and future opportunities for investigation.
PMID: 28193376
ISSN: 1878-4046
CID: 2445502

Use of Twitter Polls to Determine Public Opinion Regarding Content Presented at a Major National Specialty Society Meeting

Rosenkrantz, Andrew B; Hawkins, C Matthew
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using Twitter polls to assess public opinion regarding session content at a national specialty society meeting. METHODS: Twitter polls allow users to embed multiple-choice questions within tweets and automatically aggregate responses. Two radiologists attending the 2016 annual meeting of the ACR posted a Twitter poll containing the hashtag #ACR2016 during 10 meeting sessions addressing socioeconomics/advocacy, patient experience, and social media/informatics (20 polls total). Each poll contained a question asking for an opinion regarding the session's content. Polls were open for responses for 24 hours. RESULTS: The average number of responses per poll was significantly higher for the user with the larger number of Twitter followers (24.3 +/- 14.4 versus 11.2 +/- 9.8, P = .015). A total of 57% of respondents agreed that radiologists' payments should shift to value-based payments, and 86% agreed that radiologists should routinely survey their patients to monitor quality; however, 83% disagreed with basing physician payments on patient satisfaction scores. A total of 85% disagreed that the artificial intelligence supercomputer Watson will entirely replace radiologists. A total of 76% agreed that social media can drive business at less cost than standard marketing. A total of 56% agreed with the direction of the ACR's advocacy and regulatory efforts, whereas 74% considered the ACR's advocacy efforts to be moderately or very useful for their practice. A total of 50% planned to change their practice on the basis of keynote remarks by Dr Ezekiel Emanuel. CONCLUSIONS: Twitter polls provide a free and easy infrastructure to potentially capture global public sentiment during the course of a medical society meeting. Their use may enrich and promote discussions of key session content.
PMID: 27687748
ISSN: 1558-349x
CID: 2262722

Commentary regarding a recent collaborative consensus statement addressing prostate MRI and MRI-targeted biopsy in patients with a prior negative prostate biopsy [Letter]

Verma, Sadhna; Rosenkrantz, Andrew B; Choyke, Peter; Eberhardt, Steven C; Eggener, Scott E; Gaitonde, Krishnanath; Haider, Masoom A; Margolis, Daniel J; Marks, Leonard S; Pinto, Peter; Sonn, Geoffrey A; Taneja, Samir S
PMID: 27670878
ISSN: 2366-0058
CID: 2262272