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Influence of thoracic radiology training on classification of interstitial lung diseases
Lange, Marcia; Boddu, Priyanka; Singh, Ayushi; Gross, Benjamin D; Mei, Xueyan; Liu, Zelong; Bernheim, Adam; Chung, Michael; Huang, Mingqian; Masseaux, Joy; Dua, Sakshi; Platt, Samantha; Sivakumar, Ganesh; DeMarco, Cody; Lee, Justine; Fayad, Zahi A; Yang, Yang; Padilla, Maria; Jacobi, Adam
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Interpretation of high-resolution CT images plays an important role in the diagnosis and management of interstitial lung diseases. However, interreader variation may exist due to varying levels of training and expertise. This study aims to evaluate interreader variation and the role of thoracic radiology training in classifying interstitial lung disease (ILD). METHODS:This is a retrospective study where seven physicians (radiologists, thoracic radiologists, and a pulmonologist) classified the subtypes of ILD of 128 patients from a tertiary referral center, all selected from the Interstitial Lung Disease Registry which consists of patients from November 2014 to January 2021. Each patient was diagnosed with a subtype of interstitial lung disease by a consensus diagnosis from pathology, radiology, and pulmonology. Each reader was provided with only clinical history, only CT images, or both. Reader sensitivity and specificity and interreader agreements using Cohen's κ were calculated. RESULTS:Interreader agreement based only on clinical history, only on radiologic information, or combination of both was most consistent amongst readers with thoracic radiology training, ranging from fair (Cohen's κ: 0.2-0.46), moderate to almost perfect (Cohen's κ: 0.55-0.92), and moderate to almost perfect (Cohen's κ: 0.53-0.91) respectively. Radiologists with any thoracic training showed both increased sensitivity and specificity for NSIP as compared to other radiologists and the pulmonologist when using only clinical history, only CT information, or combination of both (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:Readers with thoracic radiology training showed the least interreader variation and were more sensitive and specific at classifying certain subtypes of ILD. SUMMARY SENTENCE/UNASSIGNED:Thoracic radiology training may improve sensitivity and specificity in classifying ILD based on HRCT images and clinical history.
PMID: 36868033
ISSN: 1873-4499
CID: 5666022
Influence of thoracic radiology training on classification of interstitial lung diseases
Lange, Marcia; Boddu, Priyanka; Singh, Ayushi; Gross, Benjamin D; Mei, Xueyan; Liu, Zelong; Bernheim, Adam; Chung, Michael; Huang, Mingqian; Masseaux, Joy; Dua, Sakshi; Platt, Samantha; Sivakumar, Ganesh; DeMarco, Cody; Lee, Justine; Fayad, Zahi A; Yang, Yang; Padilla, Maria; Jacobi, Adam
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Interpretation of high-resolution CT images plays an important role in the diagnosis and management of interstitial lung diseases. However, interreader variation may exist due to varying levels of training and expertise. This study aims to evaluate interreader variation and the role of thoracic radiology training in classifying interstitial lung disease (ILD). METHODS:This is a retrospective study where seven physicians (radiologists, thoracic radiologists, and a pulmonologist) classified the subtypes of ILD of 128 patients from a tertiary referral center, all selected from the Interstitial Lung Disease Registry which consists of patients from November 2014 to January 2021. Each patient was diagnosed with a subtype of interstitial lung disease by a consensus diagnosis from pathology, radiology, and pulmonology. Each reader was provided with only clinical history, only CT images, or both. Reader sensitivity and specificity and interreader agreements using Cohen's κ were calculated. RESULTS:Interreader agreement based only on clinical history, only on radiologic information, or combination of both was most consistent amongst readers with thoracic radiology training, ranging from fair (Cohen's κ: 0.2-0.46), moderate to almost perfect (Cohen's κ: 0.55-0.92), and moderate to almost perfect (Cohen's κ: 0.53-0.91) respectively. Radiologists with any thoracic training showed both increased sensitivity and specificity for NSIP as compared to other radiologists and the pulmonologist when using only clinical history, only CT information, or combination of both (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:Readers with thoracic radiology training showed the least interreader variation and were more sensitive and specific at classifying certain subtypes of ILD. SUMMARY SENTENCE/UNASSIGNED:Thoracic radiology training may improve sensitivity and specificity in classifying ILD based on HRCT images and clinical history.
PMID: 36868033
ISSN: 1873-4499
CID: 5666012
Interstitial lung disease diagnosis and prognosis using an AI system integrating longitudinal data
Mei, Xueyan; Liu, Zelong; Singh, Ayushi; Lange, Marcia; Boddu, Priyanka; Gong, Jingqi Q X; Lee, Justine; DeMarco, Cody; Cao, Chendi; Platt, Samantha; Sivakumar, Ganesh; Gross, Benjamin; Huang, Mingqian; Masseaux, Joy; Dua, Sakshi; Bernheim, Adam; Chung, Michael; Deyer, Timothy; Jacobi, Adam; Padilla, Maria; Fayad, Zahi A; Yang, Yang
For accurate diagnosis of interstitial lung disease (ILD), a consensus of radiologic, pathological, and clinical findings is vital. Management of ILD also requires thorough follow-up with computed tomography (CT) studies and lung function tests to assess disease progression, severity, and response to treatment. However, accurate classification of ILD subtypes can be challenging, especially for those not accustomed to reading chest CTs regularly. Dynamic models to predict patient survival rates based on longitudinal data are challenging to create due to disease complexity, variation, and irregular visit intervals. Here, we utilize RadImageNet pretrained models to diagnose five types of ILD with multimodal data and a transformer model to determine a patient's 3-year survival rate. When clinical history and associated CT scans are available, the proposed deep learning system can help clinicians diagnose and classify ILD patients and, importantly, dynamically predict disease progression and prognosis.
PMID: 37080956
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 5666032