Searched for: person:genovm01
Clear cell "sugar" tumor of the lung: a case report and review of the literature
Chang, Matthew; Lim, Derek; Genovesi, Mark
Clear cell "sugar" tumor of the lung is a rare benign tumor that is often an incidental finding during histopathologic workup. It strikingly has a similar resemblance to renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cells. Under the microscope, it is composed of thin cell walls and high levels of glycogen. Therefore, when diagnosed, it is important to rule out metastatic RCC. Here, in this case report, we present a case of clear cell "sugar" tumor of the lung and review the literature that has been published. Clear cell tumor of the lung needs to be studied more extensively as it can present with unique signs and symptoms. It has also occurred in the presence of systemic diseases. This has led researchers to theorize about its etiology which we discuss in this case report.
PMID: 30363768
ISSN: 2523-1995
CID: 3386142
Azygous Lobe Contributing To Recurrent Pneumothorax Refractory To Pleurodesis [Meeting Abstract]
Zambrano, C; Zakharov, K; Brevetti, G; Genovesi, M
ISSN: 1535-4970
CID: 2591012
Hand-assisted thoracoscopic repair of a Bochdalek hernia in an adult [Case Report]
Mousa, Albeir; Sanusi, Michael; Lowery, Robert C; Genovesi, Mark H; Burack, Joshua H
BACKGROUND: Bochdalek hernias are congenital diaphragmatic hernias that are generally asymptomatic and often discovered incidentally. Surgical treatment is indicated once the diagnosis is made. These hernias have traditionally been repaired by open abdominal or thoracic approaches. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A healthy 24-year-old male presented with an 8-month history of shortness of breath. The patient was noted to have a postero-lateral diaphragmatic hernia, with a 4 cm defect in the left hemidiaphragm seen with computed tomography scan. He underwent hand-assisted video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, in which the herniated omentum was reduced and the defect was repaired primarily and reinforced with Marlex mesh. The patient recovered uneventfully and was discharged home after a short hospitalization. CONCLUSION: Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for repair of Bochdalek hernias offers diagnostic as well as therapeutic advantages as it provides an excellent view of the surgical field, is easily executed, results in minimal surgical trauma, and has excellent cosmetic results and rapid recovery. We report a hand-assisted intracorporeal thoracoscopic repair to be a secure and satisfactory adjuvant to achieve the repair and conclude that thoracoscopic repair of the rare Bochdalek hernia is feasible.
PMID: 16494550
ISSN: 1092-6429
CID: 1891432
Treatment of symptomatic vascular rings in the elderly [Case Report]
Hardin, Rosemarie E; Brevetti, Gregory R; Sanusi, Michael; Bhaskaran, Dinesh; Burack, Joshua H; Genovesi, Mark H; Lowery, Robert C; Rafii, Shahrokh; Bondi, Elliot
A 76-year-old woman presented with respiratory failure that was later determined to be a result of a right aortic arch with an aberrant left brachiocephalic artery. This vascular ring compressed the trachea, requiring operative intervention. A median sternotomy gave access for an aorta-to-left brachiocephalic artery bypass and division of the vascular ring. This is a unique case, because vascular rings rarely present in elderly patients with such acute life-threatening symptoms. To our knowledge, this is the oldest and heaviest patient ever reported with symptomatic presentation and one of only 4 patients over the age of 50. The current literature on vascular rings of the thoracic aorta in adults is reviewed.
PMID: 16392232
ISSN: 0730-2347
CID: 1891262
Management of intramural hematoma of the ascending aorta and aortic arch: the risks of limited surgery [Case Report]
Saborio, David V; Sadeghi, Alireza; Burack, Joshua H; Lowery, Robert C; Genovesi, Mark H; Brevetti, Gregory R
We present the case of a 57-year-old woman who had an intramural hematoma of the ascending aorta and aortic arch. After initial blood pressure control and imaging studies, the patient underwent limited surgical repair that consisted of ascending aortic replacement. One week postoperatively, the aortic arch hematoma progressed to a full dissection that extended into the proximal descending aorta. Emergent aortic arch replacement was required. Current world medical literature regarding thoracic aortic intramural hematoma is presented. This case supports the treatment of intramural hematomas of the ascending aorta and arch by surgical replacement of both segments with a Dacron graft, with the patient under deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.
PMID: 14677748
ISSN: 0730-2347
CID: 1891282
Recent progress in minimally invasive conduit harvesting
Genovesi, Mark H; Robertazzi, Robert R; Vitali, Richard M; Connolly, Mark; Subramanian, Valavanur A
Wound-related morbidity frequently encountered after open-incision harvesting of vessel conduits for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is invariably recognized as an obstacle impeding the patient's path towards complete postoperative recovery. The endoscopic approach provides surgical access to the intended conduit vessel while affording an appreciably lower incidence of traumatic injury to the surrounding tissues. For this reason, the minimally invasive endoscopic dissection of vessel conduits is steadily gaining acceptance as a preferable alternative to the standard open-incision technique. Endoscopic systems, originally developed for general surgical procedures in the early 1990s, and readily adapted to saphenous vein harvesting by mid-decade, are now also being applied to minimally invasive radial artery harvesting. The growth of this surgical modality has paralleled the rapid development of remote access minimally invasive endoscopic devices and technologies and therefore remains an evolving body of knowledge. As experience and refinements in instrumentation progress, the endoscopic approach will undoubtedly become the procedure of choice for harvesting vessel conduits. This article provides a practical primer, based on the benefit of our serial experience with endoscopic vein and radial artery dissections, for those considering the minimally invasive endoscopic approach in harvesting vessels for CABG.
PMID: 11977021
ISSN: 1043-0679
CID: 1891442
Endogenous endophthalmitis resulting from sternal wound infection after coronary artery bypass grafting
Nahata, S K; Saffra, N A; Genovesi, M H; Connolly, M W; Cunningham, J N Jr
PMID: 9671915
ISSN: 0022-5223
CID: 126690