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Somatic Mutational Analysis in EUS-Guided Biopsy of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Assessing Yield and Impact

Dong, Sue; Agarunov, Emil; Fasullo, Matthew; Kim, Ki-Yoon; Khanna, Lauren; Haber, Gregory; Janec, Eileen; Simeone, Diane; Oberstein, Paul; Gonda, Tamas
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:We sought to determine the yield of somatic mutational analysis from EUS-guided biopsies of pancreatic adenocarcinoma compared to that of surgical resection and to assess the impact of these results on oncologic treatment. METHODS:We determined the yield of EUS sampling and surgical resection. We evaluated the potential impact of mutational analysis by identifying actionable mutations and its direct impact by reviewing actual treatment decisions. RESULTS:Yield of EUS sampling was 89.5%, comparable to the 95.8% yield of surgical resection. Over a quarter in the EUS cohort carried actionable mutations, and of these, over one in six had treatment impacted by mutational analysis. CONCLUSIONS:EUS sampling is nearly always adequate for somatic testing and may have substantial potential and real impact on treatment decisions.
PMID: 38546128
ISSN: 1572-0241
CID: 5645102