Chondroid Syringoma of the Foot: A Rare Diagnosis
Madi, Khaled; Attanasio, Alicia; Cecunjanin, Fejzo; Garcia, Roberto A; Vidershayn, Alexander; Lucido, Jeffrey V
Chondroid syringoma is a rare tumor with the potential for malignant transformation and distant metastasis. The site of predilection for benign chondroid syringoma is the head and neck region, and it is less likely to involve the foot. In contrast, malignant chondroid syringoma is more commonly encountered in the extremities and is characterized by rapid growth, local invasion, and distant metastasis. We report an unusual case of benign chondroid syringoma in a 47-year-old female who presented with a 20-year history of a mass in her left foot to bring such cases to the attention of foot and ankle specialists. We highlight the histologic diagnosis and surgical procedures with a 6-month postoperative follow-up period. It is unlikely that a treating physician would anticipate this histologic tumor type, considering the rarity of the condition, the long history of this patient's lesion, and the benign presentation in the extremities.
PMID: 26015300
ISSN: 1542-2224
CID: 1808552
Retroperitoneal Abscess Presenting as an Incidental Finding Post Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) [Meeting Abstract]
Dhaliwal, Amaninder Jeet Singh; Lopez-Morra, Hernan; Bhatia, Taruna; Derhartunian, Garen; Suleman, Natasha; Vidershayn, Alexander; Moshenyat, Yitzchak
ISSN: 1572-0241
CID: 1854542