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Low incidence and transient elevation of autoantibodies post mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in inflammatory arthritis
Blank, Rebecca B; Haberman, Rebecca H; Qian, Kun; Samanovic, Marie; Castillo, Rochelle; Jimenez Hernandez, Anthony; Vasudevapillai Girija, Parvathy; Catron, Sydney; Uddin, Zakwan; Rackoff, Paula; Solomon, Gary; Azar, Natalie; Rosenthal, Pamela; Izmirly, Peter; Samuels, Jonathan; Golden, Brian; Reddy, Soumya; Mulligan, Mark J; Hu, Jiyuan; Scher, Jose U
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:Autoantibody seroconversion has been extensively studied in the context of COVID-19 infection but data regarding post-vaccination autoantibody production is lacking. Here we aimed to determine the incidence of common autoantibody formation following mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in patients with inflammatory arthritis (IA) and in healthy controls. METHODS:Autoantibody seroconversion was measured by serum ELISA in a longitudinal cohort of IA participants and healthy controls before and after COVID-19 mRNA-based immunization. RESULTS:Overall, there was a significantly lower incidence of ANA seroconversion in participants who did not contract COVID-19 prior to vaccination compared with those who been previously infected (7.4% vs 24.1%, p= 0.014). Incidence of de novo anti-cyclic citrullinated protein (CCP) seroconversion in all participants was low at 4.9%. Autoantibody levels were typically of low titer, transient, and not associated with increase in IA flares. CONCLUSIONS:In both health and inflammatory arthritis, the risk of autoantibody seroconversion is lower following mRNA-based immunization than following natural SARS-CoV-2 infection. Importantly, seroconversion does not correlate with self-reported IA disease flare risk, further supporting the encouragement of mRNA-based COVID-19 immunization in the IA population.
PMID: 35640110
ISSN: 1462-0332
CID: 5235902
Methotrexate and TNF inhibitors affect long-term immunogenicity to COVID-19 vaccination in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory disease
Haberman, Rebecca H; Um, Seungha; Axelrad, Jordan E; Blank, Rebecca B; Uddin, Zakwan; Catron, Sydney; Neimann, Andrea L; Mulligan, Mark J; Herat, Ramin Sedaghat; Hong, Simon J; Chang, Shannon; Myrtaj, Arnold; Ghiasian, Ghoncheh; Izmirly, Peter M; Saxena, Amit; Solomon, Gary; Azar, Natalie; Samuels, Jonathan; Golden, Brian D; Rackoff, Paula; Adhikari, Samrachana; Hudesman, David P; Scher, Jose U
PMID: 35403000
ISSN: 2665-9913
CID: 5218902
Methotrexate hampers immunogenicity to BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in immune-mediated inflammatory disease
Haberman, Rebecca H; Herati, Ramin; Simon, David; Samanovic, Marie; Blank, Rebecca B; Tuen, Michael; Koralov, Sergei; Atreya, Raja; Tascilar, Koray; Allen, Joseph; Castillo, Rochelle; Cornelius, Amber; Rackoff, Paula; Solomon, Gary; Adhikari, Samrachana; Azar, Natalie; Rosenthal, Pamela; Izmirly, Peter; Samuels, Jonathan; Golden, Brian; Reddy, Soumya M; Neurath, Markus; Abramson, Steven B; Schett, Georg; Mulligan, Mark; Scher, Jose U
PMID: 34035003
ISSN: 1468-2060
CID: 4888812
Methotrexate hampers immunogenicity to BNT162B2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in immune-mediated inflammatory disease [Meeting Abstract]
Haberman, R; Herati, R; Simon, D; Samanovic, M; Tuen, M; Blank, R; Koralov, S; Atreya, R; Tascilar, K; Allen, J; Castillo, R; Cornelius, A; Rackoff, P; Solomon, G; Adhikari, S; Azar, N; Rosenthal, P; Izmirly, P; Samuels, J; Golden, B; Reddy, S; Neurath, M; Abramson, S B; Schett, G; Mulligan, M; Scher, J
Background/Purpose: Patients with immune mediated inflammatory disorders (IMIDs) have an inherently heightened susceptibility to infection and may be considered high risk for developing COVID-19. While data regarding the COVID-19 vaccine's immunogenicity in an immunocompetent adult population is rapidly emerging, the ability of IMID patients to adequately respond to these vaccines is not known. Here, we investigate the humoral and cellular immune response to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in patients with IMIDs on immunomodulatory treatment Methods: Patients with immune mediated inflammatory disorders (IMIDs) have an inherently heightened susceptibility to infection and may be considered high risk for developing COVID-19. While data regarding the COVID-19 vaccine's immunogenicity in an immunocompetent adult population is rapidly emerging, the ability of IMID patients to adequately respond to these vaccines is not known. Here, we investigate the humoral and cellular immune response to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in patients with IMIDs on immunomodulatory treatment.
Result(s): The NY cohort baseline characteristics are found in Table 1. The Erlangen cohort consisted of 182 healthy subjects, 11 subjects with IMID receiving TNFi monotherapy, and 20 subjects with IMID on MTX monotherapy. In both cohorts, healthy individuals and those with IMID not on MTX were similar in age, while those IMID patients receiving MTX were generally older. In the NY cohort, of the healthy participants, 96.3% demonstrated adequate humoral immune response. Patients with IMID not on MTX achieved a similar rate of high antibody response rate (91.8%), while those on MTX had a lower rate of adequate humoral response (75.0%) (Figure 1A). This remains true even after the exclusion of patients who had evidence of prior COVID-19 infection (P= 0.014). Of note, 3 out of the 4 IMID patients receiving rituximab did not produce an adequate response. Similarly, in the Erlangen validation cohort, 98.3% of healthy controls, 90.9% of patients with IMID receiving TNFi monotherapy, and 50.0% receiving MTX monotherapy achieved adequate immunogenicity (Figure 1B). These differences remain significant when combining the cohorts, using a stricter definition of adequate response, and in a subgroup analysis by age. Cellular response was also analyzed in a subgroup of the NY cohort before and after second vaccination. Activated CD8+ T cells (CD8+ T cells expressing Ki67 and CD38) and the granzyme B-producing subset of these activated CD8+ T cells, were induced in immunocompetent adults and those with IMID not on MTX, but not induced in patients receiving MTX (Figure 2).
Conclusion(s): In two independent cohorts of IMID patients, MTX, a widely used immunomodulator for the treatment of several IMIDs, adversely affected humoral and cellular immune response to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Although precise cut offs for immunogenicity that correlate with vaccine efficacy are yet to be established, our findings suggest that different strategies may need to be explored in patients with IMID taking MTX to increase the chances of immunization efficacy against SARS-CoV-2, as has been demonstrated for other viral vaccines
ISSN: 2326-5205
CID: 5164692
Methotrexate Hampers Immunogenicity to BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Disease
Haberman, Rebecca H; Herati, Ramin Sedaghat; Simon, David; Samanovic, Marie; Blank, Rebecca B; Tuen, Michael; Koralov, Sergei B; Atreya, Raja; Tascilar, Koray; Allen, Joseph R; Castillo, Rochelle; Cornelius, Amber R; Rackoff, Paula; Solomon, Gary; Adhikari, Samrachana; Azar, Natalie; Rosenthal, Pamela; Izmirly, Peter; Samuels, Jonathan; Golden, Brian; Reddy, Soumya; Neurath, Markus; Abramson, Steven B; Schett, Georg; Mulligan, Mark J; Scher, Jose U
Objective/UNASSIGNED:To investigate the humoral and cellular immune response to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) on immunomodulatory treatment. Methods/UNASSIGNED:Established patients at NYU Langone Health with IMID (n=51) receiving the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination were assessed at baseline and after second immunization. Healthy subjects served as controls (n=26). IgG antibody responses to the spike protein were analyzed for humoral response. Cellular immune response to SARS-CoV-2 was further analyzed using high-parameter spectral flow cytometry. A second independent, validation cohort of controls (n=182) and patients with IMID (n=31) from Erlangen, Germany were also analyzed for humoral immune response. Results/UNASSIGNED:Although healthy subjects (n=208) and IMID patients on biologic treatments (mostly on TNF blockers, n=37) demonstrate robust antibody responses (over 90%), those patients with IMID on background methotrexate (n=45) achieve an adequate response in only 62.2% of cases. Similarly, IMID patients do not demonstrate an increase in CD8+ T cell activation after vaccination. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:In two independent cohorts of IMID patients, methotrexate, a widely used immunomodulator for the treatment of several IMIDs, adversely affected humoral and cellular immune response to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Although precise cut offs for immunogenicity that correlate with vaccine efficacy are yet to be established, our findings suggest that different strategies may need to be explored in patients with IMID taking methotrexate to increase the chances of immunization efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 as has been demonstrated for augmenting immunogenicity to other viral vaccines. KEY MESSAGES/UNASSIGNED:These results suggest that patients on methotrexate may need alternate vaccination strategies such as additional doses of vaccine, dose modification of methotrexate, or even a temporary discontinuation of this drug. Further studies will be required to explore the effect of these approaches on mRNA vaccine immunogenicity.
PMID: 34013285
ISSN: n/a
CID: 4877422
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma with Synovial Involvement of the Knee
Kim, Brandon; Raphael, Bruce; Liu, Cynthia; Golden, Brian D
Musculoskeletal involvement occurs in approximately 25% of patients diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Skeletal involvement is typically secondary, with primary lymphoma of the bone being much rarer. We describe a case in which a 52-year-old man initially presented features suggestive of Lyme arthritis in his left knee. A synovial biopsy performed as part of a synovectomy procedure revealed a proliferative synovium with dense lymphoplasmacytic B cell infiltrate, suggestive of NHL. An inguinal lymph node biopsy was also performed but did not produce results pathologically similar to those of the left knee synovial biopsy.
PMID: 31785142
ISSN: 2328-5273
CID: 4249752
Infectious arthritis
Chapter by: Berman, Nicola; Golden, Brian D.
in: Absolute Rheumatology Review by
[S.l.] : Springer International Publishing, 2019
pp. 111-126
ISBN: 9783030230210
CID: 4462662
Dermatomyositis, clinically presenting with cutaneous ulcers, with histopathologic evidence of perforating collagenosis
Rosenstein, Rachel; Martires, Kathryn; Christman, Mitalee; Terushkin, Vitaly; Meehan, Shane A; Seminara, Nicole; Golden, Brian D; Franks, Andrew G Jr
Dermatomyositis is a systemic, autoimmune diseasewith a variety of clinical features that often includemyositis and characteristic cutaneous findings. Asubset of patients with dermatomyositis developcutaneous ulcers, often in the setting of vasculitis orvasculopathy. We present a case of dermatomyositiswith cutaneous ulcers that show perforatingcollagenosis on histopathologic examination.Acquired reactive perforating collagenosistypically occurs in the setting of diabetes mellitus,chronic renal failure, and other pruritic conditions,and this case represents a rare association withdermatomyositis, which may ultimately be helpful inelucidating the pathophysiology of this perforatingdisorder.
PMID: 28329555
ISSN: 1087-2108
CID: 2494812
Rheumatic diseases and myofascial pain
Chapter by: Golden, Brian D
in: Spinal disorders and treatments : the NYU-HJD comprehensive textbook by Errico, Thomas J; Cheriyan, Thomas; Varlotta, Gerard P [Eds]
New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers, 2015
pp. 126-129
ISBN: 9351524957
CID: 2709122
Bilateral fractures of the medial malleoli without a history of trauma [Case Report]
Looze, Christopher A; Golden, Brian; Egol, Kenneth A
PMID: 19584994
ISSN: 1934-3418
CID: 100630