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Trends in Prevalence and Outcomes of Cannabis Use Among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Hospitalizations: A Nationwide Population-Based Study 2005-2014
Gunasekaran, Kulothungan; Voruganti, Dinesh C; Singh Rahi, Mandeep; Elango, Kalaimani; Ramalingam, Sathishkumar; Geeti, Adiba; Kwon, Jeff
PMID: 33998884
ISSN: 2378-8763
CID: 5770302
Can Transcutaneous CO2 Tension Be Used to Calculate Ventilatory Dead Space? A Pilot Study
Lakshminarayana, Pradeep H; Geeti, Adiba A; Darr, Umer M; Kaufman, David A
Dead space fraction (V d/V t) measurement performed using volumetric capnography requires arterial blood gas (ABG) sampling to estimate the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2). In recent years, transcutaneous capnography (PtcCO2) has emerged as a noninvasive method of estimating PaCO2. We hypothesized that PtcCO2 can be used as a substitute for PaCO2 in the calculation of V d/V t. In this prospective pilot comparison study, 30 consecutive postcardiac surgery mechanically ventilated patients had V d/V t calculated separately using volumetric capnography by substituting PtcCO2 for PaCO2. The mean V d/V t calculated using PaCO2 and PtcCO2 was 0.48 +/- 0.09 and 0.53 +/- 0.08, respectively, with a strong positive correlation between the two methods of calculation (Pearson's correlation = 0.87, p < 0.05). Bland-Altman analysis showed a mean difference of -0.05 (95% CI: -0.01 to -0.09) between the two methods. PtcCO2 measurements can provide a noninvasive means to measure V d/V t, thus accessing important physiologic information and prognostic assessment in patients receiving mechanical ventilation.
PMID: 27688911
ISSN: 2090-1305
CID: 2531032
Does Braden Scale Improve the Prognostic Features of News in Critically Ill Patients?
Oskuei,Assad; Geeti,Adiba; Gopalratnam,Kavitha; Kaufman,David
ISSN: 0012-3692
CID: 5774652
Comparison of Mixed Oxidants to Ozone for Disinfection and Reduction of Health Risks from Recalcitrant Compounds
Holland,Jennifer; Hattier,Linda; Reimers,Robert S.; Englande,Andrew J.; Hu,Chih-Yang; Geeti,Adiba
Mixed oxidants generated by the Purizer Process were compared to ozone for the treatment of wastewater effluent for water reuse.Oxidation of methyl...
CID: 5774662
Innovative Approach for Aerosol and Odor Control at POTWs
Austin,Gordon C.; Dyson,Brian; Geeti,Adiba A.; Chaisa-At,Nittaya; Reimers,Robert S.; Bradford,Henry B.
This study was performed to sample for odors in the West Bank Sewage Treatment Plant (WBSTP), operated by the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans...
CID: 5774672
Holland,Jennifer E.; Reimers,Robert S.; Englande,Andrew J.; Geeti,Adiba; Liu,Aiguo
The efficacy of mixed oxidants was compared to ozone for the destruction of MTBE in DI water. Mixed oxidants are generated by the Purizer process, in...
CID: 5774682