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Digital spatial profiling to predict recurrence in grade 3 stage I lung adenocarcinoma
Chang, Stephanie H; Mezzano-Robinson, Valeria; Zhou, Hua; Moreira, Andre; Pillai, Raymond; Ramaswami, Sitharam; Loomis, Cynthia; Heguy, Adriana; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Pass, Harvey I
OBJECTIVE:Early-stage lung adenocarcinoma is treated with local therapy alone, although patients with grade 3 stage I lung adenocarcinoma have a 50% 5-year recurrence rate. Our objective is to determine if analysis of the tumor microenvironment can create a predictive model for recurrence. METHODS:Thirty-four patients with grade 3 stage I lung adenocarcinoma underwent surgical resection. Digital spatial profiling was used to perform genomic (n = 31) and proteomic (n = 34) analyses of pancytokeratin positive and negative tumor cells. K-means clustering was performed on the top 50 differential genes and top 20 differential proteins, with Kaplan-Meier recurrence curves based on patient clustering. External validation of high-expression genes was performed with Kaplan-Meier plotter. RESULTS:There were no significant clinicopathologic differences between patients who did (n = 14) and did not (n = 20) have recurrence. Median time to recurrence was 806 days; median follow-up with no recurrence was 2897 days. K-means clustering of pancytokeratin positive genes resulted in a model with a Kaplan-Meier curve with concordance index of 0.75. K-means clustering for pancytokeratin negative genes was less successful at differentiating recurrence (concordance index 0.6). Genes upregulated or downregulated for recurrence were externally validated using available public databases. Proteomic data did not reach statistical significance but did internally validate the genomic data described. CONCLUSIONS:Genomic difference in lung adenocarcinoma may be able to predict risk of recurrence. After further validation, stratifying patients by this risk may help guide who will benefit from adjuvant therapy.
PMID: 37890657
ISSN: 1097-685x
CID: 5620342
Cellular dynamics in pig-to-human kidney xenotransplantation
Pan, Wanqing; Zhang, Weimin; Zheng, Binghan; Camellato, Brendan R; Stern, Jeffrey; Lin, Ziyan; Khodadadi-Jamayran, Alireza; Kim, Jacqueline; Sommer, Philip; Khalil, Karen; Weldon, Elaina; Bai, Jiangshan; Zhu, Yinan; Meyn, Peter; Heguy, Adriana; Mangiola, Massimo; Griesemer, Adam; Keating, Brendan J; Montgomery, Robert A; Xia, Bo; Boeke, Jef D
BACKGROUND:Xenotransplantation of genetically engineered porcine organs has the potential to address the challenge of organ donor shortage. Two cases of porcine-to-human kidney xenotransplantation were performed, yet the physiological effects on the xenografts and the recipients' immune responses remain largely uncharacterized. METHODS:We performed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and longitudinal RNA-seq analyses of the porcine kidneys to dissect xenotransplantation-associated cellular dynamics and xenograft-recipient interactions. We additionally performed longitudinal scRNA-seq of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to detect recipient immune responses across time. FINDINGS/RESULTS:Although no hyperacute rejection signals were detected, scRNA-seq analyses of the xenografts found evidence of endothelial cell and immune response activation, indicating early signs of antibody-mediated rejection. Tracing the cells' species origin, we found human immune cell infiltration in both xenografts. Human transcripts in the longitudinal bulk RNA-seq revealed that human immune cell infiltration and the activation of interferon-gamma-induced chemokine expression occurred by 12 and 48 h post-xenotransplantation, respectively. Concordantly, longitudinal scRNA-seq of PBMCs also revealed two phases of the recipients' immune responses at 12 and 48-53 h. Lastly, we observed global expression signatures of xenotransplantation-associated kidney tissue damage in the xenografts. Surprisingly, we detected a rapid increase of proliferative cells in both xenografts, indicating the activation of the porcine tissue repair program. CONCLUSIONS:Longitudinal and single-cell transcriptomic analyses of porcine kidneys and the recipient's PBMCs revealed time-resolved cellular dynamics of xenograft-recipient interactions during xenotransplantation. These cues can be leveraged for designing gene edits and immunosuppression regimens to optimize xenotransplantation outcomes. FUNDING/BACKGROUND:This work was supported by NIH RM1HG009491 and DP5OD033430.
PMID: 38776915
ISSN: 2666-6340
CID: 5654702
Analysis of microisolated frontal cortex excitatory layer III and V pyramidal neurons reveals a neurodegenerative phenotype in individuals with Down syndrome
Alldred, Melissa J; Pidikiti, Harshitha; Ibrahim, Kyrillos W; Lee, Sang Han; Heguy, Adriana; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Roussos, Panos; Wisniewski, Thomas; Wegiel, Jerzy; Stutzmann, Grace E; Mufson, Elliott J; Ginsberg, Stephen D
We elucidated the molecular fingerprint of vulnerable excitatory neurons within select cortical lamina of individuals with Down syndrome (DS) for mechanistic understanding and therapeutic potential that also informs Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathophysiology. Frontal cortex (BA9) layer III (L3) and layer V (L5) pyramidal neurons were microisolated from postmortem human DS and age- and sex-matched controls (CTR) to interrogate differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and key biological pathways relevant to neurodegenerative programs. We identified > 2300 DEGs exhibiting convergent dysregulation of gene expression in both L3 and L5 pyramidal neurons in individuals with DS versus CTR subjects. DEGs included over 100 triplicated human chromosome 21 genes in L3 and L5 neurons, demonstrating a trisomic neuronal karyotype in both laminae. In addition, thousands of other DEGs were identified, indicating gene dysregulation is not limited to trisomic genes in the aged DS brain, which we postulate is relevant to AD pathobiology. Convergent L3 and L5 DEGs highlighted pertinent biological pathways and identified key pathway-associated targets likely underlying corticocortical neurodegeneration and related cognitive decline in individuals with DS. Select key DEGs were interrogated as potential hub genes driving dysregulation, namely the triplicated DEGs amyloid precursor protein (APP) and superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), along with key signaling DEGs including mitogen activated protein kinase 1 and 3 (MAPK1, MAPK3) and calcium calmodulin dependent protein kinase II alpha (CAMK2A), among others. Hub DEGs determined from multiple pathway analyses identified potential therapeutic candidates for amelioration of cortical neuron dysfunction and cognitive decline in DS with translational relevance to AD.
PMID: 39105932
ISSN: 1432-0533
CID: 5696772
MethNet: a robust approach to identify regulatory hubs and their distal targets from cancer data
Sakellaropoulos, Theodore; Do, Catherine; Jiang, Guimei; Cova, Giulia; Meyn, Peter; Dimartino, Dacia; Ramaswami, Sitharam; Heguy, Adriana; Tsirigos, Aristotelis; Skok, Jane A
Aberrations in the capacity of DNA/chromatin modifiers and transcription factors to bind non-coding regions can lead to changes in gene regulation and impact disease phenotypes. However, identifying distal regulatory elements and connecting them with their target genes remains challenging. Here, we present MethNet, a pipeline that integrates large-scale DNA methylation and gene expression data across multiple cancers, to uncover cis regulatory elements (CREs) in a 1 Mb region around every promoter in the genome. MethNet identifies clusters of highly ranked CREs, referred to as 'hubs', which contribute to the regulation of multiple genes and significantly affect patient survival. Promoter-capture Hi-C confirmed that highly ranked associations involve physical interactions between CREs and their gene targets, and CRISPR interference based single-cell RNA Perturb-seq validated the functional impact of CREs. Thus, MethNet-identified CREs represent a valuable resource for unraveling complex mechanisms underlying gene expression, and for prioritizing the verification of predicted non-coding disease hotspots.
PMID: 39025865
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 5699432
Apolipoprotein E2 Expression Alters Endosomal Pathways in a Mouse Model With Increased Brain Exosome Levels During Aging
Peng, Katherine Y; Liemisa, Braison; Pasato, Jonathan; D'Acunzo, Pasquale; Pawlik, Monika; Heguy, Adriana; Penikalapati, Sai C; Labuza, Amanda; Pidikiti, Harshitha; Alldred, Melissa J; Ginsberg, Stephen D; Levy, Efrat; Mathews, Paul M
The polymorphic APOE gene is the greatest genetic determinant of sporadic Alzheimer's disease risk: the APOE4 allele increases risk, while the APOE2 allele is neuroprotective compared with the risk-neutral APOE3 allele. The neuronal endosomal system is inherently vulnerable during aging, and APOE4 exacerbates this vulnerability by driving an enlargement of early endosomes and reducing exosome release in the brain of humans and mice. We hypothesized that the protective effects of APOE2 are, in part, mediated through the endosomal pathway. Messenger RNA analyses showed that APOE2 leads to an enrichment of endosomal pathways in the brain when compared with both APOE3 and APOE4. Moreover, we show age-dependent alterations in the recruitment of key endosomal regulatory proteins to vesicle compartments when comparing APOE2 to APOE3. In contrast to the early endosome enlargement previously shown in Alzheimer's disease and APOE4 models, we detected similar morphology and abundance of early endosomes and retromer-associated vesicles within cortical neurons of aged APOE2 targeted-replacement mice compared with APOE3. Additionally, we observed increased brain extracellular levels of endosome-derived exosomes in APOE2 compared with APOE3 mice during aging, consistent with enhanced endosomal cargo clearance by exosomes to the extracellular space. Our findings thus demonstrate that APOE2 enhances an endosomal clearance pathway, which has been shown to be impaired by APOE4 and which may be protective due to APOE2 expression during brain aging.
PMID: 38777335
ISSN: 1600-0854
CID: 5654732
Integrative multi-omics profiling in human decedents receiving pig heart xenografts
Schmauch, Eloi; Piening, Brian; Mohebnasab, Maedeh; Xia, Bo; Zhu, Chenchen; Stern, Jeffrey; Zhang, Weimin; Dowdell, Alexa K; Kim, Jacqueline I; Andrijevic, David; Khalil, Karen; Jaffe, Ian S; Loza, Bao-Li; Gragert, Loren; Camellato, Brendan R; Oliveira, Michelli F; O'Brien, Darragh P; Chen, Han M; Weldon, Elaina; Gao, Hui; Gandla, Divya; Chang, Andrew; Bhatt, Riyana; Gao, Sarah; Lin, Xiangping; Reddy, Kriyana P; Kagermazova, Larisa; Habara, Alawi H; Widawsky, Sophie; Liang, Feng-Xia; Sall, Joseph; Loupy, Alexandre; Heguy, Adriana; Taylor, Sarah E B; Zhu, Yinan; Michael, Basil; Jiang, Lihua; Jian, Ruiqi; Chong, Anita S; Fairchild, Robert L; Linna-Kuosmanen, Suvi; Kaikkonen, Minna U; Tatapudi, Vasishta; Lorber, Marc; Ayares, David; Mangiola, Massimo; Narula, Navneet; Moazami, Nader; Pass, Harvey; Herati, Ramin S; Griesemer, Adam; Kellis, Manolis; Snyder, Michael P; Montgomery, Robert A; Boeke, Jef D; Keating, Brendan J
In a previous study, heart xenografts from 10-gene-edited pigs transplanted into two human decedents did not show evidence of acute-onset cellular- or antibody-mediated rejection. Here, to better understand the detailed molecular landscape following xenotransplantation, we carried out bulk and single-cell transcriptomics, lipidomics, proteomics and metabolomics on blood samples obtained from the transplanted decedents every 6 h, as well as histological and transcriptomic tissue profiling. We observed substantial early immune responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and xenograft tissue obtained from decedent 1 (male), associated with downstream T cell and natural killer cell activity. Longitudinal analyses indicated the presence of ischemia reperfusion injury, exacerbated by inadequate immunosuppression of T cells, consistent with previous findings of perioperative cardiac xenograft dysfunction in pig-to-nonhuman primate studies. Moreover, at 42 h after transplantation, substantial alterations in cellular metabolism and liver-damage pathways occurred, correlating with profound organ-wide physiological dysfunction. By contrast, relatively minor changes in RNA, protein, lipid and metabolism profiles were observed in decedent 2 (female) as compared to decedent 1. Overall, these multi-omics analyses delineate distinct responses to cardiac xenotransplantation in the two human decedents and reveal new insights into early molecular and immune responses after xenotransplantation. These findings may aid in the development of targeted therapeutic approaches to limit ischemia reperfusion injury-related phenotypes and improve outcomes.
PMID: 38760586
ISSN: 1546-170x
CID: 5654102
Emergence and dissemination of SARS-CoV-2 XBB.1.5 in New York
Gámbaro, Fabiana; Duerr, Ralf; Dimartino, Dacia; Marier, Christian; Iturrate, Eduardo; Mulligan, Mark J; Heguy, Adriana; Dellicour, Simon
The recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Omicron XBB.1.5 variant was first detected in New York City (NYC) and rapidly became the predominant variant in the area by early 2023. The increased occurrence of circulating variants within the SARS-CoV-2 XBB-sublineage prompted the modification of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech. This update, implemented in mid-September 2023, involved the incorporation of a monovalent XBB.1.5 component. Considering that NYC probably played a central role in the emergence of the XBB.1.5 variant, we conducted phylogeographic analysis to investigate the emergence and spread of this variant in the metropolitan area. Our analysis confirms that XBB.1.5 emerged within or near the NYC area and indicates that XBB.1.5 had a diffusion velocity similar to that of the variant Alpha in the same study area. Additionally, the analysis of 2,392 genomes collected in the context of the genomic surveillance program at NYU Langone Health system showed that there was no increased proportion of XBB.1.5, relative to all cocirculating variants, in the boosted compared to unvaccinated individuals. This study provides a comprehensive description of the emergence and dissemination of XBB.1.5.
PMID: 38774310
ISSN: 2057-1577
CID: 5654532
Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons Display Sublayer and Circuitry Dependent Degenerative Expression Profiles in Aged Female Down Syndrome Mice
Alldred, Melissa J; Pidikiti, Harshitha; Ibrahim, Kryillos W; Lee, Sang Han; Heguy, Adriana; Hoffman, Gabriel E; Mufson, Elliott J; Stutzmann, Grace E; Ginsberg, Stephen D
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have intellectual disability and develop Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology during midlife, particularly in the hippocampal component of the medial temporal lobe memory circuit. However, molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying selective vulnerability of hippocampal CA1 neurons remains a major knowledge gap during DS/AD onset. This is compounded by evidence showing spatial (e.g., deep versus superficial) localization of pyramidal neurons (PNs) has profound effects on activity and innervation within the CA1 region. OBJECTIVE/UNASSIGNED:We investigated whether there is a spatial profiling difference in CA1 PNs in an aged female DS/AD mouse model. We posit dysfunction may be dependent on spatial localization and innervation patterns within discrete CA1 subfields. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:Laser capture microdissection was performed on trisomic CA1 PNs in an established mouse model of DS/AD compared to disomic controls, isolating the entire CA1 pyramidal neuron layer and sublayer microisolations of deep and superficial PNs from the distal CA1 (CA1a) region. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:RNA sequencing and bioinformatic inquiry revealed dysregulation of CA1 PNs based on spatial location and innervation patterns. The entire CA1 region displayed the most differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in trisomic mice reflecting innate DS vulnerability, while trisomic CA1a deep PNs exhibited fewer but more physiologically relevant DEGs, as evidenced by bioinformatic inquiry. CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:CA1a deep neurons displayed numerous DEGs linked to cognitive functions whereas CA1a superficial neurons, with approximately equal numbers of DEGs, were not linked to pathways of dysregulation, suggesting the spatial location of vulnerable CA1 PNs plays an important role in circuit dissolution.
PMID: 39031371
ISSN: 1875-8908
CID: 5680212
Generation of quality-controlled SARS-CoV-2 variant stocks
de Vries, Maren; Ciabattoni, Grace O; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Bruno A; Crosse, Keaton M; Papandrea, Dominick; Samanovic, Marie I; Dimartino, Dacia; Marier, Christian; Mulligan, Mark J; Heguy, Adriana; Desvignes, Ludovic; Duerr, Ralf; Dittmann, Meike
One of the main challenges in the fight against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) stems from the ongoing evolution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) into multiple variants. To address this hurdle, research groups around the world have independently developed protocols to isolate these variants from clinical samples. These isolates are then used in translational and basic research-for example, in vaccine development, drug screening or characterizing SARS-CoV-2 biology and pathogenesis. However, over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have learned that the introduction of artefacts during both in vitro isolation and subsequent propagation to virus stocks can lessen the validity and reproducibility of data. We propose a rigorous pipeline for the generation of high-quality SARS-CoV-2 variant clonal isolates that minimizes the acquisition of mutations and introduces stringent controls to detect them. Overall, the process includes eight stages: (i) cell maintenance, (ii) isolation of SARS-CoV-2 from clinical specimens, (iii) determination of infectious virus titers by plaque assay, (iv) clonal isolation by plaque purification, (v) whole-virus-genome deep-sequencing, (vi and vii) amplification of selected virus clones to master and working stocks and (viii) sucrose purification. This comprehensive protocol will enable researchers to generate reliable SARS-CoV-2 variant inoculates for in vitro and in vivo experimentation and will facilitate comparisons and collaborative work. Quality-controlled working stocks for most applications can be generated from acquired biorepository virus within 1 month. An additional 5-8 d are required when virus is isolated from clinical swab material, and another 6-7 d is needed for sucrose-purifying the stocks.
PMID: 37833423
ISSN: 1750-2799
CID: 5604402
Inflammation in the tumor-adjacent lung as a predictor of clinical outcome in lung adenocarcinoma
Dolgalev, Igor; Zhou, Hua; Murrell, Nina; Le, Hortense; Sakellaropoulos, Theodore; Coudray, Nicolas; Zhu, Kelsey; Vasudevaraja, Varshini; Yeaton, Anna; Goparaju, Chandra; Li, Yonghua; Sulaiman, Imran; Tsay, Jun-Chieh J; Meyn, Peter; Mohamed, Hussein; Sydney, Iris; Shiomi, Tomoe; Ramaswami, Sitharam; Narula, Navneet; Kulicke, Ruth; Davis, Fred P; Stransky, Nicolas; Smolen, Gromoslaw A; Cheng, Wei-Yi; Cai, James; Punekar, Salman; Velcheti, Vamsidhar; Sterman, Daniel H; Poirier, J T; Neel, Ben; Wong, Kwok-Kin; Chiriboga, Luis; Heguy, Adriana; Papagiannakopoulos, Thales; Nadorp, Bettina; Snuderl, Matija; Segal, Leopoldo N; Moreira, Andre L; Pass, Harvey I; Tsirigos, Aristotelis
Approximately 30% of early-stage lung adenocarcinoma patients present with disease progression after successful surgical resection. Despite efforts of mapping the genetic landscape, there has been limited success in discovering predictive biomarkers of disease outcomes. Here we performed a systematic multi-omic assessment of 143 tumors and matched tumor-adjacent, histologically-normal lung tissue with long-term patient follow-up. Through histologic, mutational, and transcriptomic profiling of tumor and adjacent-normal tissue, we identified an inflammatory gene signature in tumor-adjacent tissue as the strongest clinical predictor of disease progression. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis demonstrated the progression-associated inflammatory signature was expressed in both immune and non-immune cells, and cell type-specific profiling in monocytes further improved outcome predictions. Additional analyses of tumor-adjacent transcriptomic data from The Cancer Genome Atlas validated the association of the inflammatory signature with worse outcomes across cancers. Collectively, our study suggests that molecular profiling of tumor-adjacent tissue can identify patients at high risk for disease progression.
PMID: 37938580
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 5609852