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Barriers to opioid use disorder treatment among people who use drugs in the rural United States: A qualitative, multi-site study

Stopka, T J; Estadt, A T; Leichtling, G; Schleicher, J C; Mixson, L S; Bresett, J; Romo, E; Dowd, P; Walters, S M; Young, A M; Zule, W; Friedmann, P D; Go, V F; Baker, R; Fredericksen, R J
BACKGROUND:In 2020, 2.8 million people required substance use disorder (SUD) treatment in nonmetropolitan or 'rural' areas in the U.S. Among this population, only 10% received SUD treatment from a specialty facility, and 1 in 500 received medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD). We explored the context surrounding barriers to SUD treatment in the rural United States. METHODS:We conducted semi-structured, in-depth interviews from 2018 to 2019 to assess barriers to SUD treatment among people who use drugs (PWUD) across seven rural U.S. study sites. Using the social-ecological model (SEM), we examined individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and policy factors contributing to perceived barriers to SUD treatment. We employed deductive and inductive coding and analytical approaches to identify themes. We also calculated descriptive statistics for participant characteristics and salient themes. RESULTS:Among 304 participants (55% male, mean age 36 years), we identified barriers to SUD treatment in rural areas across SEM levels. At the individual/interpersonal level, relevant themes included: fear of withdrawal, the need to "get things in order" before entering treatment, close-knit communities and limited confidentiality, networks and settings that perpetuated drug use, and stigma. Organizational-level barriers included: strict facility rules, treatment programs managed like corrections facilities, lack of gender-specific treatment programs, and concerns about jeopardizing employment. Community-level barriers included: limited availability of treatment in local rural communities, long distances and limited transportation, waitlists, and a lack of information about treatment options. Policy-level themes included insurance challenges and system-imposed barriers such as arrest and incarceration. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Our findings highlight multi-level barriers to SUD treatment in rural U.S. communities. Salient barriers included the need to travel long distances to treatment, challenges to confidentiality due to small, close-knit communities where people are highly familiar with one another, and high-threshold treatment program practices. Our findings point to the need to facilitate the elimination of treatment barriers at each level of the SEM in rural America.
PMID: 38484417
ISSN: 1873-5347
CID: 5644342

Cerebellar Roles in Frequency Competitive Motor Learning of the Vestibulo-ocular Reflex

Soga, Jinya; Matsuyama, Masayuki; Miura, Hiroaki; Highstein, Stephen; Baker, Robert; Hirata, Yutaka
Biological motions commonly contain multiple frequency components in which each fundamental has to be adjusted by motor learning to acquire a new motor skill or maintain acquired skills. At times during this motor performance one frequency component needs to be enhanced (gain-up) while another is suppressed (gain-down). This pattern of simultaneous gain-up and -down adjustments at different frequencies is called frequency competitive motor learning. Currently we investigated cerebellar roles in this behavior utilizing the goldfish vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). Previously, VOR motor learning was shown in primates to be frequency selective and exhibit frequency competitive motor learning. Here we demonstrate that the goldfish VOR performs frequency competitive motor learning when high and low frequency components are trained to gain-up and gain-down, respectively. However, when the two frequency components were trained in the opposite directions only gain-up component was observed. We also found that cerebellectomy precluded any frequency competitive VOR motor learning. Complementary single unit recordings from vestibulo-cerebellar Purkinje cells revealed changes in firing modulation along with gain-down learning, but not with gain-up learning irrespective of frequency. These results demonstrate that the cerebellum is required for all frequency competitive VOR motor learning and Purkinje cell activity therein is well correlated with all gain-down behaviors independent of frequency. However, frequency competitive gain-up learning requires intact, recursive brainstem/cerebellar pathways. Collectively these findings support the idea that VOR gain-up and gain-down learning utilize separate brainstem/cerebellar circuitry that, in turn, clearly underlies the unique ability of the oculomotor system to deal with multiple frequency components.
PMID: 32946949
ISSN: 1873-7544
CID: 4636552

Velocity storage mechanism drives a cerebellar clock for predictive eye velocity control

Miki, Shuntaro; Urase, Kohei; Baker, Robert; Hirata, Yutaka
Predictive motor control is ubiquitously employed in animal kingdom to achieve rapid and precise motor action. In most vertebrates large, moving visual scenes induce an optokinetic response (OKR) control of eye movements to stabilize vision. In goldfish, the OKR was found to be predictive after a prolonged exposure to temporally periodic visual motion. A recent study showed the cerebellum necessary to acquire this predictive OKR (pOKR), but it remained unclear as to whether the cerebellum alone was sufficient. Herein we examined different fish species known to share the basic architecture of cerebellar neuronal circuitry for their ability to acquire pOKR. Carps were shown to acquire pOKR like goldfish while zebrafish and medaka did not, demonstrating the cerebellum alone not to be sufficient. Interestingly, those fish that acquired pOKR were found to exhibit long-lasting optokinetic after nystagmus (OKAN) as opposed to those that didn't. To directly manipulate OKAN vestibular-neurectomy was performed in goldfish that severely shortened OKAN, but pOKR was acquired comparable to normal animals. These results suggest that the neuronal circuitry producing OKAN, known as the velocity storage mechanism (VSM), is required to acquire pOKR irrespective of OKAN duration. Taken together, we conclude that pOKR is acquired through recurrent cerebellum-brainstem parallel loops in which the cerebellum adjusts VSM signal flow and, in turn, receives appropriately timed eye velocity information to clock visual world motion.
PMID: 32332917
ISSN: 2045-2322
CID: 4402572

Discharge properties of morphologically identified vestibular neurons recorded during horizontal eye movements in the goldfish

Pastor, A M; Calvo, P M; de la Cruz, R R; Baker, R; Straka, H
Computational capability and connectivity are key elements for understanding how central vestibular neurons contribute to gaze-stabilizing eye movements during self-motion. In the well-characterized and segmentally distributed hindbrain oculomotor network of goldfish, we determined afferent and efferent connections along with discharge patterns of descending octaval nucleus (DO) neurons during different eye motions. Based on activity correlated with horizontal eye and head movements, DO neurons were categorized into two complementary groups that either increased discharge during both contraversive (type II) eye (e) and ipsiversive (type I) head (h) movements (eIIhI) or vice versa (eIhII). Matching time courses of slow-phase eye velocity and corresponding firing rates during prolonged visual and head rotation suggested direct causality in generating extraocular motor commands. The axons of the dominant eIIhI subgroup projected either ipsi- or contralaterally and terminated in the abducens nucleus, Area II, and Area I with additional recurrent collaterals of ipsilaterally projecting neurons within the parent nucleus. Distinct feedforward commissural pathways between bilateral DO neurons likely contribute to the generation of eye velocity signals in eIhII cells. The shared contribution of DO and Area II neurons to eye velocity storage likely represents an ancestral condition in goldfish that is clearly at variance with the task separation between mammalian medial vestibular and prepositus hypoglossi neurons. This difference in signal processing between fish and mammals might correlate with a larger repertoire of visuo-vestibular-driven eye movements in the latter species that potentially required a shift in sensitivity and connectivity within the hindbrain-cerebello-oculomotor network. NEW & NOTEWORTHY We describe the structure and function of neurons within the goldfish descending octaval nucleus. Our findings indicate that eye and head velocity signals are processed by vestibular and Area II velocity storage integrator circuitries whereas the velocity-to-position Area I neural integrator generates eye position solely. This ancestral condition differs from that of mammals, in which vestibular neurons generally lack eye position signals that are processed and stored within the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi.
PMID: 30892975
ISSN: 1522-1598
CID: 3903232

Cerebellar role in predictive control of eye velocity initiation and termination

Miki, Shuntaro; Baker, Robert; Hirata, Yutaka
Predictive motor control is essential to achieve rapid and precise motor action in all vertebrates. Visuomotor transformations have been a popular model system to study the underlying neural mechanisms in particular the role of the cerebellum in both predictive and gain adaptations. In all species, large-field visual motion produces an involuntary conjugate ocular movement facilitating gaze stabilization called the optokinetic response (OKR). Gain adaptation can be induced by prolonged optokinetic visual stimulation, and if the visual stimulation is temporally periodic, predictive behavior emerges. Two predictive timing components were identifiable in this behavior. The first was prediction of stimulus initiation (when to move) and the other was stimulus termination (when to stop). We designed visual training that allowed us to evaluate initiation and termination independently that included the recording of cerebellar activity followed by acute and chronic cerebellar removal in goldfish of both sexes. We found that initiation and termination predictions were present in the cerebellum and more robust than conflicting visual sensory signals. Each prediction could be acquired independently and both the acquisition and maintenance of each component was cerebellar dependent. Subsequent analysis of the neuronal connectivity strongly supports the hypothesis that the acquired eye velocity behaviors were dependent on feedforward velocity build-up signals from the brainstem, but the adaptive timing mechanism itself originates within the circuitry of the cerebellum.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTPredictive and rapid motor control is essential in our daily life such as in the playing of musical instruments or sports. The current work evaluates timing of a visuomotor behavior shown to be similar in humans as well as goldfish. Given the latter species known brainstem cerebellar neuronal connectivity and experimental advantage it was possible to demonstrate the cerebellum to be necessary for acquisition and maintenance of both the initiation and termination components of when to move and to stop. All evidence in this study points to the adaptive predictive control site to lie within the cerebellar circuitry.
PMID: 30355638
ISSN: 1529-2401
CID: 3386062

Development of functional hindbrain oculomotor circuitry independent of both vascularization and neuronal activity in larval zebrafish

Ulrich, Florian; Grove, Charlotte; Torres-Vázquez, Jesús; Baker, Robert
We investigated the contribution of blood vessel formation and neuronal excitability to the development of functional neural circuitry in larval zebrafish by analyzing oculomotor performance in response to visual and vestibular stimuli. To address the dependence of neuronal function on the presence of blood vessels, we compared wild type embryos to reck and cloche mutants that lacked intracerebral blood vessels. To test how neuronal excitability impacts neuronal development and intracerebral vascularization, we blocked neural activity using Tetraodotoxin (TTX) and Tricaine. In reck mutants, we found both slow phase horizontal tracking and fast phase resets with only a slightly reduced amplitude and bandwidth. Spontaneous saccades, eye position holding and vestibular gravitoinertial induced eye rotation were also present. All of these behaviors except for visual tracking were observed in cloche mutants that lacked any head vasculature. Thus, numerous oculomotor neuronal circuits spanning the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain compartments, ending in motor innervations of the eye muscles, were correctly formed and generated appropriate oculomotor behaviors without blood vessels. However, our observations indicate that beginning at approximately six days, circulation was required for sustained behavioral performance. We further found that blocking neuronal excitability with either TTX or Tricaine up to 4-5 days post fertilization did not noticeably interfere with intracerebral blood vessel formation in wild type larvae. After removal of drug treatments, the oculomotor behaviors returned within hours. Thus, development of neuronal circuits that drive oculomotor performance does not require neuronal spiking or activity. Together these findings demonstrate that neither vascularization nor neuronal excitability are essential for the formation of numerous oculomotor nuclei with intricately designed connectivity and signal processing. We conclude that a genetic blueprint specifies early larval structural and physiological features, and this developmental strategy may be viewed as a unique adaptation required for early survival.
PMID: 30135618
ISSN: 0975-9042
CID: 3246162

A hindbrain segmental scaffold specifying neuronal location in the adult goldfish, Carassius auratus

Gilland, E; Straka, H; Wong, T W; Baker, R; Zottoli, S J
The vertebrate hindbrain develops as a series of well-defined neuroepithelial segments or rhombomeres. While rhombomeres are visible in all vertebrate embryos, generally there is not any visible segmental anatomy in the brains of adults. Teleost fish are exceptional in retaining a rhombomeric pattern of reticulospinal neurons through embryonic, larval, and adult periods. We use this feature to map more precisely the segmental imprint in the reticular and motor basal hindbrain of adult goldfish. Analysis of serial sections cut in three planes and computer reconstructions of retrogradely labeled reticulospinal neurons yielded a segmental framework compatible with previous reports and more amenable to correlation with surrounding neuronal features. Cranial nerve motoneurons and octavolateral efferent neurons were aligned to the reticulospinal scaffold by mapping neurons immunopositive for choline acetyltransferase or retrogradely labeled from cranial nerve roots. The mapping corresponded well with the known ontogeny of these neurons and helps confirm the segmental territories defined by reticulospinal anatomy. Because both the reticulospinal and the motoneuronal segmental patterns persist in the hindbrain of adult goldfish, we hypothesize that a permanent "hindbrain framework" may be a general property that is retained in adult vertebrates. The establishment of a relationship between individual segments and neuronal phenotypes provides a convenient method for future studies that combine form, physiology, and function in adult vertebrates. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:2446-2464, 2014. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
PMID: 24452830
ISSN: 0021-9967
CID: 917662

Development of oculomotor circuitry independent of hox3 genes

Ma, Leung-Hang; Grove, Charlotte L; Baker, Robert
Hox genes have been shown to be essential in vertebrate neural circuit formation and their depletion has resulted in homeotic transformations with neuron loss and miswiring. Here we quantifiy four eye movements in the zebrafish mutant valentino and hox3 knockdowns, and find that contrary to the classical model, oculomotor circuits in hindbrain rhombomeres 5-6 develop and function independently of hox3 genes. All subgroups of oculomotor neurons are present, as well as their input and output connections. Ectopic connections are also established, targeting two specific subsets of horizontal neurons, and the resultant novel eye movements coexists with baseline behaviours. We conclude that the high expression of hox3 genes in rhombomeres 5-6 serves to prevent aberrant neuronal identity and behaviours, but does not appear to be necessary for a comprehensive assembly of functional oculomotor circuits.
PMID: 24964400
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 1051962

The Tangential Nucleus Controls a Gravito-inertial Vestibulo-ocular Reflex

Bianco, Isaac H; Ma, Leung-Hang; Schoppik, David; Robson, Drew N; Orger, Michael B; Beck, James C; Li, Jennifer M; Schier, Alexander F; Engert, Florian; Baker, Robert
BACKGROUND: Although adult vertebrates sense changes in head position by using two classes of accelerometer, at larval stages zebrafish lack functional semicircular canals and rely exclusively on their otolithic organs to transduce vestibular information. RESULTS: Despite this limitation, we find that larval zebrafish perform an effective vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) that serves to stabilize gaze in response to pitch and roll tilts. By using single-cell electroporations and targeted laser ablations, we identified a specific class of central vestibular neurons, located in the tangential nucleus, that are essential for the utricle-dependent VOR. Tangential nucleus neurons project contralaterally to extraocular motoneurons and in addition to multiple sites within the reticulospinal complex. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that tangential neurons function as a broadband inertial accelerometer, processing utricular acceleration signals to control the activity of extraocular and postural neurons, thus completing a fundamental three-neuron circuit responsible for gaze stabilization.
PMID: 22704987
ISSN: 0960-9822
CID: 175813

Physiological and anatomical evidence for an inhibitory trigemino-oculomotor pathway in the cat

May, Paul J; Vidal, Pierre-Paul; Baker, Harriet; Baker, Robert
During blink down-phase, the levator palpebrae superioris (levator) muscle is inactivated, allowing the orbicularis oculi muscle to act. For trigeminal reflex blinks, the excitatory connections from trigeminal sensory nuclei to the facial nucleus have been described, but the pathway whereby the levator is turned off have not. We examined this question by use of both physiological and anatomical approaches in the cat. Intracellular records from antidromically activated levator motoneurons revealed that periorbital electrical stimulation produced bilateral, long latency inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs). Central electrical stimulation of the principal trigeminal nucleus produced shorter latency IPSPs. Intracellular staining revealed that these motoneurons reside in the caudal central subdivision and have 10 or more poorly branched dendrites, which extend bilaterally into the surrounding supraoculomotor area. Axons penetrated in this region could be activated from periorbital and central electrodes. Neurons labeled from tracer injections into the caudal oculomotor complex were distributed in a crescent-shaped band that lined the ventral and rostral aspects of the pontine trigeminal sensory nucleus. Double-label immunohistochemical procedures demonstrated that these cells were not tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cells in the Kolliker-Fuse area. Instead, supraorbital nerve afferents displayed a similar crescent-shaped distribution, suggesting they drive these trigemino-oculomotor neurons. Anterograde labeling of the trigemino-oculomotor projection indicates that it terminates bilaterally, in and above the caudal central subdivision. These results characterize a trigemino-oculomotor pathway that inhibits levator palpebrae motoneurons in response to blink-producing periorbital stimuli. The bilateral distributions of trigemino-oculomotor afferents, levator motoneurons, and their dendrites supply a morphological basis for conjugate lid movements.
PMID: 22237697
ISSN: 0021-9967
CID: 167704