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Phosphorus Content of Several Plant-Based Yogurts

Babich, John S; Patel, Jason; Dupuis, Léonie; Goldfarb, David S; Loeb, Stacy; Borin, James; Joshi, Shivam
OBJECTIVE:In people with chronic kidney disease (CKD), hyperphosphatemia is a risk factor for mortality. Though unproven, dietary phosphorus control is considered essential in CKD. Although dietary and serum phosphorus are correlated, phosphorus from plant foods rich in phytate is less bioavailable than from animal and processed foods. Yogurt, valued for its low phosphorus and high protein, may be detrimental in CKD due to animal protein content. Plant-based yogurts (PBYs) might offer similar benefits without the downsides of animal protein, but little is known about their phosphorus content. DESIGN AND METHODS/METHODS:Protein contents and phosphorus additives were gathered from nutrition labels of several PBYs, including almond, cashew, oat, coconut, and soy substrates. Phosphorus content was measured via emission spectrometry by Eurofins (Madison, WI), and the phosphorus-to-protein ratio (PPR) was calculated for each PBY. RESULTS:Phosphorus content was highest in Silk Soy Strawberry, Silk Almond Strawberry, and Siggi's Coconut Mixed Berries, while it was lowest in So Delicious Coconut Strawberry, Oatly Oat Strawberry, Forager Cashew Strawberry, and Kite Hill Almond Strawberry. Ingredient labels revealed that Silk Soy Strawberry, Silk Almond Strawberry, and Oatly Oat Strawberry contained phosphorus additives, and Siggi's Coconut Mixed Berries contained pea protein additives. Though from the same substrate class, So Delicious Coconut Strawberry and Siggi's Coconut Mixed Berries showed significant differences in phosphorus and protein contents. All seven PBYs had higher PPR ratios than dairy yogurts like Stonyfield Organic Oikos Strawberry, Chobani Nonfat Strawberry, and Yoplait Greek Strawberry. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Low-PPR foods are important for CKD patients. Siggi's Coconut Mixed Berries had the lowest PPR, making it potentially the most desirable for CKD patients. However, there is high variability in PPR among PBYs with the same substrate; therefore, Delicious Coconut Strawberry had the highest PPR, highlighting the importance of product selection for patients with CKD.
PMID: 38992517
ISSN: 1532-8503
CID: 5732452

Still no direct evidence of postprandial hyperkalemia with plant foods

Joshi, Shivam; Patel, Jason
Although St-Jules et al have presented the case for postprandial hyperkalemia with food, including plant foods, there (still) is little to no direct evidence supporting the occurrence of postprandial hyperkalemia, mostly due to a lack of studies performed exclusively using food. Food is different than salts or supplements, and it is likely that a banana behaves differently than potassium salts. A growing body of evidence supports the use of plant foods without causing hyperkalemia in patients with kidney disease. Currently, only 1 study has reported on the postprandial effects of hyperkalemia. In this study, there was a substantial reduction in the instances of postprandial hyperkalemia in participants consuming a diet that included more plant foods and more fiber. At the time of this writing, there is no evidence to support risk or safety of certain foods with regard to postprandial hyperkalemia, and additional research is warranted.
PMID: 37875099
ISSN: 1753-4887
CID: 5705572

Advancing Lifestyle Medicine in New York City's Public Health Care System

Babich, John S; McMacken, Michelle; Correa, Lilian; Polito-Moller, Krisann; Chen, Kevin; Adams, Eric; Morgenstern, Samantha; Katz, Mitchell; Long, Theodore G; Joshi, Shivam; Wallach, Andrew B; Shah, Sapana; Boas, Rebecca
Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in the United States, and much of this burden can be attributed to lifestyle and behavioral risk factors. Lifestyle medicine is an approach to preventing and treating lifestyle-related chronic disease using evidence-based lifestyle modification as a primary modality. NYC Health + Hospitals, the largest municipal public health care system in the United States, is a national pioneer in incorporating lifestyle medicine systemwide. In 2019, a pilot lifestyle medicine program was launched at NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue to improve cardiometabolic health in high-risk patients through intensive support for evidence-based lifestyle changes. Analyses of program data collected from January 29, 2019 to February 26, 2020 demonstrated feasibility, high demand for services, high patient satisfaction, and clinically and statistically significant improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors. This pilot is being expanded to 6 new NYC Health + Hospitals sites spanning all 5 NYC boroughs. As part of the expansion, many changes have been implemented to enhance the original pilot model, scale services effectively, and generate more interest and incentives in lifestyle medicine for staff and patients across the health care system, including a plant-based default meal program for inpatients. This narrative review describes the pilot model and outcomes, the expansion process, and lessons learned to serve as a guide for other health systems.
PMID: 38828080
ISSN: 2542-4548
CID: 5664872

Plant-based diets and postprandial hyperkalemia

Varshney, Aarushi; Dupuis, Leonie; Aggarwal, Monika; Joshi, Shivam
This Letter to the Editor is a response to St-Jules and Fouque and their interpretation of postprandial hyperkalemia, especially regarding plant-based diets. Based on the reviewed literature review, potassium kinetic studies cited by the authors include only 1 study with a food-based intervention that actually showed reduced postprandial hyperkalemia with plant-based diets. The remainder of the studies used potassium salts or supplements that behave differently compared with whole plant foods. As such, we recommend avoiding restriction of whole plant foods in patients with chronic kidney disease when solely based on the theoretical risk of postprandial hyperkalemia.
PMID: 37354556
ISSN: 1753-4887
CID: 5543052

Planting the Seed for Blood Pressure Control: The Role of Plant-Based Nutrition in the Management of Hypertension

Charles, Justin A; Habibullah, Nilofer Khan; Bautista, Saul; Davis, Brenda; Joshi, Shivam; Hull, Sarah C
PURPOSE OF REVIEW/OBJECTIVE:Hypertension results in significant morbidity, mortality, and healthcare expenditures. Fortunately, it is largely preventable and treatable by implementing dietary interventions, though these remain underutilized. Here, we aim to explore the role of healthy dietary patterns in hypertension management and describe approaches for busy clinicians to address nutrition effectively and efficiently with patients. RECENT FINDINGS/RESULTS:DASH, Mediterranean, vegetarian, and vegan diets that include minimally processed, plant-based foods as core elements have consistently shown positive effects on hypertension. Recommendations that distill the most healthful components of these diets can significantly impact patient outcomes. Clinicians can harness evidence-based dietary assessment and counseling tools to implement and support behavioral changes, even during brief office visits. Healthful plant-based dietary patterns can often effectively prevent and treat hypertension. Clinicians may help improve patient outcomes by discussing evidence-based nutrition with their patients. Future work to promote infrastructural change that supports incorporating evidence-based nutrition into medical education, clinical care, and society at large can support these efforts.
PMID: 38526748
ISSN: 1534-3170
CID: 5644462

Climate crisis and nephrology: a review of climate change's impact on nephrology and how to combat it

Dupuis, Leonie; Varshney, Aarushi; Patel, Jason; Joshi, Shivam
UNLABELLED:Climate change is worsening with tangible effects on our healthcare system. This review aims to examine the repercussions of the climate change on nephrology and explore potential strategies to mitigate its impact. This review examines dialysis's environmental impact, resource recycling methods, and plant-based diets for kidney health. Recent research highlights the advantages of plant-based diets in managing and preventing chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its complications. Integrating these practices can significantly lessen the environmental impact of nephrology. PURPOSE OF REVIEW/OBJECTIVE:The aim of this study is to discuss the bidirectional relationship of climate change and kidney disease and the impact of nephrology on climate change and to discuss potential solutions. RECENT FINDINGS/RESULTS:Each dialysis session consumes significant amounts of resource; reusing them will aid the environment. Plant-based diets slow renal disease and have a lower carbon footprint, making them ecologically friendly. SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS:Climate change is a growing threat to population health and healthcare. Rising temperatures raise the risk of kidney problems. Dialysis treatments also impact the environment through its high resource requirements while generating high volumes of waste and greenhouse gases. Opportunities exist to reduce the environmental impact of dialysis treatments. Plant-based diets serve to benefit both kidney disease and the environment.
PMID: 37909844
ISSN: 1473-6543
CID: 5611642

Risks of the ketogenic diet in CKD - the con part

Joshi, Shivam; Shi, Rachel; Patel, Jason
The ketogenic diet is a very low carbohydrate diet that has received a lot of attention for its role in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity. For patients with chronic kidney disease, there is limited evidence on the risks and/or benefits of this diet. However, from the limited evidence that does exist, there are several inferences that can be drawn regarding this diet for patients with kidney disease. The ketogenic diet may not be better than comparator higher carbohydrate diets over the long term. The diet also has low adherence levels in studies lasting ≥12 months. The diet's emphasis on fat, which often comes from animal fat, increases the consumption of saturated fat, which may increase the risk of heart disease. It has the potential to worsen metabolic acidosis by increasing dietary acid load and endogenous acid production through the oxidation of fatty acids. In addition, the diet has been associated with an increased risk of kidney stones in patients using it for the treatment of refractory epilepsy. For these reasons, and for the lack of safety data on it, it is reasonable for patients with kidney disease to avoid utilizing the ketogenic diet as a first-line option given alternative dietary patterns (like the plant-dominant diet) with less theoretical risk for harm. For those adopting the ketogenic diet in kidney disease, a plant-based version of the ketogenic diet may mitigate some of the concerns with animal-based versions of the ketogenic diet.
PMID: 38186877
ISSN: 2048-8505
CID: 5755202

Preventing potential pitfalls of a liberalized potassium diet in the hemodialysis population

Sussman-Dabach, Elizabeth J; Joshi, Shivam; Dupuis, Léonie; White, Jennifer A; Siavoshi, Mehrnaz; Slukhinsky, Susanna; Singh, Bhupinder; Kalantar-Zadeh, Kamyar
Emerging research suggests that a more liberalized diet, specifically a more plant-based diet resulting in liberalization of potassium intake, for people receiving hemodialysis is necessary and the benefits outweigh previously thought risks. If the prescribed hemodialysis diet is to be liberalized, the need to illuminate and prevent potential pitfalls of a liberalized potassium diet is warranted. This paper explores such topics as partial to full adherence to a liberalized diet and its consequences if any, the advantages of a high-fiber intake, the theoretical risk of anemia when consuming a more plant-dominant diet, the potential benefits against renal acid load and effect on metabolic acidosis with increased fruit and vegetable intake, the putative change in serum potassium levels, carbohydrate quality, and the healthfulness of meat substitutes. The benefits of a more plant-based diet for the hemodialysis population are multifold; however, the possible pitfalls of this type of diet must be reviewed and addressed upon meal planning in order to be avoided.
PMID: 34378234
ISSN: 1525-139x
CID: 5006182

Nutrition in Peritoneal Dialysis

Shammas, Andrew; Joshi, Shivam; Shah, Ankur D
The use of peritoneal dialysis (PD) has been associated with improved quality of life, cost-effectiveness, and better outcomes for patients with kidney failure. However, many patients utilizing PD for replacement therapy face numerous nutritional hurdles. As the use of PD continues to increase worldwide, malnutrition has become an increasingly recognized concern for patients undergoing PD. The nephrology community needs to recognize and treat malnutrition to promote optimal nutritional states for our patients. In this review, we discuss several factors that contribute to malnutrition and protein-energy wasting and explore the benefits and limitations of nutritional parameters used to assess protein-calorie malnutrition. We also emphasize updated guidelines on daily caloric, protein, and micronutrient recommendations, as well as their effects on electrolyte homeostasis.
PMID: 38453271
ISSN: 2949-8139
CID: 5723222

Popular Diets and Kidney Stones

Zayed, Sara; Goldfarb, David S; Joshi, Shivam
Popular diets often influence dietary patterns, which have different implications for kidney stone risk. Despite the wide variety of popular diets, some general principles can be gleaned from investigating their potential impact on nephrolithiasis. Plant-based diets, including Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, Mediterranean, flexitarian, and vegetarian diets, may protect against nephrolithiasis when they consist largely of unprocessed plant foods, while carbohydrate-restricted diets (including high-protein diets and the ketogenic diet) may raise kidney stone risk. Patients should be advised to consume a diet rich in whole plants, particularly fruits and vegetables, and minimize their consumption of animal proteins. Accompanying fruits and vegetables that are higher in oxalate content with more water and some dairy intake may also be useful. (We address the oxalate content of fruits and vegetables further below). Calcium consumption is an important component of decreasing the risk of kidney stones, as higher dietary calcium from dairy or nondairy sources is independently associated with lower kidney stone risk. Patients should also be advised to be conscious of fat intake, as fat in the intestinal lumen may complex with calcium and therefore increase urinary oxalate excretion. Finally, patients should avoid consumption of processed foods, which often contain added fructose and high sodium content, two factors that increase kidney stone risk.
PMID: 38453270
ISSN: 2949-8139
CID: 5723212