Searched for: person:ahnj01
Paraplegia subsequent to administration of tissue plasminogen activator and intravenous heparin following myocardial infarction--a case report [In Process Citation] [Case Report]
DePorto R; Ahn JH; Gianutsos JG
A case involving spinal epidural hematoma following tissue plasminogen activator and intravenous heparin therapy administered after acute myocardial infarction is reported here. The symptoms of spinal epidural hematoma following thrombolytic therapy are outlined and a recommended course of action for arriving at a definitive diagnosis of suspected epidural hematoma is provided
PMID: 10914357
ISSN: 1079-0268
CID: 11579
Tetraparesis following dental extraction: case report and discussion of preventive measures for cervical spinal hyperextension injury [Case Report]
Whiteson JH; Panaro N; Ahn JH; Firooznia H
This concerns a patient with compression myelopathy following passive hyperextension of the cervical spine during a dental procedure. Although he had been asymptomatic prior to the procedure, subsequent cervical spinal imaging revealed advanced spondylosis and spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is often asymptomatic for a long time. However, when radiculomyelopathy occurs after minor trauma to the head or neck, the patient is often found to have spinal stenosis. Specifically, hyperextension of a cervical spine with spondylotic changes can lead to compression myelopathy. Acquired spinal stenosis correlates positively with aging. As the size of the elderly population continues to increase the prevalence of cervical spondylotic radiculo-myelopathy will likely increase as well. Since appropriate precautions against potential neurologic damage can be undertaken, we suggest radiographic screening for pre-existing spinal stenosis prior to a procedure requiring hyperextension of the neck. Preventive measures for individuals with asymptomatic spondylotic changes and education of all health-care professionals to avoid abrupt or prolonged hyperextension of the cervical spine is emphasized
PMID: 9360224
ISSN: 1079-0268
CID: 12232
Motor recovery of the upper extremities in traumatic quadriplegia: a multicenter study
Ditunno, J F; Stover, S L; Freed, M M; Ahn, J H
Clinicians need to know recovery of neurologic function in the upper extremities after traumatic quadriplegia to prognosticate function in self-care, to determine the effectiveness of various interventions, and to develop a comprehensive rehabilitation plan. This study was undertaken to determine the extent of recovery of key muscles of the arms in motor complete quadriplegic subjects. The hypothesis stated that patients with some motor power (grades 1.0 to 2.5/5) in muscles in the zone of partial preservation would recover at an earlier time and to a greater extent than those with no motor power (grade 0/5). One hundred fifty subjects, C4, C5, and C6 motor complete, were entered in the study within one week of injury from four centers. Serial muscle examinations of the biceps, wrist extensors, and triceps on the right and left sides were performed up to 24 months after spinal cord injury. The pattern of recovery in the key muscles of the 67 subjects with some motor power in the zone of partial preservation to grade 3/5 was significantly greater than the 83 subjects with no motor power (68% to 82% vs 14% to 36%, p less than .001) at three to six months postinjury. The plateau of the median manual muscle test score determined the extent of recovery and reached grade 4/5 in subjects with some motor power at three to six months. The pattern of recovery revealed more subjects with some motor power improved to grade 3/5 at all intervals earlier than those with no motor power (p less than .005).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
PMID: 1580769
ISSN: 0003-9993
CID: 3888942
Scrotal fistula from urethro-vasal reflux in paraplegia [Case Report]
Ahn JH; Reiter R; Farcon E; Morales P
A case is presented of a paraplegic in whom urethro-vasal reflux and scrotal fistula developed. Urodynamics testing showed a hyperreflexic bladder with detrusor-external sphincter dyssynergia
PMID: 2595885
ISSN: 0090-4295
CID: 10414
Brown, M; Ahn, JH
ISSN: 0003-9993
CID: 31125
Venous plethysmography values in patients with spinal cord injury
Frieden, R A; Ahn, J H; Pineda, H D; Minutoli, F; Whelan, E
To determine whether venous hemodynamics differ fundamentally between patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) and the abled-bodied population, quantitation of lower extremity venous plethysmography values was performed in 14 SCI patients and ten able-bodied subjects. The control group had an average maximum venous outflow (MVO) of 59.3 +/- 2.75 mL/min/100mL of tissue, mean +/- SE, and an average venous capacitance (VC) of 3.2 +/- 0.13mL/100mL. In contrast, the SCI patients had an average MVO of 32.5 +/- 2.57mL/min/100mL and an average VC of 2.3 +/- 0.17mL/100mL. The differences between the two groups were statistically significant, suggesting that the standard venous function index of plethysmography values used in the general population may not be applicable to the SCI population and that, therefore, a new standard for SCI patients derived from a larger data base should be sought.
PMID: 3606365
ISSN: 0003-9993
CID: 583242
ISSN: 0030-5928
CID: 41603
Deep venous thrombosis: diagnosis in spinal cord injured patients
Chu, D A; Ahn, J H; Ragnarsson, K T; Helt, J; Folcarelli, P; Ramirez, A
Because the acute spinal cord injured patient is at high risk for the development of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), accurate diagnosis is critical. Clinical evaluation is unreliable 50% of the time, however, and the two highly accurate diagnostic procedures--venography and 125I-labelled fibrinogen scanning--are invasive and present serious drawbacks. The literature concerning the effectiveness of the two most widely used noninvasive diagnostic alternatives (Doppler ultrasound and venous occlusion plethysmography [VOP]) is equivocal. In our systematic evaluation of a series of 21 patients, using clinical examination, Doppler ultrasound and VOP, all patients who developed DVT were identified by all three methods. Overall accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were 100%
PMID: 3890800
ISSN: 0003-9993
CID: 124439
Serum albumin as a predictor of course and outcome on a rehabilitation service
Glenn, M B; Carfi, J; Belle, S E; Ahn, J H; Gordon, W A; Myer, P A; Miron-Bernstein, S; Ragnarsson, K T
To determine the effect of nutritional status on the medical course and rehabilitation outcome of patients on an adult rehabilitation service, serum albumin (SA) and total lymphocyte count (TLC) were prospectively studied on 36 patients. Readings were taken on admission (T-1), at which time a Barthel Index Mobility Goal (BIMG) was assigned, and again 4 to 8 weeks after admission (T-2). A Barthel Index Mobility Score (BIMS) was assigned at discharge. Rehabilitation program restrictions due to medical complications correlated negatively with both the SA level at T1 (r = -.328, p less than 0.05) and at T2 (r = -.523, p less than 0.01). The SA level at T2 correlated positively with the BIMS:BIMG ratio (r = .416, p less than 0.05) at discharge, suggesting that SA levels may predict patient mobility outcome
PMID: 4004519
ISSN: 0003-9993
CID: 122425
Sudden quadriplegia after a minor trauma. The role of preexisting spinal stenosis [Case Report]
Firooznia H; Ahn JH; Rafii M; Ragnarsson KT
Three patients are described who became quadriplegic after a minor trauma to the spine without suffering a spinal fracture dislocation. Radiologic investigation revealed marked stenosis of the spinal canal, due to developmental stenosis with superimposed degenerative changes in two patients, and calcification of posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine in one. Two patients recovered almost completely with conservative measures. The spinal cord may be able to tolerate slowly increasing mechanical pressure for many years and conform to the shape of the spinal canal without causing any neurological symptoms. However, when stenosis is severe, any additional pressure, for example, swelling and edema from trauma, may cause a neurologic catastrophe
PMID: 3966211
ISSN: 0090-3019
CID: 29071