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Whole-Exome Sequencing to Identify Rare Variants and Gene Networks that Increase Susceptibility to Scleroderma in African Americans
Gourh, Pravitt; Remmers, Elaine F; Boyden, Steven E; Alexander, Theresa; Morgan, Nadia D; Shah, Ami A; Mayes, Maureen D; Doumatey, Ayo; Bentley, Amy R; Shriner, Daniel; Domsic, Robyn T; Medsger, Thomas A; Steen, Virginia D; Ramos, Paula S; Silver, Richard M; Korman, Benjamin; Varga, John; Schiopu, Elena; Khanna, Dinesh; Hsu, Vivien; Gordon, Jessica K; Saketkoo, Lesley Ann; Gladue, Heather; Kron, Brynn; Criswell, Lindsey A; Derk, Chris T; Bridges, S Louis; Shanmugam, Victoria K; Kolstad, Kathleen D; Chung, Lorinda; Jan, Reem; Bernstein, Elana J; Goldberg, Avram; Trojanowski, Marcin; Kafaja, Suzanne; Maksimowicz-McKinnon, Kathleen M; Mullikin, James C; Adeyemo, Adebowale; Rotimi, Charles; Boin, Francesco; Kastner, Daniel L; Wigley, Fredrick M
OBJECTIVE:Whole-exome sequencing (WES) studies in systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients of European American (EA) ancestry have identified variants in the ATP8B4 gene and enrichment of variants in genes in the extracellular matrix (ECM)-related pathway increasing SSc susceptibility. Our goal was to evaluate the association of the ATP8B4 gene and the ECM-related pathway with SSc in a cohort of African Americans (AA). METHODS:SSc patients of AA ancestry were enrolled from 23 academic centers across the United States under the Genome Research in African American Scleroderma Patients (GRASP) consortium. Unrelated AA individuals without serological evidence of autoimmunity enrolled in the Howard University Family Study were used as unaffected controls. Functional variants in genes reported in the two WES studies in EA SSc were selected for gene association testing using the optimized sequence kernel association test (SKAT-O) and pathway analysis by Ingenuity pathway analysis in 379 patients and 411 controls. RESULTS:). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:This is the largest genetic study in AAs with SSc to date, corroborating the role of functional variants aggregating in a fibrotic pathway and increasing SSc susceptibility.
PMID: 29732714
ISSN: 2326-5205
CID: 3101452
Clinical and serological features of systemic sclerosis in a multicenter African American cohort: Analysis of the genome research in African American scleroderma patients clinical database
Morgan, Nadia D; Shah, Ami A; Mayes, Maureen D; Domsic, Robyn T; Medsger, Thomas A; Steen, Virginia D; Varga, John; Carns, Mary; Ramos, Paula S; Silver, Richard M; Schiopu, Elena; Khanna, Dinesh; Hsu, Vivien; Gordon, Jessica K; Gladue, Heather; Saketkoo, Lesley A; Criswell, Lindsey A; Derk, Chris T; Trojanowski, Marcin A; Shanmugam, Victoria K; Chung, Lorinda; Valenzuela, Antonia; Jan, Reem; Goldberg, Avram; Remmers, Elaine F; Kastner, Daniel L; Wigley, Fredrick M; Gourh, Pravitt; Boin, Francesco
Racial differences exist in the severity of systemic sclerosis (SSc). To enhance our knowledge about SSc in African Americans, we established a comprehensive clinical database from the largest multicenter cohort of African American SSc patients assembled to date (the Genome Research in African American Scleroderma Patients (GRASP) cohort).African American SSc patients were enrolled retrospectively and prospectively over a 30-year period (1987-2016), from 18 academic centers throughout the United States. The cross-sectional prevalence of sociodemographic, clinical, and serological features was evaluated. Factors associated with clinically significant manifestations of SSc were assessed using multivariate logistic regression analyses.The study population included a total of 1009 African American SSc patients, comprised of 84% women. In total, 945 (94%) patients met the 2013 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism (ACR/EULAR) classification criteria for SSc, with the remaining 64 (6%) meeting the 1980 ACR or CREST (calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia) criteria. While 43% were actively employed, 33% required disability support. The majority (57%) had the more severe diffuse subtype and a young age at symptom onset (39.1 ± 13.7 years), in marked contrast to that reported in cohorts of predominantly European ancestry. Also, 1 in 10 patients had a severe Medsger cardiac score of 4. Pulmonary fibrosis evident on computed tomography (CT) chest was present in 43% of patients and was significantly associated with anti-topoisomerase I positivity. 38% of patients with CT evidence of pulmonary fibrosis had a severe restrictive ventilator defect, forced vital capacity (FVC) ≤50% predicted. A significant association was noted between longer disease duration and higher odds of pulmonary hypertension, telangiectasia, and calcinosis. The prevalence of potentially fatal scleroderma renal crisis was 7%, 3.5 times higher than the 2% prevalence reported in the European League Against Rheumatism Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) cohort.Our study emphasizes the unique and severe disease burden of SSc in African Americans compared to those of European ancestry.
PMID: 29390428
ISSN: 1536-5964
CID: 2933462
HLA Type Imputation in the Genome Research in African American Scleroderma Patients (GRASP) Cohort Reveals Strong Associations of African Ancestry MHC Class II Types with Scleroderma and Lack of Class I HLA Type Associations [Meeting Abstract]
Remmers, Elaine F; Gourh, Pravitt; Boyden, Steven; Morgan, Nadia D; Shah, Ami A; Adeyemo, Adebowale; Bentley, Amy; Carns, Mary A; Chandrasekharappa, Settara C; Chung, Lorinda; Criswell, Lindsey A; Derk, Chris T; Domsic, Robyn T; Doumatey, Ayo; Gladue, Heather; Goldberg, Avram; Gordon, Jessica K; Hsu, Vivien M; Jan, Reem; Khanna, Dinesh; Mayes, Maureen D; Medsger, Thomas A., Jr; Ramos, Paula S; Trojanowski, Marcin A; Saketkoo, Lesley A; Schiopu, Elena; Shanmugam, Victoria K; Shriner, Daniel; Silver, Richard M; Steen, Virginia D; Valenzuela, Antonia; Varga, John; Rotimi, Charles; Wigley, Fredrick M; Boin, Francesco; Kastner, Daniel L
ISSN: 2326-5205
CID: 2766722
HLA and autoantibodies define scleroderma subtypes and risk in African and European Americans and suggest a role for molecular mimicry
Gourh, Pravitt; Safran, Sarah A; Alexander, Theresa; Boyden, Steven E; Morgan, Nadia D; Shah, Ami A; Mayes, Maureen D; Doumatey, Ayo; Bentley, Amy R; Shriner, Daniel; Domsic, Robyn T; Medsger, Thomas A; Ramos, Paula S; Silver, Richard M; Steen, Virginia D; Varga, John; Hsu, Vivien; Saketkoo, Lesley Ann; Schiopu, Elena; Khanna, Dinesh; Gordon, Jessica K; Kron, Brynn; Criswell, Lindsey A; Gladue, Heather; Derk, Chris T; Bernstein, Elana J; Bridges, S Louis; Shanmugam, Victoria K; Kolstad, Kathleen D; Chung, Lorinda; Kafaja, Suzanne; Jan, Reem; Trojanowski, Marcin; Goldberg, Avram; Korman, Benjamin D; Steinbach, Peter J; Chandrasekharappa, Settara C; Mullikin, James C; Adeyemo, Adebowale; Rotimi, Charles; Wigley, Fredrick M; Kastner, Daniel L; Boin, Francesco; Remmers, Elaine F
Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a clinically heterogeneous autoimmune disease characterized by mutually exclusive autoantibodies directed against distinct nuclear antigens. We examined HLA associations in SSc and its autoantibody subsets in a large, newly recruited African American (AA) cohort and among European Americans (EA). In the AA population, the African ancestry-predominant HLA-DRB1*08:04 and HLA-DRB1*11:02 alleles were associated with overall SSc risk, and the HLA-DRB1*08:04 allele was strongly associated with the severe antifibrillarin (AFA) antibody subset of SSc (odds ratio = 7.4). These African ancestry-predominant alleles may help explain the increased frequency and severity of SSc among the AA population. In the EA population, the HLA-DPB1*13:01 and HLA-DRB1*07:01 alleles were more strongly associated with antitopoisomerase (ATA) and anticentromere antibody-positive subsets of SSc, respectively, than with overall SSc risk, emphasizing the importance of HLA in defining autoantibody subtypes. The association of the HLA-DPB1*13:01 allele with the ATA+ subset of SSc in both AA and EA patients demonstrated a transancestry effect. A direct correlation between SSc prevalence and HLA-DPB1*13:01 allele frequency in multiple populations was observed (r = 0.98, P = 3 × 10-6). Conditional analysis in the autoantibody subsets of SSc revealed several associated amino acid residues, mostly in the peptide-binding groove of the class II HLA molecules. Using HLA α/β allelic heterodimers, we bioinformatically predicted immunodominant peptides of topoisomerase 1, fibrillarin, and centromere protein A and discovered that they are homologous to viral protein sequences from the Mimiviridae and Phycodnaviridae families. Taken together, these data suggest a possible link between HLA alleles, autoantibodies, and environmental triggers in the pathogenesis of SSc.
PMID: 31871193
ISSN: 1091-6490
CID: 4244112
Risk Factors for Mortality and Cardiopulmonary Hospitalization in Systemic Sclerosis Patients At Risk for Pulmonary Hypertension, in the PHAROS Registry
Hsu, Vivien M; Chung, Lorinda; Hummers, Laura K; Shah, Ami; Simms, Robert; Bolster, Marcy; Hant, Faye N; Silver, Richard M; Fischer, Aryeh; Hinchcliff, Monique E; Varga, John; Goldberg, Avram Z; Derk, Chris T; Schiopu, Elena; Khanna, Dinesh; Shapiro, Lee S; Domsic, Robyn T; Medsger, Thomas; Mayes, Maureen D; Furst, Daniel; Csuka, Mary Ellen; Molitor, Jerry A; Saketkoo, Lesley Ann; Salazar, Christian R; Steen, Virginia D
OBJECTIVE:We sought to identify predictors of mortality and cardiopulmonary hospitalizations in patients at risk for pulmonary hypertension (PH) and enrolled in PHAROS, a prospective cohort study to investigate the natural history of PH in systemic sclerosis (SSc). METHODS:The at-risk population for PH was defined by the following entry criteria: echocardiogram systolic pulmonary arterial pressure > 40 mmHg, or DLCO < 55% predicted or ratio of % forced vital capacity/%DLCO > 1.6, measured by pulmonary function testing. Baseline clinical measures were evaluated as predictors of hospitalization and death between 2005 and 2014. Cox proportional hazards models were censored at date of PH onset or latest study visit and adjusted for age, sex, race, and disease duration. RESULTS:Of the 236 at-risk subjects who were followed for a median of 4 years (range 0.4-8.5 yrs), 35 developed PH after entering PHAROS (reclassified as PH group). In the at-risk group, higher mortality was strongly associated with male sex, low %DLCO, exercise oxygen desaturation, anemia, abnormal dyspnea scores, and baseline pericardial effusion. Risks for cardiopulmonary hospitalization were associated with increased dyspnea and pericardial effusions, although PH patients with DLCO < 50% had the highest risk of cardiopulmonary hospitalizations. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Risk factors for poor outcome in patients with SSc who are at risk for PH were similar to others with SSc-PH and SSc-pulmonary arterial hypertension, including male sex, DLCO < 50%, exercise oxygen desaturation, and pericardial effusions. This group should undergo right heart catheterization and receive appropriate intervention if PH is confirmed.
PMID: 30275260
ISSN: 0315-162x
CID: 3329182
Clinical and Serological Features of Systemic Sclerosis in a Multicenter African American Cohort: Analysis of the Genome Research in African American Scleroderma Patients Clinical Database [Meeting Abstract]
Morgan, Nadia D; Shah, Ami A; Mayes, Maureen D; Domsic, Robyn T; Medsger, Thomas A., Jr; Steen, Virginia D; Varga, John; Carns, Mary A; Ramos, Paula S; Silver, Richard M; Schiopu, Elena; Khanna, Dinesh; Hsu, Vivien; Gordon, Jessica K; Gladue, Heather; Saketkoo, Lesley A; Criswell, Lindsey A; Derk, Chris T; Trojanowski, Marcin A; Shanmugam, Victoria K; Chung, Lorinda; Valenzuela, Antonia; Jan, Reem; Goldberg, Avram; Remmers, Elaine F; Kastner, Daniel L; Wigley, Fredrick M; Gourh, Pravitt; Boin, Francesco
ISSN: 2326-5205
CID: 2767242
Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3 (TGFB3) - a Novel Systemic Sclerosis Susceptibility Locus Involved in Fibrosis and Th17 Cell Development Identified By Genome-Wide Association Study in African Americans from the Genome Research in African American Scleroderma Patients Consortium [Meeting Abstract]
Gourh, Pravitt; Remmers, Elaine F; Satpathy, Ansuman; Boyden, Steven; Morgan, Nadia D; Shah, Ami A; Adeyemo, Adebowale; Bentley, Amy; Carns, Mary A; Chandrasekharappa, Settara C; Chung, Lorinda; Criswell, Lindsey A; Derk, Chris T; Domsic, Robyn T; Doumatey, Ayo; Gladue, Heather; Goldberg, Avram; Gordon, Jessica K; Hsu, Vivien; Jan, Reem; Khanna, Dinesh; Mayes, Maureen D; Medsger, Thomas A., Jr; Mumbach, Maxwell; Ramos, Paula S; Trojanowski, Marcin; Saketkoo, Lesley Ann; Schiopu, Elena; Shanmugam, Victoria K; Shriner, Daniel; Silver, Richard M; Steen, Virginia D; Valenzuela, Antonia; Varga, John; Chang, Howard; Rotimi, Charles; Wigley, Fredrick M; Boin, Francesco; Kastner, Daniel L
ISSN: 2326-5205
CID: 2767532
The Recurrence of Digital Ulcers in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis after Discontinuation of Oral Treprostinil
Shah, Ami A; Schiopu, Elena; Chatterjee, Soumya; Csuka, Mary Ellen; Frech, Tracy; Goldberg, Avram; Spiera, Robert; Peng, Stanford L; McBride, Ryan J; Cleveland, Jody M; Steen, Virginia
OBJECTIVE: Prior studies investigating the efficacy of oral treprostinil to treat digital ulcers (DU) in systemic sclerosis (SSc)-associated Raynaud phenomenon have yielded conflicting results. In this investigation, we examined whether DU burden increased after patients withdrew from oral treprostinil that was administered during an open-label extension study. METHODS: A multicenter, retrospective study was conducted to determine DU burden in the year after withdrawal from oral treprostinil. DU burden 3-6 months (Time A) and > 6-12 months (Time B) after drug withdrawal was compared with DU burden at baseline, defined as the last day receiving drug in the open-label extension study, by a paired Student t test. Changes in DU burden while receiving drug in the open-label study were compared with changes in DU burden at Time B by a paired Student t test. RESULTS: Fifty-one patients from 9 clinical sites were included for analysis. DU burden increased significantly from baseline (mean 0.47) to Time A (mean 2.1, p = 0.002, n = 23) and Time B (mean 1.45, p = 0.013, n = 30). Total DU burden decreased during oral treprostinil exposure (mean change -0.6) and then increased by Time B (mean change 1.05, p = 0.0027 for comparison, n = 30). In the year after drug withdrawal, many patients required vasodilator therapy and pain medications. Three patients were hospitalized for complications from DU, and 4 patients required surgery for DU. CONCLUSION: Total DU burden increased significantly after discontinuation of oral treprostinil. These data provide supportive evidence of a beneficial effect of oral treprostinil for the vascular complications of SSc and suggest that further study is warranted.
PMID: 27307535
ISSN: 0315-162x
CID: 2145232
Dose-escalation of human anti-interferon-alpha receptor monoclonal antibody MEDI-546 in subjects with systemic sclerosis: a phase 1, multicenter, open label study
Goldberg, Avram; Geppert, Thomas; Schiopu, Elena; Frech, Tracy; Hsu, Vivien; Simms, Robert W; Peng, Stanford L; Yao, Yihong; Elgeioushi, Nairouz; Chang, Linda; Wang, Bing; Yoo, Stephen
INTRODUCTION: Type I interferons (IFNs) are implicated in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis (SSc). MEDI-546 is an investigational human monoclonal antibody directed against the type I IFN receptor. This Phase 1 study evaluated the safety/tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK), immunogenicity, and pharmacodynamics (PD) of single and multiple intravenous doses of MEDI-546 in adults with SSc. METHODS: Subjects (>=18 years) with SSc were enrolled in an open-label, dose-escalation study to receive single (0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0, or 20.0 mg/kg), or 4 weekly intravenous doses (0.3, 1.0, or 5.0 mg/kg/week) of MEDI-546. Subjects were followed for 12 weeks. Safety assessments included adverse events (AEs), laboratory results, and viral monitoring. Blood samples were collected from all subjects for determination of PK, presence of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs), and expression of type I IFN-inducible genes. RESULTS: Of 34 subjects (mean age 47.4 years), 32 completed treatment and 33 completed the study. Overall, 148 treatment-emergent AEs (TEAEs) were reported (68.9% mild, 27.7% moderate). TEAEs included one grade 1 infusion reaction (5.0 mg/kg/week multiple dose). Of 4 treatment-emergent serious AEs (skin ulcer, osteomyelitis, vertigo, and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)), only CML (1.0 mg/kg/week multiple dose) was considered possibly treatment-related. MEDI-546 exhibited non-linear PK at lower doses. ADAs were detected in 5 subjects; no apparent impact on PK was observed. Peak inhibition of the type I IFN signature in whole blood was achieved within 1 day and in skin after 7 days. CONCLUSION: The safety/tolerability, PK, and PD profiles observed in this study support further clinical development of MEDI-546.Trial Registration: NCT00930683.
PMID: 24559157
ISSN: 1478-6354
CID: 826102
Baseline characteristics and follow-up in patients with normal haemodynamics versus borderline mean pulmonary arterial pressure in systemic sclerosis: results from the PHAROS registry
Bae, Sangmee; Saggar, Rajeev; Bolster, Marcy B; Chung, Lorinda; Csuka, Mary Ellen; Derk, Chris; Domsic, Robyn; Fischer, Aryeh; Frech, Tracy; Goldberg, Avram; Hinchcliff, Monique; Hsu, Vivien; Hummers, Laura; Schiopu, Elena; Mayes, Maureen D; McLaughlin, Vallerie; Molitor, Jerry; Naz, Nausheen; Furst, Daniel E; Maranian, Paul; Steen, Virginia; Khanna, Dinesh
BACKGROUND: Patients with normal (mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) =20 mm Hg) and borderline mean pulmonary pressures (21-24 mm Hg) are "at risk" of developing pulmonary hypertension (PH). The objectives of this analysis were to examine the baseline characteristics in systemic sclerosis (SSc) with normal and borderline mPAP and to explore long-term outcomes in SSc patients with borderline mPAP versus normal haemodynamics. METHODS: PHAROS is a multicentre prospective longitudinal cohort of patients with SSc "at risk" or recently diagnosed with resting PH on right heart catheterisation (RHC). Baseline clinical characteristics, pulmonary function tests, high-resolution CT, 2-dimensional echocardiogram and RHC results were analysed in normal and borderline mPAP groups. RESULTS: 206 patients underwent RHC (results showed 35 normal, 28 borderline mPAP, 143 resting PH). There were no differences in the baseline demographics. Patients in the borderline mPAP group were more likely to have restrictive lung disease (67% vs 30%), fibrosis on high-resolution CT and a higher estimated right ventricular systolic pressure on echocardiogram (46.3 vs 36.2 mm Hg; p<0.05) than patients with normal haemodynamics. RHC revealed higher pulmonary vascular resistance and more elevated mPAP on exercise (>/=30; 88% vs 56%) in the borderline mPAP group (p<0.05 for both). Patients were followed for a mean of 25.7 months and 24 patients had a repeat RHC during this period. During follow-up, 55% of the borderline mPAP group and 32% of the normal group developed resting PH (p=NS). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with borderline mPAP have a greater prevalence of abnormal lung physiology, pulmonary fibrosis and the presence of exercise mPAP >/=30 mm Hg.
PMID: 22307943
ISSN: 0003-4967
CID: 826112