The use of an audiotaped analysis in a continuous case seminar
Karp, Joyce G; Hyler, Irene; Wald, Marla; Whitman, Laura; Herschkowitz, Samuel; Goldberger, Marianne
The authors compare use of an audiotaped analysis in a continuous case seminar with the traditional continuous case seminar, in which an analyst presents process notes, and find that the use of the tape lends itself readily to teaching microanalysis, principles of technique, and observation of affect. Listening to anonymous taped sessions allowed for the possibility of a freer climate for discussion, as none of the seminar participants had a personal relationship with the taped analyst. Disadvantages posed by the absence of the analyst during the seminar also are addressed.
ISSN: 0033-2828
CID: 217672
Variables associated with length of psychiatric hospitalization of children during the 1980s
Perry, R; Karp, J G; Padron-Gayol, M; Gulbenkian, G; Hardesty, A; Lynch, N; Silverman, S
PMID: 1577433
ISSN: 0022-1597
CID: 174062