Searched for: person:hansor01
Spinal cord infarction in degenerative cervical spondylosis: An underdiagnosed phenomenon? [Case Report]
Stember, Danielle Masor; Hanson, Richard M; Staudinger, Robert
PMID: 32983621
ISSN: 2163-0402
CID: 4616442
Isolated Hand Paralysis Due to Stroke in Precentral Knob Region [Meeting Abstract]
Vyas, Ashish; Staudinger, Robert; Hanson, Richard
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 166863
Neurosarcoidosis in a patient with AIDS
Ailani J.; Graber J.; Fagan I.; Hanson R.M.; Staudinger R.
Neurosarcoidosis has not been reported in patients with HIV infection. We present the case of a patient with AIDS in whom spinal cord sarcoidosis developed years after highly active antiretroviral therapy was initiated and her immune system was reconstituted. Treatment with prednisone resulted in resolution of MRI lesions and symptoms. Since patients with HIV-1 infection who are receiving antiretroviral therapy can survive for many years, physicians should be aware of chronic immune restoration disease involving the CNS
ISSN: 1053-0894
CID: 122553
The potential of two non-vaginal routes of misoprostol administration following mifepristone for medical abortion up to 63 days gestation [Meeting Abstract]
Dzuba, I; Britton, T; Creinin, MD; Goldberg, A; Hanson, R; Lichtenberg, ES; Molaei, M; Prine, L; Winikoff, B
ISSN: 0010-7824
CID: 2633632
Plasma concentrations of macrophage migration inhibitory factor are elevated in Pima Indians compared to Caucasians and are associated with insulin resistance [Letter]
Vozarova, B; Stefan, N; Hanson, R; Lindsay, R S; Bogardus, C; Tataranni, P A; Metz, C; Bucala, R
PMID: 12552367
ISSN: 0012-186x
CID: 2505062
10 questions about Lyme neuroborreliosis
Prasad A; Hanson R
The diagnosis of Lyme neuroborreliosis requires a high index of suspicion and chronological correlation of the clinical findings and laboratory data. The limitations of serologic tests must be understood. Cerebrospinal fluid anti-Borrelia burgdorferi antibody index is currently the best indicator of Lyme neuroborreliosis
PMID: 9784947
ISSN: 0098-8243
CID: 7428