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Racial and Social Disparities in Health and Health Care Delivery among Patients with Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders in a Multiracial Clinical Setting
Nwabuobi, Lynda; Agee, Julia; Gilbert, Rebecca
There are racial and socioeconomic disparities in the care of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Bellevue Hospital Center (BHC) in New York City is the oldest public hospital in the United States providing care to a multiracial, socioeconomically diverse and medically underserved population. We investigated racial and social disparities in providing care to patients with PD and related disorders at BHC compared to a NYU Langone Health, a Parkinson's Foundation Center of Excellence. Retrospective chart review of patients with diagnosis of PD or PD-related disorders evaluated at BHC or at NYU outpatient clinics from January 2012 to August 2017. 100 patients were enrolled from each site: BHC (55% men); NYU (49% men). The majority of patients at NYU were White (77%), compared to 14% at BHC; Hispanic patients comprised the majority at BHC (56%) (p < 0.001). BHC patients had more clinic visits per year compared to the NYU cohort (2.88 vs. 2.40, p = 0.001). BHC patients were less likely to self-report exercise (p = 0.047) or participation in physical therapy (p = 0.015). There were no clinically significant differences in diagnosis type, time to diagnosis, average Hoehn & Yahr or levodopa equivalent dose. Compared to a Parkinson's Foundation Center of Excellence, PD patients in a public hospital system are more racially diverse, are less likely to be insured, have higher rates of care utilization and are less likely to access necessary interventions such as physical therapy and exercise.
PMID: 34398367
ISSN: 1573-0719
CID: 4995572
Outer Retinal Thickness and Fundus Autofluorescence in Geographic Atrophy
Wang, Diane L; Agee, Julia; Mazzola, Marco; Sacconi, Riccardo; Querques, Giuseppe; Weinberg, Alan D; Smith, R Theodore
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Most studies of fundus autofluorescence (FAF) in geographic atrophy (GA) have been nonquantitative, with inadequate registration of image modalities. Furthermore, as pointed out in the recent Consensus Definition for Atrophy Associated with Age-Related Macular Degeneration on OCT, it is unclear whether decreased FAF would be correlated exclusively with a single category of OCT-defined atrophy. We sought to determine how FAF intensity in eyes with GA correlates with structural changes of the outer retina and choroid as seen on co-registered spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT) images. DESIGN/METHODS:Retrospective cross-sectional. PARTICIPANTS/METHODS:Twenty eyes of 11 patients with GA secondary to non-neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS:Spectral domain OCT and FAF images for each eye were co-registered using MATLAB (MathWorks Inc, Natick, MA). On B-scans, the choroid, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), photoreceptor (PR) layer, and outer nuclear layer (ONL) were segmented. Regions of interest (ROIs) including all atrophic and border regions were selected manually on the FAF scans. Regions of interest were subdivided into quartiles of FAF level to correlate with retinal thickness measurements taken along the B-scans. Mean choroid, RPE, PR, and ONL thicknesses were compared across quartiles using an analysis of variance factorial design testing for interaction effects, adjusted for repeated measures (on both eyes) with a within-subjects factor. RESULTS:Seventeen eyes of 10 patients were selected for analysis. The mean choroidal thicknesses were not significantly different across FAF quartiles, but the overall differences in mean RPE, PR layer, and ONL thicknesses across quartiles were statistically significant (analysis of variance, P < 0.001, P < 0.001, and PÂ =Â 0.015, respectively). Post hoc analysis demonstrated significant differences in thickness among quartiles 1, 2, and 3 for the RPE and PR layers (Tukey, P < 0.01 in each case). The FAF quartiles within GA did not correlate exclusively with single categories of Consensus Definition for Atrophy Associated with Age-Related Macular Degeneration-defined atrophy. CONCLUSIONS:Not only RPE but also PR layer thickness on SD-OCT varies significantly with FAF levels in GA. This suggests that although the RPE cells are losing thickness and function, evidenced by decreased FAF from fluorophores, delicate PR cells also succumb early in the disease process. These relationships should be pursued as a possibly better-detailed mechanism in GA.
PMID: 31810572
ISSN: 2468-7219
CID: 4221062
Quantitative Fundus Autofluorescence in Non-Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Orellana-Rios, Jorge; Yokoyama, Sho; Agee, Julia M; Challa, Nayanika; Freund, K Bailey; Yannuzzi, Lawrence A; Smith, R Theodore
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE/OBJECTIVE:To use quantitative fundus autofluorescence (qAF) to analyze different stages of non-neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). PATIENTS AND METHODS/METHODS:In this cohort study, 38 pseudophakic patients and 36 age-matched controls participated. We performed near-infrared, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography and qAF imaging on 31 pseudophakic eyes and controls of participants older than 60 years with non-neovascular AMD phenotypes using the Spectralis HRA + OCT (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). RESULTS:The patients included in this study had a mean age of 83.9 years, and 35.7% patients were men. Mean qAF was higher in control participants than in all patients with AMD (P < .001). According to non-neovascular AMD phenotype, mean qAF levels were significantly lower in eyes with subretinal drusenoid deposits than in control eyes (P < .05). The lowest mean qAF was in patients with geographic atrophy. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Quantitative fundus autofluorescence of non-neovascular AMD decreases from normal to early to late AMD, suggesting that loss of lipofuscin fluorophores, not increase, signifies AMD progression. [Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2018;49:S34-S42.].
PMID: 30339266
ISSN: 2325-8179
CID: 3368882
Ex Vivo Hyperspectral Autofluorescence Imaging and Localization of Fluorophores in Human Eyes with Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Mohammed, Taariq; Tong, Yuehong; Agee, Julia; Challa, Nayanika; Heintzmann, Rainer; Hammer, Martin; Curcio, Christine A; Ach, Thomas; Ablonczy, Zsolt; Smith, R Theodore
To characterize fluorophore signals from drusen and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and their changes in age related macular degeneration (AMD), the authors describe advances in ex vivo hyperspectral autofluorescence (AF) imaging of human eye tissue. Ten RPE flatmounts from eyes with AMD and 10 from eyes without AMD underwent 40× hyperspectral AF microscopic imaging. The number of excitation wavelengths tested was initially two (436 nm and 480 nm), then increased to three (436 nm, 480 nm, and 505 nm). Emission spectra were collected at 10 nm intervals from 420 nm to 720 nm. Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) algorithms decomposed the hyperspectral images into individual emission spectra and their spatial abundances. These include three distinguishable spectra for RPE fluorophores (S1, S2, and S3) in both AMD and non-AMD eyes, a spectrum for drusen (SDr) only in AMD eyes, and a Bruch's membrane spectrum that was detectable in normal eyes. Simultaneous analysis of datacubes excited atthree excitation wavelengths revealed more detailed spatial localization of the RPE spectra and SDr within drusen than exciting only at two wavelengths. Within AMD and non-AMD groups, two different NMF initialization methods were tested on each group and converged to qualitatively similar spectra. In AMD, the peaks of the SDr at ~510 nm (436 nm excitation) were particularly consistent. Between AMD and non-AMD groups, corresponding spectra in common, S1, S2, and S3, also had similar peak locations and shapes, but with some differences and further characterization warranted.
PMID: 31735901
ISSN: 2411-5150
CID: 5436152
Tattoo associated retinochoroiditis [Case Report]
Orellana Rios, J; Verdaguer Díaz, J I; Agee, J; Theodore Smith, R
CLINICAL CASE/METHODS:A young woman was referred to our offices with impairment of visual acuity after she received a third tattoo on her arm. Systemic medical and laboratory work-up were performed in order to exclude an infectious agent or inflammatory disease. A yellowish juxtafoveal lesion in left eye along with a plaque-like outer retinal disruption and focal pigmentary defects was assessed using multi-modal diagnostic imaging. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:Ophthalmologists treating uveitis should consider this uncommon association and question patients regarding tattoos and tattoo inflammation given the rise of subjects undergoing artistic tattooing.
PMID: 28844569
ISSN: 2173-5794
CID: 5436162
Quantitative Fundus Autofluorescence of the Junctional Zone in Geographic Atrophy due to Reticular Macular Disease (RMD) [Meeting Abstract]
Orellana-Rios, Jorge; Yokoyama, Sho; Agee, Julia M.; Tong, Yuehong; Sakurada, Yoichi; Freund, K. Bailey; Smith, R. Theodore
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 5436232
Comparing Fundus Autofluorescence and Outer Retinal Thickness on Optical Coherence Tomography in Geographic Atrophy (GA) [Meeting Abstract]
Wang, Diane; Agee, Julia; Ayoub, Samantha; Sacconi, Riccardo; Querques, Giuseppe; Smith, R. Theodore
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 5436222
Fundus Autofluorescence Patterns within Geographic Atrophy (GA) in Age-Related Macular Degeneration [Meeting Abstract]
Agee, Julia Margaret; Ahmad, Meleha; Rastogi, Akash; Tong, Yuehong; Larochelle, Ryan; Curcio, Christine; Smith, Theodore
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 5436172
Improved spectral recovery and tissue localization of autofluorescence (AF) signatures in donor eyes with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using multi excitation hyperspectral AF imaging. [Meeting Abstract]
Mohammed, Taariq; Tong, Yuehong; Agee, Julia Margaret; Dey, Neel; Hong, Sungmin; Heintzmann, Rainer; Hammer, Martin; Curcio, Christine; Ach, Thomas; Ablonczy, Zsolt; Smith, Theodore
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 5436182
Quantitative Fundus Autofluorescence (qAF) in Normal Phakic and Pseudophakic Patients Using SPECTRALIS (R) qAF Imaging and Analysis Module [Meeting Abstract]
Ahmad, Meleha; Topilow, Nicole; Agee, Julia; Ayoub, Samantha; Tracer, Nathaniel; Leisy, Heather; Guevara, Gabriella; Smith, Theodore
ISSN: 0146-0404
CID: 5436212