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The evolving relationship between COVID-19 and serious bacterial infection evaluation in febrile neonates
Guernsey, David; Kostin, Shannon; Silver, Michael; Vazquez, Hector; Zerzan, Jessica
AIM/OBJECTIVE:The COVID-19 omicron variant surge highlighted the evolving impact of COVID-19. Febrile infants <60 days old are high risk for serious bacterial infections (SBI). This study evaluated the rate of SBI based on COVID-19 infection. METHODS:We conducted a retrospective chart review at an urban, academic paediatric emergency department. The study enrolled infants 60 days old or less with documented fever. The primary outcome was SBI diagnosed by blood, urine, and/or cerebrospinal fluid cultures. We compared the rate of SBI between COVID-19 groups with an omicron variant and 29- to 60-day-old subgroup analyses. RESULTS:Two hundred and thirty-three (233) infants meet the criteria. The incidence of SBI was 18.7% in the COVID-19 negative and 1.7% in the COVID-19-positive group which is statistically significant (p < 0.001). Omicron subgroup analysis did not achieve statistical significance (p = 0.62) while COVID-19-positive infants 29-60 days old had a statistically significant lower rate of SBI (p = 0.006). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The omicron variant surge provided an additional understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on these high-risk infants. These results can lead to decreased invasive testing and exposure to antibiotics as well as examine the utility of viral testing for risk stratification.
PMID: 36596467
ISSN: 1651-2227
CID: 5429062
Trends in Prevalence of Bacterial Infections in Febrile Infants During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Aronson, Paul L; Kerns, Ellen; Jennings, Brittany; Magee, Sloane; Wang, Marie E; McDaniel, Corrie E; [Guernsey, David; et al]
OBJECTIVES:Our objective was to describe the prevalence of urinary tract infection (UTI) and invasive bacterial infection (IBI) in febrile infants during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. METHODS:We conducted a multicenter cross-sectional study that included 97 hospitals in the United States and Canada. We included full-term, well-appearing infants 8 to 60 days old with a temperature of ≥38°C and an emergency department visit or hospitalization at a participating site between November 1, 2020 and March 31, 2022. We used logistic regression to determine trends in the odds of an infant having UTI and IBI by study month and to determine the association of COVID-19 prevalence with the odds of an infant having UTI and IBI. RESULTS:We included 9112 infants; 603 (6.6%) had UTI, 163 (1.8%) had bacteremia without meningitis, and 43 (0.5%) had bacterial meningitis. UTI prevalence decreased from 11.2% in November 2020 to 3.0% in January 2022. IBI prevalence was highest in February 2021 (6.1%) and decreased to 0.4% in January 2022. There was a significant downward monthly trend for odds of UTI (odds ratio [OR] 0.93; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.91-0.94) and IBI (OR 0.90; 95% CI: 0.87-0.93). For every 5% increase in COVID-19 prevalence in the month of presentation, the odds of an infant having UTI (OR 0.97; 95% CI: 0.96-0.98) or bacteremia without meningitis decreased (OR 0.94; 95% CI: 0.88-0.99). CONCLUSIONS:The prevalence of UTI and IBI in eligible febrile infants decreased to previously published, prepandemic levels by early 2022. Higher monthly COVID-19 prevalence was associated with lower odds of UTI and bacteremia.
PMID: 36353853
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 5429092
Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis in a child with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome: a case report [Case Report]
Guernsey, David; Arun, Aparna; Agha, Rabia; Kupferman, Juan C
BACKGROUND:Children with nephrotic syndrome are at increased risk of infections, including bacterial peritonitis, pneumonia, and cellulitis. However, bacterial meningitis, a potentially life-threatening complication, has not been highlighted as an infectious complication of nephrotic syndrome in recent reviews. We report a very subtle and unusual presentation of bacterial meningitis in a child with nephrotic syndrome, which without a high index of suspicion, would have been missed. CASE PRESENTATION/METHODS:A 9-year-old African-American male with a history of steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome presented to the nephrology clinic for routine follow-up. His medications included mycophenolate mofetil and alternate-day steroids. His only complaint was neck pain and stiffness that the mother attributed to muscle tightness relieved by massage. There was no history of fever, vomiting, headache, photophobia, or altered mental status. On physical examination, he was afebrile (99 °F), but had mild periorbital swelling and edema on lower extremities. He appeared ill and exhibited neck rigidity, and demonstrated reflex knee flexion when the neck was bent. Laboratory evaluation revealed leukocytosis, elevated C-reactive protein, hypoalbuminemia, and proteinuria. Cerebrospinal fluid suggested bacterial meningitis. The patient was treated with ceftriaxone and vancomycin. Both cerebrospinal and blood cultures grew Streptococcus pneumoniae; vancomycin was discontinued. The child completed a 2-week course of ceftriaxone and was discharged home. CONCLUSIONS:A high index of suspicion is necessary in children with nephrotic syndrome treated with corticosteroids, as symptoms may be masked, and thus, a life-threatening disease be missed. Bacterial meningitis should be highlighted as a serious infection complication in children with nephrotic syndrome.
PMID: 36336675
ISSN: 1752-1947
CID: 5429052
COVID-19 and Serious Bacterial Infection in Febrile Infants Less Than 60 Days Old
Guernsey, David; Pfeffer, Matthew; Kimpo, James; Vazquez, Hector; Zerzan, Jessica
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic that drastically impacted the United States. The evidence was not clear on how SARS-CoV-2 infection impacted children, given the high prevalence of SAR-CoV-2 infection. Febrile infants less than 60 days old are an ongoing challenge to risk-stratify for serious bacterial infection (SBI), including urinary tract infection (UTI), bacteremia, and meningitis. We hypothesized there would be a lower rate of SBI in SARS-CoV-2 positive febrile infants compared to those SARS-CoV-2 negative. METHODS:This was a retrospective chart review with a nested, age-matched, case-control study performed from March 2020-June 2021. Infants less than 60 days old presenting with fever were assigned groups based on SARS-CoV-2 infection. Blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid cultures were used as the gold standard to diagnose SBI. We compared overall rate of SBI as well as individual rates of SBI between each group. We performed a subgroup analysis evaluating the age group 29-60 days old. RESULTS:A total of 164 subjects met criteria for analysis: 30 COVID-19 positive and 134 COVID-19 negative subjects. Rate of SBI was 17.9% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 11.8-25.5%) in the COVID-19 negative group compared to 0% (95% CI: 0.0%-11.1%) in the COVID-19 group, which demonstrated statistical significance (p = 0.008). In the age-matched data, we found statistical significance for any SBI (p = <0.001). For individual rates of SBI, we found statistical significance for UTI (p = <0.001) and bacteremia (p = <0.001). The 29-60 days-old subgroup analysis did not achieve statistical significance (p = 0.11). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:This study demonstrated the utility of including SARS-CoV-2 infection as part of the risk stratification of febrile infants less than 60 days old. While overall there is a low incidence of bacteremia and meningitis in this age group, these results can contribute to existing literature and potentially help decrease invasive testing and exposure to broad-spectrum antibiotics.
PMID: 36205666
ISSN: 1936-9018
CID: 5429042
Resolution of Concussion Symptoms After Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment: A Case Report [Case Report]
Guernsey, David T; Leder, Adena; Yao, Sheldon
A concussion is the result of a biomechanical force directed toward the head, causing neurologic dysfunction. The inflammatory response and the production of reactive oxygen species are proposed mechanisms for the symptoms and long-term sequelae of concussion. Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) may help reduce inflammation by improving glymphatic flow. The authors describe the effect of OMT on a patient with mild concussion symptoms, including nausea, dizziness, tinnitus, and imbalance. The patient was evaluated with the Sensory Organization Test before and after undergoing a 25-minute session of OMT. After the session, the patient reported resolution of symptoms, and his sensory organization test score improved by 6 points. The role of OMT must be further investigated as an essential and cost-effective tool in the management of concussions.
PMID: 26927914
ISSN: 1945-1997
CID: 5429032
Regional Water Use Practices In The Kwahu East District Of Ghana And The Potential Influence On Diarrheal Disease
Lardner, Deborah; Passafaro, Michael; Gotimer, Kristin F; Guernsey, David; Padgett, Christina; Sundar, Sriniketh
ISSN: 1857-7881
CID: 5429082
Lardner, Deborah A.; Passafaro, Michael; Guernsey, David T., III; Jung, Min-Kyung
ISSN: 0002-9637
CID: 5429072