Classical conditioned learning using transcranial magnetic stimulation
Luber, B; Balsam, P; Nguyen, T; Gross, M; Lisanby, S H
This study examined whether brain responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) would be amenable to classical conditioning. Motor cortex in human participants was stimulated with TMS pulses, which elicited a peripheral motor response in the form of a motor evoked potential (MEP). The TMS pulses were paired with audio-visual cues that served as conditioned stimuli. Over the course of training, MEPs following the conditioned stimuli decreased in amplitude. Two experiments demonstrated that the attenuated response only occurred when the TMS was preceded by the conditioned stimulus. Unsignaled TMS and TMS preceded by a cue that was not previously paired did not attenuate the response. The experiments demonstrate that the modulation of the motor response depended on the prior pairings of the conditioned stimuli and TMS and that the effects were stimulus specific. Thus we demonstrate here, for the first time, that TMS can serve as the unconditioned stimulus in Pavlovian conditioning.
PMID: 17639360
ISSN: 0014-4819
CID: 4521332