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Clinical outcomes of patellofemoral arthroplasty: robotic assistance produces superior short and mid-term outcomes
Katzman, Jonathan L; Buehring, Weston; Haider, Muhammad A; Connolly, Patrick; Schwarzkopf, Ran; Fernandez-Madrid, Ivan
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Patellofemoral arthroplasty (PFA) has been shown to provide symptomatic improvement for isolated patellofemoral osteoarthritis (PFOA). The efficacy of robotic-assisted PFA and the most suitable PFA implant design, however, remain ongoing matters of debate. This study sought to compare clinical outcomes between patients who underwent robotic-assisted versus conventional PFAs with inlay and onlay prosthetic designs. METHODS:A single-center retrospective review found 237 knees (211 patients) which underwent PFA between 2011 and 2021. One hundred eighty-four knees were included in the final analysis after cases were excluded for having indications other than osteoarthritis or having less than one year of follow-up. There were 90 conventional PFAs and 94 robotic-assisted PFAs performed. Inlay components were implanted in 89 knees and onlay components were implanted in 95 knees. Propensity score matching was utilized to address demographic differences between groups. RESULTS:Overall, there was a revision-free survivorship rate of 89.7% with an average time to follow-up of 4.6 years (range 1.2 to 11.1). Twenty-nine knees (15.8%) required various non-conversion procedures. The conventional matched cohort exhibited a higher all-cause revision rate, accounting for revision PFAs and conversions to TKA, (18.8 vs. 6.4%, p = 0.014) and a shorter mean time to revision than the robotic-assisted cohort (3.1 vs. 5.8 years, p = 0.026). A Kaplan-Meier survivorship curve showed differences between the conventional and robotics cohorts (p = 0.041). All revisions following robotic-assisted PFA were caused by progression of osteoarthritis, whereas conventional PFAs also required revision due to aseptic loosening and patellar maltracking. The rate of infection resulting in irrigation and debridement was higher for conventional cases (4.3 vs. 0%, p = 0.041). No significant differences in clinical outcomes between the inlay and onlay prosthetic design matched cohorts were identified. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:PFA is an effective treatment for addressing advanced patellofemoral arthritis. Robotic-assisted surgery may lead to improved clinical outcomes. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/METHODS:III.
PMID: 38492064
ISSN: 1434-3916
CID: 5737882
Mid-term outcomes of a kinematically designed cruciate retaining total knee arthroplasty
Katzman, Jonathan L; Habibi, Akram A; Haider, Muhammad A; Cardillo, Casey; Fernandez-Madrid, Ivan; Meftah, Morteza; Schwarzkopf, Ran
BACKGROUND:Advances in implant material and design have allowed for improvements in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) outcomes. A cruciate retaining (CR) TKA provides the least constraint of TKA designs by preserving the native posterior cruciate ligament. Limited research exists that has examined clinical outcomes or patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) of a large cohort of patients undergoing a CR TKA utilizing a kinematically designed implant. It was hypothesized that the studied CR Knee System would demonstrate favorable outcomes and a clinically significant improvement in pain and functional scores. AIM/OBJECTIVE:To assess both short-term and mid-term clinical outcomes and PROMs of a novel CR TKA design. METHODS:-tests. RESULTS:Of the 255 patients, 65.5% were female, 43.8% were White, and patients had an average age of 60.6 years. Primary osteoarthritis (96.9%) was the most common primary diagnosis. The mean surgical time was 105.3 minutes and mean length of stay was 2.1 d with most patients discharged home (92.5%). There were 18 emergency department (ED) visits within 90 d of surgery resulting in a 90 d ED visit rate of 7.1%, including a 2.4% orthopedic-related ED visit rate and a 4.7% non-orthopedic-related ED visit rate. There were three (1.2%) hospital readmissions within 90 d postoperatively. With a mean time to latest follow-up of 3.3 years, four patients (1.6%) required revision, two for arthrofibrosis, one for aseptic femoral loosening, and one for peri-prosthetic joint infection. There were significant improvements in KOOS JR, PROMIS Pain Intensity, PROMIS Pain Interference, PROMIS Mobility, and PROMIS Physical Health from preoperative scores to six month and two-year postoperative scores. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The evaluated implant is an effective, novel design offering excellent outcomes and low complication rates. At a mean follow up of 3.3 years, four patients required revisions, three aseptic and one septic, resulting in an overall implant survival rate of 98.4% and an aseptic survival rate of 98.8%. The results of our study demonstrate the utility of this kinematically designed implant in the setting of primary TKA.
PMID: 38464356
ISSN: 2218-5836
CID: 5737622
Comparison of traditional PS versus kinematically designs in primary total knee arthroplasty
Shichman, Ittai; Oakley, Christian T; Thomas, Jeremiah; Fernandez-Madrid, Ivan; Meftah, Morteza; Schwarzkopf, Ran
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Kinematically designed total knee arthroplasty (TKA) aims to restore normal kinematics by replicating the function of both cruciate ligaments. Traditional posterior-stabilized (PS) TKA designs, on the other hand, simplify knee kinematics and may improve TKA cost-effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to compare outcomes of patients who underwent primary TKA using either a traditional PS or kinematically designed TKA. METHODS:This retrospective study examined all patients who underwent primary TKA using either a kinematically or a traditional PS designed TKA implant, with a minimum follow-up of 2 years. Patient demographics, complications, readmissions, revision rates and causes, range of motion (ROM) and patient reported outcomes (KOOS, JR) were compared between groups. Kaplan-Meier survivorship analysis was performed to estimate freedom from revision, and multivariate regression was performed to control for confounding variables. RESULTS:A total of 396 TKAs [173 (43.7%) with a kinematic design, 223 (56.3%) with a traditional design] with a mean follow-up of 3.48 ± 1.51 years underwent analysis. Revision rates did not differ between groups (9.8% vs. 6.7%, p = 0.418). In Kaplan-Meier analysis at 2-year follow-up, freedom from all-cause revision (96.4% vs. 93.1%, p = 0.139) were similar between groups. The two cohorts had no significant difference in aseptic loosening at 2 years (99.6% vs. 97.1, p = 0.050) and at latest follow up (92.7% vs. 96.4%, p = 0.279). KOOS, JR scores and post-operative ROM were similar between groups. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:This study demonstrated similar mid-term outcomes following the use of both a kinematically designed and a traditionally designed implant in primary TKA patients. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE/METHODS:Retrospective study-III.
PMID: 36625899
ISSN: 1434-3916
CID: 5434322
Tramadol in Knee Osteoarthritis: Does Preoperative Use Affect Patient-Reported Outcomes After Total Knee Arthroplasty?
Driesman, Adam; Kaplan, Daniel; Feng, James E; Waren, Daniel P; Vigdorchik, Jonathan; Meere, Patrick; Fernandez-Madrid, Ivan; Slover, James; Macaulay, William
BACKGROUND:The 2013 American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons evidence-based guidelines recommend against the use of preoperative narcotics in the management of symptomatic osteoarthritic knees; however, the guidelines strongly recommend tramadol in this patient population. To our knowledge, no study to date has evaluated outcomes in patients who use tramadol exclusively as compared with narcotics naive patients. METHODS:This is a retrospective study of prospectively collected data for patients who underwent unilateral primary total knee arthroplasty between January 2017 and March 2018. PRO scores were obtained using a novel electronic patient rehabilitation application, which pushed PRO surveys via email and mobile devices within 1 month prior to surgery and 3 months postoperatively. RESULTS:One hundred and thirty-six patients were opiate naïve, while 63 had obtained narcotics before the index operation. Of those, 21 patients received tramadol. The average preoperative Knee Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores were 50.4, 49.95, and 48.01 for the naïve, tramadol, and narcotic populations, respectively, (P = .60). The tramadol cohort had the least gain in 3 months postoperative Knee Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores, improving on average 12.5 points in comparison to the 19.1 and 20.1 improvements seen in the narcotic and naïve cohorts, respectively (P = .09). This difference was statistically significant when comparing the naïve and tramadol populations alone in post hoc analysis (P = .016). CONCLUSIONS:When comparing patients who took tramadol preoperatively to patients who were opiate naïve, patients that used tramadol trended toward significantly less improvement in functional outcomes in the short-term postoperative period.
PMID: 31076193
ISSN: 1532-8406
CID: 4002032
Are Patients More Satisfied With a Balanced Total Knee Arthroplasty?
Golladay, Gregory J; Bradbury, Thomas L; Gordon, Alexander C; Fernandez-Madrid, Ivan J; Krebs, Viktor E; Patel, Preetesh D; Suarez, Juan C; Higuera Rueda, Carlos A; Barsoum, Wael K
BACKGROUND:Patient-reported outcome measures are increasingly recognized as an important tool in quantifying the clinical success of arthroplasty surgery. The aim of this study is to measure post-operative joint awareness and satisfaction in patients with and without a quantitatively balanced knee following primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA). METHODS:In this multi-center study, a total of 318 eligible patients were assigned to one of the 2 patient groups: sensor-guided TKA or surgeon-guided TKA. In the sensor-guided group, quantitative balancing was performed according to intercompartmental tibiofemoral load measurements measured by an instrumented tibial trial component. In contrast, for the surgeon-guided group, the knees were balanced according to the surgeons' standard manual techniques while blinding the surgeon to the sensor measurements. Patients were blinded to their allocation and filled out the validated Forgotten Joint Score and 2011 Knee Society Satisfaction questionnaires at 6 weeks and 6 months. For the purposes of this study, the subjects were pooled and stratified by their state of soft tissue balance, based on the mediolateral load differential through the range of motion. RESULTS:In the surgeon-guided group, approximately 50% of the cases yielded a quantitatively balanced knee. Significantly more balanced knees were observed in the sensor-guided group (84.0%). More importantly, for both outcome measures, the balanced group of patients reported significantly better outcomes scores. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:This demonstrates that using sensor feedback during knee arthroplasty surgery results in a more reproducible procedure, resulting in a higher percentage of balanced patients who in turn demonstrate superior clinical outcomes compared to unbalanced patients.
PMID: 31079993
ISSN: 1532-8406
CID: 3908932
A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Evaluating Skin Closure After Total Knee Arthroplasty-What Is the Best Method?
Kim, Kelvin Y; Anoushiravani, Afshin A; Long, William J; Vigdorchik, Jonathan M; Fernandez-Madrid, Ivan; Schwarzkopf, Ran
BACKGROUND: Many cost drivers of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) have been critically evaluated to meet the heightened quality-associated expectations of performance-based care. However, assessing the efficacy of the different modalities of skin closure has been an underappreciated topic. The present study aims to provide further insight by conducting a meta-analysis and systematic review evaluating the rates of common complications and perioperative quality outcomes associated with different suture and staple skin closure techniques after TKA. METHODS: The present study was conducted in accordance with both the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses Statement and the Cochrane Handbook for meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Primary outcome measures evaluated rates of common complications associated with primary TKA. Secondary outcome measures evaluated wound closure time, direct surgical costs, and cosmetic and knee function outcomes. RESULTS: Our meta-analysis demonstrated that skin sutures had a higher likelihood of superficial and deep infections, abscess formation, and wound dehiscence. Conversely, staples had a higher tendency for prolonged wound discharge. A systematic review of wound closure times and overall resource utilization demonstrated that wound closure was faster and more cost-effective with skin staples than sutures. CONCLUSION: Primary skin incision closure with staples demonstrated lower wound complications, decreased wound closure times, and an overall reduction in resource utilization. Given these outcomes, the use of staples after TKA may have several subtle clinical advantages over sutures.
PMID: 28487090
ISSN: 1532-8406
CID: 2548992
Comparison of robot surgery modular and total knee arthroplasty kinematics
Yildirim, Gokce; Fernandez-Madrid, Ivan; Schwarzkopf, Ran; Walker, Peter S; Karia, Raj
The kinematics of seven knee specimens were measured from 0 to 120 degrees flexion using an up-and-down crouching machine. Motion was characterized by the positions of the centers of the lateral and medial femoral condyles in the anterior-posterior direction relative to a fixed tibia. A modular unicompartmental knee, trochlea flange, and patella resurfacing (multicompartmental knee [MCK] system) were implanted using a surgeon-interactive robot system that provided accurate surface matching. The MCK was tested, followed by standard cruciate retaining (CR) and posterior stabilized (PS) knees. The motion of the MCK was close to anatomic, especially on the medial side, in contrast to the CR and PS knees that showed abnormal motion features. Such a modular knee system, accurately inserted, has the potential for close to normal function in clinical application.
PMID: 24227400
ISSN: 1538-8506
CID: 836032
Sequencing of the Alzheimer's APP gene Dutch variant (APP-D) [Letter]
Vidal RG; Fernandez-Madrid I; Frangione B; Levy E
PMID: 8111419
ISSN: 1059-7794
CID: 9530
Sequencing of the Alzheimer's APP gene Dutch variant (APP.D)
Vidal, RG; FernandezMadrid, I; Frangione, B; Levy, E
ISSN: 1059-7794
CID: 2293362
Gelsolin gene mutation--at codon 187--in familial amyloidosis, Finnish: DNA-diagnostic assay
Haltia M; Levy E; Meretoja J; Fernandez-Madrid I; Koivunen O; Frangione B
Familial amyloidosis, Finnish (FAF), is an autosomal dominant form of systemic amyloidosis with lattice corneal dystrophy and progressive cranial neuropathy as principal clinical manifestations. We have shown that the novel amyloid fibril protein found in these patients is an internal degradation fragment of gelsolin, an actin-binding protein, and that it contains an amino acid substitution, asparagine for aspartic acid at position 15, that is due to a guanine-to-adenine transversion corresponding to codon 187 of human plasma gelsolin cDNA. To test that this mutation cosegregates with the disease high-molecular-weight genomic DNA was isolated from autopsied tissues or lymphocytes of 23 patients, 6 healthy relatives and 20 unrelated healthy control persons. Specific fragments were amplified with the polymerase chain reaction for oligonucleotide hybridization analysis using the slot-blot technique. The guanine-to-adenine transversion was found in all FAF patients tested, but in none of the control subjects. Our results show that the mutation (G to A) cosegregates with the disease phenotype, and that the slot-blot analysis can be used as a diagnostic assay, including prenatal evaluation
PMID: 1311149
ISSN: 0148-7299
CID: 9539