Ultrasound for peripheral and arterial access
Oliver, Lori-Ann; Oliver, Jodi-Ann; Ohanyan, Sargis; Park, William; Benelyahoo, Aharon; Vadivelu, Nalini
Peripheral venous access is perhaps the most commonly performed procedure in hospitals, urgent care, or surgical centers across the country. The ability to obtain peripheral intravenous (IV) access, and in a timely manner, is arguably one of the most important skill sets to be mastered by health care professionals. While skill and experience play a role in successful and timely vascular access, numerous patient factors such as obesity, diabetes, IV drug use, and chronic kidney disease may pose unique challenges to even the most skilled health care professional. In patients with difficult access, there are often multiple attempts, which can be both time consuming for the provider and painful for the patients. Direct visualization of blood vessels using ultrasonography has an advantage over the standard landmark technique and can improve the success rate of peripheral IV or arterial line placement in this patient population. Given the success of ultrasound guidance with access placement, it is imperative that all health care profesionals become proficient with this technique. The aim of this review article is to provide concise and practical information on the basics of ultrasound and its application to obtain peripheral venous and arterial access.
PMID: 31791568
ISSN: 1878-1608
CID: 4842852