The Role of Social Media in Psychiatry Recruitment: a Survey of Program Directors
Ashiofu, Evelyn; Thomas, Lia
OBJECTIVE:This study assesses the utilization of social media profiles by psychiatry residency program directors when recruiting potential psychiatry residents and evaluates the attitudes of residency program directors toward social media profiles. METHODS:In 2019, a 26-item survey was created via RedCap and sent to 239 program directors who participated in the 2019-2020 general psychiatry residency match. Program directors were asked about whether they reviewed the social media profile of applicants, when in the process, and whether decisions about ranking were made on the basis of the information found. Program directors were also asked about their general thoughts on social media. RESULTS:Eighty-one responses were received (34% of program directors). The majority of respondents noted that they did not formally review the social media profile of applicants (n = 79; 97.5%). Ten of those 79 (12.7%) noted that they informally reviewed applicants' social media profiles. Nearly all respondents of the survey either agreed or strongly agreed that a psychiatrist's duty of professionalism extends to behavior on social media. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:This study shows that the majority of program directors surveyed are not formally using applicants' social media profiles in psychiatry residency recruitment. Program directors are performing this practice informally, however, and are interested in formal guidance in this area. Given the increasing dialogue regarding social media use in medicine, future studies should assess for what constitutes unprofessional behavior as well as creation of more formal guidelines to help program directors.
PMID: 34268678
ISSN: 1545-7230
CID: 5103432
Comparison of hospital course and outcome in hospital-acquired vs pre-existing delirium
Guillory, Joseph; Fitz-Gerald, Cecilia; Banik, Antara; Sterwald, Christopher; Ashiofu, Evelyn; Knox, Eleanore; Muyco, Mary Antoinette; Verlage, Megan; Abdali, Arqam; O'Malley, Patrick W; Rezai, Amelia; Bush, Paul; Brown, E Sherwood; North, Carol S
BACKGROUND:Delirium is a major source of morbidity in the inpatient hospital setting. This study examined differences between patients with delirium present prior to hospital admission and those with hospitalacquired delirium in several health outcomes. METHODS:A total of 12,529 patients on 2 inpatient units were included in this retrospective cohort study. Outcomes were assessed using chart review. Other variables were compared across groups and included in multivariate models predicting discharge location within the hospitalacquired delirium group. RESULTS:Of 709 patients with delirium, 83% had pre-admission prevalent and 17% had post-admission incident delirium. Compared with patients with preexisting delirium, patients with hospital-acquired delirium had greater hospital durations and mortality and were more likely to receive ICU care, more likely to receive multiple classes of medications, and less likely to be discharged home without home health services. Multivariate analysis in the hospital-acquired delirium group found that several variables independently predicted discharge location. CONCLUSIONS:Patients with hospital-acquired delirium had worse hospital outcomes and a more complicated hospital course than those with preexisting delirium. Administration of various medications, several demographic variables, and some hospital-related variables were independently associated with worse outcomes within the hospital-acquired delirium group. These results demonstrate that patients with hospitalacquired delirium are a vulnerable subgroup deserving special attention.
PMID: 33529286
ISSN: 1547-3325
CID: 5103422