Understanding surgical education needs in Zambian residency programs from a Resident's perspective
Wang, David E; Sultan, Darren; Ismail, Hebah; Robinson, Elizabeth; Zulu, Robert; Musowoya, Joseph; Munthali, James C; Hopkins, Mary Ann; Dhage, Shubhada
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Approximately 100 surgeons in Zambia serve a population of 16 million, a severe shortage in basic surgical care. Surgical education in Zambia and other low-middle income countries has not been well characterized. The aim of this study was to evaluate surgical training resources from a resident perspective. METHODS:6 of 8 COSECSA-accredited major medical centers were included. We developed a Surgical Education Capacity Tool to evaluate hospital characteristics including infrastructure, education, and research. The questionnaire was completed by administrators and trainees. RESULTS:18 of 45 trainees were surveyed. Caseloads and faculty-to-trainee ratio varied by location. No sites had surgical skills, simulation, or research labs. Most had medical libraries, lecture halls, and internet. Outpatient clinics, bedside teaching, M&M conferences, and senior supervision were widely available. Despite some exposure, research mentorship, basic science, and grant application guidance were critically limited. CONCLUSIONS:Lack of access to proper infrastructure, research, and personnel all impact surgical training and education. The Surgical Education Capacity Tool offers insights into areas of potential improvement, and is applicable to other LMICs.
PMID: 30654918
ISSN: 1879-1883
CID: 3595432
Surgical registrars' perceptions of surgical training and capacity in Zambia: Results from three COSECSA affiliated training hospitals
Freitas, Derek M; Munthali, James; Musowoya, Joseph; Ismail, Hebah; Herbst, Allyson; Chikoya, Laston; Dhage, Shubhada; Hopkins, Mary Ann
BACKGROUND: Surgery is a vital component of a comprehensive health system, but there are often personnel limitations in resource constrained areas. Zambia provides post graduate surgical training through two systems to help address this shortage. However, no studies have analyzed surgical trainees' perceptions of these programs. METHODS: Surgical registrars at COSECSA affiliated hospitals in Zambia were surveyed about their programs. Responses were analyzed to identify key strengths and challenges across several categories including: operative training, clinical training, educational experiences, and career plans. RESULTS: Registrars report having significant independence and receiving broad and high quality operative training. They note specific challenges including limitations in specialty training, resources, and infrastructure. CONCLUSIONS: Zambian training programs have the potential to increase number of surgeons in Zambia by a significant amount in the coming years. These programs have many strengths but also face challenges in their goal to expand surgical access in the country.
PMID: 28764850
ISSN: 1879-1883
CID: 2655722