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Evaluation of psychological impact of COVID-19 on anesthesiology residents in the United States
Guran, Elyse; Yan, Manshu; Ho, Derek; Vandse, Rashmi
The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of in-training anesthesiology residents in the United States. A link containing validated survey tools including the Depression-Anxiety-Stress-Scale (DASS-21), the Abbreviated Maslach Burnout Inventory (aMBI), and the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) along with questions related to work environment, and additional personal factors were emailed to 159 Anesthesiology residency programs across the US. 143 responses were received of which 111 were complete. The prevalence of depression, anxiety, stress and burnout was 42%, 24%, 31% and 71% respectively. Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced feelings of personal accomplishment were experienced by 80%, 53%, and 65% of respondents, respectively. The BRCS scale showed 33% of respondents with low, 44% with moderate and 22% with high coping scales. Logistic regression analyses indicated those with a prior mental health diagnosis were 3 times more likely to have a non-normal DASS depression score, 4 times more likely to have a non-normal DASS anxiety score, and 11.74 times more prone to emotional exhaustion. Increased work hours and higher training levels were associated with increased levels of stress. In our survey, prior mental health illness, gender and increased work hours were the main drivers of increased risk.
PMID: 36451756
ISSN: 2405-8440
CID: 5477232
Anesthetic Management of a Super Morbidly Obese Obstetric Patient With a Body Mass Index of 109 kg/m2 Presenting for Her Fourth Caesarean Delivery [Case Report]
Ho, Derek K; Karagyozyan, Daniela S; Awad, Taysir W; Vandse, Rashmi
Morbidly obese obstetric patients undergoing anesthesia present many unique challenges. Previous caesarean sections (CSs) further complicate their management. We present the successful anesthetic management of a super morbidly obese obstetric patient with body mass index (BMI) of 109 kg/m2 who underwent her fourth CS. As per our review, this patient has the highest recorded BMI in the obstetric anesthesia literature. A 27-year-old female, G4P3003, presented for fourth repeat CS at 38 weeks' gestation. She had obstructive sleep apnea, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, and type 2 diabetes. Her first CS was emergent under general anesthesia (GA), and the other two were performed under neuraxial anesthesia, with the most recent one complicated by intraoperative cardiac arrest requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Preoperative preparation involved multidisciplinary preparation, planning, and risk stratification. Although neuraxial anesthesia is preferred over GA for CS, she refused neuraxial anesthesia due to her prior traumatic experience and the potential that it caused her prior cardiac arrest. In addition, her inability to position for a block or lay flat, poor anatomical landmarks, unknown length of surgery, plan for periumbilical incision, uncertain placental status, and risk of massive hemorrhage convinced us to consider GA. Surprisingly, her airway examination was reassuring. Two 18G peripheral intravenous lines and an arterial line were obtained prior to induction. With optimum patient positioning and preoxygenation, modified rapid sequence induction with mask ventilation and endotracheal intubation with direct laryngoscopy were performed. A healthy baby was delivered without significant intraoperative complications. Intraoperative lung-protective strategy with recruitment maneuvers, multimodal analgesia, and elective postoperative continuous positive airway pressure aided in successful extubation. Postoperatively, pulmonary toilet, early mobilization, physical therapy, and venous thromboembolism prophylaxis were employed. Her postoperative course was complicated by severe preeclampsia and pulmonary embolism, which were managed successfully in the intensive care unit. She was discharged initially to outpatient rehabilitation followed by home. This case highlights the complexities and significance of an individualized approach in managing super morbidly obese obstetric patients.
PMID: 33409048
ISSN: 2168-8184
CID: 5477212
Anterior Chamber Pathology in Alagille Syndrome
Ho, Derek K; Levin, Alex V; Anninger, William V; Piccoli, David A; Eagle, Ralph C
BACKGROUND:Alagille syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by neonatal cholestasis, characteristic facies, and cardiac abnormalities. Ocular abnormalities include posterior embryotoxon, mosaic pattern of iris stromal hypoplasia, microcornea, optic disc drusen, and pigmentary retinopathy. We present the second report of ocular pathology in two cases of Alagille syndrome. METHODS:Gross and histologic preparations of four eyes of two patients. RESULTS:Posterior embryotoxon is seen in both cases, with iris processes extending to the embryotoxon in case 1. Case 1 exhibited distinctly abnormal iris stroma with a prominent cleft separating the anterior and posterior stroma. Lacy vacuolization of the iris pigment epithelium was seen in case 2. CONCLUSIONS:gene that causes Alagille syndrome. Patients with Alagille syndrome rarely present to ocular autopsy. Pathology findings may help us better understand the pathophysiology of the ocular abnormalities in this disorder.
PMID: 27843908
ISSN: 2296-4681
CID: 5477202
Technique for Tube Extender Implantation
Ho, Derek K; Flannigan, Keith P; Levin, Alex V
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:To describe a novel technique to facilitate Tube Extender implantation. MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:Two Tube Extender implantations were performed on 2 eyes of 2 patients. RESULTS:Before implanting the Tube Extender onto the cut tube of the glaucoma drainage device, a 30-G cannula, coated with viscoelastic, is threaded through the distal end of the extender and emerges from the proximal end. The cannula, with the extender laced over it, is then inserted into the cut tube, and the surgeon slides the Tube Extender down the cannula for insertion onto the cut tube. CONCLUSIONS:Retraction of the glaucoma drainage device from the anterior chamber occurs for various reasons, often the growth of the globe in pediatric patients. Tube Extenders can be implanted to lengthen the glaucoma drainage device to reenter the anterior chamber. However, the surgical technique can often be technically difficult to perform due to the flexibility of the glaucoma drainage device tube. We present a novel technique for Tube Extender implantation that makes the procedure easier to perform.
PMID: 25943733
ISSN: 1536-481x
CID: 5477192
The potential role for neoadjuvant therapy in renal cell carcinoma
Ho, Derek; Kim, Hyung L
Surgical resection remains the standard of care for clini- cally localized renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Nearly 1 in 4 patients will have a recurrence after surgery performed with curative intent, and stand to benefit from additional therapy. Currently, no proven adjuvant or neoadjuvant therapies are available. A number of phase 3 adjuvant therapy trials are ongoing that are evaluating small-molecule drugs approved for metastatic RCC. The outcomes of these trials may provide insights for designing future phase 3 neoadjuvant therapy trials. Several phase 2 neoadjuvant trials for RCC have recently been completed or are ongoing. These trials have established the safety and response rates associated with several agents, and will pave the way for future phase 3 trials of neoadjuvant therapy for RCC. Neoadjuvant therapies may be useful for decreasing the risk of recurrence after surgery, maximiz- ing nephron sparing, and evaluating molecular effects of targeted therapies in human tumors.
PMID: 24893281
ISSN: 1543-0790
CID: 5477222